use of org.glassfish.deployment.common.SecurityRoleMapper in project Payara by payara.
the class WebBundleRuntimeNode method addDescriptor.
* Adds a new DOL descriptor instance to the descriptor instance associated with
* this XMLNode
* @param newDescriptor the new descriptor
public void addDescriptor(Object newDescriptor) {
SunWebAppImpl sunWebApp = (SunWebAppImpl) descriptor.getSunDescriptor();
if (newDescriptor instanceof WebComponentDescriptor) {
WebComponentDescriptor servlet = (WebComponentDescriptor) newDescriptor;
// for backward compatibility with s1as schema2beans generated desc
Servlet s1descriptor = new Servlet();
if (servlet.getRunAsIdentity() != null) {
} else if (newDescriptor instanceof ServiceReferenceDescriptor) {
descriptor.addServiceReferenceDescriptor((ServiceReferenceDescriptor) newDescriptor);
} else if (newDescriptor instanceof SecurityRoleMapping) {
SecurityRoleMapping srm = (SecurityRoleMapping) newDescriptor;
// store it in the application using pure DOL descriptors...
Application app = descriptor.getApplication();
if (app != null) {
Role role = new Role(srm.getRoleName());
SecurityRoleMapper rm = app.getRoleMapper();
if (rm != null) {
List<PrincipalNameDescriptor> principals = srm.getPrincipalNames();
for (int i = 0; i < principals.size(); i++) {
rm.assignRole(principals.get(i).getPrincipal(), role, descriptor);
List<String> groups = srm.getGroupNames();
for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
rm.assignRole(new Group(groups.get(i)), role, descriptor);
} else if (newDescriptor instanceof IdempotentUrlPattern) {
sunWebApp.addIdempotentUrlPattern((IdempotentUrlPattern) newDescriptor);
} else if (newDescriptor instanceof SessionConfig) {
sunWebApp.setSessionConfig((SessionConfig) newDescriptor);
} else if (newDescriptor instanceof Cache) {
sunWebApp.setCache((Cache) newDescriptor);
} else if (newDescriptor instanceof ClassLoader) {
sunWebApp.setClassLoader((ClassLoader) newDescriptor);
} else if (newDescriptor instanceof JspConfig) {
sunWebApp.setJspConfig((JspConfig) newDescriptor);
} else if (newDescriptor instanceof LocaleCharsetInfo) {
sunWebApp.setLocaleCharsetInfo((LocaleCharsetInfo) newDescriptor);
} else if (newDescriptor instanceof WebProperty) {
sunWebApp.addWebProperty((WebProperty) newDescriptor);
} else if (newDescriptor instanceof Valve) {
sunWebApp.addValve((Valve) newDescriptor);
} else
use of org.glassfish.deployment.common.SecurityRoleMapper in project Payara by payara.
the class ApplicationRuntimeNode method addDescriptor.
* Adds a new DOL descriptor instance to the descriptor instance associated with
* this XMLNode
* @param newDescriptor the new descriptor
public void addDescriptor(Object newDescriptor) {
if (newDescriptor instanceof SecurityRoleMapping) {
SecurityRoleMapping roleMap = (SecurityRoleMapping) newDescriptor;
if (descriptor != null && !descriptor.isVirtual()) {
Role role = new Role(roleMap.getRoleName());
SecurityRoleMapper rm = descriptor.getRoleMapper();
if (rm != null) {
List<PrincipalNameDescriptor> principals = roleMap.getPrincipalNames();
for (int i = 0; i < principals.size(); i++) {
rm.assignRole(principals.get(i).getPrincipal(), role, descriptor);
List<String> groups = roleMap.getGroupNames();
for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
rm.assignRole(new Group(groups.get(i)), role, descriptor);
} else if (newDescriptor instanceof ResourcePropertyDescriptor) {
ResourcePropertyDescriptor desc = (ResourcePropertyDescriptor) newDescriptor;
if ("default-role-mapping".equals(desc.getName())) {