use of org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BeginNode in project graal by oracle.
the class BytecodeParser method handleException.
private AbstractBeginNode handleException(ValueNode exceptionObject, int bci, boolean deoptimizeOnly) {
assert bci == BytecodeFrame.BEFORE_BCI || bci == bci() : "invalid bci";
debug.log("Creating exception dispatch edges at %d, exception object=%s, exception seen=%s", bci, exceptionObject, (profilingInfo == null ? "" : profilingInfo.getExceptionSeen(bci)));
FrameStateBuilder dispatchState = frameState.copy();
AbstractBeginNode dispatchBegin;
if (exceptionObject == null) {
ExceptionObjectNode newExceptionObject = graph.add(new ExceptionObjectNode(metaAccess));
dispatchBegin = newExceptionObject;
dispatchState.push(JavaKind.Object, dispatchBegin);
newExceptionObject.setStateAfter(dispatchState.create(bci, newExceptionObject));
} else {
dispatchBegin = graph.add(new BeginNode());
dispatchState.push(JavaKind.Object, exceptionObject);
this.controlFlowSplit = true;
FixedWithNextNode finishedDispatch = finishInstruction(dispatchBegin, dispatchState);
if (deoptimizeOnly) {
DeoptimizeNode deoptimizeNode = graph.add(new DeoptimizeNode(DeoptimizationAction.None, DeoptimizationReason.TransferToInterpreter));
} else {
createHandleExceptionTarget(finishedDispatch, bci, dispatchState);
return dispatchBegin;
use of org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BeginNode in project graal by oracle.
the class BytecodeParser method handleUnresolvedInstanceOf.
* @param type the unresolved type of the type check
* @param object the object value whose type is being checked against {@code type}
protected void handleUnresolvedInstanceOf(JavaType type, ValueNode object) {
assert !graphBuilderConfig.unresolvedIsError();
AbstractBeginNode successor = graph.add(new BeginNode());
DeoptimizeNode deopt = graph.add(new DeoptimizeNode(InvalidateRecompile, Unresolved));
deopt.updateNodeSourcePosition(() -> createBytecodePosition());
append(new IfNode(graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(IsNullNode.create(object)), successor, deopt, 1));
lastInstr = successor;
frameState.push(JavaKind.Int, appendConstant(JavaConstant.INT_0));
use of org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BeginNode in project graal by oracle.
the class BytecodeParser method emitExplicitNullCheck.
protected ValueNode emitExplicitNullCheck(ValueNode receiver) {
if (StampTool.isPointerNonNull(receiver.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT))) {
return receiver;
BytecodeExceptionNode exception = graph.add(new BytecodeExceptionNode(metaAccess, NullPointerException.class));
AbstractBeginNode falseSucc = graph.add(new BeginNode());
ValueNode nonNullReceiver = graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(PiNode.create(receiver, objectNonNull(), falseSucc));
append(new IfNode(graph.addOrUniqueWithInputs(IsNullNode.create(receiver)), exception, falseSucc, SLOW_PATH_PROBABILITY));
lastInstr = falseSucc;
exception.setStateAfter(createFrameState(bci(), exception));
exception.setNext(handleException(exception, bci(), false));
return nonNullReceiver;
use of org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BeginNode in project graal by oracle.
the class LoopFragmentInside method getDuplicationReplacement.
protected DuplicationReplacement getDuplicationReplacement() {
final LoopBeginNode loopBegin = loop().loopBegin();
final StructuredGraph graph = graph();
return new DuplicationReplacement() {
private EconomicMap<Node, Node> seenNode = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY);
public Node replacement(Node original) {
try (DebugCloseable position = original.withNodeSourcePosition()) {
if (original == loopBegin) {
Node value = seenNode.get(original);
if (value != null) {
return value;
AbstractBeginNode newValue = graph.add(new BeginNode());
seenNode.put(original, newValue);
return newValue;
if (original instanceof LoopExitNode && ((LoopExitNode) original).loopBegin() == loopBegin) {
Node value = seenNode.get(original);
if (value != null) {
return value;
AbstractBeginNode newValue = graph.add(new BeginNode());
seenNode.put(original, newValue);
return newValue;
if (original instanceof LoopEndNode && ((LoopEndNode) original).loopBegin() == loopBegin) {
Node value = seenNode.get(original);
if (value != null) {
return value;
EndNode newValue = graph.add(new EndNode());
seenNode.put(original, newValue);
return newValue;
return original;
use of org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.BeginNode in project graal by oracle.
the class LoopFragmentInside method mergeEnds.
private AbstractBeginNode mergeEnds() {
assert isDuplicate();
List<EndNode> endsToMerge = new LinkedList<>();
// map peel exits to the corresponding loop exits
EconomicMap<AbstractEndNode, LoopEndNode> reverseEnds = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY);
LoopBeginNode loopBegin = original().loop().loopBegin();
for (LoopEndNode le : loopBegin.loopEnds()) {
AbstractEndNode duplicate = getDuplicatedNode(le);
if (duplicate != null) {
endsToMerge.add((EndNode) duplicate);
reverseEnds.put(duplicate, le);
mergedInitializers = EconomicMap.create(Equivalence.IDENTITY);
AbstractBeginNode newExit;
StructuredGraph graph = graph();
if (endsToMerge.size() == 1) {
AbstractEndNode end = endsToMerge.get(0);
assert end.hasNoUsages();
newExit = graph.add(new BeginNode());
} else {
assert endsToMerge.size() > 1;
AbstractMergeNode newExitMerge = graph.add(new MergeNode());
newExit = newExitMerge;
FrameState state = loopBegin.stateAfter();
FrameState duplicateState = null;
if (state != null) {
duplicateState = state.duplicateWithVirtualState();
for (EndNode end : endsToMerge) {
for (final PhiNode phi : loopBegin.phis().snapshot()) {
if (phi.hasNoUsages()) {
final PhiNode firstPhi = patchPhi(graph, phi, newExitMerge);
for (AbstractEndNode end : newExitMerge.forwardEnds()) {
LoopEndNode loopEnd = reverseEnds.get(end);
ValueNode prim = prim(phi.valueAt(loopEnd));
assert prim != null;
ValueNode initializer = firstPhi;
if (duplicateState != null) {
// fix the merge's state after
duplicateState.applyToNonVirtual(new NodeClosure<ValueNode>() {
public void apply(Node from, ValueNode node) {
if (node == phi) {
from.replaceFirstInput(phi, firstPhi);
mergedInitializers.put(phi, initializer);
return newExit;