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the class FetchPhase method createNestedSearchHit.
private SearchHit createNestedSearchHit(SearchContext context, int nestedTopDocId, int nestedSubDocId, int rootSubDocId, Set<String> fieldNames, List<String> fieldNamePatterns, LeafReaderContext subReaderContext) throws IOException {
// Also if highlighting is requested on nested documents we need to fetch the _source from the root document,
// otherwise highlighting will attempt to fetch the _source from the nested doc, which will fail,
// because the entire _source is only stored with the root document.
final FieldsVisitor rootFieldsVisitor = new FieldsVisitor(context.sourceRequested() || context.highlight() != null);
loadStoredFields(context, subReaderContext, rootFieldsVisitor, rootSubDocId);
Map<String, SearchHitField> searchFields = getSearchFields(context, nestedSubDocId, fieldNames, fieldNamePatterns, subReaderContext);
DocumentMapper documentMapper = context.mapperService().documentMapper(rootFieldsVisitor.uid().type());
SourceLookup sourceLookup = context.lookup().source();
sourceLookup.setSegmentAndDocument(subReaderContext, nestedSubDocId);
ObjectMapper nestedObjectMapper = documentMapper.findNestedObjectMapper(nestedSubDocId, context, subReaderContext);
assert nestedObjectMapper != null;
SearchHit.NestedIdentity nestedIdentity = getInternalNestedIdentity(context, nestedSubDocId, subReaderContext, documentMapper, nestedObjectMapper);
BytesReference source = rootFieldsVisitor.source();
if (source != null) {
Tuple<XContentType, Map<String, Object>> tuple = XContentHelper.convertToMap(source, true);
Map<String, Object> sourceAsMap = tuple.v2();
// Isolate the nested json array object that matches with nested hit and wrap it back into the same json
// structure with the nested json array object being the actual content. The latter is important, so that
// features like source filtering and highlighting work consistent regardless of whether the field points
// to a json object array for consistency reasons on how we refer to fields
Map<String, Object> nestedSourceAsMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Object> current = nestedSourceAsMap;
for (SearchHit.NestedIdentity nested = nestedIdentity; nested != null; nested = nested.getChild()) {
String nestedPath = nested.getField().string();
current.put(nestedPath, new HashMap<>());
Object extractedValue = XContentMapValues.extractValue(nestedPath, sourceAsMap);
List<Map<String, Object>> nestedParsedSource;
if (extractedValue instanceof List) {
// nested field has an array value in the _source
nestedParsedSource = (List<Map<String, Object>>) extractedValue;
} else if (extractedValue instanceof Map) {
// nested field has an object value in the _source. This just means the nested field has just one inner object, which is valid, but uncommon.
nestedParsedSource = Collections.singletonList((Map<String, Object>) extractedValue);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("extracted source isn't an object or an array");
sourceAsMap = nestedParsedSource.get(nested.getOffset());
if (nested.getChild() == null) {
current.put(nestedPath, sourceAsMap);
} else {
Map<String, Object> next = new HashMap<>();
current.put(nestedPath, next);
current = next;
XContentType contentType = tuple.v1();
BytesReference nestedSource = contentBuilder(contentType).map(sourceAsMap).bytes();
return new SearchHit(nestedTopDocId, rootFieldsVisitor.uid().id(), documentMapper.typeText(), nestedIdentity, searchFields);
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the class BytesRestResponseTests method testErrorToAndFromXContent.
public void testErrorToAndFromXContent() throws IOException {
final boolean detailed = randomBoolean();
Exception original;
ElasticsearchException cause = null;
String reason;
String type = "exception";
RestStatus status = RestStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
boolean addHeadersOrMetadata = false;
switch(randomIntBetween(0, 5)) {
case 0:
original = new ElasticsearchException("ElasticsearchException without cause");
if (detailed) {
addHeadersOrMetadata = randomBoolean();
reason = "ElasticsearchException without cause";
} else {
reason = "ElasticsearchException[ElasticsearchException without cause]";
case 1:
original = new ElasticsearchException("ElasticsearchException with a cause", new FileNotFoundException("missing"));
if (detailed) {
addHeadersOrMetadata = randomBoolean();
type = "exception";
reason = "ElasticsearchException with a cause";
cause = new ElasticsearchException("Elasticsearch exception [type=file_not_found_exception, reason=missing]");
} else {
reason = "ElasticsearchException[ElasticsearchException with a cause]";
case 2:
original = new ResourceNotFoundException("ElasticsearchException with custom status");
status = RestStatus.NOT_FOUND;
if (detailed) {
addHeadersOrMetadata = randomBoolean();
type = "resource_not_found_exception";
reason = "ElasticsearchException with custom status";
} else {
reason = "ResourceNotFoundException[ElasticsearchException with custom status]";
case 3:
TransportAddress address = buildNewFakeTransportAddress();
original = new RemoteTransportException("remote", address, "action", new ResourceAlreadyExistsException("ElasticsearchWrapperException with a cause that has a custom status"));
status = RestStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
if (detailed) {
type = "resource_already_exists_exception";
reason = "ElasticsearchWrapperException with a cause that has a custom status";
} else {
reason = "RemoteTransportException[[remote][" + address.toString() + "][action]]";
case 4:
original = new RemoteTransportException("ElasticsearchWrapperException with a cause that has a special treatment", new IllegalArgumentException("wrong"));
status = RestStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
if (detailed) {
type = "illegal_argument_exception";
reason = "wrong";
} else {
reason = "RemoteTransportException[[ElasticsearchWrapperException with a cause that has a special treatment]]";
case 5:
status = randomFrom(RestStatus.values());
original = new ElasticsearchStatusException("ElasticsearchStatusException with random status", status);
if (detailed) {
addHeadersOrMetadata = randomBoolean();
type = "status_exception";
reason = "ElasticsearchStatusException with random status";
} else {
reason = "ElasticsearchStatusException[ElasticsearchStatusException with random status]";
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Failed to generate random exception");
String message = "Elasticsearch exception [type=" + type + ", reason=" + reason + "]";
ElasticsearchStatusException expected = new ElasticsearchStatusException(message, status, cause);
if (addHeadersOrMetadata) {
ElasticsearchException originalException = ((ElasticsearchException) original);
if (randomBoolean()) {
originalException.addHeader("foo", "bar", "baz");
expected.addHeader("foo", "bar", "baz");
if (randomBoolean()) {
originalException.addMetadata("es.metadata_0", "0");
expected.addMetadata("es.metadata_0", "0");
if (randomBoolean()) {
String resourceType = randomAsciiOfLength(5);
String resourceId = randomAsciiOfLength(5);
originalException.setResources(resourceType, resourceId);
expected.setResources(resourceType, resourceId);
if (randomBoolean()) {
final XContentType xContentType = randomFrom(XContentType.values());
Map<String, String> params = Collections.singletonMap("format", xContentType.mediaType());
RestRequest request = new FakeRestRequest.Builder(xContentRegistry()).withParams(params).build();
RestChannel channel = detailed ? new DetailedExceptionRestChannel(request) : new SimpleExceptionRestChannel(request);
BytesRestResponse response = new BytesRestResponse(channel, original);
ElasticsearchException parsedError;
try (XContentParser parser = createParser(xContentType.xContent(), response.content())) {
parsedError = BytesRestResponse.errorFromXContent(parser);
assertEquals(expected.status(), parsedError.status());
assertDeepEquals(expected, parsedError);
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the class RestTable method buildResponse.
public static RestResponse buildResponse(Table table, RestChannel channel) throws Exception {
RestRequest request = channel.request();
XContentType xContentType = XContentType.fromMediaTypeOrFormat(request.param("format", request.header("Accept")));
if (xContentType != null) {
return buildXContentBuilder(table, channel);
return buildTextPlainResponse(table, channel);
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the class MainResponseTests method testFromXContent.
public void testFromXContent() throws IOException {
MainResponse mainResponse = createTestItem();
XContentType xContentType = randomFrom(XContentType.values());
boolean humanReadable = randomBoolean();
BytesReference originalBytes = toXContent(mainResponse, xContentType, humanReadable);
MainResponse parsed;
try (XContentParser parser = createParser(xContentType.xContent(), originalBytes)) {
parsed = MainResponse.fromXContent(parser);
assertEquals(mainResponse.getClusterUuid(), parsed.getClusterUuid());
assertEquals(mainResponse.getClusterName(), parsed.getClusterName());
assertEquals(mainResponse.getNodeName(), parsed.getNodeName());
assertEquals(mainResponse.getBuild(), parsed.getBuild());
assertEquals(mainResponse.getVersion(), parsed.getVersion());
// we cannot recreate the "available" flag from xContent, but should be "true" if request came through
assertEquals(true, parsed.isAvailable());
assertToXContentEquivalent(originalBytes, toXContent(parsed, xContentType, humanReadable), xContentType);
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the class IndexResponseTests method testToAndFromXContent.
public void testToAndFromXContent() throws IOException {
final Tuple<IndexResponse, IndexResponse> tuple = randomIndexResponse();
IndexResponse indexResponse = tuple.v1();
IndexResponse expectedIndexResponse = tuple.v2();
boolean humanReadable = randomBoolean();
XContentType xContentType = randomFrom(XContentType.values());
BytesReference indexResponseBytes = toXContent(indexResponse, xContentType, humanReadable);
// Shuffle the XContent fields
if (randomBoolean()) {
try (XContentParser parser = createParser(xContentType.xContent(), indexResponseBytes)) {
indexResponseBytes = shuffleXContent(parser, randomBoolean()).bytes();
// Parse the XContent bytes to obtain a parsed
IndexResponse parsedIndexResponse;
try (XContentParser parser = createParser(xContentType.xContent(), indexResponseBytes)) {
parsedIndexResponse = IndexResponse.fromXContent(parser);
// We can't use equals() to compare the original and the parsed index response
// because the random index response can contain shard failures with exceptions,
// and those exceptions are not parsed back with the same types.
assertDocWriteResponse(expectedIndexResponse, parsedIndexResponse);