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Example 41 with EjbDescriptor

use of org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor in project Payara by payara.

the class CmpFields method runIndividualCmpFieldTest.

 * run an individual verifier test of a declated cmp field of the class
 * @param entity the descriptor for the entity bean containing the cmp-field
 * @param f the descriptor for the declared cmp field
 * @param c the class owning the cmp field
 * @parma r the result object to use to put the test results in
 * @return true if the test passed
protected boolean runIndividualCmpFieldTest(Descriptor entity, Descriptor persistentField, Class c, Result result) {
    ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();
    String cmpFieldName = persistentField.getName();
    String getMethodName = "get" + Character.toUpperCase(cmpFieldName.charAt(0)) + cmpFieldName.substring(1);
    Method getMethod = getMethod(c, getMethodName, null);
    Class fieldType;
    if (getMethod != null) {
        boolean run = false;
        // get the return type for the setMethod
        fieldType = getMethod.getReturnType();
        EjbBundleDescriptorImpl bundle = ((EjbDescriptor) entity).getEjbBundleDescriptor();
        if (!RmiIIOPUtils.isValidRmiIDLPrimitiveType(fieldType) && !EjbUtils.isValidSerializableType(fieldType)) {
            // it must be a reference to a bean's home or local interface
            if (!isValidInterface(fieldType, bundle.getEjbs(), MethodDescriptor.EJB_REMOTE, result)) {
                result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".failed", "Error : Invalid type assigned for container managed field [ {0} ] in bean [ {1} ]", new Object[] { ((Descriptor) persistentField).getName(), entity.getName() }));
                return false;
            if (!isValidInterface(fieldType, bundle.getEjbs(), MethodDescriptor.EJB_LOCAL, result)) {
                result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".failed", "Error : Invalid type assigned for container managed field [ {0} ] in bean [ {1} ]", new Object[] { ((Descriptor) persistentField).getName(), entity.getName() }));
                return false;
        result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
        result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".passed", "Valid type assigned for container managed field [ {0} ] in bean [ {1} ]", new Object[] { ((Descriptor) persistentField).getName(), entity.getName() }));
        run = true;
        return run;
    } else {
        result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
        result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("", "Error : Cannot find accessor [ {0} ] method for [ {1} ] field ", new Object[] { getMethodName, persistentField.getName() }));
    return false;
Also used : MethodDescriptor(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.MethodDescriptor) Descriptor(org.glassfish.deployment.common.Descriptor) EjbDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) ComponentNameConstructor( EjbDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor) EjbBundleDescriptorImpl(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbBundleDescriptorImpl)

Example 42 with EjbDescriptor

use of org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor in project Payara by payara.

the class CmrFields method isValidInterface.

private boolean isValidInterface(Class fieldType, Set<EjbDescriptor> entities) {
    String component = "";
    if (entities == null)
        return false;
    // only local interface can be a valid interface
    Iterator<EjbDescriptor> iterator = entities.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        EjbDescriptor entity =;
        if (fieldType.getName().equals(entity.getLocalClassName()))
            return true;
    return false;
Also used : EjbDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor)

Example 43 with EjbDescriptor

use of org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor in project Payara by payara.

the class EjbNameMethodElement method check.

 * The ejb-name element within the method element must be the name of one
 * of the enterprise beans declared in the deployment descriptor.
 * @param descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor
 * @return <code>Result</code> the results for this assertion
public Result check(EjbDescriptor descriptor) {
    Result result = getInitializedResult();
    ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();
    // get ejb's methods
    // DOL doesn't save "ejb-name" element inside of method element
    // so i can't seem to get at raw representation of XML data needed
    // for this test,
    // <ejb-name> within <method> element is the name of the ejb
    // descriptor where you got the method descriptor from,
    // so you can't trip negative assertion and test should always pass
    // once plugged into new DOL, where access to raw XML is
    // available, then this test can be properly modified,
    // then i would use DOL similar to this:
    // Set methods = descriptor.getMethodDescriptors();
    // for (Iterator itr = methods.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
    // MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor = (MethodDescriptor);
    boolean found = false;
    for (Iterator itr2 = descriptor.getEjbBundleDescriptor().getEjbs().iterator(); itr2.hasNext(); ) {
        EjbDescriptor ejbDescriptor = (EjbDescriptor);
        logger.log(Level.FINE, getClass().getName() + ".debug1", new Object[] { ejbDescriptor.getName() });
        // descriptor where you got the method descriptor from
        if (descriptor.getName().equals(ejbDescriptor.getName())) {
            found = true;
            if (result.getStatus() != Result.FAILED) {
                // for now, pass in details string via addGoodDetails
                // until DOL raw data issue gets resolved
                result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".passed", "[ {0} ] is valid and contained within jar.", new Object[] { descriptor.getName() }));
    if (!found) {
        result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
        result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
        result.failed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".failed", "Error: [ {0} ] is not the name of one of the EJB's within jar.", new Object[] { descriptor.getName() }));
    // (methodDescriptor.getName() pending DOL update
    // }
    return result;
Also used : Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ComponentNameConstructor( EjbDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor) Result(

Example 44 with EjbDescriptor

use of org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor in project Payara by payara.

the class EjbRefTypeElement method check.

// Logger to log messages
 * The ejb-ref-type element must be one of the following:
 *   Entity
 *   Session
 * @param descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor
 * @return <code>Result</code> the results for this assertion
public Result check(EjbDescriptor descriptor) {
    Result result = getInitializedResult();
    ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();
    boolean failed = false;
    // Session
    if (!descriptor.getEjbReferenceDescriptors().isEmpty()) {
        for (Iterator itr = descriptor.getEjbReferenceDescriptors().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
            EjbReferenceDescriptor nextEjbReference = (EjbReferenceDescriptor);
            // Need to use XPath, because if DOL sees an inconsistent
            // ref-type, it gives a warning and changes the type
            // String ejbRefTypeStr = nextEjbReference.getType();
            String refStr = (nextEjbReference.isLocal()) ? "ejb-local-ref" : "ejb-ref";
            String beanType = (descriptor.getType()).toLowerCase();
            String xpathQuery = null;
            if (getVerifierContext().getDocument().getDoctype() != null) {
                xpathQuery = "/ejb-jar/enterprise-beans/" + beanType + "[ejb-name=\"" + descriptor.getName() + "\"]/" + refStr + "[ejb-ref-name=\"" + nextEjbReference.getName() + "\"]/ejb-ref-type";
            } else {
                String prefix = XpathPrefixResolver.fakeXPrefix;
                xpathQuery = prefix + ":" + "ejb-jar/" + prefix + ":" + "enterprise-beans/" + prefix + ":" + beanType + "[" + prefix + ":ejb-name=\"" + descriptor.getName() + "\"]/" + prefix + ":" + refStr + "[" + prefix + ":ejb-ref-name=\"" + nextEjbReference.getName() + "\"]/" + prefix + ":" + "ejb-ref-type";
            String ejbRefTypeStr = getXPathValueForNonRuntime(xpathQuery);
            EjbDescriptor rdesc = (EjbDescriptor) nextEjbReference.getEjbDescriptor();
            // XPath queries seem to fail for XSD Descriptors
            if (ejbRefTypeStr == null) {
                ejbRefTypeStr = nextEjbReference.getType();
            if (!((ejbRefTypeStr.equals(EjbSessionDescriptor.TYPE)) || (ejbRefTypeStr.equals(EjbEntityDescriptor.TYPE)))) {
                result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                result.failed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".failed", "Error: ejb-ref-type [ {0} ] within \n bean [ {1} ] is not valid.  \n Must be [ {2} ] or [ {3} ]", new Object[] { ejbRefTypeStr, descriptor.getName(), EjbEntityDescriptor.TYPE, EjbSessionDescriptor.TYPE }));
                failed = true;
            } else if (rdesc != null) {
                String actualRefType = rdesc.getType();
                if (!ejbRefTypeStr.equals(actualRefType)) {
                    result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                    result.failed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".failed2", "Error: ejb-ref-type [ {0} ] was specifed for ejb-ref [ {1} ], within bean [ {2} ], when it should have been [ {3} ].", new Object[] { ejbRefTypeStr, nextEjbReference.getName(), descriptor.getName(), actualRefType }));
                    failed = true;
    } else {
        result.addNaDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
        result.notApplicable(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable", "There are no ejb references to other beans within this bean [ {0} ]", new Object[] { descriptor.getName() }));
        return result;
    if (failed) {
    } else {
        result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
        result.passed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".passed", "All ejb-ref-type elements are valid.  They are all [ {0} ] or [ {1} ] within this bean [ {2} ]", new Object[] { EjbEntityDescriptor.TYPE, EjbSessionDescriptor.TYPE, descriptor.getName() }));
    return result;
Also used : EjbReferenceDescriptor(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbReferenceDescriptor) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ComponentNameConstructor( EjbDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor) Result(

Example 45 with EjbDescriptor

use of org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor in project Payara by payara.

the class BeanMethodCalculatorImpl method getTransactionalMethodsFor.

 * @return a collection of MethodDescriptor for all the methods of my
 * ejb which are elligible to have a particular transaction setting.
public Collection getTransactionalMethodsFor(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbDescriptor desc, ClassLoader loader) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException {
    EjbDescriptor ejbDescriptor = (EjbDescriptor) desc;
    // only set if desc is a stateful session bean.  NOTE that
    // !statefulSessionBean does not imply stateless session bean
    boolean statefulSessionBean = false;
    Vector methods = new Vector();
    if (ejbDescriptor instanceof EjbSessionDescriptor) {
        statefulSessionBean = ((EjbSessionDescriptor) ejbDescriptor).isStateful();
        boolean singletonSessionBean = ((EjbSessionDescriptor) ejbDescriptor).isSingleton();
        // Session Beans
        if (ejbDescriptor.isRemoteInterfacesSupported()) {
            Collection disallowedMethods = extractDisallowedMethodsFor(javax.ejb.EJBObject.class, sessionBeanMethodsDisallowed);
            Collection potentials = getTransactionMethodsFor(loader, ejbDescriptor.getRemoteClassName(), disallowedMethods);
            transformAndAdd(potentials, MethodDescriptor.EJB_REMOTE, methods);
        if (ejbDescriptor.isRemoteBusinessInterfacesSupported()) {
            for (String intfName : ejbDescriptor.getRemoteBusinessClassNames()) {
                Class businessIntf = loader.loadClass(intfName);
                Method[] busIntfMethods = businessIntf.getMethods();
                for (Method next : busIntfMethods) {
                    methods.add(new MethodDescriptor(next, MethodDescriptor.EJB_REMOTE));
        if (ejbDescriptor.isLocalInterfacesSupported()) {
            Collection disallowedMethods = extractDisallowedMethodsFor(javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject.class, sessionLocalBeanMethodsDisallowed);
            Collection potentials = getTransactionMethodsFor(loader, ejbDescriptor.getLocalClassName(), disallowedMethods);
            transformAndAdd(potentials, MethodDescriptor.EJB_LOCAL, methods);
        if (ejbDescriptor.isLocalBusinessInterfacesSupported()) {
            for (String intfName : ejbDescriptor.getLocalBusinessClassNames()) {
                Class businessIntf = loader.loadClass(intfName);
                Method[] busIntfMethods = businessIntf.getMethods();
                for (Method next : busIntfMethods) {
                    methods.add(new MethodDescriptor(next, MethodDescriptor.EJB_LOCAL));
        if (ejbDescriptor.isLocalBean()) {
            String intfName = ejbDescriptor.getEjbClassName();
            Class businessIntf = loader.loadClass(intfName);
            Method[] busIntfMethods = businessIntf.getMethods();
            for (Method next : busIntfMethods) {
                methods.add(new MethodDescriptor(next, MethodDescriptor.EJB_LOCAL));
        if (ejbDescriptor.hasWebServiceEndpointInterface()) {
            Class webServiceClass = loader.loadClass(ejbDescriptor.getWebServiceEndpointInterfaceName());
            Method[] webMethods = webServiceClass.getMethods();
            for (int i = 0; i < webMethods.length; i++) {
                methods.add(new MethodDescriptor(webMethods[i], MethodDescriptor.EJB_WEB_SERVICE));
        // SFSB and Singleton can have lifecycle callbacks transactional
        if (statefulSessionBean || singletonSessionBean) {
            Set<LifecycleCallbackDescriptor> lcds = ejbDescriptor.getLifecycleCallbackDescriptors();
            for (LifecycleCallbackDescriptor lcd : lcds) {
                try {
                    Method m = lcd.getLifecycleCallbackMethodObject(loader);
                    MethodDescriptor md = new MethodDescriptor(m, MethodDescriptor.LIFECYCLE_CALLBACK);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                        _logger.log(Level.FINE, "Lifecycle callback processing error", e);
    } else {
        // entity beans local interfaces
        String homeIntf = ejbDescriptor.getHomeClassName();
        if (homeIntf != null) {
            Class home = loader.loadClass(homeIntf);
            Collection potentials = getTransactionMethodsFor(javax.ejb.EJBHome.class, home);
            transformAndAdd(potentials, MethodDescriptor.EJB_HOME, methods);
            String remoteIntf = ejbDescriptor.getRemoteClassName();
            Class remote = loader.loadClass(remoteIntf);
            potentials = getTransactionMethodsFor(javax.ejb.EJBObject.class, remote);
            transformAndAdd(potentials, MethodDescriptor.EJB_REMOTE, methods);
        // enity beans remote interfaces
        String localHomeIntf = ejbDescriptor.getLocalHomeClassName();
        if (localHomeIntf != null) {
            Class home = loader.loadClass(localHomeIntf);
            Collection potentials = getTransactionMethodsFor(javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome.class, home);
            transformAndAdd(potentials, MethodDescriptor.EJB_LOCALHOME, methods);
            String remoteIntf = ejbDescriptor.getLocalClassName();
            Class remote = loader.loadClass(remoteIntf);
            potentials = getTransactionMethodsFor(javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject.class, remote);
            transformAndAdd(potentials, MethodDescriptor.EJB_LOCAL, methods);
    if (!statefulSessionBean) {
        if (ejbDescriptor.isTimedObject()) {
            if (ejbDescriptor.getEjbTimeoutMethod() != null) {
            for (ScheduledTimerDescriptor schd : ejbDescriptor.getScheduledTimerDescriptors()) {
    return methods;
Also used : ScheduledTimerDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.ScheduledTimerDescriptor) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) MethodDescriptor(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.MethodDescriptor) EjbDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor) LifecycleCallbackDescriptor(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.LifecycleCallbackDescriptor) Collection(java.util.Collection) Vector(java.util.Vector) EjbSessionDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbSessionDescriptor)


EjbDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor)48 EjbBundleDescriptorImpl (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbBundleDescriptorImpl)19 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)18 ComponentNameConstructor ( Result ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)13 MethodDescriptor (com.sun.enterprise.deployment.MethodDescriptor)11 EjbContext (com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.context.EjbContext)10 Set (java.util.Set)8 EjbSessionDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbSessionDescriptor)7 EjbEntityDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbEntityDescriptor)6 EjbCMPEntityDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbCMPEntityDescriptor)5 Container (com.sun.ejb.Container)4 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)4 ContainerTransaction (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.ContainerTransaction)4 DummyEjbDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.DummyEjbDescriptor)4 VerifierTestContext ( Constructor (java.lang.reflect.Constructor)3 Descriptor (org.glassfish.deployment.common.Descriptor)3 InterceptorBindingDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.InterceptorBindingDescriptor)3