use of org.graylog2.indexer.messages.Messages in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class AggregationEventProcessorTest method sourceMessagesWithAggregation.
// Helper to call sourceMessagesForEvent when testing query string values - we don't care about anything else
private void sourceMessagesWithAggregation(Map<String, String> groupByFields, int batchLimit) throws EventProcessorException {
final DateTime now =;
final AbsoluteRange timeRange = AbsoluteRange.create(now.minusHours(1), now.plusHours(1));
final TestEvent event = new TestEvent(;
final AggregationSeries series = AggregationSeries.builder().id("abc123").function(AggregationFunction.COUNT).field("source").build();
final EventDefinitionDto eventDefinitionDto = buildEventDefinitionDto(ImmutableSet.of(), ImmutableList.of(series), null);
final AggregationEventProcessor eventProcessor = new AggregationEventProcessor(eventDefinitionDto, searchFactory, eventProcessorDependencyCheck, stateService, moreSearch, streamService, messages);
eventProcessor.sourceMessagesForEvent(event, messageConsumer, batchLimit);
use of org.graylog2.indexer.messages.Messages in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class AggregationEventProcessorTest method createEventsWithoutRequiredMessagesBeingIndexed.
public void createEventsWithoutRequiredMessagesBeingIndexed() throws Exception {
final DateTime now =;
final AbsoluteRange timerange = AbsoluteRange.create(now.minusHours(1), now.plusHours(1));
final AggregationEventProcessorConfig config = AggregationEventProcessorConfig.builder().query("aQueryString").streams(ImmutableSet.of()).groupBy(ImmutableList.of()).series(ImmutableList.of()).conditions(null).searchWithinMs(30000).executeEveryMs(30000).build();
final EventDefinitionDto eventDefinitionDto = buildEventDefinitionDto(ImmutableSet.of(), ImmutableList.of(), null);
final AggregationEventProcessorParameters parameters = AggregationEventProcessorParameters.builder().timerange(timerange).build();
final AggregationEventProcessor eventProcessor = new AggregationEventProcessor(eventDefinitionDto, searchFactory, eventProcessorDependencyCheck, stateService, moreSearch, streamService, messages);
// If the dependency check returns true, there should be no exception raised and the state service should be called
assertThatCode(() -> eventProcessor.createEvents(eventFactory, parameters, (events) -> {
verify(stateService, times(1)).setState("dto-id-1", timerange.from(),;
verify(moreSearch, times(1)).scrollQuery(eq(config.query()), eq(config.streams()), eq(config.queryParameters()), eq(parameters.timerange()), eq(parameters.batchSize()), any(MoreSearch.ScrollCallback.class));
// Rest mocks so we can verify it again
reset(stateService, moreSearch, searchFactory);
// If the dependency check returns false, a precondition exception should be raised and the state service not be called
assertThatCode(() -> eventProcessor.createEvents(eventFactory, parameters, (events) -> {
verify(stateService, never()).setState(any(String.class), any(DateTime.class), any(DateTime.class));
verify(searchFactory, never()).create(any(), any(), any(), any());
verify(moreSearch, never()).scrollQuery(eq(config.query()), eq(config.streams()), eq(config.queryParameters()), eq(parameters.timerange()), eq(parameters.batchSize()), any(MoreSearch.ScrollCallback.class));
use of org.graylog2.indexer.messages.Messages in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class CmdLineTool method setupCoreConfigInjector.
* Set up a separate injector, containing only the core configuration bindings. It can be used to look up
* configuration values in modules at binding time.
protected Injector setupCoreConfigInjector() {
final NamedConfigParametersModule configModule = new NamedConfigParametersModule(jadConfig.getConfigurationBeans());
Injector coreConfigInjector = null;
try {
coreConfigInjector = Guice.createInjector(Stage.PRODUCTION, ImmutableList.of(configModule, (Module) Binder::requireExplicitBindings, this::featureFlagsBinding));
} catch (CreationException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Injector creation failed!", e);
if (coreConfigInjector == null) {
LOG.error("Injector for core configuration could not be created, exiting! (Please include the previous " + "error messages in bug reports.)");
return coreConfigInjector;
use of org.graylog2.indexer.messages.Messages in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class CmdLineTool method annotateInjectorExceptions.
protected void annotateInjectorExceptions(Collection<Message> messages) {
for (Message message : messages) {
// noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored
final Throwable rootCause = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(message.getCause());
if (rootCause instanceof NodeIdPersistenceException) {
LOG.error(UI.wallString("Unable to read or persist your NodeId file. This means your node id file (" + configuration.getNodeIdFile() + ") is not readable or writable by the current user. The following exception might give more information: " + message));
} else if (rootCause instanceof AccessDeniedException) {
LOG.error(UI.wallString("Unable to access file " + rootCause.getMessage()));
} else if (rootCause instanceof UnsupportedSearchException) {
final SearchVersion search = ((UnsupportedSearchException) rootCause).getSearchMajorVersion();
LOG.error(UI.wallString("Unsupported search version: " + search, DocsHelper.PAGE_ES_VERSIONS.toString()));
} else if (rootCause instanceof ElasticsearchProbeException) {
LOG.error(UI.wallString(rootCause.getMessage(), DocsHelper.PAGE_ES_CONFIGURATION.toString()));
} else {
// other guice error, still print the raw messages
// TODO this could potentially print duplicate messages depending on what a subclass does...
LOG.error("Guice error (more detail on log level debug): {}", message.getMessage());
if (rootCause != null) {
LOG.debug("Stacktrace:", rootCause);
use of org.graylog2.indexer.messages.Messages in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class FieldValueAlertCondition method runCheck.
public CheckResult runCheck() {
try {
final String filter = buildQueryFilter(stream.getId(), query);
// TODO we don't support cardinality yet
final FieldStatsResult fieldStatsResult = searches.fieldStats(field, "*", filter, RelativeRange.create(time * 60), false, true, false);
if (fieldStatsResult.count() == 0) {
LOG.debug("Alert check <{}> did not match any messages. Returning not triggered.", type);
return new NegativeCheckResult();
final double result;
switch(type) {
case MEAN:
result = fieldStatsResult.mean();
case MIN:
result = fieldStatsResult.min();
case MAX:
result = fieldStatsResult.max();
case SUM:
result = fieldStatsResult.sum();
case STDDEV:
result = fieldStatsResult.stdDeviation();
LOG.error("No such field value check type: [{}]. Returning not triggered.", type);
return new NegativeCheckResult();
LOG.debug("Alert check <{}> result: [{}]", id, result);
if (Double.isInfinite(result)) {
// This happens when there are no ES results/docs.
LOG.debug("Infinite value. Returning not triggered.");
return new NegativeCheckResult();
final boolean triggered;
switch(thresholdType) {
case HIGHER:
triggered = result > threshold.doubleValue();
case LOWER:
triggered = result < threshold.doubleValue();
triggered = false;
if (triggered) {
final String resultDescription = "Field " + field + " had a " + type + " of " + decimalFormat.format(result) + " in the last " + time + " minutes with trigger condition " + thresholdType + " than " + decimalFormat.format(threshold) + ". " + "(Current grace time: " + grace + " minutes)";
final List<MessageSummary> summaries;
if (getBacklog() > 0) {
final List<ResultMessage> searchResult = fieldStatsResult.searchHits();
summaries = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(searchResult.size());
for (ResultMessage resultMessage : searchResult) {
final Message msg = resultMessage.getMessage();
summaries.add(new MessageSummary(resultMessage.getIndex(), msg));
} else {
summaries = Collections.emptyList();
return new CheckResult(true, this, resultDescription, Tools.nowUTC(), summaries);
} else {
return new NegativeCheckResult();
} catch (InvalidRangeParametersException e) {
// cannot happen lol
LOG.error("Invalid timerange.", e);
return null;
} catch (FieldTypeException e) {
LOG.debug("Field [{}] seems not to have a numerical type or doesn't even exist at all. Returning not triggered.", field, e);
return new NegativeCheckResult();