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Example 16 with Word

use of org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word in project graal by oracle.

the class PosixIsolates method create.

@Uninterruptible(reason = "Thread state not yet set up.")
public static int create(WordPointer isolatePointer, @SuppressWarnings("unused") CEntryPointCreateIsolateParameters parameters) {
    if (!SubstrateOptions.SpawnIsolates.getValue()) {
        return Errors.NO_ERROR;
    Word begin = IMAGE_HEAP_BEGIN.get();
    Word size = IMAGE_HEAP_END.get().subtract(begin);
         * Request an anonymous memory mapping for this isolate's clone of the image heap. The start
         * address of that mapping becomes the isolate's heap base address. We want extra heap
         * chunks that we allocate later to be at a higher address than the heap base so that we can
         * safely consider the base-relative offsets to be unsigned. Therefore, we request the
         * lowest non-zero multiple of the page size as this mapping's address. However, that
         * request is only a hint unless we use MAP_FIXED, which makes things much more complex on
         * our end. Observations:
         * - Without a hint to mmap(), anonymous mappings on Linux 4.4 (openSUSE) on x86_64 are
         * created just before the mapped shared objects, and subsequent mappings are assigned
         * decreasing addresses. However, specifying sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) as a hint for the first
         * mapping reproducingly places it at a very low address, even before the loaded executable.
         * Therefore, it seems that a number of isolates can be reliably created with their image
         * heap clones at low addresses and with allocated heap chunks at higher addresses.
         * - On Darwin 13.4, anonymous mappings are created after the mapped executable (and some
         * malloc regions in between). Subsequent mappings are assigned increasing addresses that
         * are close to each other. Specifying hints does not have a noticeable effect. Unmapping a
         * mapping makes its address space immediately reusable. Due to the increasing addresses, a
         * single isolate's heap can be safely created. However, because of the address space reuse,
         * a heap chunk of an isolate can be allocated at a lower address than its heap base when
         * another isolate unmaps a chunk at that location.
    long pageSize = Unistd.NoTransitions.sysconf(Unistd._SC_PAGE_SIZE());
    Pointer heap = Mman.NoTransitions.mmap(Word.pointer(pageSize), size, PROT_READ() | PROT_WRITE(), MAP_ANON() | MAP_PRIVATE(), -1, 0);
    if (heap.equal(MAP_FAILED())) {
        return Errors.HEAP_CLONE_FAILED;
    LibC.memcpy(heap, begin, size);
    return Errors.NO_ERROR;
Also used : Word(org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word) WordPointer(org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.WordPointer) Pointer(org.graalvm.word.Pointer) Uninterruptible(

Example 17 with Word

use of org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word in project graal by oracle.

the class PosixIsolates method tearDownCurrent.

@Uninterruptible(reason = "Tear-down in progress.")
public static int tearDownCurrent() {
    if (SubstrateOptions.SpawnIsolates.getValue()) {
        PointerBase heapBase = getHeapBase(CEntryPointContext.getCurrentIsolate());
        Word size = IMAGE_HEAP_END.get().subtract(IMAGE_HEAP_BEGIN.get());
        if (Mman.NoTransitions.munmap(heapBase, size) != 0) {
            return Errors.UNSPECIFIED;
    return Errors.NO_ERROR;
Also used : Word(org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word) PointerBase(org.graalvm.word.PointerBase) Uninterruptible(

Example 18 with Word

use of org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word in project graal by oracle.

the class HotSpotUnsafeSubstitutions method copyMemory.

@MethodSubstitution(isStatic = false)
static void copyMemory(Object receiver, Object srcBase, long srcOffset, Object destBase, long destOffset, long bytes) {
    Word srcAddr = WordFactory.unsigned(ComputeObjectAddressNode.get(srcBase, srcOffset));
    Word dstAddr = WordFactory.unsigned(ComputeObjectAddressNode.get(destBase, destOffset));
    Word size = Word.signed(bytes);
    HotSpotBackend.unsafeArraycopy(srcAddr, dstAddr, size);
Also used : Word(org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word) MethodSubstitution(org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.MethodSubstitution)

Example 19 with Word

use of org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word in project graal by oracle.

the class Deoptimizer method readConstant.

private static JavaConstant readConstant(Pointer addr, SignedWord offset, JavaKind kind, boolean compressed) {
    switch(kind) {
        case Boolean:
            return JavaConstant.forBoolean(addr.readByte(offset) != 0);
        case Byte:
            return JavaConstant.forByte(addr.readByte(offset));
        case Char:
            return JavaConstant.forChar(addr.readChar(offset));
        case Short:
            return JavaConstant.forShort(addr.readShort(offset));
        case Int:
            return JavaConstant.forInt(addr.readInt(offset));
        case Long:
            return JavaConstant.forLong(addr.readLong(offset));
        case Float:
            return JavaConstant.forFloat(addr.readFloat(offset));
        case Double:
            return JavaConstant.forDouble(addr.readDouble(offset));
        case Object:
            Word p = ((Word) addr).add(offset);
            Object obj = ReferenceAccess.singleton().readObjectAt(p, compressed);
            return SubstrateObjectConstant.forObject(obj, compressed);
            throw VMError.shouldNotReachHere();
Also used : SignedWord(org.graalvm.word.SignedWord) Word(org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word) UnsignedWord(org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord)

Example 20 with Word

use of org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word in project graal by oracle.

the class NewArrayStub method newArray.

 * Re-attempts allocation after an initial TLAB allocation failed or was skipped (e.g., due to
 * -XX:-UseTLAB).
 * @param hub the hub of the object to be allocated
 * @param length the length of the array
 * @param fillContents Should the array be filled with zeroes?
 * @param intArrayHub the hub for {@code int[].class}
private static Object newArray(KlassPointer hub, int length, boolean fillContents, @ConstantParameter KlassPointer intArrayHub, @ConstantParameter Register threadRegister, @ConstantParameter OptionValues options) {
    int layoutHelper = readLayoutHelper(hub);
    int log2ElementSize = (layoutHelper >> layoutHelperLog2ElementSizeShift(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)) & layoutHelperLog2ElementSizeMask(INJECTED_VMCONFIG);
    int headerSize = (layoutHelper >> layoutHelperHeaderSizeShift(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)) & layoutHelperHeaderSizeMask(INJECTED_VMCONFIG);
    int elementKind = (layoutHelper >> layoutHelperElementTypeShift(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)) & layoutHelperElementTypeMask(INJECTED_VMCONFIG);
    int sizeInBytes = arrayAllocationSize(length, headerSize, log2ElementSize);
    if (logging(options)) {
        printf("newArray: element kind %d\n", elementKind);
        printf("newArray: array length %d\n", length);
        printf("newArray: array size %d\n", sizeInBytes);
        printf("newArray: hub=%p\n", hub.asWord().rawValue());
    // check that array length is small enough for fast path.
    Word thread = registerAsWord(threadRegister);
    boolean inlineContiguousAllocationSupported = GraalHotSpotVMConfigNode.inlineContiguousAllocationSupported();
    if (inlineContiguousAllocationSupported && !useCMSIncrementalMode(INJECTED_VMCONFIG) && length >= 0 && length <= MAX_ARRAY_FAST_PATH_ALLOCATION_LENGTH) {
        Word memory = refillAllocate(thread, intArrayHub, sizeInBytes, logging(options));
        if (memory.notEqual(0)) {
            if (logging(options)) {
                printf("newArray: allocated new array at %p\n", memory.rawValue());
            return verifyObject(formatArray(hub, sizeInBytes, length, headerSize, memory, WordFactory.unsigned(arrayPrototypeMarkWord(INJECTED_VMCONFIG)), fillContents, false, null));
    if (logging(options)) {
        printf("newArray: calling new_array_c\n");
    newArrayC(NEW_ARRAY_C, thread, hub, length);
    handlePendingException(thread, true);
    return verifyObject(getAndClearObjectResult(thread));
Also used : Word(org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word) HotSpotReplacementsUtil.arrayPrototypeMarkWord(org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.replacements.HotSpotReplacementsUtil.arrayPrototypeMarkWord) HotSpotReplacementsUtil.registerAsWord(org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.replacements.HotSpotReplacementsUtil.registerAsWord) Snippet(org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Snippet)


Word (org.graalvm.compiler.word.Word)53 HotSpotReplacementsUtil.registerAsWord (org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.replacements.HotSpotReplacementsUtil.registerAsWord)32 Snippet (org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.Snippet)22 Pointer (org.graalvm.word.Pointer)12 UnsignedWord (org.graalvm.word.UnsignedWord)7 MethodSubstitution (org.graalvm.compiler.api.replacements.MethodSubstitution)5 KlassPointer (org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.word.KlassPointer)5 HotSpotReplacementsUtil.tlabIntArrayMarkWord (org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.replacements.HotSpotReplacementsUtil.tlabIntArrayMarkWord)4 Uninterruptible ( HotSpotReplacementsUtil.loadKlassFromObject (org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.replacements.HotSpotReplacementsUtil.loadKlassFromObject)2 SignedWord (org.graalvm.word.SignedWord)2 Substitute ( SubstrateObjectConstant ( Pwd.passwd ( Pwd.passwdPointer ( PrimitiveConstant ( HotSpotReplacementsUtil.arrayPrototypeMarkWord (org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot.replacements.HotSpotReplacementsUtil.arrayPrototypeMarkWord)1 GuardingNode (org.graalvm.compiler.nodes.extended.GuardingNode)1 Isolate (org.graalvm.nativeimage.Isolate)1 PinnedObject (org.graalvm.nativeimage.PinnedObject)1