use of in project crate by crate.
the class ESIntegTestCase method waitNoPendingTasksOnAll.
* Waits until all nodes have no pending tasks.
public void waitNoPendingTasksOnAll() throws Exception {
assertBusy(() -> {
for (Client client : clients()) {
ClusterHealthResponse clusterHealth = client.admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setLocal(true).get();
assertThat("client " + client + " still has in flight fetch", clusterHealth.getNumberOfInFlightFetch(), equalTo(0));
PendingClusterTasksResponse pendingTasks = client.admin().cluster().preparePendingClusterTasks().setLocal(true).get();
assertThat("client " + client + " still has pending tasks " + pendingTasks, pendingTasks, Matchers.emptyIterable());
clusterHealth = client.admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setLocal(true).get();
assertThat("client " + client + " still has in flight fetch", clusterHealth.getNumberOfInFlightFetch(), equalTo(0));
use of in project crate by crate.
the class ESIntegTestCase method ensureStableCluster.
protected void ensureStableCluster(int nodeCount, TimeValue timeValue, boolean local, @Nullable String viaNode) {
if (viaNode == null) {
viaNode = randomFrom(internalCluster().getNodeNames());
logger.debug("ensuring cluster is stable with [{}] nodes. access node: [{}]. timeout: [{}]", nodeCount, viaNode, timeValue);
ClusterHealthResponse clusterHealthResponse = client(viaNode).admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForEvents(Priority.LANGUID).setWaitForNodes(Integer.toString(nodeCount)).setTimeout(timeValue).setLocal(local).setWaitForNoRelocatingShards(true).get();
if (clusterHealthResponse.isTimedOut()) {
ClusterStateResponse stateResponse = client(viaNode).admin().cluster().prepareState().get();
fail("failed to reach a stable cluster of [" + nodeCount + "] nodes. Tried via [" + viaNode + "]. last cluster state:\n" + stateResponse.getState());
assertThat(clusterHealthResponse.isTimedOut(), is(false));
use of in project crate by crate.
the class IndexRecoveryIT method testTransientErrorsDuringRecoveryAreRetried.
public void testTransientErrorsDuringRecoveryAreRetried() throws Exception {
final String indexName = "test";
final Settings nodeSettings = Settings.builder().put(RecoverySettings.INDICES_RECOVERY_RETRY_DELAY_NETWORK_SETTING.getKey(), "100ms").put(NodeConnectionsService.CLUSTER_NODE_RECONNECT_INTERVAL_SETTING.getKey(), "500ms").put(RecoverySettings.INDICES_RECOVERY_INTERNAL_ACTION_TIMEOUT_SETTING.getKey(), "10s").build();
// start a master node
final String blueNodeName = internalCluster().startNode(Settings.builder().put("node.attr.color", "blue").put(nodeSettings).build());
final String redNodeName = internalCluster().startNode(Settings.builder().put("node.attr.color", "red").put(nodeSettings).build());
ClusterHealthResponse response = client().admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForNodes(">=3").get();
assertThat(response.isTimedOut(), is(false));
execute("CREATE TABLE doc." + indexName + " (id int) CLUSTERED INTO 1 SHARDS " + "WITH (" + " number_of_replicas=0," + " \"routing.allocation.include.color\" = 'blue'" + ")");
int numDocs = scaledRandomIntBetween(100, 8000);
// Index 3/4 of the documents and flush. And then index the rest. This attempts to ensure that there
// is a mix of file chunks and translog ops
int threeFourths = (int) (numDocs * 0.75);
var args = new Object[threeFourths][];
for (int i = 0; i < threeFourths; i++) {
args[i] = new Object[] { i };
execute("INSERT INTO doc." + indexName + " (id) VALUES (?)", args);
execute("OPTIMIZE TABLE doc." + indexName);
args = new Object[numDocs - threeFourths][];
for (int i = 0; i < numDocs - threeFourths; i++) {
args[i] = new Object[] { i };
execute("INSERT INTO doc." + indexName + " (id) VALUES (?)", args);
ClusterStateResponse stateResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareState().get();
final String blueNodeId = internalCluster().getInstance(ClusterService.class, blueNodeName).localNode().getId();
var searchResponse = execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM doc." + indexName);
assertThat((long) searchResponse.rows()[0][0], is((long) numDocs));
String[] recoveryActions = new String[] { PeerRecoveryTargetService.Actions.PREPARE_TRANSLOG, PeerRecoveryTargetService.Actions.TRANSLOG_OPS, PeerRecoveryTargetService.Actions.FILES_INFO, PeerRecoveryTargetService.Actions.FILE_CHUNK, PeerRecoveryTargetService.Actions.CLEAN_FILES, PeerRecoveryTargetService.Actions.FINALIZE };
final String recoveryActionToBlock = randomFrom(recoveryActions);"--> will temporarily interrupt recovery action between blue & red on [{}]", recoveryActionToBlock);
MockTransportService blueTransportService = (MockTransportService) internalCluster().getInstance(TransportService.class, blueNodeName);
MockTransportService redTransportService = (MockTransportService) internalCluster().getInstance(TransportService.class, redNodeName);
final AtomicBoolean recoveryStarted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final AtomicBoolean finalizeReceived = new AtomicBoolean(false);
final SingleStartEnforcer validator = new SingleStartEnforcer(indexName, recoveryStarted, finalizeReceived);
redTransportService.addSendBehavior(blueTransportService, (connection, requestId, action, request, options) -> {
validator.accept(action, request);
connection.sendRequest(requestId, action, request, options);
Runnable connectionBreaker = () -> {
// Always break connection from source to remote to ensure that actions are retried"--> closing connections from source node to target node");
if (randomBoolean()) {
// Sometimes break connection from remote to source to ensure that recovery is re-established"--> closing connections from target node to source node");
TransientReceiveRejected handlingBehavior = new TransientReceiveRejected(recoveryActionToBlock, finalizeReceived, recoveryStarted, connectionBreaker);
redTransportService.addRequestHandlingBehavior(recoveryActionToBlock, handlingBehavior);
try {"--> starting recovery from blue to red");
execute("ALTER TABLE doc." + indexName + " SET (" + " number_of_replicas=1," + " \"routing.allocation.include.color\" = 'red,blue'" + ")");
// TODO: ES will use the shard routing preference here to prefer `_local` shards on that node
var nodeRedExecutor = executor(redNodeName);
searchResponse = nodeRedExecutor.exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM doc." + indexName);
assertThat((long) searchResponse.rows()[0][0], is((long) numDocs));
} finally {
use of in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class IndicesAdapterES7 method waitForRecovery.
public HealthStatus waitForRecovery(String index, int timeout) {
final ClusterHealthRequest clusterHealthRequest = new ClusterHealthRequest(index).timeout(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(timeout));
final ClusterHealthResponse result = client.execute((c, requestOptions) -> c.cluster().health(clusterHealthRequest, requestOptions));
return HealthStatus.fromString(result.getStatus().toString());
use of in project yacy_grid_mcp by yacy.
the class ElasticsearchClient method clusterReady.
public boolean clusterReady() {
if (clusterReadyCache)
return true;
ClusterHealthResponse chr = elasticsearchClient.admin().cluster().prepareHealth().get();
clusterReadyCache = chr.getStatus() != ClusterHealthStatus.RED;
return clusterReadyCache;