use of org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.CanonicalizerPhase in project graal by oracle.
the class ShortCircuitOrNodeTest method testCascade.
public void testCascade() {
for (int i = 1; i <= 64; ++i) {
String snippet = "testCascadeSnippet" + i;
StructuredGraph graph = parseEager(snippet, AllowAssumptions.YES);
PhaseContext context = new PhaseContext(getProviders());
CanonicalizerPhase canonicalizer = new CanonicalizerPhase();
canonicalizer.apply(graph, context);
int shortCircuitCount = graph.getNodes(ShortCircuitOrNode.TYPE).count();
int trueCount = testInputCombinations(snippet);
if (trueCount % 2 == 0) {
// No ShortCircuitOrNode expected in the graph.
Assert.assertEquals(0, shortCircuitCount);
} else {
// Only a single ShortCircuitOrNode expected in the graph.
Assert.assertEquals(1, shortCircuitCount);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.CanonicalizerPhase in project graal by oracle.
the class IfNodeCanonicalizationTest method test.
public void test(String name, Class<? extends Node> expectedClass, int expectedCount) {
StructuredGraph graph = parseEager(name, AllowAssumptions.YES);
PhaseContext context = new PhaseContext(getProviders());
CanonicalizerPhase canonicalizer = new CanonicalizerPhase();
new ConvertDeoptimizeToGuardPhase().apply(graph, context);
canonicalizer.apply(graph, context);
// new DominatorConditionalEliminationPhase(true).apply(graph, context);
new IterativeConditionalEliminationPhase(canonicalizer, true).apply(graph, context);
canonicalizer.apply(graph, context);
canonicalizer.apply(graph, context);
Assert.assertEquals(expectedCount, graph.getNodes().filter(expectedClass).count());
use of org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.CanonicalizerPhase in project graal by oracle.
the class PartialEvaluationTest method removeFrameStates.
protected void removeFrameStates(StructuredGraph graph) {
for (FrameState frameState : graph.getNodes(FrameState.TYPE)) {
new CanonicalizerPhase().apply(graph, new PhaseContext(getProviders()));
new DeadCodeEliminationPhase().apply(graph);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.CanonicalizerPhase in project graal by oracle.
the class IntrinsifyMethodHandlesInvocationPlugin method processInvokeWithMethodHandle.
private void processInvokeWithMethodHandle(GraphBuilderContext b, BytecodeProvider bytecodeProvider, ResolvedJavaMethod methodHandleMethod, ValueNode[] methodHandleArguments) {
Plugins graphBuilderPlugins = new Plugins(((ReplacementsImpl) originalProviders.getReplacements()).getGraphBuilderPlugins());
registerInvocationPlugins(graphBuilderPlugins.getInvocationPlugins(), bytecodeProvider);
graphBuilderPlugins.prependParameterPlugin(new MethodHandlesParameterPlugin(methodHandleArguments));
graphBuilderPlugins.prependInlineInvokePlugin(new MethodHandlesInlineInvokePlugin());
graphBuilderPlugins.prependNodePlugin(new MethodHandlePlugin(originalProviders.getConstantReflection().getMethodHandleAccess(), false));
/* We do all the word type rewriting because parameters to the lambda can be word types. */
SnippetReflectionProvider originalSnippetReflection = GraalAccess.getOriginalSnippetReflection();
WordOperationPlugin wordOperationPlugin = new WordOperationPlugin(originalSnippetReflection, new WordTypes(originalProviders.getMetaAccess(), FrameAccess.getWordKind()));
graphBuilderPlugins.appendTypePlugin(new TrustedInterfaceTypePlugin());
GraphBuilderConfiguration graphBuilderConfig = GraphBuilderConfiguration.getSnippetDefault(graphBuilderPlugins);
GraphBuilderPhase.Instance graphBuilder = new GraphBuilderPhase.Instance(originalProviders.getMetaAccess(), originalProviders.getStampProvider(), originalProviders.getConstantReflection(), originalProviders.getConstantFieldProvider(), graphBuilderConfig, OptimisticOptimizations.NONE, null);
DebugContext debug = b.getDebug();
StructuredGraph graph = new StructuredGraph.Builder(b.getOptions(), debug).method(toOriginal(methodHandleMethod)).build();
try (DebugContext.Scope s = debug.scope("IntrinsifyMethodHandles", graph)) {
* We do not care about the improved type information from Pi nodes, so we just delete
* them to simplify our graph.
for (PiNode pi : graph.getNodes(PiNode.TYPE)) {
* Support for MethodHandle that adapt the input type to a more generic type, i.e., a
* MethodHandle that does a dynamic type check on a parameter.
for (UnaryOpLogicNode node : graph.getNodes().filter(UnaryOpLogicNode.class).filter(v -> v instanceof IsNullNode || v instanceof InstanceOfNode)) {
ValueNode value = node.getValue();
if (value instanceof ParameterNode) {
* We just assume that the InstanceOfNode or IsNullNode are used in an If and
* the true-successor is actually the branch we want. If that assumption is
* wrong, nothing bad happens - we will just continue to report the invocation
* as unsupported because the updated stamp for the parameter will not simplify
* the graph.
if (node instanceof InstanceOfNode) {
InstanceOfNode inst = (InstanceOfNode) node;
TypeReference typeRef = inst.type();
value.setStamp(new ObjectStamp(typeRef.getType(), typeRef.isExact(), !inst.allowsNull(), false));
} else {
assert node instanceof IsNullNode;
ResolvedJavaType type = value.stamp(NodeView.DEFAULT).javaType(originalProviders.getMetaAccess());
value.setStamp(new ObjectStamp(type, false, /* non-null */
true, false));
* The canonicalizer converts unsafe field accesses for get/set method handles back to
* high-level field load and store nodes.
new CanonicalizerPhase().apply(graph, new PhaseContext(originalProviders));
for (FixedGuardNode guard : graph.getNodes(FixedGuardNode.TYPE)) {
if ( instanceof AccessFieldNode && guard.condition() instanceof IsNullNode && guard.isNegated() && ((IsNullNode) guard.condition()).getValue() == ((AccessFieldNode) {
* Method handles to load and stores fields have null checks. Remove them, since
* the null check is implicitly done by the field access.
debug.dump(DebugContext.VERY_DETAILED_LEVEL, graph, "Final intrinisfication graph");
* After parsing (and recursive inlining during parsing), the graph must contain only
* one invocation (and therefore only one MethodCallTargetNode), plus the parameters,
* constants, start, and return nodes.
Node singleFunctionality = null;
ReturnNode singleReturn = null;
for (Node node : graph.getNodes()) {
if (node == graph.start() || node instanceof ParameterNode || node instanceof ConstantNode || node instanceof FrameState) {
/* Ignore the allowed framework around the nodes we care about. */
} else if (node instanceof Invoke) {
/* We check the MethodCallTargetNode, so we can ignore the invoke. */
} else if ((node instanceof MethodCallTargetNode || node instanceof LoadFieldNode || node instanceof StoreFieldNode) && singleFunctionality == null) {
singleFunctionality = node;
} else if (node instanceof ReturnNode && singleReturn == null) {
singleReturn = (ReturnNode) node;
throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Invoke with MethodHandle argument could not be reduced to at most a single call: " + methodHandleMethod.format("%H.%n(%p)"));
if (singleFunctionality instanceof MethodCallTargetNode) {
MethodCallTargetNode singleCallTarget = (MethodCallTargetNode) singleFunctionality;
assert singleReturn.result() == null || singleReturn.result() == singleCallTarget.invoke();
* Replace the originalTarget with the replacementTarget. Note that the
* replacementTarget node belongs to a different graph than originalTarget, so we
* need to match parameter back to the original graph and allocate a new
* MethodCallTargetNode for the original graph.
ValueNode[] replacedArguments = new ValueNode[singleCallTarget.arguments().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < replacedArguments.length; i++) {
replacedArguments[i] = lookup(b, methodHandleArguments, singleCallTarget.arguments().get(i));
b.handleReplacedInvoke(singleCallTarget.invokeKind(), lookup(singleCallTarget.targetMethod()), replacedArguments, false);
} else if (singleFunctionality instanceof LoadFieldNode) {
LoadFieldNode fieldLoad = (LoadFieldNode) singleFunctionality;
b.addPush(b.getInvokeReturnType().getJavaKind(), LoadFieldNode.create(null, lookup(b, methodHandleArguments, fieldLoad.object()), lookup(fieldLoad.field())));
} else if (singleFunctionality instanceof StoreFieldNode) {
StoreFieldNode fieldStore = (StoreFieldNode) singleFunctionality;
b.add(new StoreFieldNode(lookup(b, methodHandleArguments, fieldStore.object()), lookup(fieldStore.field()), lookup(b, methodHandleArguments, fieldStore.value())));
} else if (singleReturn.result() != null) {
/* Replace the invocation with he constant result. */
JavaConstant constantResult = singleReturn.result().asJavaConstant();
assert b.getInvokeReturnType().getJavaKind() == constantResult.getJavaKind();
b.addPush(constantResult.getJavaKind(), ConstantNode.forConstant(lookup(constantResult), universeProviders.getMetaAccess()));
} else {
/* No invoke and no return value, so nothing to do. */
assert b.getInvokeReturnType().getJavaKind() == JavaKind.Void;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
throw debug.handle(ex);
use of org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.CanonicalizerPhase in project graal by oracle.
the class LoopPhiCanonicalizerTest method test.
public void test() {
StructuredGraph graph = parseEager("loopSnippet", AllowAssumptions.YES);
NodePredicate loopPhis = node -> node instanceof PhiNode && ((PhiNode) node).merge() instanceof LoopBeginNode;
PhaseContext context = new PhaseContext(getProviders());
Assert.assertEquals(5, graph.getNodes().filter(loopPhis).count());
new CanonicalizerPhase().apply(graph, context);
Assert.assertEquals(2, graph.getNodes().filter(loopPhis).count());