use of org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.calc.FloatingNode in project graal by oracle.
the class LoweringPhase method checkPostNodeLowering.
* Checks that lowering of a given node did not introduce any new {@link Lowerable} nodes that
* could be lowered in the current {@link LoweringPhase}. Such nodes must be recursively lowered
* as part of lowering {@code node}.
* @param node a node that was just lowered
* @param preLoweringMark the graph mark before {@code node} was lowered
* @param unscheduledUsages set of {@code node}'s usages that were unscheduled before it was
* lowered
* @throws AssertionError if the check fails
private static boolean checkPostNodeLowering(Node node, LoweringToolImpl loweringTool, Mark preLoweringMark, Collection<Node> unscheduledUsages) {
StructuredGraph graph = (StructuredGraph) node.graph();
Mark postLoweringMark = graph.getMark();
NodeIterable<Node> newNodesAfterLowering = graph.getNewNodes(preLoweringMark);
if (node instanceof FloatingNode) {
if (!unscheduledUsages.isEmpty()) {
for (Node n : newNodesAfterLowering) {
assert !(n instanceof FixedNode) : node.graph() + ": cannot lower floatable node " + node + " as it introduces fixed node(s) but has the following unscheduled usages: " + unscheduledUsages;
for (Node n : newNodesAfterLowering) {
if (n instanceof Lowerable) {
((Lowerable) n).lower(loweringTool);
Mark mark = graph.getMark();
assert postLoweringMark.equals(mark) : graph + ": lowering of " + node + " produced lowerable " + n + " that should have been recursively lowered as it introduces these new nodes: " + graph.getNewNodes(postLoweringMark).snapshot();
if (graph.isAfterFloatingReadPhase() && n instanceof MemoryCheckpoint && !(node instanceof MemoryCheckpoint) && !(node instanceof ControlSinkNode)) {
* The lowering introduced a MemoryCheckpoint but the current node isn't a
* checkpoint. This is only OK if the locations involved don't affect the memory
* graph or if the new kill location doesn't connect into the existing graph.
boolean isAny = false;
if (n instanceof MemoryCheckpoint.Single) {
isAny = ((MemoryCheckpoint.Single) n).getLocationIdentity().isAny();
} else {
for (LocationIdentity ident : ((MemoryCheckpoint.Multi) n).getLocationIdentities()) {
if (ident.isAny()) {
isAny = true;
if (isAny && n instanceof FixedWithNextNode) {
* Check if the next kill location leads directly to a ControlSinkNode in the
* new part of the graph. This is a fairly conservative test that could be made
* more general if required.
FixedWithNextNode cur = (FixedWithNextNode) n;
while (cur != null && graph.isNew(preLoweringMark, cur)) {
if ( instanceof ControlSinkNode) {
isAny = false;
if ( instanceof FixedWithNextNode) {
cur = (FixedWithNextNode);
} else {
assert !isAny : node + " " + n;
return true;