use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugDumpScope in project graal by oracle.
the class InvokeGraal method compileAndInstallMethod.
* The simplest way to compile a method, using the default behavior for everything.
protected InstalledCode compileAndInstallMethod(ResolvedJavaMethod method) {
/* Create a unique compilation identifier, visible in IGV. */
CompilationIdentifier compilationId = backend.getCompilationIdentifier(method);
OptionValues options = getInitialOptions();
DebugContext debug = DebugContext.create(options, DebugHandlersFactory.LOADER);
try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("compileAndInstallMethod", new DebugDumpScope(String.valueOf(compilationId), true))) {
* The graph that is compiled. We leave it empty (no nodes added yet). This means that
* it will be filled according to the graphBuilderSuite defined below. We also specify
* that we want the compilation to make optimistic assumptions about runtime state such
* as the loaded class hierarchy.
StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph.Builder(options, debug, AllowAssumptions.YES).method(method).compilationId(compilationId).build();
* The phases used to build the graph. Usually this is just the GraphBuilderPhase. If
* the graph already contains nodes, it is ignored.
PhaseSuite<HighTierContext> graphBuilderSuite = backend.getSuites().getDefaultGraphBuilderSuite();
* The optimization phases that are applied to the graph. This is the main configuration
* point for Graal. Add or remove phases to customize your compilation.
Suites suites = backend.getSuites().getDefaultSuites(options);
* The low-level phases that are applied to the low-level representation.
LIRSuites lirSuites = backend.getSuites().getDefaultLIRSuites(options);
* We want Graal to perform all speculative optimistic optimizations, using the
* profiling information that comes with the method (collected by the interpreter) for
* speculation.
OptimisticOptimizations optimisticOpts = OptimisticOptimizations.ALL;
ProfilingInfo profilingInfo = graph.getProfilingInfo(method);
/* The default class and configuration for compilation results. */
CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(graph.compilationId());
CompilationResultBuilderFactory factory = CompilationResultBuilderFactory.Default;
/* Invoke the whole Graal compilation pipeline. */
GraalCompiler.compileGraph(graph, method, providers, backend, graphBuilderSuite, optimisticOpts, profilingInfo, suites, lirSuites, compilationResult, factory);
* Install the compilation result into the VM, i.e., copy the byte[] array that contains
* the machine code into an actual executable memory location.
return backend.addInstalledCode(debug, method, asCompilationRequest(compilationId), compilationResult);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
throw debug.handle(ex);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugDumpScope in project graal by oracle.
the class WriteBarrierVerificationTest method testPredicate.
private void testPredicate(final String snippet, final GraphPredicate expectedBarriers, final int... removedBarrierIndices) {
DebugContext debug = getDebugContext();
try (DebugCloseable d = debug.disableIntercept();
DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("WriteBarrierVerificationTest", new DebugDumpScope(snippet))) {
final StructuredGraph graph = parseEager(snippet, AllowAssumptions.YES, debug);
HighTierContext highTierContext = getDefaultHighTierContext();
new InliningPhase(new CanonicalizerPhase()).apply(graph, highTierContext);
MidTierContext midTierContext = new MidTierContext(getProviders(), getTargetProvider(), OptimisticOptimizations.ALL, graph.getProfilingInfo());
new LoweringPhase(new CanonicalizerPhase(), LoweringTool.StandardLoweringStage.HIGH_TIER).apply(graph, highTierContext);
new GuardLoweringPhase().apply(graph, midTierContext);
new LoopSafepointInsertionPhase().apply(graph);
new LoweringPhase(new CanonicalizerPhase(), LoweringTool.StandardLoweringStage.MID_TIER).apply(graph, highTierContext);
new WriteBarrierAdditionPhase(config).apply(graph);
int barriers = 0;
// First, the total number of expected barriers is checked.
if (config.useG1GC) {
barriers = graph.getNodes().filter(G1PreWriteBarrier.class).count() + graph.getNodes().filter(G1PostWriteBarrier.class).count() + graph.getNodes().filter(G1ArrayRangePreWriteBarrier.class).count() + graph.getNodes().filter(G1ArrayRangePostWriteBarrier.class).count();
Assert.assertTrue(expectedBarriers.apply(graph) * 2 == barriers);
} else {
barriers = graph.getNodes().filter(SerialWriteBarrier.class).count() + graph.getNodes().filter(SerialArrayRangeWriteBarrier.class).count();
Assert.assertTrue(expectedBarriers.apply(graph) == barriers);
ResolvedJavaField barrierIndexField = getMetaAccess().lookupJavaField(WriteBarrierVerificationTest.class.getDeclaredField("barrierIndex"));
LocationIdentity barrierIdentity = new FieldLocationIdentity(barrierIndexField);
// Iterate over all write nodes and remove barriers according to input indices.
NodeIteratorClosure<Boolean> closure = new NodeIteratorClosure<Boolean>() {
protected Boolean processNode(FixedNode node, Boolean currentState) {
if (node instanceof WriteNode) {
WriteNode write = (WriteNode) node;
LocationIdentity obj = write.getLocationIdentity();
if (obj.equals(barrierIdentity)) {
* A "barrierIndex" variable was found and is checked against the input
* barrier array.
if (eliminateBarrier(write.value().asJavaConstant().asInt(), removedBarrierIndices)) {
return true;
} else if (node instanceof SerialWriteBarrier || node instanceof G1PostWriteBarrier) {
// Remove flagged write barriers.
if (currentState) {
graph.removeFixed(((FixedWithNextNode) node));
return false;
return currentState;
private boolean eliminateBarrier(int index, int[] map) {
for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
if (map[i] == index) {
return true;
return false;
protected EconomicMap<LoopExitNode, Boolean> processLoop(LoopBeginNode loop, Boolean initialState) {
return ReentrantNodeIterator.processLoop(this, loop, initialState).exitStates;
protected Boolean merge(AbstractMergeNode merge, List<Boolean> states) {
return false;
protected Boolean afterSplit(AbstractBeginNode node, Boolean oldState) {
return false;
try (Scope disabled = debug.disable()) {
ReentrantNodeIterator.apply(closure, graph.start(), false);
new WriteBarrierVerificationPhase(config).apply(graph);
} catch (AssertionError error) {
* Catch assertion, test for expected one and re-throw in order to validate unit
* test.
Assert.assertTrue(error.getMessage().contains("Write barrier must be present"));
throw error;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw debug.handle(e);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugDumpScope in project graal by oracle.
the class FloatingReadTest method test.
private void test(final String snippet) {
DebugContext debug = getDebugContext();
try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("FloatingReadTest", new DebugDumpScope(snippet))) {
StructuredGraph graph = parseEager(snippet, AllowAssumptions.YES);
PhaseContext context = new PhaseContext(getProviders());
new LoweringPhase(new CanonicalizerPhase(), LoweringTool.StandardLoweringStage.HIGH_TIER).apply(graph, context);
new FloatingReadPhase().apply(graph);
ReturnNode returnNode = null;
MonitorExit monitorexit = null;
for (Node n : graph.getNodes()) {
if (n instanceof ReturnNode) {
assert returnNode == null;
returnNode = (ReturnNode) n;
} else if (n instanceof MonitorExit) {
monitorexit = (MonitorExit) n;
debug.dump(DebugContext.BASIC_LEVEL, graph, "After lowering");
Assert.assertTrue(returnNode.result() instanceof FloatingReadNode);
FloatingReadNode read = (FloatingReadNode) returnNode.result();
assertOrderedAfterSchedule(graph, read, (Node) monitorexit);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw debug.handle(e);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugDumpScope in project graal by oracle.
the class PartialEvaluationTest method parseForComparison.
protected StructuredGraph parseForComparison(final String methodName, DebugContext debug) {
try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("Truffle", new DebugDumpScope("Comparison: " + methodName))) {
StructuredGraph graph = parseEager(methodName, AllowAssumptions.YES);
compile(graph.method(), graph);
return graph;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw debug.handle(e);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugDumpScope in project graal by oracle.
the class CompilationTask method installMethod.
private void installMethod(DebugContext debug, final CompilationResult compResult) {
final CodeCacheProvider codeCache = jvmciRuntime.getHostJVMCIBackend().getCodeCache();
HotSpotBackend backend = compiler.getGraalRuntime().getHostBackend();
installedCode = null;
Object[] context = { new DebugDumpScope(getIdString(), true), codeCache, getMethod(), compResult };
try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("CodeInstall", context)) {
installedCode = (HotSpotInstalledCode) backend.createInstalledCode(debug, getRequest().getMethod(), getRequest(), compResult, getRequest().getMethod().getSpeculationLog(), null, installAsDefault, context);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw debug.handle(e);