use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class HighlightField method fromXContent.
public static HighlightField fromXContent(XContentParser parser) throws IOException {
ensureExpectedToken(XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME, parser.currentToken(), parser::getTokenLocation);
String fieldName = parser.currentName();
Text[] fragments = null;
XContentParser.Token token = parser.nextToken();
if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
List<Text> values = new ArrayList<>();
while (parser.nextToken() != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
values.add(new Text(parser.text()));
fragments = values.toArray(new Text[values.size()]);
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_NULL) {
fragments = null;
} else {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "unexpected token type [" + token + "]");
return new HighlightField(fieldName, fragments);
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class StoredFieldsContext method fromXContent.
public static StoredFieldsContext fromXContent(String fieldName, QueryParseContext context) throws IOException {
XContentParser parser = context.parser();
XContentParser.Token token = parser.currentToken();
if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
return fromList(Collections.singletonList(parser.text()));
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
return fromList(list);
} else {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Expected [" + XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING + "] or [" + XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY + "] in [" + fieldName + "] but found [" + token + "]", parser.getTokenLocation());
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class SearchProfileShardResults method parseSearchProfileResultsEntry.
private static void parseSearchProfileResultsEntry(XContentParser parser, Map<String, ProfileShardResult> searchProfileResults) throws IOException {
XContentParser.Token token = parser.currentToken();
ensureExpectedToken(XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT, token, parser::getTokenLocation);
List<QueryProfileShardResult> queryProfileResults = new ArrayList<>();
AggregationProfileShardResult aggProfileShardResult = null;
String id = null;
String currentFieldName = null;
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
} else if (token.isValue()) {
if (ID_FIELD.equals(currentFieldName)) {
id = parser.text();
} else {
throwUnknownField(currentFieldName, parser.getTokenLocation());
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
if (SEARCHES_FIELD.equals(currentFieldName)) {
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
} else if (AggregationProfileShardResult.AGGREGATIONS.equals(currentFieldName)) {
aggProfileShardResult = AggregationProfileShardResult.fromXContent(parser);
} else {
throwUnknownField(currentFieldName, parser.getTokenLocation());
} else {
throwUnknownToken(token, parser.getTokenLocation());
searchProfileResults.put(id, new ProfileShardResult(queryProfileResults, aggProfileShardResult));
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class SearchSourceBuilder method parseXContent.
* Parse some xContent into this SearchSourceBuilder, overwriting any values specified in the xContent. Use this if you need to set up
* different defaults than a regular SearchSourceBuilder would have and use
* {@link #fromXContent(QueryParseContext)} if you have normal defaults.
public void parseXContent(QueryParseContext context) throws IOException {
XContentParser parser = context.parser();
XContentParser.Token token = parser.currentToken();
String currentFieldName = null;
if (token != XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT && (token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Expected [" + XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT + "] but found [" + token + "]", parser.getTokenLocation());
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
} else if (token.isValue()) {
if (FROM_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
from = parser.intValue();
} else if (SIZE_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
size = parser.intValue();
} else if (TIMEOUT_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
timeout = TimeValue.parseTimeValue(parser.text(), null, TIMEOUT_FIELD.getPreferredName());
} else if (TERMINATE_AFTER_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
terminateAfter = parser.intValue();
} else if (MIN_SCORE_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
minScore = parser.floatValue();
} else if (VERSION_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
version = parser.booleanValue();
} else if (EXPLAIN_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
explain = parser.booleanValue();
} else if (TRACK_SCORES_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
trackScores = parser.booleanValue();
} else if (_SOURCE_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
fetchSourceContext = FetchSourceContext.fromXContent(context.parser());
} else if (STORED_FIELDS_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
storedFieldsContext = StoredFieldsContext.fromXContent(SearchSourceBuilder.STORED_FIELDS_FIELD.getPreferredName(), context);
} else if (SORT_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
} else if (PROFILE_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
profile = parser.booleanValue();
} else if (FIELDS_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Deprecated field [" + SearchSourceBuilder.FIELDS_FIELD + "] used, expected [" + SearchSourceBuilder.STORED_FIELDS_FIELD + "] instead");
} else {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unknown key for a " + token + " in [" + currentFieldName + "].", parser.getTokenLocation());
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
if (QUERY_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
queryBuilder = context.parseInnerQueryBuilder();
} else if (POST_FILTER_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
postQueryBuilder = context.parseInnerQueryBuilder();
} else if (_SOURCE_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
fetchSourceContext = FetchSourceContext.fromXContent(context.parser());
} else if (SCRIPT_FIELDS_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
scriptFields = new ArrayList<>();
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
scriptFields.add(new ScriptField(context));
} else if (INDICES_BOOST_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
DEPRECATION_LOGGER.deprecated("Object format in indices_boost is deprecated, please use array format instead");
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
currentFieldName = parser.currentName();
} else if (token.isValue()) {
indexBoosts.add(new IndexBoost(currentFieldName, parser.floatValue()));
} else {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unknown key for a " + token + " in [" + currentFieldName + "].", parser.getTokenLocation());
} else if (AGGREGATIONS_FIELD.match(currentFieldName) || AGGS_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
aggregations = AggregatorFactories.parseAggregators(context);
} else if (HIGHLIGHT_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
highlightBuilder = HighlightBuilder.fromXContent(context);
} else if (SUGGEST_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
suggestBuilder = SuggestBuilder.fromXContent(context.parser());
} else if (SORT_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
sorts = new ArrayList<>(SortBuilder.fromXContent(context));
} else if (RESCORE_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
rescoreBuilders = new ArrayList<>();
} else if (EXT_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
extBuilders = new ArrayList<>();
String extSectionName = null;
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
extSectionName = parser.currentName();
} else {
SearchExtBuilder searchExtBuilder = parser.namedObject(SearchExtBuilder.class, extSectionName, null);
if (searchExtBuilder.getWriteableName().equals(extSectionName) == false) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The parsed [" + searchExtBuilder.getClass().getName() + "] object has a " + "different writeable name compared to the name of the section that it was parsed from: found [" + searchExtBuilder.getWriteableName() + "] expected [" + extSectionName + "]");
} else if (SLICE.match(currentFieldName)) {
sliceBuilder = SliceBuilder.fromXContent(context);
} else if (COLLAPSE.match(currentFieldName)) {
collapse = CollapseBuilder.fromXContent(context);
} else {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unknown key for a " + token + " in [" + currentFieldName + "].", parser.getTokenLocation());
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_ARRAY) {
if (STORED_FIELDS_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
storedFieldsContext = StoredFieldsContext.fromXContent(STORED_FIELDS_FIELD.getPreferredName(), context);
} else if (DOCVALUE_FIELDS_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
docValueFields = new ArrayList<>();
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
} else {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Expected [" + XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING + "] in [" + currentFieldName + "] but found [" + token + "]", parser.getTokenLocation());
} else if (INDICES_BOOST_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
indexBoosts.add(new IndexBoost(context));
} else if (SORT_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
sorts = new ArrayList<>(SortBuilder.fromXContent(context));
} else if (RESCORE_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
rescoreBuilders = new ArrayList<>();
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
} else if (STATS_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
stats = new ArrayList<>();
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_ARRAY) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING) {
} else {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Expected [" + XContentParser.Token.VALUE_STRING + "] in [" + currentFieldName + "] but found [" + token + "]", parser.getTokenLocation());
} else if (_SOURCE_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
fetchSourceContext = FetchSourceContext.fromXContent(context.parser());
} else if (SEARCH_AFTER.match(currentFieldName)) {
searchAfterBuilder = SearchAfterBuilder.fromXContent(parser);
} else if (FIELDS_FIELD.match(currentFieldName)) {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "The field [" + SearchSourceBuilder.FIELDS_FIELD + "] is no longer supported, please use [" + SearchSourceBuilder.STORED_FIELDS_FIELD + "] to retrieve stored fields or _source filtering " + "if the field is not stored");
} else {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unknown key for a " + token + " in [" + currentFieldName + "].", parser.getTokenLocation());
} else {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "Unknown key for a " + token + " in [" + currentFieldName + "].", parser.getTokenLocation());
use of in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class RescoreBuilder method parseFromXContent.
public static RescoreBuilder<?> parseFromXContent(QueryParseContext parseContext) throws IOException {
XContentParser parser = parseContext.parser();
String fieldName = null;
RescoreBuilder<?> rescorer = null;
Integer windowSize = null;
XContentParser.Token token;
while ((token = parser.nextToken()) != XContentParser.Token.END_OBJECT) {
if (token == XContentParser.Token.FIELD_NAME) {
fieldName = parser.currentName();
} else if (token.isValue()) {
if (WINDOW_SIZE_FIELD.match(fieldName)) {
windowSize = parser.intValue();
} else {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "rescore doesn't support [" + fieldName + "]");
} else if (token == XContentParser.Token.START_OBJECT) {
// we only have QueryRescorer at this point
if (QueryRescorerBuilder.NAME.equals(fieldName)) {
rescorer = QueryRescorerBuilder.fromXContent(parseContext);
} else {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "rescore doesn't support rescorer with name [" + fieldName + "]");
} else {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "unexpected token [" + token + "] after [" + fieldName + "]");
if (rescorer == null) {
throw new ParsingException(parser.getTokenLocation(), "missing rescore type");
if (windowSize != null) {
return rescorer;