use of org.gluu.oxauth.model.exception.InvalidJwtException in project oxTrust by GluuFederation.
the class OAuthValidationFilter method getOAuthData.
private OAuthData getOAuthData(HttpSession session, HttpServletRequest request, String authorizationCode) throws Exception {
// Check state
String authorizationState = request.getParameter(Configuration.OAUTH_STATE);
final String stateSession = session != null ? (String) session.getAttribute(Configuration.SESSION_AUTH_STATE) : null;
if (!StringHelper.equals(stateSession, authorizationState)) {
log.error("Login failed, oxTrust wasn't allowed to access user data");
return null;
String oAuthAuthorizeUrl = getPropertyFromInitParams(null, Configuration.OAUTH_PROPERTY_AUTHORIZE_URL, null);
String oAuthHost = getOAuthHost(oAuthAuthorizeUrl);
String oAuthTokenUrl = getPropertyFromInitParams(null, Configuration.OAUTH_PROPERTY_TOKEN_URL, null);
String oAuthUserInfoUrl = getPropertyFromInitParams(null, Configuration.OAUTH_PROPERTY_USERINFO_URL, null);
String oAuthClientId = getPropertyFromInitParams(null, Configuration.OAUTH_PROPERTY_CLIENT_ID, null);
String oAuthClientPassword = getPropertyFromInitParams(null, Configuration.OAUTH_PROPERTY_CLIENT_PASSWORD, null);
if (oAuthClientPassword != null) {
try {
oAuthClientPassword = StringEncrypter.defaultInstance().decrypt(oAuthClientPassword, Configuration.instance().getCryptoPropertyValue());
} catch (EncryptionException ex) {
log.error("Failed to decrypt property: " + Configuration.OAUTH_PROPERTY_CLIENT_PASSWORD, ex);
String scopes = getParameter(request, Configuration.OAUTH_SCOPE);
log.trace("scopes : " + scopes);
// 1. Request access token using the authorization code
log.trace("Getting access token");
TokenClient tokenClient1 = new TokenClient(oAuthTokenUrl);
String redirectURL = constructRedirectUrl(request);
TokenResponse tokenResponse = tokenClient1.execAuthorizationCode(authorizationCode, redirectURL, oAuthClientId, oAuthClientPassword);
if (tokenResponse == null) {
log.error("Get empty token response. User can't log into application");
return null;
log.trace("tokenResponse : " + tokenResponse);
log.trace("tokenResponse.getErrorType() : " + tokenResponse.getErrorType());
String accessToken = tokenResponse.getAccessToken();
String idToken = tokenResponse.getIdToken();
log.trace("accessToken : " + accessToken);
log.trace("idToken : " + idToken);
// Parse JWT
Jwt jwt;
try {
jwt = Jwt.parse(idToken);
} catch (InvalidJwtException ex) {
log.error("Failed to parse id_token");
return null;
// Check nonce
String nonceResponse = (String) jwt.getClaims().getClaim(JwtClaimName.NONCE);
final String nonceSession = session != null ? (String) session.getAttribute(Configuration.SESSION_AUTH_NONCE) : null;
if (!StringHelper.equals(nonceSession, nonceResponse)) {
log.error("User info response : nonce is not matching.");
return null;
}"Session validation successful. User is logged in");
UserInfoClient userInfoClient = new UserInfoClient(oAuthUserInfoUrl);
UserInfoResponse userInfoResponse = userInfoClient.execUserInfo(accessToken);
if (userInfoResponse == null) {
log.error("Get empty user info response. User can't log into application");
return null;
OAuthData oAuthData = new OAuthData();
// Determine uid
List<String> uidValues = userInfoResponse.getClaims().get(JwtClaimName.USER_NAME);
if ((uidValues == null) || (uidValues.size() == 0)) {
log.error("User infor response doesn't contains uid claim");
return null;
log.trace("User uid: " + oAuthData.getUserUid());
return oAuthData;
use of org.gluu.oxauth.model.exception.InvalidJwtException in project oxAuth by GluuFederation.
the class JweDecrypterImpl method decrypt.
public Jwe decrypt(String encryptedJwe) throws InvalidJweException {
try {
String[] jweParts = encryptedJwe.split("\\.");
if (jweParts.length != 5) {
throw new InvalidJwtException("Invalid JWS format.");
String encodedHeader = jweParts[0];
String encodedEncryptedKey = jweParts[1];
String encodedInitializationVector = jweParts[2];
String encodedCipherText = jweParts[3];
String encodedIntegrityValue = jweParts[4];
Jwe jwe = new Jwe();
jwe.setHeader(new JwtHeader(encodedHeader));
EncryptedJWT encryptedJwt = EncryptedJWT.parse(encryptedJwe);
final KeyEncryptionAlgorithm keyEncryptionAlgorithm = getKeyEncryptionAlgorithm();
Key encriptionKey = null;
if (keyEncryptionAlgorithm == KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.RSA1_5 || keyEncryptionAlgorithm == KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.RSA_OAEP) {
encriptionKey = privateKey;
} else if (keyEncryptionAlgorithm == KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.A128KW || keyEncryptionAlgorithm == KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.A256KW) {
if (sharedSymmetricKey == null) {
throw new InvalidJweException("The shared symmetric key is null");
int keyLength = 16;
if (keyEncryptionAlgorithm == KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.A256KW) {
keyLength = 32;
if (sharedSymmetricKey.length != keyLength) {
MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
sharedSymmetricKey = sha.digest(sharedSymmetricKey);
sharedSymmetricKey = Arrays.copyOf(sharedSymmetricKey, keyLength);
encriptionKey = new SecretKeySpec(sharedSymmetricKey, 0, sharedSymmetricKey.length, "AES");
} else {
throw new InvalidJweException("The key encryption algorithm is not supported");
JWEDecrypter decrypter = DECRYPTER_FACTORY.createJWEDecrypter(encryptedJwt.getHeader(), encriptionKey);
final SignedJWT signedJWT = encryptedJwt.getPayload().toSignedJWT();
if (signedJWT != null) {
final Jwt jwt = Jwt.parse(signedJWT.serialize());
jwe.setClaims(jwt != null ? jwt.getClaims() : null);
} else {
final String base64encodedPayload = encryptedJwt.getPayload().toString();
jwe.setClaims(new JwtClaims(base64encodedPayload));
return jwe;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidJweException(e);
use of org.gluu.oxauth.model.exception.InvalidJwtException in project oxAuth by GluuFederation.
the class Jwt method parse.
public static Jwt parse(String encodedJwt) throws InvalidJwtException {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(encodedJwt)) {
return null;
String encodedHeader = null;
String encodedClaims = null;
String encodedSignature = null;
String[] jwtParts = encodedJwt.split("\\.");
if (jwtParts.length == 2) {
// Signature Algorithm NONE
encodedHeader = jwtParts[0];
encodedClaims = jwtParts[1];
encodedSignature = "";
} else if (jwtParts.length == 3) {
encodedHeader = jwtParts[0];
encodedClaims = jwtParts[1];
encodedSignature = jwtParts[2];
} else {
throw new InvalidJwtException("Invalid JWT format.");
Jwt jwt = new Jwt();
jwt.setHeader(new JwtHeader(encodedHeader));
jwt.setClaims(new JwtClaims(encodedClaims));
jwt.encodedHeader = encodedHeader;
jwt.encodedClaims = encodedClaims;
jwt.loaded = true;
return jwt;
use of org.gluu.oxauth.model.exception.InvalidJwtException in project oxAuth by GluuFederation.
the class JwtClaimSet method toJsonObject.
public JSONObject toJsonObject() throws InvalidJwtException {
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> claim : claims.entrySet()) {
if (claim.getValue() instanceof Date) {
Date date = (Date) claim.getValue();
jsonObject.put(claim.getKey(), date.getTime() / 1000);
} else if (claim.getValue() instanceof JwtSubClaimObject) {
JwtSubClaimObject subClaimObject = (JwtSubClaimObject) claim.getValue();
jsonObject.put(subClaimObject.getName(), subClaimObject.toJsonObject());
} else if (claim.getValue() instanceof List) {
List claimObjectList = (List) claim.getValue();
JSONArray claimsJSONArray = new JSONArray();
for (Object claimObj : claimObjectList) {
jsonObject.put(claim.getKey(), claimsJSONArray);
} else {
jsonObject.put(claim.getKey(), claim.getValue());
} catch (JSONException e) {
throw new InvalidJwtException(e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new InvalidJwtException(e);
return jsonObject;
use of org.gluu.oxauth.model.exception.InvalidJwtException in project oxAuth by GluuFederation.
the class AuthenticationFilter method processJwtAuth.
private void processJwtAuth(HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain) {
boolean authorized = false;
try {
if (servletRequest.getParameter("client_assertion") != null && servletRequest.getParameter("client_assertion_type") != null) {
String clientId = servletRequest.getParameter("client_id");
ClientAssertionType clientAssertionType = ClientAssertionType.fromString(servletRequest.getParameter("client_assertion_type"));
String encodedAssertion = servletRequest.getParameter("client_assertion");
if (clientAssertionType == ClientAssertionType.JWT_BEARER) {
ClientAssertion clientAssertion = new ClientAssertion(appConfiguration, cryptoProvider, clientId, clientAssertionType, encodedAssertion);
String username = clientAssertion.getSubjectIdentifier();
String password = clientAssertion.getClientSecret();
// Identity.username and user isn't authenticated
if (!username.equals(identity.getCredentials().getUsername()) || !identity.isLoggedIn()) {
authenticator.authenticateClient(servletRequest, true);
authorized = true;
filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);
} catch (ServletException | IOException | InvalidJwtException ex) {"JWT authentication failed: {}", ex);
if (!authorized) {