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Example 21 with GraalError

use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError in project graal by oracle.

the class GraphOrder method visitForward.

private static void visitForward(ArrayList<Node> nodes, NodeBitMap visited, Node node, boolean floatingOnly) {
    try {
        assert node == null || node.isAlive() : node + " not alive";
        if (node != null && !visited.isMarked(node)) {
            if (floatingOnly && node instanceof FixedNode) {
                throw new GraalError("unexpected reference to fixed node: %s (this indicates an unexpected cycle)", node);
            FrameState stateAfter = null;
            if (node instanceof StateSplit) {
                stateAfter = ((StateSplit) node).stateAfter();
            for (Node input : node.inputs()) {
                if (input != stateAfter) {
                    visitForward(nodes, visited, input, true);
            if (node instanceof EndNode) {
                EndNode end = (EndNode) node;
                for (PhiNode phi : end.merge().phis()) {
                    visitForward(nodes, visited, phi.valueAt(end), true);
            if (node instanceof AbstractMergeNode) {
                for (PhiNode phi : ((AbstractMergeNode) node).phis()) {
            if (stateAfter != null) {
                visitForward(nodes, visited, stateAfter, true);
    } catch (GraalError e) {
        throw GraalGraphError.transformAndAddContext(e, node);
Also used : GraalError(org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError) AbstractEndNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractEndNode) EndNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.EndNode) PhiNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.PhiNode) ConstantNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConstantNode) AbstractMergeNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractMergeNode) LoopBeginNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopBeginNode) FixedNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedNode) VirtualObjectNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.virtual.VirtualObjectNode) AbstractEndNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractEndNode) ValueNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode) LoopExitNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.LoopExitNode) Node(org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node) EndNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.EndNode) FullInfopointNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FullInfopointNode) PhiNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.PhiNode) ProxyNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ProxyNode) FixedNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FixedNode) AbstractMergeNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.AbstractMergeNode) FrameState(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FrameState) StateSplit(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StateSplit)

Example 22 with GraalError

use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError in project graal by oracle.

the class InliningData method doInline.

private void doInline(CallsiteHolderExplorable callerCallsiteHolder, MethodInvocation calleeInvocation) {
    StructuredGraph callerGraph = callerCallsiteHolder.graph();
    InlineInfo calleeInfo = calleeInvocation.callee();
    try {
        try (DebugContext.Scope scope = debug.scope("doInline", callerGraph)) {
            EconomicSet<Node> canonicalizedNodes = EconomicSet.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY);
            EconomicSet<Node> parameterUsages = calleeInfo.inline(new Providers(context));
            debug.dump(DebugContext.DETAILED_LEVEL, callerGraph, "after %s", calleeInfo);
            Graph.Mark markBeforeCanonicalization = callerGraph.getMark();
            canonicalizer.applyIncremental(callerGraph, context, canonicalizedNodes);
            // process invokes that are possibly created during canonicalization
            for (Node newNode : callerGraph.getNewNodes(markBeforeCanonicalization)) {
                if (newNode instanceof Invoke) {
                    callerCallsiteHolder.pushInvoke((Invoke) newNode);
    } catch (BailoutException bailout) {
        throw bailout;
    } catch (AssertionError | RuntimeException e) {
        throw new GraalError(e).addContext(calleeInfo.toString());
    } catch (GraalError e) {
        throw e.addContext(calleeInfo.toString());
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw debug.handle(e);
Also used : AllocatedObjectNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.virtual.AllocatedObjectNode) ParameterNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ParameterNode) MethodCallTargetNode( AbstractNewObjectNode( CallTargetNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.CallTargetNode) VirtualObjectNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.virtual.VirtualObjectNode) ValueNode(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode) Node(org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node) TypeGuardInlineInfo( AssumptionInlineInfo( InlineInfo( ExactInlineInfo( MultiTypeGuardInlineInfo( DebugContext(org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext) Providers(org.graalvm.compiler.phases.util.Providers) Invoke(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.Invoke) BailoutException( InlineableGraph( Graph(org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Graph) StructuredGraph(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph) StructuredGraph(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph) GraalError(org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError)

Example 23 with GraalError

use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError in project graal by oracle.

the class NoDeadCodeVerifyHandler method verify.

public void verify(DebugContext debug, Object object, String format, Object... args) {
    OptionValues options = debug.getOptions();
    if (Options.NDCV.getValue(options) != OFF && object instanceof StructuredGraph) {
        StructuredGraph graph = (StructuredGraph) object;
        List<Node> before = graph.getNodes().snapshot();
        new DeadCodeEliminationPhase().run(graph);
        List<Node> after = graph.getNodes().snapshot();
        assert after.size() <= before.size();
        if (before.size() != after.size()) {
            if (discovered.put(format, Boolean.TRUE) == null) {
                String prefix = format == null ? "" : format + ": ";
                GraalError error = new GraalError("%sfound dead nodes in %s: %s", prefix, graph, before);
                if (Options.NDCV.getValue(options) == INFO) {
                } else if (Options.NDCV.getValue(options) == VERBOSE) {
                } else {
                    assert Options.NDCV.getValue(options) == FATAL;
                    throw error;
Also used : OptionValues(org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues) StructuredGraph(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph) GraalError(org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError) Node(org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node) DeadCodeEliminationPhase(org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.DeadCodeEliminationPhase)

Example 24 with GraalError

use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError in project graal by oracle.

the class EffectsClosure method processLoop.

protected final List<BlockT> processLoop(Loop<Block> loop, BlockT initialState) {
    if (initialState.isDead()) {
        ArrayList<BlockT> states = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < loop.getExits().size(); i++) {
        return states;
         * Special case nested loops: To avoid an exponential runtime for nested loops we try to
         * only process them as little times as possible.
         * In the first iteration of an outer most loop we go into the inner most loop(s). We run
         * the first iteration of the inner most loop and then, if necessary, a second iteration.
         * We return from the recursion and finish the first iteration of the outermost loop. If we
         * have to do a second iteration in the outer most loop we go again into the inner most
         * loop(s) but this time we already know all states that are killed by the loop so inside
         * the loop we will only have those changes that propagate from the first iteration of the
         * outer most loop into the current loop. We strip the initial loop state for the inner most
         * loops and do the first iteration with the (possible) changes from outer loops. If there
         * are no changes we only have to do 1 iteration and are done.
    BlockT initialStateRemovedKilledLocations = stripKilledLoopLocations(loop, cloneState(initialState));
    BlockT loopEntryState = initialStateRemovedKilledLocations;
    BlockT lastMergedState = cloneState(initialStateRemovedKilledLocations);
    processInitialLoopState(loop, lastMergedState);
    MergeProcessor mergeProcessor = createMergeProcessor(loop.getHeader());
         * Iterative loop processing: we take the predecessor state as the loop's starting state,
         * processing the loop contents, merge the states of all loop ends, and check whether the
         * resulting state is equal to the starting state. If it is, the loop processing has
         * finished, if not, another iteration is needed.
         * This processing converges because the merge processing always makes the starting state
         * more generic, e.g., adding phis instead of non-phi values.
    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 10; iteration++) {
        try (Indent i = debug.logAndIndent("================== Process Loop Effects Closure: block:%s begin node:%s", loop.getHeader(), loop.getHeader().getBeginNode())) {
            LoopInfo<BlockT> info = ReentrantBlockIterator.processLoop(this, loop, cloneState(lastMergedState));
            List<BlockT> states = new ArrayList<>();
            doMergeWithoutDead(mergeProcessor, states);
            debug.log("MergeProcessor New State: %s", mergeProcessor.newState);
            debug.log("===== vs.");
            debug.log("Last Merged State: %s", lastMergedState);
            if (mergeProcessor.newState.equivalentTo(lastMergedState)) {
                blockEffects.get(loop.getHeader()).insertAll(mergeProcessor.mergeEffects, 0);
                loopMergeEffects.put(loop, mergeProcessor.afterMergeEffects);
                assert info.exitStates.size() == loop.getExits().size();
                loopEntryStates.put((LoopBeginNode) loop.getHeader().getBeginNode(), loopEntryState);
                assert assertExitStatesNonEmpty(loop, info);
                processKilledLoopLocations(loop, initialStateRemovedKilledLocations, mergeProcessor.newState);
                return info.exitStates;
            } else {
                lastMergedState = mergeProcessor.newState;
                for (Block block : loop.getBlocks()) {
    throw new GraalError("too many iterations at %s", loop);
Also used : Indent(org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Indent) GraalError(org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Block(org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.cfg.Block)

Example 25 with GraalError

use of org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError in project graal by oracle.

the class CompileTheWorld method compile.

 * Compiles all methods in all classes in {@link #inputClassPath}. If {@link #inputClassPath}
 * equals {@link #SUN_BOOT_CLASS_PATH} the boot classes are used.
public void compile() throws Throwable {
    if (SUN_BOOT_CLASS_PATH.equals(inputClassPath)) {
        String bcpEntry = null;
        if (Java8OrEarlier) {
            final String[] entries = System.getProperty(SUN_BOOT_CLASS_PATH).split(File.pathSeparator);
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.length && bcpEntry == null; i++) {
                String entry = entries[i];
                File entryFile = new File(entry);
                if (entryFile.getName().endsWith("rt.jar") && entryFile.isFile()) {
                    bcpEntry = entry;
            if (bcpEntry == null) {
                throw new GraalError("Could not find rt.jar on boot class path %s", System.getProperty(SUN_BOOT_CLASS_PATH));
        } else {
            bcpEntry = JRT_CLASS_PATH_ENTRY;
    } else {
Also used : GraalError(org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError) JarFile(java.util.jar.JarFile) File( Print(org.graalvm.compiler.core.CompilationWrapper.ExceptionAction.Print)


GraalError (org.graalvm.compiler.debug.GraalError)42 StructuredGraph (org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.StructuredGraph)9 ValueNode (org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ValueNode)8 DebugContext (org.graalvm.compiler.debug.DebugContext)7 Indent (org.graalvm.compiler.debug.Indent)5 IOException ( ResolvedJavaMethod ( Node (org.graalvm.compiler.graph.Node)4 OptionValues (org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues)4 ByteArrayInputStream ( DataInputStream ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 CompilationResult (org.graalvm.compiler.code.CompilationResult)3 ConstantNode (org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.ConstantNode)3 Invoke (org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.Invoke)3 MethodCallTargetNode ( VirtualObjectNode (org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.virtual.VirtualObjectNode)3 HostedProviders ( HostedMethod ( InstalledCode (