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Example 6 with DeploymentException

use of org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException in project Payara by payara.

the class SecurityDeployer method removePolicy.

private void removePolicy(DeploymentContext dc) throws DeploymentException {
    OpsParams params = dc.getCommandParameters(OpsParams.class);
    if (!params.origin.needsCleanArtifacts()) {
    String appName =;
    // Remove policy files only if managers are not destroyed by cleanup
    try {
        String[] webcontexts = wsmf.getContextsForApp(appName, false);
        if (webcontexts != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < webcontexts.length; i++) {
                if (webcontexts[i] != null) {
    } catch (IASSecurityException ex) {
        String msg = "Error in removing security policy for " + appName;
        _logger.log(Level.WARNING, msg, ex);
        throw new DeploymentException(msg, ex);
    // Destroy the managers if present
         * From V2 but keep commented until need is discovered //remove any remaining policy //This is to address the bug where
         * the CONTEXT_ID in //WebSecurityManagerFactory is not properly populated. //We force the sub-modules to be removed in
         * this case. //This should not impact undeploy performance on DAS. //This needs to be fixed better later. String
         * policyRootDir = System.getProperty( ""); if (policyRootDir !=
         * null) { List<String> contextIds = new ArrayList<String>(); File policyDir = new File(policyRootDir + File.separator +
         * appName); if (policyDir.exists()) { File[] policies = policyDir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < policies.length;
         * i++) { if (policies[i].isDirectory()) { contextIds.add(appName + '/' + policies[i].getName()); } } } else { //we
         * tried. give up now. } if (contextIds.size() > 0) { for (String cId : contextIds) { SecurityUtil.removePolicy(cId); }
         * } }
Also used : OpsParams(org.glassfish.api.deployment.OpsParams) DeploymentException(org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException) IASSecurityException(

Example 7 with DeploymentException

use of org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException in project Payara by payara.

the class SecurityDeployer method generateArtifacts.

// creates security policy if needed
protected void generateArtifacts(DeploymentContext dc) throws DeploymentException {
    OpsParams params = dc.getCommandParameters(OpsParams.class);
    if (params.origin.isArtifactsPresent()) {
    String appName =;
    try {
        Application app = dc.getModuleMetaData(Application.class);
        Set<WebBundleDescriptor> webDesc = app.getBundleDescriptors(WebBundleDescriptor.class);
        if (webDesc == null) {
        for (WebBundleDescriptor webBD : webDesc) {
            loadPolicy(webBD, false);
    } catch (Exception se) {
        String msg = "Error in generating security policy for " + appName;
        throw new DeploymentException(msg, se);
Also used : OpsParams(org.glassfish.api.deployment.OpsParams) WebBundleDescriptor(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.WebBundleDescriptor) DeploymentException(org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException) DummyApplication(org.glassfish.deployment.common.DummyApplication) Application(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application) IASSecurityException( DeploymentException(org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException)

Example 8 with DeploymentException

use of org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException in project Payara by payara.

the class CMPDeployerImpl method deploy.

 * Generates the concrete impls for all CMPs in the application.
 * @throws DeploymentException if this exception was thrown while generating concrete impls
public void deploy(DeploymentContext ctx) throws DeploymentException {
    // deployment descriptor object representation for the archive
    Application application = null;
    // deployment descriptor object representation for each module
    EjbBundleDescriptorImpl bundle = null;
    // ejb name
    String beanName = null;
    // GeneratorException message if any
    StringBuffer generatorExceptionMsg = null;
    try {
        CMPGenerator gen = new JDOCodeGenerator();
        // stubs dir for the current deployment (generated/ejb)
        // NOI18N
        File stubsDir = ctx.getScratchDir("ejb");
        application = ctx.getModuleMetaData(Application.class);
        if (_logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
            // NOI18N
            _logger.fine(// NOI18N
            "cmpc.processing_cmp", application.getRegistrationName());
        List<File> cmpFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
        final ClassLoader jcl = application.getClassLoader();
        bundle = ctx.getModuleMetaData(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl.class);
        // This gives the dir where application is exploded
        String archiveUri = ctx.getSource().getURI().getSchemeSpecificPart();
        if (_logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine(// NOI18N
            "[CMPC] Module Dir name is " + archiveUri);
        // xml dir for the current deployment (generated/xml)
        String generatedXmlsPath = ctx.getScratchDir("xml").getCanonicalPath();
        if (_logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine(// NOI18N
            "[CMPC] Generated XML Dir name is " + generatedXmlsPath);
        try {
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            gen.init(bundle, ctx, archiveUri, generatedXmlsPath);
            Iterator ejbs = bundle.getEjbs().iterator();
            while (ejbs.hasNext()) {
                EjbDescriptor desc = (EjbDescriptor);
                beanName = desc.getName();
                if (_logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
                    _logger.fine(// NOI18N
                    "[CMPC] Ejb Class Name: " + desc.getEjbClassName());
                if (desc instanceof IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor) {
                    // generate concrete CMP class implementation
                    IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor entd = (IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor) desc;
                    if (_logger.isLoggable(Logger.FINE)) {
                        _logger.fine(// NOI18N
                        "[CMPC] Home Object Impl name  is " + entd.getLocalHomeImplClassName());
                    // The classloader needs to be set else we fail down the road.
                    ClassLoader ocl = entd.getClassLoader();
                    try {
                        gen.generate(entd, stubsDir, stubsDir);
                    } catch (GeneratorException e) {
                        String msg = e.getMessage();
                        generatorExceptionMsg = addGeneratorExceptionMessage(msg, generatorExceptionMsg);
                    } finally {
                /* WARNING: IASRI 4683195
                     * JDO Code failed when there was a relationship involved
                     * because it depends upon the orginal ejbclasname and hence
                     * this code is shifted to just before the Remote Impl is
                     * generated.Remote/Home Impl generation depends upon this
                     * value
            // end while ejbs.hasNext()
            beanName = null;
            long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
            _logger.fine("CMP Generation: " + (end - start) + " msec");
        } catch (GeneratorException e) {
            String msg = e.getMessage();
            generatorExceptionMsg = addGeneratorExceptionMessage(msg, generatorExceptionMsg);
        // Used in exception processing
        bundle = null;
        // Compile the generated classes
        if (generatorExceptionMsg == null) {
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            compileClasses(ctx, cmpFiles, stubsDir);
            long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
            _logger.fine("Java Compilation: " + (end - start) + " msec");
            // Do Java2DB if needed
            start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            CMPProcessor processor = new CMPProcessor(ctx);
            end = System.currentTimeMillis();
            _logger.fine("Java2DB processing: " + (end - start) + " msec");
            _logger.fine("cmpc.done_processing_cmp", application.getRegistrationName());
    } catch (GeneratorException e) {
        throw new DeploymentException(e);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        String eType = e.getClass().getName();
        String appName = application.getRegistrationName();
        String exMsg = e.getMessage();
        String msg = null;
        if (bundle == null) {
            // Application or compilation error
            msg = I18NHelper.getMessage(messages, "cmpc.cmp_app_error", eType, appName, exMsg);
        } else {
            String bundleName = bundle.getModuleDescriptor().getArchiveUri();
            if (beanName == null) {
                // Module processing error
                msg = I18NHelper.getMessage(messages, "cmpc.cmp_module_error", new Object[] { eType, appName, bundleName, exMsg });
            } else {
                // CMP bean generation error
                msg = I18NHelper.getMessage(messages, "cmpc.cmp_bean_error", new Object[] { eType, beanName, appName, bundleName, exMsg });
        _logger.log(Logger.SEVERE, msg, e);
        throw new DeploymentException(msg);
    if (generatorExceptionMsg != null) {
        // We already logged each separate part.
        throw new DeploymentException(generatorExceptionMsg.toString());
Also used : JDOCodeGenerator( CMPProcessor( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EjbDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor) IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.IASEjbCMPEntityDescriptor) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) DeploymentException(org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException) Application(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application) File( EjbBundleDescriptorImpl(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbBundleDescriptorImpl)

Example 9 with DeploymentException

use of org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException in project Payara by payara.

the class Verifier method verify.

public void verify(DeploymentContext context) { verifierFrameworkContext = new;
    verifierFrameworkContext.setOutputDirName(env.getDomainRoot().getAbsolutePath() + "/logs/verifier-results"); rm = verifierFrameworkContext.getResultManager();
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LogRecord logRecord = new LogRecord(Level.SEVERE, "Could not verify successfully.");
    try {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        context.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Can not generate verifier report: {0}", ioe.getMessage());
    int failedCount = rm.getFailedCount() + rm.getErrorCount();
    if (failedCount != 0) {
        ((ExtendedDeploymentContext) context).clean();
        throw new DeploymentException(smh.getLocalString("deploy.failverifier", "Some verifier tests failed. Aborting deployment"));
Also used : IOException( ExtendedDeploymentContext(org.glassfish.internal.deployment.ExtendedDeploymentContext) IOException( DeploymentException(org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException) LogRecord(java.util.logging.LogRecord) DeploymentException(org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException) Application(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application)

Example 10 with DeploymentException

use of org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException in project Payara by payara.

the class EjbDeployer method createAutomaticPersistentTimersForEJB.

 * Start EJB Timer Service and create automatic timers for this EJB in this target
private void createAutomaticPersistentTimersForEJB(EjbDescriptor ejbDescriptor, String target) {
    try {
        // Start EJB Timer Service if it wasn't started yet. On DAS the first start will create the timer table.
        EJBTimerService timerService = EJBTimerService.getEJBTimerService(target);
        if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.log(Level.FINE, "EjbDeployer BEAN ID? " + ejbDescriptor.getUniqueId());
            _logger.log(Level.FINE, "EjbDeployer TimerService: " + timerService);
        if (timerService != null) {
            if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _logger.log(Level.FINE, "EjbDeployer - calling timerService.createSchedules for " + ejbDescriptor.getUniqueId());
            timerService.createSchedulesOnServer(ejbDescriptor, getOwnerId(target));
            if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _logger.log(Level.FINE, "EjbDeployer Done With BEAN ID: " + ejbDescriptor.getUniqueId());
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("EJB Timer Service is not available");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new DeploymentException("Failed to create automatic timers for " + ejbDescriptor.getName(), e);
Also used : DeploymentException(org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException) EJBTimerService(com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBTimerService) DeploymentException(org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException) IASSecurityException(


DeploymentException (org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException)30 IASSecurityException ( IOException ( Application (com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application)4 File ( ResourceException (javax.resource.ResourceException)4 ResourceConflictException (org.glassfish.resourcebase.resources.api.ResourceConflictException)4 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)3 DeployCommandParameters (org.glassfish.api.deployment.DeployCommandParameters)3 Resource (com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Resource)2 EjbBundleDescriptor (com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbBundleDescriptor)2 WebBundleDescriptor (com.sun.enterprise.deployment.WebBundleDescriptor)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 ParserConfigurationException (javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException)2 OpsParams (org.glassfish.api.deployment.OpsParams)2 DeploymentProperties (org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentProperties)2 VersioningSyntaxException (org.glassfish.deployment.versioning.VersioningSyntaxException)2 SAXException (org.xml.sax.SAXException)2 SAXParseException (org.xml.sax.SAXParseException)2 ServiceInterfaceGenerator (com.sun.ejb.codegen.ServiceInterfaceGenerator)1