use of org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CIntPointer in project graal by oracle.
the class JavaNetNetworkInterface method addif.
* Translated from jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/NetworkInterface.c?v=Java_1.8.0_40_b10
// 881 netif *addif(JNIEnv *env, int sock, const char * if_name,
// 882 netif *ifs, struct sockaddr* ifr_addrP, int family,
// 883 short prefix)
// 884 {
public static netif addif(int sock, CCharPointer if_name, netif ifsParameter, Socket.sockaddr ifr_addrP, int family, short prefix) {
/* Work around "The parameter ifs should not be assigned" warning. */
netif ifs = ifsParameter;
/* Prepare for platform-specific code. */
final PlatformSupport platformSupport = ImageSingletons.lookup(JavaNetNetworkInterface.PlatformSupport.class);
// 885 netif *currif = ifs, *parent;
netif currif;
currif = ifs;
netif parent;
// 886 netaddr *addrP;
netaddr addrP;
// 887
// 888 #ifdef LIFNAMSIZ
/* LIFNAMSIZ is not defined on Linux or Darwin. */
// 889 int ifnam_size = LIFNAMSIZ;
// 890 char name[LIFNAMSIZ], vname[LIFNAMSIZ];
// 891 #else
// 892 int ifnam_size = IFNAMSIZ;
int ifnam_size = NetIf.IFNAMSIZ();
// 893 char name[IFNAMSIZ], vname[IFNAMSIZ];
CCharPointer name = StackValue.get(NetIf.IFNAMSIZ(), SizeOf.get(CCharPointer.class));
CCharPointer vname = StackValue.get(NetIf.IFNAMSIZ(), SizeOf.get(CCharPointer.class));
// 894 #endif
// 895
// 896 char *name_colonP;
CCharPointer name_colonP;
// 897 int mask;
int mask;
// 898 int isVirtual = 0;
int isVirtual = 0;
// 899 int addr_size;
int addr_size;
// 900 int flags = 0;
CIntPointer flags_Pointer = StackValue.get(SizeOf.get(CIntPointer.class));
// 901
// 902 /*
// 903 * If the interface name is a logical interface then we
// 904 * remove the unit number so that we have the physical
// 905 * interface (eg: hme0:1 -> hme0). NetworkInterface
// 906 * currently doesn't have any concept of physical vs.
// 907 * logical interfaces.
// 908 */
// 909 strncpy(name, if_name, ifnam_size);
LibC.strncpy(name, if_name, WordFactory.unsigned(ifnam_size));
// 910 name[ifnam_size - 1] = '\0';
name.write(ifnam_size - 1, (byte) 0);
// 911 *vname = 0;
vname.write(0, (byte) 0);
// 919 #ifdef AF_INET6
if (IsDefined.socket_AF_INET6()) {
// 920 addr_size = (family == AF_INET) ? sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) : sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
addr_size = (family == Socket.AF_INET()) ? SizeOf.get(NetinetIn.sockaddr_in.class) : SizeOf.get(NetinetIn.sockaddr_in6.class);
// 921 #else
} else {
// 922 addr_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
addr_size = SizeOf.get(NetinetIn.sockaddr_in.class);
// 923 #endif
// 924
// 925 CHECKED_MALLOC3(addrP, netaddr *, sizeof(netaddr)+2*addr_size);
addrP = netaddr.checked_malloc(addr_size);
// 926 addrP->addr = (struct sockaddr *)( (char *) addrP+sizeof(netaddr) );
addrP.addr = addrP.addrSpace;
// 927 memcpy(addrP->addr, ifr_addrP, addr_size);
LibC.memcpy(addrP.addr, ifr_addrP, Word.unsigned(addr_size));
// 928
// 929 addrP->family = family; = family;
// 930 addrP->brdcast = NULL;
addrP.brdcast = WordFactory.nullPointer();
// 931 addrP->mask = prefix;
addrP.mask = prefix;
// 932 addrP->next = 0; = null;
// 933 if (family == AF_INET) {
if (family == Socket.AF_INET()) {
// 934 // Deal with broadcast addr & subnet mask
// 935 struct sockaddr * brdcast_to = (struct sockaddr *) ((char *) addrP + sizeof(netaddr) + addr_size);
Socket.sockaddr brdcast_to = addrP.brdcastSpace;
// 936 addrP->brdcast = getBroadcast(env, sock, name, brdcast_to );
try {
addrP.brdcast = platformSupport.getBroadcast(sock, name, brdcast_to);
// 937 if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env) == JNI_TRUE) {
} catch (SocketException se) {
// 938 return ifs;
return ifs;
// 940 if ((mask = getSubnet(env, sock, name)) != -1) {
try {
if ((mask = platformSupport.getSubnet(sock, name)) != -1) {
// 941 addrP->mask = mask;
addrP.mask = (short) mask;
// 942 } else if((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
} catch (SocketException se) {
// 943 return ifs;
return ifs;
// 946
// 947 /**
// 948 * Deal with virtual interface with colon notation e.g. eth0:1
// 949 */
// 950 name_colonP = strchr(name, ':');
name_colonP = LibC.strchr(name, ':');
// 951 if (name_colonP != NULL) {
if (name_colonP.isNonNull()) {
// 952 /**
// 953 * This is a virtual interface. If we are able to access the parent
// 954 * we need to create a new entry if it doesn't exist yet *and* update
// 955 * the 'parent' interface with the new records.
// 956 */
// 957 *name_colonP = 0;
name_colonP.write((byte) 0);
// 958 if (getFlags(sock, name, &flags) < 0 || flags < 0) {
if (platformSupport.getFlags(sock, name, flags_Pointer) < 0 | < 0) {
// 959 // failed to access parent interface do not create parent.
// 960 // We are a virtual interface with no parent.
// 961 isVirtual = 1;
isVirtual = 1;
// 962 *name_colonP = ':';
name_colonP.write((byte) ':');
} else {
// 965 // Got access to parent, so create it if necessary.
// 966 // Save original name to vname and truncate name by ':'
// 967 memcpy(vname, name, sizeof(vname) );
LibC.memcpy(vname, name, Word.unsigned(ifnam_size));
// 968 vname[name_colonP - name] = ':';
vname.write((int) PointerUtils.absoluteDifference(name_colonP, name).rawValue(), (byte) ':');
// 977 while (currif != NULL) {
while (currif != null) {
// 978 if (strcmp(name, currif->name) == 0) {
if (LibC.strcmp(name, == 0) {
// 979 break;
// 981 currif = currif->next;
currif =;
// 988 if (currif == NULL) {
if (currif == null) {
// 989 CHECKED_MALLOC3(currif, netif *, sizeof(netif) + ifnam_size);
currif = netif.checked_malloc(ifnam_size);
// 990 currif->name = (char *) currif+sizeof(netif);
/* Done as part of the checked_malloc. */
// 991 strncpy(currif->name, name, ifnam_size);
LibC.strncpy(, name, Word.unsigned(ifnam_size));
// 992 currif->name[ifnam_size - 1] = '\0'; - 1, (byte) 0);
// 993 currif->index = getIndex(sock, name);
currif.index = platformSupport.getIndex(sock, name);
// 994 currif->addr = NULL;
currif.addr = null;
// 995 currif->childs = NULL;
currif.addr = null;
// 996 currif->virtual = isVirtual;
currif.virtual = (byte) isVirtual;
// 997 currif->next = ifs; = ifs;
// 998 ifs = currif;
ifs = currif;
// 1000
// 1001 /*
// 1002 * Finally insert the address on the interface
// 1003 */
// 1004 addrP->next = currif->addr; = currif.addr;
// 1005 currif->addr = addrP;
currif.addr = addrP;
// 1006
// 1007 parent = currif;
parent = currif;
// 1012 if (vname[0]) {
if (CTypeConversion.toBoolean( {
// 1013 netaddr *tmpaddr;
netaddr tmpaddr;
// 1014
// 1015 currif = parent->childs;
currif = parent.childs;
// 1017 while (currif != NULL) {
while (currif != null) {
// 1018 if (strcmp(vname, currif->name) == 0) {
if (LibC.strcmp(vname, == 0) {
// 1019 break;
// 1021 currif = currif->next;
currif =;
// 1024 if (currif == NULL) {
if (currif == null) {
// 1025 CHECKED_MALLOC3(currif, netif *, sizeof(netif) + ifnam_size);
/* Translating as two separate allocations, one Java one C. */
currif = new netif();
CCharPointer currifName = LibC.malloc(Word.unsigned(ifnam_size));
// 1026 currif->name = (char *) currif + sizeof(netif); = currifName;
// 1027 strncpy(currif->name, vname, ifnam_size);
LibC.strncpy(, vname, Word.unsigned(ifnam_size));
// 1028 currif->name[ifnam_size - 1] = '\0'; - 1, (byte) 0);
// 1029 currif->index = getIndex(sock, vname);
currif.index = platformSupport.getIndex(sock, vname);
// 1030 currif->addr = NULL;
currif.addr = null;
// 1031 /* Need to duplicate the addr entry? */
// 1032 currif->virtual = 1;
currif.virtual = (byte) 1;
// 1033 currif->childs = NULL;
currif.childs = null;
// 1034 currif->next = parent->childs; = parent.childs;
// 1035 parent->childs = currif;
parent.childs = currif;
// 1037
// 1038 CHECKED_MALLOC3(tmpaddr, netaddr *, sizeof(netaddr)+2*addr_size);
/* Allocate a populated netaddr, and free and null the sockaddrs */
tmpaddr = netaddr.checked_malloc(addr_size);
// 1039 memcpy(tmpaddr, addrP, sizeof(netaddr));
// 1040 if (addrP->addr != NULL) {
if (addrP.addr.isNonNull()) {
// 1041 tmpaddr->addr = (struct sockaddr *) ( (char*)tmpaddr + sizeof(netaddr) ) ;
// 1042 memcpy(tmpaddr->addr, addrP->addr, addr_size);
LibC.memcpy(tmpaddr.addr, addrP.addr, Word.unsigned(addr_size));
} else {;
tmpaddr.addr = WordFactory.nullPointer();
// 1045 if (addrP->brdcast != NULL) {
if (addrP.brdcast.isNonNull()) {
// 1046 tmpaddr->brdcast = (struct sockaddr *) ((char *) tmpaddr + sizeof(netaddr)+addr_size);
// 1047 memcpy(tmpaddr->brdcast, addrP->brdcast, addr_size);
LibC.memcpy(tmpaddr.brdcast, addrP.brdcast, Word.unsigned(addr_size));
} else {;
tmpaddr.brdcast = WordFactory.nullPointer();
// 1049
// 1050 tmpaddr->next = currif->addr; = currif.addr;
// 1051 currif->addr = tmpaddr;
currif.addr = tmpaddr;
// 1054 return ifs;
return ifs;
use of org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CIntPointer in project graal by oracle.
the class DarwinExecutableName method apply.
* This implementation of {@link CompilerCommandPlugin#apply(Object[])} does not use the
* arguments, and returns a String, possibly null.
public Object apply(Object[] args) {
/* Find out how long the executable path is. */
final CIntPointer sizePointer = StackValue.get(SizeOf.get(CIntPointer.class));
if (DarwinDyld._NSGetExecutablePath(WordFactory.nullPointer(), sizePointer) != -1) {
VMError.shouldNotReachHere("DarwinExecutableName.getExecutableName: Executable path length is 0?");
/* Allocate a correctly-sized buffer and ask again. */
final byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[];
try (PinnedObject pinnedBuffer = PinnedObject.create(byteBuffer)) {
final CCharPointer bufferPointer = pinnedBuffer.addressOfArrayElement(0);
if (DarwinDyld._NSGetExecutablePath(bufferPointer, sizePointer) == -1) {
/* Failure to find executable path. */
return null;
final String executableString = CTypeConversion.toJavaString(bufferPointer);
final String result = realpath(executableString);
return result;
use of org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CIntPointer in project graal by oracle.
the class JavavmExportJvm method JVM_GetSockOpt.
// 3825 JVM_LEAF(jint, JVM_GetSockOpt(jint fd, int level, int optname, char *optval, int *optlen))
static int JVM_GetSockOpt(int fd, int level, int optname, CCharPointer optval, CIntPointer optlen) {
// 3826 JVMWrapper2("JVM_GetSockOpt (0x%x)", fd);
// 3827 //%note jvm_r6
/* typedef u_int socklen_t; */
// 3828 socklen_t socklen = (socklen_t)(*optlen);
CIntPointer socklen_Pointer = StackValue.get(SizeOf.get(CIntPointer.class));
// 3829 jint result = os::get_sock_opt(fd, level, optname, optval, &socklen);
int result = Socket.getsockopt(fd, level, optname, optval, optlen);
// 3830 *optlen = (int)socklen;
// 3831 return result;
return result;
// 3832 JVM_END /* @formatter:on */
use of org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CIntPointer in project graal by oracle.
the class JavavmExportJvm method NET_GetSockOpt.
/* @formatter:on */
/* Do not re-wrap commented-out code. @formatter:off */
// 1195 /*
// 1196 * Wrapper for getsockopt system routine - does any necessary
// 1197 * pre/post processing to deal with OS specific oddities :-
// 1198 *
// 1199 * IP_TOS is a no-op with IPv6 sockets as it's setup when
// 1200 * the connection is established.
// 1201 *
// 1202 * On Linux the SO_SNDBUF/SO_RCVBUF values must be post-processed
// 1203 * to compensate for an incorrect value returned by the kernel.
// 1204 */
// 1205 int
// 1206 NET_GetSockOpt(int fd, int level, int opt, void *result,
// 1207 int *len)
// 1208 {
static int NET_GetSockOpt(int fd, int level, int opt, PointerBase result_Pointer, CIntPointer len_Pointer) {
// 1209 int rv;
int rv;
// 1211 #ifdef AF_INET6
if (IsDefined.socket_AF_INET6()) {
// 1212 if ((level == IPPROTO_IP) && (opt == IP_TOS)) {
if ((level == NetinetIn.IPPROTO_IP()) && (opt == NetinetIn.IP_TOS())) {
// 1213 if (ipv6_available()) {
if (JavaNetNetUtil.ipv6_available()) {
// 1214
// 1215 /*
// 1216 * For IPv6 socket option implemented at Java-level
// 1217 * so return -1.
// 1218 */
// 1219 int *tc = (int *)result;
// 1220 *tc = -1;
CIntPointer tc = (CIntPointer) result_Pointer;
// 1221 return 0;
return 0;
// 1226 #ifdef __solaris__
if (IsDefined.__solaris__()) {
// 1227 rv = getsockopt(fd, level, opt, result, len);
rv = Socket.getsockopt(fd, level, opt, result_Pointer, len_Pointer);
// 1228 #else
} else {
// 1230 socklen_t socklen = *len;
CIntPointer socklen_Pointer = StackValue.get(SizeOf.get(CIntPointer.class));
// 1231 rv = getsockopt(fd, level, opt, result, &socklen);
rv = Socket.getsockopt(fd, level, opt, result_Pointer, socklen_Pointer);
// 1232 *len = socklen;
// 1236 if (rv < 0) {
if (rv < 0) {
// 1237 return rv;
return rv;
// 1240 #ifdef __linux__
if (IsDefined.__linux__()) {
// 1247 || (opt == SO_RCVBUF))) {
if ((level == Socket.SOL_SOCKET()) && ((opt == Socket.SO_SNDBUF()) || (opt == Socket.SO_RCVBUF()))) {
// 1248 int n = *((int *)result);
int n = ((CIntPointer) result_Pointer).read();
// 1249 n /= 2;
n /= 2;
// 1250 *((int *)result) = n;
((CIntPointer) result_Pointer).write(n);
// 1257 #ifdef MACOSX
if (IsDefined.MACOSX()) {
// 1258 if (level == SOL_SOCKET && opt == SO_LINGER) {
if (level == Socket.SOL_SOCKET() && opt == Socket.SO_LINGER()) {
// 1259 struct linger* to_cast = (struct linger*)result;
Socket.linger to_cast = (Socket.linger) result_Pointer;
// 1260 to_cast->l_linger = (unsigned short)to_cast->l_linger;
to_cast.set_l_linger(to_cast.l_linger() & 0xFF);
// 1263 return rv;
return rv;
use of org.graalvm.nativeimage.c.type.CIntPointer in project graal by oracle.
the class JavavmExportJvm method JVM_Accept.
// 3781 JVM_LEAF(jint, JVM_Accept(jint fd, struct sockaddr *him, jint *len))
static int JVM_Accept(int fd, Socket.sockaddr him, CIntPointer len_Pointer) {
// 3782 JVMWrapper2("JVM_Accept (0x%x)", fd);
// 3783 //%note jvm_r6
// 3784 socklen_t socklen = (socklen_t)(*len);
CIntPointer socklen_Pointer = StackValue.get(SizeOf.get(CIntPointer.class));
// 3785 jint result = os::accept(fd, him, &socklen);
int result = Socket.accept(fd, him, socklen_Pointer);
// 3786 *len = (jint)socklen;
// 3787 return result;
return result;
// 3788 JVM_END