use of org.graylog2.plugin.configuration.Configuration in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class InputsResource method update.
@ApiOperation(value = "Update input on this node", response = InputCreated.class)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "No such input on this node."), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Missing or invalid input configuration.") })
@AuditEvent(type = AuditEventTypes.MESSAGE_INPUT_UPDATE)
public Response update(@ApiParam(name = "JSON body", required = true) @Valid @NotNull InputCreateRequest lr, @ApiParam(name = "inputId", required = true) @PathParam("inputId") String inputId) throws org.graylog2.database.NotFoundException, NoSuchInputTypeException, ConfigurationException, ValidationException {
checkPermission(RestPermissions.INPUTS_EDIT, inputId);
final Input input = inputService.find(inputId);
final Map<String, Object> mergedInput = input.getFields();
final MessageInput messageInput = messageInputFactory.create(lr, getCurrentUser().getName(), lr.node());
final Input newInput = inputService.create(input.getId(), mergedInput);;
final URI inputUri = getUriBuilderToSelf().path(InputsResource.class).path("{inputId}").build(input.getId());
return Response.created(inputUri).entity(InputCreated.create(input.getId())).build();
use of org.graylog2.plugin.configuration.Configuration in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class LdapResource method testLdapConfiguration.
@ApiOperation("Test LDAP Configuration")
@NoAuditEvent("only used to test LDAP configuration")
public LdapTestConfigResponse testLdapConfiguration(@ApiParam(name = "Configuration to test", required = true) @Valid @NotNull LdapTestConfigRequest request) {
final LdapConnectionConfig config = new LdapConnectionConfig();
final URI ldapUri = request.ldapUri();
if (request.trustAllCertificates()) {
config.setTrustManagers(new TrustAllX509TrustManager());
if (!isNullOrEmpty(request.systemUsername()) && !isNullOrEmpty(request.systemPassword())) {
LdapNetworkConnection connection = null;
try {
try {
connection = ldapConnector.connect(config);
} catch (LdapException e) {
return LdapTestConfigResponse.create(false, false, false, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), Collections.<String>emptySet(), e.getMessage());
if (null == connection) {
return LdapTestConfigResponse.create(false, false, false, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), Collections.<String>emptySet(), "Could not connect to LDAP server");
boolean connected = connection.isConnected();
boolean systemAuthenticated = connection.isAuthenticated();
// the web interface allows testing the connection only, in that case we can bail out early.
if (request.testConnectOnly()) {
return LdapTestConfigResponse.create(connected, systemAuthenticated, false, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), Collections.<String>emptySet());
String userPrincipalName = null;
boolean loginAuthenticated = false;
Map<String, String> entryMap = Collections.emptyMap();
String exception = null;
Set<String> groups = Collections.emptySet();
try {
final LdapEntry entry =, request.searchBase(), request.searchPattern(), "*", request.principal(), request.activeDirectory(), request.groupSearchBase(), request.groupIdAttribute(), request.groupSearchPattern());
if (entry != null) {
userPrincipalName = entry.getBindPrincipal();
entryMap = entry.getAttributes();
groups = entry.getGroups();
} catch (CursorException | LdapException e) {
exception = e.getMessage();
try {
loginAuthenticated = ldapConnector.authenticate(connection, userPrincipalName, request.password());
} catch (Exception e) {
exception = e.getMessage();
return LdapTestConfigResponse.create(connected, systemAuthenticated, loginAuthenticated, entryMap, groups, exception);
} finally {
if (connection != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Unable to close LDAP connection.", e);
use of org.graylog2.plugin.configuration.Configuration in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class RotationStrategyResource method config.
@ApiOperation(value = "Configuration of the current rotation strategy", notes = "This resource stores the configuration of the currently used rotation strategy.")
@AuditEvent(type = AuditEventTypes.ES_INDEX_ROTATION_STRATEGY_UPDATE)
public RotationStrategySummary config(@ApiParam(value = "The description of the rotation strategy and its configuration", required = true) @Valid @NotNull RotationStrategySummary rotationStrategySummary) {
if (!rotationStrategies.containsKey(rotationStrategySummary.strategy())) {
throw new NotFoundException("Couldn't find rotation strategy for given type " + rotationStrategySummary.strategy());
final IndexManagementConfig oldConfig = clusterConfigService.get(IndexManagementConfig.class);
if (oldConfig == null) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Couldn't retrieve index management configuration");
final IndexManagementConfig indexManagementConfig = IndexManagementConfig.create(rotationStrategySummary.strategy(), oldConfig.retentionStrategy());
return rotationStrategySummary;
use of org.graylog2.plugin.configuration.Configuration in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class RotationStrategyResource method config.
@ApiOperation(value = "Configuration of the current rotation strategy", notes = "This resource returns the configuration of the currently used rotation strategy.")
public RotationStrategySummary config() {
final IndexManagementConfig indexManagementConfig = clusterConfigService.get(IndexManagementConfig.class);
if (indexManagementConfig == null) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Couldn't retrieve index management configuration");
final String strategyName = indexManagementConfig.rotationStrategy();
final Provider<RotationStrategy> provider = rotationStrategies.get(strategyName);
if (provider == null) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException("Couldn't retrieve rotation strategy provider");
final RotationStrategy rotationStrategy = provider.get();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Class<RotationStrategyConfig> configClass = (Class<RotationStrategyConfig>) rotationStrategy.configurationClass();
final RotationStrategyConfig config = clusterConfigService.get(configClass);
return RotationStrategySummary.create(strategyName, config);
use of org.graylog2.plugin.configuration.Configuration in project graylog2-server by Graylog2.
the class ExtractorsResource method create.
@ApiOperation(value = "Add an extractor to an input", response = ExtractorCreated.class)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "No such input on this node."), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "No such extractor type."), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Field the extractor should write on is reserved."), @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Missing or invalid configuration.") })
@AuditEvent(type = AuditEventTypes.EXTRACTOR_CREATE)
public Response create(@ApiParam(name = "inputId", required = true) @PathParam("inputId") String inputId, @ApiParam(name = "JSON body", required = true) @Valid @NotNull CreateExtractorRequest cer) throws NotFoundException {
checkPermission(RestPermissions.INPUTS_EDIT, inputId);
final Input mongoInput = inputService.find(inputId);
final String id = new com.eaio.uuid.UUID().toString();
final Extractor extractor = buildExtractorFromRequest(cer, id);
try {
inputService.addExtractor(mongoInput, extractor);
} catch (ValidationException e) {
final String msg = "Extractor persist validation failed.";
LOG.error(msg, e);
throw new BadRequestException(msg, e);
final String msg = "Added extractor <" + id + "> of type [" + cer.extractorType() + "] to input <" + inputId + ">.";;
activityWriter.write(new Activity(msg, ExtractorsResource.class));
final ExtractorCreated result = ExtractorCreated.create(id);
final URI extractorUri = getUriBuilderToSelf().path(ExtractorsResource.class).path("{inputId}").build(mongoInput.getId());
return Response.created(extractorUri).entity(result).build();