use of org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FrameState in project graal by oracle.
the class PoorMansEATest method test.
private void test(final String snippet) {
DebugContext debug = getDebugContext();
try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("PoorMansEATest", new DebugDumpScope(snippet))) {
StructuredGraph graph = parseEager(snippet, AllowAssumptions.NO);
HighTierContext highTierContext = getDefaultHighTierContext();
new InliningPhase(new CanonicalizerPhase()).apply(graph, highTierContext);
PhaseContext context = new PhaseContext(getProviders());
new LoweringPhase(new CanonicalizerPhase(), LoweringTool.StandardLoweringStage.HIGH_TIER).apply(graph, context);
// remove framestates in order to trigger the simplification.
cleanup: for (FrameState fs : graph.getNodes(FrameState.TYPE).snapshot()) {
for (Node input : fs.inputs()) {
if (input instanceof NewInstanceNode) {
continue cleanup;
new CanonicalizerPhase().apply(graph, context);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw debug.handle(e);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FrameState in project graal by oracle.
the class CFGPrinter method stateToString.
private String stateToString(FrameState state) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
FrameState curState = state;
do {
buf.append(Bytecode.toLocation(curState.getCode(), curState.bci)).append('\n');
if (curState.stackSize() > 0) {
buf.append("stack: ");
for (int i = 0; i < curState.stackSize(); i++) {
buf.append(stateValueToString(curState.stackAt(i))).append(' ');
buf.append("locals: ");
for (int i = 0; i < curState.localsSize(); i++) {
buf.append(stateValueToString(curState.localAt(i))).append(' ');
buf.append("locks: ");
for (int i = 0; i < curState.locksSize(); i++) {
buf.append(stateValueToString(curState.lockAt(i))).append(' ');
curState = curState.outerFrameState();
} while (curState != null);
return buf.toString();
use of org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FrameState in project graal by oracle.
the class InliningUtil method handleAfterBciFrameState.
private static FrameState handleAfterBciFrameState(FrameState frameState, Invoke invoke, boolean alwaysDuplicateStateAfter) {
FrameState stateAtReturn = invoke.stateAfter();
JavaKind invokeReturnKind = invoke.asNode().getStackKind();
FrameState stateAfterReturn = stateAtReturn;
if (frameState.getCode() == null) {
// that was parsed for post-parse intrinsification
for (Node usage : frameState.usages()) {
if (usage instanceof ForeignCallNode) {
// A foreign call inside an intrinsic needs to have
// the BCI of the invoke being intrinsified
ForeignCallNode foreign = (ForeignCallNode) usage;
// value (top of stack)
assert !frameState.rethrowException() : frameState;
if (frameState.stackSize() > 0 && (alwaysDuplicateStateAfter || stateAfterReturn.stackAt(0) != frameState.stackAt(0))) {
// A non-void return value.
stateAfterReturn = stateAtReturn.duplicateModified(invokeReturnKind, invokeReturnKind, frameState.stackAt(0));
} else {
// A void return value.
stateAfterReturn = stateAtReturn.duplicate();
assert stateAfterReturn.bci != BytecodeFrame.UNKNOWN_BCI;
// Return value does no longer need to be limited by the monitor exit.
for (MonitorExitNode n : frameState.usages().filter(MonitorExitNode.class)) {
return stateAfterReturn;
use of org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FrameState in project graal by oracle.
the class InliningUtil method processFrameStates.
protected static void processFrameStates(Invoke invoke, StructuredGraph inlineGraph, EconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates, FrameState stateAtExceptionEdge, boolean alwaysDuplicateStateAfter) {
FrameState stateAtReturn = invoke.stateAfter();
FrameState outerFrameState = null;
JavaKind invokeReturnKind = invoke.asNode().getStackKind();
EconomicMap<Node, Node> replacements = EconomicMap.create();
for (FrameState original : inlineGraph.getNodes(FrameState.TYPE)) {
FrameState frameState = (FrameState) duplicates.get(original);
if (frameState != null && frameState.isAlive()) {
if (outerFrameState == null) {
outerFrameState = stateAtReturn.duplicateModifiedDuringCall(invoke.bci(), invokeReturnKind);
processFrameState(frameState, invoke, replacements, inlineGraph.method(), stateAtExceptionEdge, outerFrameState, alwaysDuplicateStateAfter, invoke.callTarget().targetMethod(), invoke.callTarget().arguments());
// If processing the frame states replaced any nodes, update the duplicates map.
duplicates.replaceAll((key, value) -> replacements.containsKey(value) ? replacements.get(value) : value);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.FrameState in project graal by oracle.
the class InliningUtil method inline.
* Performs an actual inlining, thereby replacing the given invoke with the given
* {@code inlineGraph}.
* @param invoke the invoke that will be replaced
* @param inlineGraph the graph that the invoke will be replaced with
* @param receiverNullCheck true if a null check needs to be generated for non-static inlinings,
* false if no such check is required
* @param inlineeMethod the actual method being inlined. Maybe be null for snippets.
* @param reason the reason for inlining, used in tracing
* @param phase the phase that invoked inlining
public static UnmodifiableEconomicMap<Node, Node> inline(Invoke invoke, StructuredGraph inlineGraph, boolean receiverNullCheck, ResolvedJavaMethod inlineeMethod, String reason, String phase) {
FixedNode invokeNode = invoke.asNode();
StructuredGraph graph = invokeNode.graph();
final NodeInputList<ValueNode> parameters = invoke.callTarget().arguments();
assert inlineGraph.getGuardsStage().ordinal() >= graph.getGuardsStage().ordinal();
assert !invokeNode.graph().isAfterFloatingReadPhase() : "inline isn't handled correctly after floating reads phase";
if (receiverNullCheck && !((MethodCallTargetNode) invoke.callTarget()).isStatic()) {
ArrayList<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(inlineGraph.getNodes().count());
ArrayList<ReturnNode> returnNodes = new ArrayList<>(4);
ArrayList<Invoke> partialIntrinsicExits = new ArrayList<>();
UnwindNode unwindNode = null;
final StartNode entryPointNode = inlineGraph.start();
FixedNode firstCFGNode =;
if (firstCFGNode == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Inlined graph is in invalid state: " + inlineGraph);
for (Node node : inlineGraph.getNodes()) {
if (node == entryPointNode || (node == entryPointNode.stateAfter() && node.usages().count() == 1) || node instanceof ParameterNode) {
// Do nothing.
} else {
if (node instanceof ReturnNode) {
returnNodes.add((ReturnNode) node);
} else if (node instanceof Invoke) {
Invoke invokeInInlineGraph = (Invoke) node;
if (invokeInInlineGraph.bci() == BytecodeFrame.UNKNOWN_BCI) {
ResolvedJavaMethod target1 = inlineeMethod;
ResolvedJavaMethod target2 = invokeInInlineGraph.callTarget().targetMethod();
assert target1.equals(target2) : String.format("invoke in inlined method expected to be partial intrinsic exit (i.e., call to %s), not a call to %s", target1.format("%H.%n(%p)"), target2.format("%H.%n(%p)"));
} else if (node instanceof UnwindNode) {
assert unwindNode == null;
unwindNode = (UnwindNode) node;
final AbstractBeginNode prevBegin = AbstractBeginNode.prevBegin(invokeNode);
DuplicationReplacement localReplacement = new DuplicationReplacement() {
public Node replacement(Node node) {
if (node instanceof ParameterNode) {
return parameters.get(((ParameterNode) node).index());
} else if (node == entryPointNode) {
return prevBegin;
return node;
assert invokeNode.successors().first() != null : invoke;
assert invokeNode.predecessor() != null;
Mark mark = graph.getMark();
// Instead, attach the inlining log of the child graph to the current inlining log.
EconomicMap<Node, Node> duplicates;
try (InliningLog.UpdateScope scope = graph.getInliningLog().openDefaultUpdateScope()) {
duplicates = graph.addDuplicates(nodes, inlineGraph, inlineGraph.getNodeCount(), localReplacement);
if (scope != null) {
graph.getInliningLog().addDecision(invoke, true, reason, phase, duplicates, inlineGraph.getInliningLog());
FrameState stateAfter = invoke.stateAfter();
assert stateAfter == null || stateAfter.isAlive();
FrameState stateAtExceptionEdge = null;
if (invoke instanceof InvokeWithExceptionNode) {
InvokeWithExceptionNode invokeWithException = ((InvokeWithExceptionNode) invoke);
if (unwindNode != null) {
ExceptionObjectNode obj = (ExceptionObjectNode) invokeWithException.exceptionEdge();
stateAtExceptionEdge = obj.stateAfter();
updateSourcePositions(invoke, inlineGraph, duplicates, !Objects.equals(inlineGraph.method(), inlineeMethod), mark);
if (stateAfter != null) {
processFrameStates(invoke, inlineGraph, duplicates, stateAtExceptionEdge, returnNodes.size() > 1);
int callerLockDepth = stateAfter.nestedLockDepth();
if (callerLockDepth != 0) {
for (MonitorIdNode original : inlineGraph.getNodes(MonitorIdNode.TYPE)) {
MonitorIdNode monitor = (MonitorIdNode) duplicates.get(original);
processMonitorId(invoke.stateAfter(), monitor);
} else {
assert checkContainsOnlyInvalidOrAfterFrameState(duplicates);
firstCFGNode = (FixedNode) duplicates.get(firstCFGNode);
for (int i = 0; i < returnNodes.size(); i++) {
returnNodes.set(i, (ReturnNode) duplicates.get(returnNodes.get(i)));
for (Invoke exit : partialIntrinsicExits) {
// A partial intrinsic exit must be replaced with a call to
// the intrinsified method.
Invoke dup = (Invoke) duplicates.get(exit.asNode());
if (dup instanceof InvokeNode) {
InvokeNode repl = graph.add(new InvokeNode(invoke.callTarget(), invoke.bci()));
} else {
((InvokeWithExceptionNode) dup).replaceWithNewBci(invoke.bci());
if (unwindNode != null) {
unwindNode = (UnwindNode) duplicates.get(unwindNode);
finishInlining(invoke, graph, firstCFGNode, returnNodes, unwindNode, inlineGraph.getAssumptions(), inlineGraph);
return duplicates;