Search in sources :

Example 66 with GetResponse

use of in project flink by apache.

the class TestClientBase method assertThatIdsAreWritten.

void assertThatIdsAreWritten(String index, int... ids) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    for (final int id : ids) {
        GetResponse response;
        do {
            response = getResponse(index, id);
        } while (response.isSourceEmpty());
        assertEquals(buildMessage(id), response.getSource().get(DATA_FIELD_NAME));
Also used : GetResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse)

Example 67 with GetResponse

use of in project flink by apache.

the class SourceSinkDataTestKit method verifyProducedSinkData.

 * Verify the results in an Elasticsearch index. The results must first be produced into the
 * index using a {@link TestElasticsearchSinkFunction};
 * @param client The client to use to connect to Elasticsearch
 * @param index The index to check
public static void verifyProducedSinkData(Client client, String index) {
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS; i++) {
        GetResponse response = client.get(new GetRequest(index, TYPE_NAME, Integer.toString(i))).actionGet();
        Assert.assertEquals(DATA_PREFIX + i, response.getSource().get(DATA_FIELD_NAME));
Also used : GetRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequest) GetResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse)

Example 68 with GetResponse

use of in project pyramid by cheng-li.

the class VisualizerOld method createTable.

private List<Object> createTable(List<Object> data, String fields, Map<String, String> classDescription) throws IOException {
    int line_count = 0;
    List<Object> output = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Object rowData : data) {
        final Map<String, Object> row = (Map<String, Object>) rowData;
        final Map<String, Object> oneRow = new HashMap<>();
        line_count += 1;
        final List<Object> r = new ArrayList<>();
        final Map<String, Object> idLabels = new HashMap<>();
        idLabels.put("id", row.get("id"));
        idLabels.put("internalId", row.get("internalId"));
        idLabels.put("internalLabels", row.get("internalLabels"));
        idLabels.put("feedbackSelect", "none");
        idLabels.put("feedbackText", "");
        final List<Object> internalLabels = new ArrayList<>();
        final Set<String> releLabels = new HashSet<>();
        for (int i = 0, rowSize = ((List<Object>) row.get("labels")).size(); i < rowSize; i++) {
            Map<Object, Object> label = new HashMap<>();
            label.put(((List<Object>) row.get("internalLabels")).get(i), ((List<Object>) row.get("labels")).get(i));
            releLabels.add(((List<String>) row.get("labels")).get(i));
        final List<Object> predictions = new ArrayList<>();
        final Set<String> pres = new HashSet<>();
        for (int i = 0, rowSize = ((List<Object>) row.get("prediction")).size(); i < rowSize; i++) {
            Map<Object, Object> label = new HashMap<>();
            label.put(((List<Object>) row.get("internalPrediction")).get(i), ((List<Object>) row.get("prediction")).get(i));
            pres.add(((List<String>) row.get("prediction")).get(i));
        idLabels.put("predictions", predictions);
        final Set<String> intersections = new HashSet<>(releLabels);
        final Set<String> unions = new HashSet<>(releLabels);
        if (unions.size() == 0) {
            idLabels.put("overlap", "N/A");
        } else {
            idLabels.put("overlap", String.format("%.2f", (double) intersections.size() / unions.size()));
        if (releLabels.size() == 0) {
            idLabels.put("recall", "N/A");
        } else {
            idLabels.put("recall", String.format("%.2f", -(double) intersections.size() / releLabels.size()));
        if (pres.size() == 0) {
            idLabels.put("precision", "N/A");
        } else {
            idLabels.put("precision", (double) intersections.size() / pres.size());
        oneRow.put("probForPredictedLabels", row.get("probForPredictedLabels"));
        oneRow.put("predictedRanking", new ArrayList<>());
        for (Map<String, Object> label : (List<Map<String, Object>>) row.get("predictedRanking")) {
            final List<Object> curInternalPrediction = (List<Object>) row.get("internalPrediction");
            final List<Object> curInternalLabels = (List<Object>) row.get("internalLabels");
            final Object labelClassIndex = label.get("classIndex");
            if (curInternalLabels.contains(labelClassIndex) && curInternalPrediction.contains(labelClassIndex)) {
                label.put("type", "TP");
            } else if (!curInternalLabels.contains(labelClassIndex) && curInternalPrediction.contains(labelClassIndex)) {
                label.put("type", "FP");
            } else if (!curInternalLabels.contains(labelClassIndex) && !curInternalPrediction.contains(labelClassIndex)) {
                label.put("type", "FN");
            } else {
                label.put("type", "");
            r.add(includesLabel(label.get("className"), internalLabels));
            ((List<Object>) oneRow.get("predictedRanking")).add(label);
        for (Map<String, Object> labels : (List<Map<String, Object>>) row.get("predictedLabelSetRanking")) {
            labels.put("types", new ArrayList<>());
            final List<Object> curInternalLabels = (List<Object>) row.get("internalLabels");
            final List<Object> curInternalPrediction = (List<Object>) row.get("internalPrediction");
            for (Object index : (List<Object>) labels.get("internalLabels")) {
                if (curInternalLabels.contains(index) && curInternalPrediction.contains(index)) {
                    ((List<Object>) labels.get("types")).add("TP");
                } else if (!curInternalLabels.contains(index) && curInternalPrediction.contains(index)) {
                    ((List<Object>) labels.get("types")).add("FP");
                } else if (curInternalLabels.contains(index) && !curInternalPrediction.contains(index)) {
                    ((List<Object>) labels.get("types")).add("FN");
                } else {
                    ((List<Object>) labels.get("types")).add("");
        oneRow.put("predictedLabelSetRanking", row.get("predictedLabelSetRanking"));
        double sumOfR = 0.0;
        double sumOfPrec = 0.0;
        int last = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < r.size(); i++) {
            if (r.get(i).equals(new Integer(1))) {
                sumOfR += (Integer) r.get(i);
                sumOfPrec += sumOfR / (i + 1);
                last = i + 1;
        if (releLabels.size() == 0) {
            idLabels.put("ap", "N/A");
        } else {
            idLabels.put("ap", String.format("%.2f", sumOfPrec / releLabels.size()));
        if (sumOfR < releLabels.size()) {
            idLabels.put("rankoffullrecall", "N/A");
        } else {
            idLabels.put("rankoffullrecall", last);
        oneRow.put("idLabels", idLabels);
        GetResponse res = config.getClient().prepareGet(config.getEsIndexName(), "document", (String) row.get("id")).execute().actionGet();
        String keys = fields;
        oneRow.put("text", new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>());
        oneRow.put("others", new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>());
        for (String key : ((Map<String, Object>) res.getSourceAsMap()).keySet()) {
            if (keys.equals(key)) {
                ((Map<String, Object>) oneRow.get("text")).put(key, ((String) ((Map<String, Object>) res.getSourceAsMap()).get(key)).replace("<", "&lt").replace(">", "&gt"));
            } else {
                ((Map<String, Object>) oneRow.get("others")).put(key, ((String) ((Map<String, Object>) res.getSourceAsMap()).get(key)));
        createTFPNColumns(row, line_count, oneRow, classDescription);
    return output;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) GetResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 69 with GetResponse

use of in project pyramid by cheng-li.

the class ESIndex method getField.

// todo this method fetch the field from the source, it works even when store=false
// this is slow
public Object getField(String id, String field) {
    GetResponse response = client.prepareGet(this.indexName, this.documentType, id).setFetchSource(field, null).execute().actionGet();
    Object res = null;
    if (response == null) {
        if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
            logger.warn("no response from document " + id + " when fetching field " + field + "!");
        return null;
    } else {
        res = response.getSourceAsMap().get(field);
        if (res == null) {
            if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
                logger.warn("document " + id + " has no field " + field + "!");
    return res;
// return response.getField(field).getValue();
Also used : GetResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse)

Example 70 with GetResponse

use of in project play2-elasticsearch by cleverage.

the class IndexService method get.

 * Get Indexable Object for an Id
 * @param indexPath
 * @param clazz
 * @return
public static <T extends Index> T get(IndexQueryPath indexPath, Class<T> clazz, String id) {
    GetRequestBuilder getRequestBuilder = getGetRequestBuilder(indexPath, id);
    GetResponse getResponse = getRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet();
    return getTFromGetResponse(clazz, getResponse);
Also used : GetResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse) MultiGetResponse(org.elasticsearch.action.get.MultiGetResponse) MultiGetRequestBuilder(org.elasticsearch.action.get.MultiGetRequestBuilder) GetRequestBuilder(org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequestBuilder)


GetResponse (org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse)167 Test (org.junit.Test)50 GetRequest (org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequest)28 Map (java.util.Map)27 MultiGetResponse (org.elasticsearch.action.get.MultiGetResponse)26 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)23 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)21 Date (java.util.Date)18 ESSyncConfig ( Dml ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)17 IOException ( DataSource (javax.sql.DataSource)14 GetRequestBuilder (org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequestBuilder)14 SearchResponse ( DeleteResponse (org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteResponse)12 ElasticsearchException (org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException)10 Settings (org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings)10 Alias (org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias.Alias)7 IndexResponse (org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse)7