use of org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.cfg.AbstractBlockBase in project graal by oracle.
the class RegisterVerifier method processOperations.
void processOperations(AbstractBlockBase<?> block, final Interval[] inputState) {
ArrayList<LIRInstruction> ops = allocator.getLIR().getLIRforBlock(block);
DebugContext debug = allocator.getDebug();
InstructionValueConsumer useConsumer = new InstructionValueConsumer() {
public void visitValue(LIRInstruction op, Value operand, OperandMode mode, EnumSet<OperandFlag> flags) {
// we skip spill moves inserted by the spill position optimization
if (LinearScan.isVariableOrRegister(operand) && allocator.isProcessed(operand) && != LinearScan.DOMINATOR_SPILL_MOVE_ID) {
Interval interval = intervalAt(operand);
if ( != -1) {
interval = interval.getSplitChildAtOpId(, mode, allocator);
assert checkState(block, op, inputState, interval.operand, interval.location(), interval.splitParent());
InstructionValueConsumer defConsumer = (op, operand, mode, flags) -> {
if (LinearScan.isVariableOrRegister(operand) && allocator.isProcessed(operand)) {
Interval interval = intervalAt(operand);
if ( != -1) {
interval = interval.getSplitChildAtOpId(, mode, allocator);
statePut(debug, inputState, interval.location(), interval.splitParent());
// visit all instructions of the block
for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++) {
final LIRInstruction op = ops.get(i);
if (debug.isLogEnabled()) {
debug.log("%s", op.toStringWithIdPrefix());
// check if input operands are correct
// invalidate all caller save registers at calls
if (op.destroysCallerSavedRegisters()) {
for (Register r : allocator.getRegisterAllocationConfig().getRegisterConfig().getCallerSaveRegisters()) {
statePut(debug, inputState, r.asValue(), null);
// set temp operands (some operations use temp operands also as output operands, so
// can't set them null)
// set output operands
use of org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.cfg.AbstractBlockBase in project graal by oracle.
the class TraceBuilderPhase method run.
protected void run(TargetDescription target, LIRGenerationResult lirGenRes, AllocationContext context) {
AbstractBlockBase<?>[] linearScanOrder = lirGenRes.getLIR().linearScanOrder();
AbstractBlockBase<?> startBlock = linearScanOrder[0];
LIR lir = lirGenRes.getLIR();
assert startBlock.equals(lir.getControlFlowGraph().getStartBlock());
final TraceBuilderResult traceBuilderResult = getTraceBuilderResult(lir, startBlock, linearScanOrder);
DebugContext debug = lir.getDebug();
if (debug.isLogEnabled(DebugContext.BASIC_LEVEL)) {
ArrayList<Trace> traces = traceBuilderResult.getTraces();
for (int i = 0; i < traces.size(); i++) {
Trace trace = traces.get(i);
debug.log(DebugContext.BASIC_LEVEL, "Trace %5d: %s%s", i, trace, isTrivialTrace(lirGenRes.getLIR(), trace) ? " (trivial)" : "");
TraceStatisticsPrinter.printTraceStatistics(debug, traceBuilderResult, lirGenRes.getCompilationUnitName());
debug.dump(DebugContext.VERBOSE_LEVEL, traceBuilderResult, "TraceBuilderResult");
use of org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.cfg.AbstractBlockBase in project graal by oracle.
the class RegisterVerifier method processOperations.
void processOperations(AbstractBlockBase<?> block, final TraceInterval[] inputState) {
ArrayList<LIRInstruction> ops = allocator.getLIR().getLIRforBlock(block);
DebugContext debug = allocator.getDebug();
InstructionValueConsumer useConsumer = new InstructionValueConsumer() {
public void visitValue(LIRInstruction op, Value operand, OperandMode mode, EnumSet<OperandFlag> flags) {
// we skip spill moves inserted by the spill position optimization
if (isVariableOrRegister(operand) && allocator.isProcessed(operand) && != TraceLinearScanPhase.DOMINATOR_SPILL_MOVE_ID) {
TraceInterval interval = intervalAt(asVariable(operand));
if ( != -1) {
interval = interval.getSplitChildAtOpId(, mode);
assert checkState(block, op, inputState, allocator.getOperand(interval), interval.location(), interval.splitParent());
InstructionValueConsumer defConsumer = (op, operand, mode, flags) -> {
if (isVariableOrRegister(operand) && allocator.isProcessed(operand)) {
TraceInterval interval = intervalAt(asVariable(operand));
if ( != -1) {
interval = interval.getSplitChildAtOpId(, mode);
statePut(debug, inputState, interval.location(), interval.splitParent());
// visit all instructions of the block
for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++) {
final LIRInstruction op = ops.get(i);
if (debug.isLogEnabled()) {
debug.log("%s", op.toStringWithIdPrefix());
// check if input operands are correct
// invalidate all caller save registers at calls
if (op.destroysCallerSavedRegisters()) {
for (Register r : allocator.getRegisterAllocationConfig().getRegisterConfig().getCallerSaveRegisters()) {
statePut(debug, inputState, r.asValue(), null);
// set temp operands (some operations use temp operands also as output operands, so
// can't set them null)
// set output operands
use of org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.cfg.AbstractBlockBase in project graal by oracle.
the class FixPointIntervalBuilder method build.
* Builds the lifetime intervals for {@link VirtualStackSlot virtual stack slots}, sets up
* {@link #stackSlotMap} and returns a set of use positions, i.e. instructions that contain
* virtual stack slots.
EconomicSet<LIRInstruction> build() {
Deque<AbstractBlockBase<?>> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>();
AbstractBlockBase<?>[] blocks = lir.getControlFlowGraph().getBlocks();
for (int i = blocks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (AbstractBlockBase<?> block : lir.getControlFlowGraph().getBlocks()) {
liveInMap.put(block, new BitSet(stackSlotMap.length));
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
AbstractBlockBase<?> block = worklist.poll();
processBlock(block, worklist);
return usePos;
use of org.graalvm.compiler.core.common.cfg.AbstractBlockBase in project graal by oracle.
the class CFGPrinterObserver method dumpSandboxed.
public void dumpSandboxed(DebugContext debug, Object object, String message) {
OptionValues options = debug.getOptions();
boolean dumpFrontend = PrintCFG.getValue(options);
if (!dumpFrontend && isFrontendObject(object)) {
if (cfgPrinter == null) {
try {
Path dumpFile = debug.getDumpPath(".cfg", false);
cfgFile = dumpFile.toFile();
OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(cfgFile));
cfgPrinter = new CFGPrinter(out);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw (GraalError) new GraalError("Could not open %s", cfgFile == null ? "[null]" : cfgFile.getAbsolutePath()).initCause(e);
if (!checkMethodScope(debug)) {
try {
if (curMethod instanceof ResolvedJavaMethod) {
cfgPrinter.method = (ResolvedJavaMethod) curMethod;
if (object instanceof LIR) {
cfgPrinter.lir = (LIR) object;
} else {
cfgPrinter.lir = debug.contextLookup(LIR.class);
cfgPrinter.nodeLirGenerator = debug.contextLookup(NodeLIRBuilder.class);
cfgPrinter.livenessInfo = debug.contextLookup(GlobalLivenessInfo.class);
cfgPrinter.res = debug.contextLookup(LIRGenerationResult.class);
if (cfgPrinter.nodeLirGenerator != null) { = cfgPrinter.nodeLirGenerator.getLIRGeneratorTool().target();
if (cfgPrinter.lir != null && cfgPrinter.lir.getControlFlowGraph() instanceof ControlFlowGraph) {
cfgPrinter.cfg = (ControlFlowGraph) cfgPrinter.lir.getControlFlowGraph();
CodeCacheProvider codeCache = debug.contextLookup(CodeCacheProvider.class);
if (codeCache != null) { = codeCache.getTarget();
if (object instanceof BciBlockMapping) {
BciBlockMapping blockMap = (BciBlockMapping) object;
cfgPrinter.printCFG(message, blockMap);
if (blockMap.code.getCode() != null) {
cfgPrinter.printBytecodes(new BytecodeDisassembler(false).disassemble(blockMap.code));
} else if (object instanceof LIR) {
// Currently no node printing for lir
cfgPrinter.printCFG(message, cfgPrinter.lir.codeEmittingOrder(), false);
lastLIR = (LIR) object;
if (delayedIntervals != null) {
cfgPrinter.printIntervals(message, delayedIntervals);
delayedIntervals = null;
} else if (object instanceof ScheduleResult) {
cfgPrinter.printSchedule(message, (ScheduleResult) object);
} else if (object instanceof StructuredGraph) {
if (cfgPrinter.cfg == null) {
StructuredGraph graph = (StructuredGraph) object;
cfgPrinter.cfg = ControlFlowGraph.compute(graph, true, true, true, false);
cfgPrinter.printCFG(message, cfgPrinter.cfg.getBlocks(), true);
} else {
cfgPrinter.printCFG(message, cfgPrinter.cfg.getBlocks(), true);
} else if (object instanceof CompilationResult) {
final CompilationResult compResult = (CompilationResult) object;
cfgPrinter.printMachineCode(disassemble(codeCache, compResult, null), message);
} else if (object instanceof InstalledCode) {
CompilationResult compResult = debug.contextLookup(CompilationResult.class);
if (compResult != null) {
cfgPrinter.printMachineCode(disassemble(codeCache, compResult, (InstalledCode) object), message);
} else if (object instanceof IntervalDumper) {
if (lastLIR == cfgPrinter.lir) {
cfgPrinter.printIntervals(message, (IntervalDumper) object);
} else {
if (delayedIntervals != null) {
debug.log("Some delayed intervals were dropped (%s)", delayedIntervals);
delayedIntervals = (IntervalDumper) object;
} else if (object instanceof AbstractBlockBase<?>[]) {
cfgPrinter.printCFG(message, (AbstractBlockBase<?>[]) object, false);
} else if (object instanceof Trace) {
cfgPrinter.printCFG(message, ((Trace) object).getBlocks(), false);
} else if (object instanceof TraceBuilderResult) {
cfgPrinter.printTraces(message, (TraceBuilderResult) object);
} finally { = null;
cfgPrinter.lir = null;
cfgPrinter.res = null;
cfgPrinter.nodeLirGenerator = null;
cfgPrinter.livenessInfo = null;
cfgPrinter.cfg = null;