Search in sources :

Example 41 with Request

use of in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.

the class ESPivot method processRows.

        results from elasticsearch are nested so we need to recurse into the aggregation tree, but our result is a table, thus we need
        to keep track of the current row keys manually
private void processRows(PivotResult.Builder resultBuilder, SearchResponse searchResult, ESGeneratedQueryContext queryContext, Pivot pivot, List<BucketSpec> remainingRows, ArrayDeque<String> rowKeys, HasAggregations aggregation) {
    if (remainingRows.isEmpty()) {
        // this is the last row group, so we need to fork into the columns if they exist.
        // being here also means that `rowKeys` contains the maximum number of parts, one for each combination of row bucket keys
        // we will always add the series for this bucket, because that's the entire point of row groups
        final PivotResult.Row.Builder rowBuilder = PivotResult.Row.builder().key(ImmutableList.copyOf(rowKeys));
        // do the same for columns as we did for the rows
        processColumns(rowBuilder, searchResult, queryContext, pivot, pivot.columnGroups(), new ArrayDeque<>(), aggregation);
        // columnKeys is empty, because this is a rollup per row bucket, thus for all columns in that bucket (IOW it's not a leaf!)
        if (pivot.rollup()) {
            processSeries(rowBuilder, searchResult, queryContext, pivot, new ArrayDeque<>(), aggregation, true, "row-leaf");
    } else {
        // this is not a leaf for the rows, so we add its key to the rowKeys and descend into the aggregation tree
        // afterwards we'll check if we need to add rollup for intermediate buckets. not all clients need them so they can request
        // to not calculate them
        final BucketSpec currentBucket = remainingRows.get(0);
        // this handler should never be missing, because we used it above to generate the query
        // if it is missing for some weird reason, it's ok to fail hard here
        final ESPivotBucketSpecHandler<? extends PivotSpec, ? extends Aggregation> handler = bucketHandlers.get(currentBucket.type());
        final Aggregation aggregationResult = handler.extractAggregationFromResult(pivot, currentBucket, aggregation, queryContext);
        final Stream<ESPivotBucketSpecHandler.Bucket> bucketStream = handler.handleResult(pivot, currentBucket, searchResult, aggregationResult, this, queryContext);
        // for each bucket, recurse and eventually collect all the row keys. once we reach a leaf, we'll end up in the other if branch above
        bucketStream.forEach(bucket -> {
            // push the bucket's key and use its aggregation as the new source for sub-aggregations
            processRows(resultBuilder, searchResult, queryContext, pivot, tail(remainingRows), rowKeys, bucket.aggregation());
        // also add the series for this row key if the client wants rollups
        if (pivot.rollup()) {
            final PivotResult.Row.Builder rowBuilder = PivotResult.Row.builder().key(ImmutableList.copyOf(rowKeys));
            // columnKeys is empty, because this is a rollup per row bucket, thus for all columns in that bucket (IOW it's not a leaf!)
            processSeries(rowBuilder, searchResult, queryContext, pivot, new ArrayDeque<>(), aggregation, true, "row-inner");
Also used : Aggregation( BucketSpec(

Example 42 with Request

use of in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.

the class ESCountHandler method doCreateAggregation.

public Optional<AggregationBuilder> doCreateAggregation(String name, Pivot pivot, Count count, ESPivot searchTypeHandler, ESGeneratedQueryContext queryContext) {
    final String field = count.field();
    if (field == null) {
        // doc_count is always present in elasticsearch's bucket aggregations, no need to add it
        return Optional.empty();
    } else {
        // the request was for a field count, we have to add a value_count sub aggregation
        final ValueCountAggregationBuilder value = AggregationBuilders.count(name).field(field);
        record(queryContext, pivot, count, name, ValueCount.class);
        return Optional.of(value);
Also used : ValueCountAggregationBuilder( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 43 with Request

use of in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.

the class ScrollResultES7 method cancel.

public void cancel() throws IOException {
    final ClearScrollRequest request = new ClearScrollRequest();
    client.executeWithIOException((c, requestOptions) -> c.clearScroll(request, requestOptions), "Unable to cancel scrolling search request");
Also used : ClearScrollRequest(

Example 44 with Request

use of in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.

the class CatApi method nodes.

public List<NodeResponse> nodes() {
    final Request request = request("GET", "nodes");
    request.addParameter("h", "id,name,role,host,ip,fileDescriptorMax,diskUsed,diskTotal,diskUsedPercent");
    request.addParameter("full_id", "true");
    return perform(request, new TypeReference<List<NodeResponse>>() {
    }, "Unable to retrieve nodes list");
Also used : Request( List(java.util.List)

Example 45 with Request

use of in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.

the class CatApi method perform.

private <R> R perform(Request request, TypeReference<R> responseClass, String errorMessage) {
    return client.execute((c, requestOptions) -> {
        final Response response = c.getLowLevelClient().performRequest(request);
        return returnType(response, responseClass);
    }, errorMessage);
Also used : Response(


Request (org.elasticsearch.client.Request)55 Response (org.elasticsearch.client.Response)35 JsonNode (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode)15 IOException ( HttpEntity (org.apache.http.HttpEntity)12 Request ( NStringEntity (org.apache.http.nio.entity.NStringEntity)11 Map (java.util.Map)10 Collectors ( ObjectNode (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode)9 StringEntity (org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity)7 RestClient (org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient)7 SearchRequest ( Response ( ObjectMapper (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper)6 InputStream ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 ImmutableMap ( Locale (java.util.Locale)5 ContentType (org.apache.http.entity.ContentType)5