use of org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues in project graal by oracle.
the class Math_sqrt method run7.
public void run7() {
OptionValues options = getInitialOptions();
ResolvedJavaMethod method = getResolvedJavaMethod("test");
testManyValues(options, method);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues in project graal by oracle.
the class SubstrateAMD64Backend method newCompilationResultBuilder.
public CompilationResultBuilder newCompilationResultBuilder(LIRGenerationResult lirGenResult, FrameMap frameMap, CompilationResult compilationResult, CompilationResultBuilderFactory factory) {
Assembler masm = createAssembler(frameMap);
SharedMethod method = ((SubstrateLIRGenerationResult) lirGenResult).getMethod();
Deoptimizer.StubType stubType = method.getDeoptStubType();
DataBuilder dataBuilder = new SubstrateDataBuilder();
FrameContext frameContext;
if (stubType == Deoptimizer.StubType.EntryStub) {
frameContext = new DeoptEntryStubContext();
} else if (stubType == Deoptimizer.StubType.ExitStub) {
frameContext = new DeoptExitStubContext();
} else {
frameContext = new SubstrateAMD64FrameContext();
LIR lir = lirGenResult.getLIR();
OptionValues options = lir.getOptions();
DebugContext debug = lir.getDebug();
CompilationResultBuilder tasm = factory.createBuilder(getCodeCache(), getForeignCalls(), lirGenResult.getFrameMap(), masm, dataBuilder, frameContext, options, debug, compilationResult);
return tasm;
use of org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues in project graal by oracle.
the class NodeLIRBuilder method doBlock.
public void doBlock(Block block, StructuredGraph graph, BlockMap<List<Node>> blockMap) {
OptionValues options = graph.getOptions();
try (BlockScope blockScope = gen.getBlockScope(block)) {
if (block == gen.getResult().getLIR().getControlFlowGraph().getStartBlock()) {
assert block.getPredecessorCount() == 0;
} else {
assert block.getPredecessorCount() > 0;
// create phi-in value array
AbstractBeginNode begin = block.getBeginNode();
if (begin instanceof AbstractMergeNode) {
AbstractMergeNode merge = (AbstractMergeNode) begin;
LabelOp label = (LabelOp) gen.getResult().getLIR().getLIRforBlock(block).get(0);
if (Options.PrintIRWithLIR.getValue(options) && !TTY.isSuppressed()) {
TTY.println("Created PhiIn: " + label);
doBlockPrologue(block, options);
List<Node> nodes = blockMap.get(block);
// Allow NodeLIRBuilder subclass to specialize code generation of any interesting groups
// of instructions
boolean trace = traceLIRGeneratorLevel >= 3;
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
Node node = nodes.get(i);
if (node instanceof ValueNode) {
DebugContext debug = node.getDebug();
ValueNode valueNode = (ValueNode) node;
if (trace) {
TTY.println("LIRGen for " + valueNode);
Value operand = getOperand(valueNode);
if (operand == null) {
if (!peephole(valueNode)) {
try {
} catch (GraalError e) {
throw GraalGraphError.transformAndAddContext(e, valueNode);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new GraalGraphError(e).addContext(valueNode);
} else if (ComplexMatchValue.INTERIOR_MATCH.equals(operand)) {
// Doesn't need to be evaluated
debug.log("interior match for %s", valueNode);
} else if (operand instanceof ComplexMatchValue) {
debug.log("complex match for %s", valueNode);
ComplexMatchValue match = (ComplexMatchValue) operand;
operand = match.evaluate(this);
if (operand != null) {
setResult(valueNode, operand);
} else {
// There can be cases in which the result of an instruction is already set
// before by other instructions.
if (!gen.hasBlockEnd(block)) {
NodeIterable<Node> successors = block.getEndNode().successors();
assert successors.count() == block.getSuccessorCount();
if (block.getSuccessorCount() != 1) {
* If we have more than one successor, we cannot just use the first one. Since
* successors are unordered, this would be a random choice.
throw new GraalError("Block without BlockEndOp: " + block.getEndNode());
gen.emitJump(getLIRBlock((FixedNode) successors.first()));
assert verifyBlock(gen.getResult().getLIR(), block);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues in project graal by oracle.
the class InvokeGraal method compileAndInstallMethod.
* The simplest way to compile a method, using the default behavior for everything.
protected InstalledCode compileAndInstallMethod(ResolvedJavaMethod method) {
/* Create a unique compilation identifier, visible in IGV. */
CompilationIdentifier compilationId = backend.getCompilationIdentifier(method);
OptionValues options = getInitialOptions();
DebugContext debug = DebugContext.create(options, DebugHandlersFactory.LOADER);
try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("compileAndInstallMethod", new DebugDumpScope(String.valueOf(compilationId), true))) {
* The graph that is compiled. We leave it empty (no nodes added yet). This means that
* it will be filled according to the graphBuilderSuite defined below. We also specify
* that we want the compilation to make optimistic assumptions about runtime state such
* as the loaded class hierarchy.
StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph.Builder(options, debug, AllowAssumptions.YES).method(method).compilationId(compilationId).build();
* The phases used to build the graph. Usually this is just the GraphBuilderPhase. If
* the graph already contains nodes, it is ignored.
PhaseSuite<HighTierContext> graphBuilderSuite = backend.getSuites().getDefaultGraphBuilderSuite();
* The optimization phases that are applied to the graph. This is the main configuration
* point for Graal. Add or remove phases to customize your compilation.
Suites suites = backend.getSuites().getDefaultSuites(options);
* The low-level phases that are applied to the low-level representation.
LIRSuites lirSuites = backend.getSuites().getDefaultLIRSuites(options);
* We want Graal to perform all speculative optimistic optimizations, using the
* profiling information that comes with the method (collected by the interpreter) for
* speculation.
OptimisticOptimizations optimisticOpts = OptimisticOptimizations.ALL;
ProfilingInfo profilingInfo = graph.getProfilingInfo(method);
/* The default class and configuration for compilation results. */
CompilationResult compilationResult = new CompilationResult(graph.compilationId());
CompilationResultBuilderFactory factory = CompilationResultBuilderFactory.Default;
/* Invoke the whole Graal compilation pipeline. */
GraalCompiler.compileGraph(graph, method, providers, backend, graphBuilderSuite, optimisticOpts, profilingInfo, suites, lirSuites, compilationResult, factory);
* Install the compilation result into the VM, i.e., copy the byte[] array that contains
* the machine code into an actual executable memory location.
return backend.addInstalledCode(debug, method, asCompilationRequest(compilationId), compilationResult);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
throw debug.handle(ex);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.options.OptionValues in project graal by oracle.
the class DebugContextTest method testDisableIntercept.
public void testDisableIntercept() {
EconomicMap<OptionKey<?>, Object> map = EconomicMap.create();
// Configure with an option that enables scopes
map.put(DebugOptions.DumpOnError, true);
OptionValues options = new OptionValues(map);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DebugContext debug = DebugContext.create(options, NO_DESCRIPTION, NO_GLOBAL_METRIC_VALUES, new PrintStream(baos), DebugHandlersFactory.LOADER);
Exception e = new Exception();
try {
try (DebugCloseable disabled = debug.disableIntercept();
Scope s1 = debug.scope("ScopeWithDisabledIntercept")) {
try (Scope s2 = debug.scope("InnerScopeInheritsDisabledIntercept")) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
assert e == t;
} catch (Throwable t) {
// The exception object should propagate all the way out through
// an intercept disabled scope
Assert.assertEquals(e, t);
String logged = baos.toString();
Assert.assertEquals("Exception should not have been intercepted", "", logged);