Search in sources :

Example 41 with Method

use of in project Payara by payara.

the class TemplateRestResource method createDataBasedOnForm.

 * allows for remote files to be put in a tmp area and we pass the
 * local location of this file to the corresponding command instead of the content of the file
 * * Yu need to add  enctype="multipart/form-data" in the form
 * for ex:  <form action="http://localhost:4848/management/domain/applications/application" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
 * then any param of type="file" will be uploaded, stored locally and the param will use the local location
 * on the server side (ie. just the path)
public static HashMap<String, String> createDataBasedOnForm(FormDataMultiPart formData) {
    HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();
    try {
        // data passed to the generic command running
        Map<String, List<FormDataBodyPart>> m1 = formData.getFields();
        Set<String> ss = m1.keySet();
        for (String fieldName : ss) {
            for (FormDataBodyPart bodyPart : formData.getFields(fieldName)) {
                if (bodyPart.getContentDisposition().getFileName() != null) {
                    // we have a file
                    // save it and mark it as delete on exit.
                    InputStream fileStream = bodyPart.getValueAs(InputStream.class);
                    String mimeType = bodyPart.getMediaType().toString();
                    // Use just the filename without complete path. File creation
                    // in case of remote deployment failing because fo this.
                    String fileName = bodyPart.getContentDisposition().getFileName();
                    if (fileName.contains("/")) {
                        fileName = Util.getName(fileName, '/');
                    } else {
                        if (fileName.contains("\\")) {
                            fileName = Util.getName(fileName, '\\');
                    File f = Util.saveFile(fileName, mimeType, fileStream);
                    // put only the local path of the file in the same field.
                    data.put(fieldName, f.getAbsolutePath());
                } else {
                    data.put(fieldName, bodyPart.getValue());
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        RestLogging.restLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    } finally {
    return data;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) FormDataBodyPart( InputStream( List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) File( MultiException(org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException) WebApplicationException( UnsupportedEncodingException(

Example 42 with Method

use of in project Payara by payara.

the class TemplateRestResource method setBeanByKey.

     * This method is called by the ASM generated code change very carefully
public void setBeanByKey(List<Dom> parentList, String id, String tag) {
    this.tagName = tag;
    try {
        childID = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
        childID = id;
    if (parentList != null) {
        // Believe it or not, this can happen
        for (Dom c : parentList) {
            String keyAttributeName = null;
            ConfigModel model = c.model;
            if (model.key == null) {
                try {
                    for (String s : model.getAttributeNames()) {
                        // no key, by default use the name attr
                        if (s.equals("name")) {
                            keyAttributeName = s;
                    if (keyAttributeName == null) {
                        // nothing, so pick the first one
                        keyAttributeName = model.getAttributeNames().iterator().next();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // no attr choice fo a key!!! Error!!!
                    keyAttributeName = "ThisIsAModelBug:NoKeyAttr";
            // firstone
            } else {
                keyAttributeName = model.key.substring(1, model.key.length());
            String keyvalue = c.attribute(keyAttributeName.toLowerCase(Locale.US));
            if (keyvalue.equals(childID)) {
                setEntity((ConfigBean) c);
Also used : Dom(org.jvnet.hk2.config.Dom) ConfigModel(org.jvnet.hk2.config.ConfigModel) UnsupportedEncodingException( MultiException(org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException) WebApplicationException( UnsupportedEncodingException(

Example 43 with Method

use of in project Payara by payara.

the class CommandRunnerImpl method doCommand.

 * Called from ExecutionContext.execute.
private void doCommand(ExecutionContext inv, AdminCommand command, final Subject subject, final Job job) {
    boolean fromCheckpoint = job != null && (job.getState() == AdminCommandState.State.REVERTING || job.getState() == AdminCommandState.State.FAILED_RETRYABLE);
    CommandModel model;
    try {
        CommandModelProvider c = CommandModelProvider.class.cast(command);
        model = c.getModel();
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        model = new CommandModelImpl(command.getClass());
    UploadedFilesManager ufm = null;
    ActionReport report =;
    if (!fromCheckpoint) {
        report.setActionDescription(model.getCommandName() + " command");
    ParameterMap parameters;
    final AdminCommandContext context = new AdminCommandContextImpl(logger, report, inv.inboundPayload(), inv.outboundPayload(), job.getEventBroker(), job.getId());
    List<RuntimeType> runtimeTypes = new ArrayList<RuntimeType>();
    FailurePolicy fp = null;
    Set<CommandTarget> targetTypesAllowed = new HashSet<CommandTarget>();
    ActionReport.ExitCode preSupplementalReturn = ActionReport.ExitCode.SUCCESS;
    ActionReport.ExitCode postSupplementalReturn = ActionReport.ExitCode.SUCCESS;
    CommandRunnerProgressHelper progressHelper = new CommandRunnerProgressHelper(command, model.getCommandName(), job, inv.progressStatusChild);
    // If this glassfish installation does not have stand alone instances / clusters at all, then
    // lets not even look Supplemental command and such. A small optimization
    boolean doReplication = false;
    if ((domain.getServers().getServer().size() > 1) || (!domain.getClusters().getCluster().isEmpty())) {
        doReplication = true;
    } else {
        logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.devmode", "The GlassFish environment does not have any clusters or instances present; Replication is turned off"));
    try {
        // Get list of suplemental commands
        Collection<SupplementalCommand> suplementalCommands = supplementalExecutor.listSuplementalCommands(model.getCommandName());
        try {
                 * Extract any uploaded files and build a map from parameter names
                 * to the corresponding extracted, uploaded file.
            ufm = new UploadedFilesManager(, logger, inv.inboundPayload());
            if (inv.typedParams() != null) {
                logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.delegatedcommand", "This command is a delegated command. Dynamic reconfiguration will be bypassed"));
                InjectionResolver<Param> injectionTarget = new DelegatedInjectionResolver(model, inv.typedParams(), ufm.optionNameToFileMap());
                if (injectParameters(model, command, injectionTarget, report)) {
                    inv.setReport(doCommand(model, command, context, progressHelper));
            parameters = inv.parameters();
            if (parameters == null) {
                // no parameters, pass an empty collection
                parameters = new ParameterMap();
            if (isSet(parameters, "help") || isSet(parameters, "Xhelp")) {
                BufferedReader in = getManPage(model.getCommandName(), model);
                String manPage = encodeManPage(in);
                if (manPage != null && isSet(parameters, "help")) {
          "MANPAGE", manPage);
                } else {
                    report.getTopMessagePart().addProperty(AdminCommandResponse.GENERATED_HELP, "true");
                    getHelp(command, report);
            try {
                if (!fromCheckpoint && !skipValidation(command)) {
                    validateParameters(model, parameters);
            } catch (MultiException e) {
                // If the cause is UnacceptableValueException -- we want the message
                // from it.  It is wrapped with a less useful Exception.
                Exception exception = e;
                for (Throwable cause : e.getErrors()) {
                    if (cause != null && (cause instanceof UnacceptableValueException)) {
                        // throw away the wrapper.
                        exception = (Exception) cause;
                logger.log(Level.SEVERE, KernelLoggerInfo.invocationException, exception);
                ActionReport.MessagePart childPart = report.getTopMessagePart().addChild();
            // initialize the injector and inject
            MapInjectionResolver injectionMgr = new MapInjectionResolver(model, parameters, ufm.optionNameToFileMap());
            if (!injectParameters(model, command, injectionMgr, report)) {
            CommandSupport.init(habitat, command, context, job);
                 * Now that parameters have been injected into the command object,
                 * decide if the current Subject should be permitted to execute
                 * the command.  We need to wait until after injection is done
                 * because the class might implement its own authorization check
                 * and that logic might need the injected values.
            final Map<String, Object> env = buildEnvMap(parameters);
            try {
                if (!commandSecurityChecker.authorize(context.getSubject(), env, command, context)) {
                         * If the command class tried to prepare itself but 
                         * could not then the return is false and the command has
                         * set the action report accordingly.  Don't process
                         * the command further and leave the action report alone.
            } catch (SecurityException ex) {
                report.setMessage(adminStrings.getLocalString("commandrunner.noauth", "User is not authorized for this command"));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                report.setMessage(adminStrings.getLocalString("commandrunner.errAuth", "Error during authorization"));
            logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.injectiondone", "Parameter mapping, validation, injection completed successfully; Starting paramater injection"));
            // Read cluster annotation attributes
            org.glassfish.api.admin.ExecuteOn clAnnotation = model.getClusteringAttributes();
            if (clAnnotation == null) {
                fp = FailurePolicy.Error;
            } else {
                if (clAnnotation.value().length == 0) {
                } else {
                if (clAnnotation.ifFailure() == null) {
                    fp = FailurePolicy.Error;
                } else {
                    fp = clAnnotation.ifFailure();
            TargetType tgtTypeAnnotation = command.getClass().getAnnotation(TargetType.class);
            // @TargetType since we do not want to replicate the command
            if (runtimeTypes.contains(RuntimeType.SINGLE_INSTANCE)) {
                if (tgtTypeAnnotation != null) {
                    report.setMessage(adminStrings.getLocalString("commandrunner.executor.targettype.unallowed", "Target type is not allowed on single instance command {0}  ,", model.getCommandName()));
                // Do not replicate the command when there is
                // @ExecuteOn(RuntimeType.SINGLE_INSTANCE)
                doReplication = false;
            String targetName = parameters.getOne("target");
            if (targetName == null || model.getModelFor("target").getParam().obsolete()) {
                if (command instanceof DeploymentTargetResolver) {
                    targetName = ((DeploymentTargetResolver) command).getTarget(parameters);
                } else {
                    targetName = "server";
            logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("", "@ExecuteOn parsing and default settings done; Current target is {0}", targetName));
            if (serverEnv.isDas()) {
                if (tgtTypeAnnotation != null) {
                // If not @TargetType, default it
                if (targetTypesAllowed.isEmpty()) {
                // ONLY if the target is "server"
                if (CommandTarget.DAS.isValid(habitat, targetName) && !runtimeTypes.contains(RuntimeType.DAS)) {
                logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.runtimeTypes", "RuntimeTypes are: {0}", runtimeTypes.toString()));
                logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration,diagnostics.targetTypes", "TargetTypes are: {0}", targetTypesAllowed.toString()));
                // Is there a server or a cluster or a config with given name ?
                if ((!CommandTarget.DOMAIN.isValid(habitat, targetName)) && (domain.getServerNamed(targetName) == null) && (domain.getClusterNamed(targetName) == null) && (domain.getConfigNamed(targetName) == null) && (domain.getDeploymentGroupNamed(targetName) == null)) {
                    report.setMessage(adminStrings.getLocalString("commandrunner.executor.invalidtarget", "Unable to find a valid target with name {0}", targetName));
                // Does this command allow this target type
                boolean isTargetValidType = false;
                Iterator<CommandTarget> it = targetTypesAllowed.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    if (, targetName)) {
                        isTargetValidType = true;
                if (!isTargetValidType) {
                    StringBuilder validTypes = new StringBuilder();
                    it = targetTypesAllowed.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        validTypes.append(", ");
                    report.setMessage(adminStrings.getLocalString("commandrunner.executor.invalidtargettype", "Target {0} is not a supported type. Command {1} supports these types of targets only : {2}", targetName, model.getCommandName(), validTypes.toString()));
                // instance, return error
                if ((CommandTarget.CLUSTERED_INSTANCE.isValid(habitat, targetName)) && (!targetTypesAllowed.contains(CommandTarget.CLUSTERED_INSTANCE))) {
                    Cluster c = domain.getClusterForInstance(targetName);
                    report.setMessage(adminStrings.getLocalString("commandrunner.executor.instanceopnotallowed", "The {0} command is not allowed on instance {1} because it is part of cluster {2}", model.getCommandName(), targetName, c.getName()));
                logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.replicationvalidationdone", "All @ExecuteOn attribute and type validation completed successfully. Starting replication stages"));
             * We're finally ready to actually execute the command instance.
             * Acquire the appropriate lock.
            Lock lock = null;
            boolean lockTimedOut = false;
            try {
                // XXX: The owner of the lock should not be hardcoded.  The
                // value is not used yet.
                lock = adminLock.getLock(command, "asadmin");
                // Set there progress statuses
                if (!fromCheckpoint) {
                    for (SupplementalCommand supplementalCommand : suplementalCommands) {
                // If command is undoable, then invoke prepare method
                if (command instanceof UndoableCommand) {
                    UndoableCommand uCmd = (UndoableCommand) command;
                    logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.prepareunodable", "Command execution stage 1 : Calling prepare for undoable command {0}",;
                    if (!uCmd.prepare(context, parameters).equals(ActionReport.ExitCode.SUCCESS)) {
                        report.setMessage(adminStrings.getLocalString("commandrunner.executor.errorinprepare", "The command {0} cannot be completed because the preparation for the command failed " + "indicating potential issues : {1}", model.getCommandName(), report.getMessage()));
                // Run Supplemental commands that have to run before this command on this instance type
                if (!fromCheckpoint) {
                    logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.presupplemental", "Command execution stage 2 : Call pre supplemental commands for {0}",;
                    preSupplementalReturn = supplementalExecutor.execute(suplementalCommands, Supplemental.Timing.Before, context, parameters, ufm.optionNameToFileMap());
                    if (preSupplementalReturn.equals(ActionReport.ExitCode.FAILURE)) {
                        if (!StringUtils.ok(report.getTopMessagePart().getMessage())) {
                            report.setMessage(adminStrings.getLocalString("commandrunner.executor.supplementalcmdfailed", "A supplemental command failed; cannot proceed further"));
                // Run main command if it is applicable for this instance type
                if ((runtimeTypes.contains(RuntimeType.ALL)) || (serverEnv.isDas() && (CommandTarget.DOMAIN.isValid(habitat, targetName) || runtimeTypes.contains(RuntimeType.DAS))) || runtimeTypes.contains(RuntimeType.SINGLE_INSTANCE) || (serverEnv.isInstance() && runtimeTypes.contains(RuntimeType.INSTANCE))) {
                    logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.maincommand", "Command execution stage 3 : Calling main command implementation for {0}",;
                    report = doCommand(model, command, context, progressHelper);
                if (!FailurePolicy.applyFailurePolicy(fp, report.getActionExitCode()).equals(ActionReport.ExitCode.FAILURE)) {
                    // Run Supplemental commands that have to be run after this command on this instance type
                    logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.postsupplemental", "Command execution stage 4 : Call post supplemental commands for {0}",;
                    postSupplementalReturn = supplementalExecutor.execute(suplementalCommands, Supplemental.Timing.After, context, parameters, ufm.optionNameToFileMap());
                    if (postSupplementalReturn.equals(ActionReport.ExitCode.FAILURE)) {
                        report.setMessage(adminStrings.getLocalString("commandrunner.executor.supplementalcmdfailed", "A supplemental command failed; cannot proceed further"));
            } catch (AdminCommandLockTimeoutException ex) {
                lockTimedOut = true;
                String lockTime = formatSuspendDate(ex.getTimeOfAcquisition());
                String logMsg = "Command: " + model.getCommandName() + " failed to acquire a command lock.  REASON: time out " + "(current lock acquired on " + lockTime + ")";
                String msg = adminStrings.getLocalString("lock.timeout", "Command timed out.  Unable to acquire a lock to access " + "the domain.  Another command acquired exclusive access " + "to the domain on {0}.  Retry the command at a later " + "time.", lockTime);
            } catch (AdminCommandLockException ex) {
                lockTimedOut = true;
                String lockTime = formatSuspendDate(ex.getTimeOfAcquisition());
                String lockMsg = ex.getMessage();
                String logMsg;
                logMsg = "Command: " + model.getCommandName() + " was blocked.  The domain was suspended by a " + "user on:" + lockTime;
                if (lockMsg != null && !lockMsg.isEmpty()) {
                    logMsg += " Reason: " + lockMsg;
                String msg = adminStrings.getLocalString("lock.notacquired", "The command was blocked.  The domain was suspended by " + "a user on {0}.", lockTime);
                if (lockMsg != null && !lockMsg.isEmpty()) {
                    msg += " " + adminStrings.getLocalString("lock.reason", "Reason:") + " " + lockMsg;
            } finally {
                // command is done, release the lock
                if (lock != null && lockTimedOut == false) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, KernelLoggerInfo.invocationException, ex);
            ActionReport.MessagePart childPart = report.getTopMessagePart().addChild();
        if (processEnv.getProcessType().isEmbedded()) {
        if (preSupplementalReturn == ActionReport.ExitCode.WARNING || postSupplementalReturn == ActionReport.ExitCode.WARNING) {
        if (doReplication && (!FailurePolicy.applyFailurePolicy(fp, report.getActionExitCode()).equals(ActionReport.ExitCode.FAILURE)) && (serverEnv.isDas()) && (runtimeTypes.contains(RuntimeType.INSTANCE) || runtimeTypes.contains(RuntimeType.ALL))) {
            logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.startreplication", "Command execution stages completed on DAS; Starting replication on remote instances"));
            ClusterExecutor executor = null;
            // This try-catch block is a fix for 13838
            try {
                if (model.getClusteringAttributes() != null && model.getClusteringAttributes().executor() != null) {
                    executor = habitat.getService(model.getClusteringAttributes().executor());
                } else {
                    executor = habitat.getService(ClusterExecutor.class, "GlassFishClusterExecutor");
            } catch (UnsatisfiedDependencyException usdepex) {
                logger.log(Level.WARNING, KernelLoggerInfo.cantGetClusterExecutor, usdepex);
            if (executor != null) {
                report.setActionExitCode(executor.execute(model.getCommandName(), command, context, parameters));
                if (report.getActionExitCode().equals(ActionReport.ExitCode.FAILURE)) {
                    report.setMessage(adminStrings.getLocalString("commandrunner.executor.errorwhilereplication", "An error occurred during replication"));
                } else {
                    if (!FailurePolicy.applyFailurePolicy(fp, report.getActionExitCode()).equals(ActionReport.ExitCode.FAILURE)) {
                        logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.afterreplsupplemental", "Command execution stage 5 : Call post-replication supplemental commands for {0}",;
                        ActionReport.ExitCode afterReplicationSupplementalReturn = supplementalExecutor.execute(suplementalCommands, Supplemental.Timing.AfterReplication, context, parameters, ufm.optionNameToFileMap());
                        if (afterReplicationSupplementalReturn.equals(ActionReport.ExitCode.FAILURE)) {
                            report.setMessage(adminStrings.getLocalString("commandrunner.executor.supplementalcmdfailed", "A supplemental command failed; cannot proceed further"));
        if (report.getActionExitCode().equals(ActionReport.ExitCode.FAILURE)) {
            // If command is undoable, then invoke undo method method
            if (command instanceof UndoableCommand) {
                UndoableCommand uCmd = (UndoableCommand) command;
                logger.fine(adminStrings.getLocalString("dynamicreconfiguration.diagnostics.undo", "Command execution failed; calling undo() for command {0}",;
                uCmd.undo(context, parameters, ClusterOperationUtil.getCompletedInstances());
        } else {
            // TODO : Is there a better way of doing this ? Got to look into it
            if ("_register-instance".equals(model.getCommandName())) {
            if ("_unregister-instance".equals(model.getCommandName())) {
    } finally {
        if (ufm != null) {
Also used : DeploymentTargetResolver(org.glassfish.internal.deployment.DeploymentTargetResolver) ActionReport(org.glassfish.api.ActionReport) UnsatisfiedDependencyException(org.jvnet.hk2.config.UnsatisfiedDependencyException) UnacceptableValueException(org.glassfish.common.util.admin.UnacceptableValueException) CommandModelImpl(org.glassfish.common.util.admin.CommandModelImpl) SupplementalCommand(org.glassfish.api.admin.SupplementalCommandExecutor.SupplementalCommand) MultiException(org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException) org.glassfish.api.admin(org.glassfish.api.admin) TargetType( MapInjectionResolver(org.glassfish.common.util.admin.MapInjectionResolver) CommandTarget( Cluster(com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Cluster) MultiException(org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException) UnacceptableValueException(org.glassfish.common.util.admin.UnacceptableValueException) UnsatisfiedDependencyException(org.jvnet.hk2.config.UnsatisfiedDependencyException) Lock(java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock) Param(org.glassfish.api.Param)

Example 44 with Method

use of in project Payara by payara.

the class ApplicationLifecycle method prepareModule.

public ModuleInfo prepareModule(List<EngineInfo> sortedEngineInfos, String moduleName, DeploymentContext context, ProgressTracker tracker) throws Exception {
    ActionReport report = context.getActionReport();
    List<EngineRef> addedEngines = new ArrayList<EngineRef>();
    DeploymentTracing tracing = context.getModuleMetaData(DeploymentTracing.class);
    if (tracing != null) {
        tracing.addModuleMark(DeploymentTracing.ModuleMark.PREPARE, moduleName);
    for (EngineInfo engineInfo : sortedEngineInfos) {
        // get the deployer
        Deployer deployer = engineInfo.getDeployer();
        try {
            if (tracing != null) {
                tracing.addContainerMark(DeploymentTracing.ContainerMark.PREPARE, engineInfo.getSniffer().getModuleType());
            if (tracing != null) {
                tracing.addContainerMark(DeploymentTracing.ContainerMark.PREPARED, engineInfo.getSniffer().getModuleType());
            // construct an incomplete EngineRef which will be later
            // filled in at loading time
            EngineRef engineRef = new EngineRef(engineInfo, null);
            tracker.add("prepared", EngineRef.class, engineRef);
            tracker.add(Deployer.class, deployer);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            report.failure(logger, "Exception while invoking " + deployer.getClass() + " prepare method", e);
            throw e;
    if (tracing != null) {
        tracing.addModuleMark(DeploymentTracing.ModuleMark.PREPARE_EVENTS, moduleName);
    if (events != null) {
        events.send(new Event<DeploymentContext>(Deployment.MODULE_PREPARED, context), false);
    if (tracing != null) {
        tracing.addModuleMark(DeploymentTracing.ModuleMark.PREPARED, moduleName);
    // I need to create the application info here from the context, or something like this.
    // and return the application info from this method for automatic registration in the caller.
    // set isComposite property on module props so we know whether to persist
    // module level properties inside ModuleInfo
    String isComposite = context.getAppProps().getProperty(ServerTags.IS_COMPOSITE);
    if (isComposite != null) {
        context.getModuleProps().setProperty(ServerTags.IS_COMPOSITE, isComposite);
    ModuleInfo mi = new ModuleInfo(events, moduleName, addedEngines, context.getModuleProps());
         * Save the application config that is potentially attached to each
         * engine in the corresponding EngineRefs that have already created.
         * Later, in registerAppInDomainXML, the appInfo is saved, which in
         * turn saves the moduleInfo children and their engineRef children.
         * Saving the engineRef assigns the application config to the Engine
         * which corresponds directly to the <engine> element in the XML.
         * A long way to get this done.
    // Application existingApp = applications.getModule(Application.class, moduleName);
    // if (existingApp != null) {
    ApplicationConfigInfo savedAppConfig = new ApplicationConfigInfo(context.getAppProps());
    for (EngineRef er : mi.getEngineRefs()) {
        ApplicationConfig c = savedAppConfig.get(mi.getName(), er.getContainerInfo().getSniffer().getModuleType());
        if (c != null) {
    // }
    return mi;
Also used : PropertyVetoException(java.beans.PropertyVetoException) RetryableException(org.jvnet.hk2.config.RetryableException) MultiException(org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException) VersioningSyntaxException(org.glassfish.deployment.versioning.VersioningSyntaxException) IOException( ExtendedDeploymentContext(org.glassfish.internal.deployment.ExtendedDeploymentContext) DeploymentTracing(org.glassfish.internal.deployment.DeploymentTracing)

Example 45 with Method

use of in project Payara by payara.

the class AttributeMethodVisitor method visitAnnotation.

 * Visits an annotation of this method.
 * @param desc the class descriptor of the annotation class.
 * @param visible <tt>true</tt> if the annotation is visible at runtime.
 * @return a visitor to visit the annotation values, or <tt>null</tt> if this visitor is not interested in visiting
 *         this annotation.
public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible) {
    duckTyped |= "Lorg/jvnet/hk2/config/DuckTyped;".equals(desc);
    AnnotationVisitor visitor = null;
    if ("Lorg/jvnet/hk2/config/Attribute;".equals(desc) || "Lorg/jvnet/hk2/config/Element;".equals(desc)) {
        try {
            final Class<?> configurable = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(def.getDef());
            final Attribute annotation = configurable.getMethod(name).getAnnotation(Attribute.class);
            def.addAttribute(name, annotation);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
    } else if ("Lorg/glassfish/api/admin/config/PropertiesDesc;".equals(desc)) {
        try {
            final Class<?> configurable = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(def.getDef());
            final PropertiesDesc annotation = configurable.getMethod(name).getAnnotation(PropertiesDesc.class);
            final PropertyDesc[] propertyDescs = annotation.props();
            for (PropertyDesc prop : propertyDescs) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
    return visitor;
Also used : PropertiesDesc(org.glassfish.api.admin.config.PropertiesDesc) Attribute(org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute) AnnotationVisitor( PropertyDesc(org.glassfish.api.admin.config.PropertyDesc)


MultiException (org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException)18 Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)16 ServiceLocator (org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocator)12 GeneratorAdapter ( Method ( PrivilegedActionException ( ConnectorRuntimeException (com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.ConnectorRuntimeException)6 URISyntaxException ( ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)6 ResourceAdapterInternalException (javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapterInternalException)6 ConfigBeanProxy (org.jvnet.hk2.config.ConfigBeanProxy)6 File ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 ConfigModel (org.jvnet.hk2.config.ConfigModel)5 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Attribute (org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute)4 PropertyVetoException (java.beans.PropertyVetoException)3 UnsupportedEncodingException ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3