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Example 56 with User

use of org.h2.engine.User in project ignite by apache.

the class H2TableDescriptor method createUserIndex.

 * Create user index.
 * @param idxDesc Index descriptor.
 * @return Index.
public GridH2IndexBase createUserIndex(GridQueryIndexDescriptor idxDesc) {
    IndexColumn keyCol = tbl.indexColumn(KEY_COL, SortOrder.ASCENDING);
    IndexColumn affCol = tbl.getAffinityKeyColumn();
    List<IndexColumn> cols = new ArrayList<>(idxDesc.fields().size() + 2);
    for (String field : idxDesc.fields()) {
        Column col = tbl.getColumn(field);
        cols.add(tbl.indexColumn(col.getColumnId(), idxDesc.descending(field) ? SortOrder.DESCENDING : SortOrder.ASCENDING));
    GridH2RowDescriptor desc = tbl.rowDescriptor();
    if (idxDesc.type() == QueryIndexType.SORTED) {
        cols = H2Utils.treeIndexColumns(desc, cols, keyCol, affCol);
        return idx.createSortedIndex(, tbl, false, cols, idxDesc.inlineSize());
    } else if (idxDesc.type() == QueryIndexType.GEOSPATIAL)
        return H2Utils.createSpatialIndex(tbl,, cols.toArray(new IndexColumn[cols.size()]));
    throw new IllegalStateException("Index type: " + idxDesc.type());
Also used : GridH2RowDescriptor(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.GridH2RowDescriptor) Column(org.h2.table.Column) IndexColumn(org.h2.table.IndexColumn) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IndexColumn(org.h2.table.IndexColumn)

Example 57 with User

use of org.h2.engine.User in project ignite by apache.

the class DmlUtils method convert.

 * Convert value to column's expected type by means of H2.
 * @param val Source value.
 * @param desc Row descriptor.
 * @param expCls Expected value class.
 * @param type Expected column type to convert to.
 * @return Converted object.
 * @throws IgniteCheckedException if failed.
@SuppressWarnings({ "ConstantConditions", "SuspiciousSystemArraycopy" })
public static Object convert(Object val, GridH2RowDescriptor desc, Class<?> expCls, int type) throws IgniteCheckedException {
    if (val == null)
        return null;
    Class<?> currCls = val.getClass();
    try {
        if (val instanceof Date && currCls != Date.class && expCls == Date.class) {
            // precise Date instance. Let's satisfy it.
            return new Date(((Date) val).getTime());
        // User-given UUID is always serialized by H2 to byte array, so we have to deserialize manually
        if (type == Value.UUID && currCls == byte[].class)
            return U.unmarshal(desc.context().marshaller(), (byte[]) val, U.resolveClassLoader(desc.context().gridConfig()));
        if (LocalDateTimeUtils.isJava8DateApiPresent()) {
            if (val instanceof Timestamp && LocalDateTimeUtils.isLocalDateTime(expCls))
                return LocalDateTimeUtils.valueToLocalDateTime(ValueTimestamp.get((Timestamp) val));
            if (val instanceof Date && LocalDateTimeUtils.isLocalDate(expCls))
                return LocalDateTimeUtils.valueToLocalDate(ValueDate.fromDateValue(DateTimeUtils.dateValueFromDate(((Date) val).getTime())));
            if (val instanceof Time && LocalDateTimeUtils.isLocalTime(expCls))
                return LocalDateTimeUtils.valueToLocalTime(ValueTime.get((Time) val));
        // Still, we only can convert from Object[] to something more precise.
        if (type == Value.ARRAY && currCls != expCls) {
            if (currCls != Object[].class)
                throw new IgniteCheckedException("Unexpected array type - only conversion from Object[] " + "is assumed");
            // Why would otherwise type be Value.ARRAY?
            assert expCls.isArray();
            Object[] curr = (Object[]) val;
            Object newArr = Array.newInstance(expCls.getComponentType(), curr.length);
            System.arraycopy(curr, 0, newArr, 0, curr.length);
            return newArr;
        Object res = H2Utils.convert(val, desc, type);
        if (res instanceof Date && res.getClass() != Date.class && expCls == Date.class) {
            // without query - let's handle this
            return new Date(((Date) res).getTime());
        return res;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("Value conversion failed [from=" + currCls.getName() + ", to=" + expCls.getName() + ']', IgniteQueryErrorCode.CONVERSION_FAILED, e);
Also used : IgniteCheckedException(org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException) IgniteSQLException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.IgniteSQLException) Time(java.sql.Time) ValueTime(org.h2.value.ValueTime) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) ValueTimestamp(org.h2.value.ValueTimestamp) Date(java.util.Date) ValueDate(org.h2.value.ValueDate) IgniteCheckedException(org.apache.ignite.IgniteCheckedException) IgniteSQLException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.IgniteSQLException)

Example 58 with User

use of org.h2.engine.User in project ignite by apache.

the class UpdatePlanBuilder method planForUpdate.

 * Prepare update plan for UPDATE or DELETE.
 * @param stmt UPDATE or DELETE statement.
 * @param loc Local query flag.
 * @param idx Indexing.
 * @param conn Connection.
 * @param fieldsQuery Original query.
 * @param errKeysPos index to inject param for re-run keys at. Null if it's not a re-run plan.
 * @return Update plan.
 * @throws IgniteCheckedException if failed.
private static UpdatePlan planForUpdate(GridSqlStatement stmt, boolean loc, IgniteH2Indexing idx, @Nullable Connection conn, @Nullable SqlFieldsQuery fieldsQuery, @Nullable Integer errKeysPos) throws IgniteCheckedException {
    GridSqlElement target;
    FastUpdate fastUpdate;
    UpdateMode mode;
    if (stmt instanceof GridSqlUpdate) {
        // Let's verify that user is not trying to mess with key's columns directly
        GridSqlUpdate update = (GridSqlUpdate) stmt;
        target =;
        fastUpdate = DmlAstUtils.getFastUpdateArgs(update);
        mode = UpdateMode.UPDATE;
    } else if (stmt instanceof GridSqlDelete) {
        GridSqlDelete del = (GridSqlDelete) stmt;
        target = del.from();
        fastUpdate = DmlAstUtils.getFastDeleteArgs(del);
        mode = UpdateMode.DELETE;
    } else
        throw new IgniteSQLException("Unexpected DML operation [cls=" + stmt.getClass().getName() + ']', IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_OPERATION);
    GridSqlTable tbl = DmlAstUtils.gridTableForElement(target);
    GridH2Table h2Tbl = tbl.dataTable();
    GridH2RowDescriptor desc = h2Tbl.rowDescriptor();
    if (desc == null)
        throw new IgniteSQLException("Row descriptor undefined for table '" + h2Tbl.getName() + "'", IgniteQueryErrorCode.NULL_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR);
    if (fastUpdate != null) {
        return new UpdatePlan(mode, h2Tbl, null, fastUpdate, null);
    } else {
        GridSqlSelect sel;
        if (stmt instanceof GridSqlUpdate) {
            List<GridSqlColumn> updatedCols = ((GridSqlUpdate) stmt).cols();
            int valColIdx = -1;
            String[] colNames = new String[updatedCols.size()];
            int[] colTypes = new int[updatedCols.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < updatedCols.size(); i++) {
                colNames[i] = updatedCols.get(i).columnName();
                colTypes[i] = updatedCols.get(i).resultType().type();
                Column col = updatedCols.get(i).column();
                if (desc.isValueColumn(col.getColumnId()))
                    valColIdx = i;
            boolean hasNewVal = (valColIdx != -1);
            // Statement updates distinct properties if it does not have _val in updated columns list
            // or if its list of updated columns includes only _val, i.e. is single element.
            boolean hasProps = !hasNewVal || updatedCols.size() > 1;
            // Index of new _val in results of SELECT
            if (hasNewVal)
                valColIdx += 2;
            int newValColIdx = (hasNewVal ? valColIdx : 1);
            KeyValueSupplier valSupplier = createSupplier(desc.context(), desc.type(), newValColIdx, hasProps, false, true);
            sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForUpdate((GridSqlUpdate) stmt, errKeysPos);
            String selectSql = sel.getSQL();
            DmlDistributedPlanInfo distributed = F.isEmpty(selectSql) ? null : checkPlanCanBeDistributed(idx, conn, fieldsQuery, loc, selectSql, tbl.dataTable().cacheName());
            return new UpdatePlan(UpdateMode.UPDATE, h2Tbl, colNames, colTypes, null, valSupplier, -1, valColIdx, selectSql, false, null, 0, null, distributed);
        } else {
            sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForDelete((GridSqlDelete) stmt, errKeysPos);
            String selectSql = sel.getSQL();
            DmlDistributedPlanInfo distributed = F.isEmpty(selectSql) ? null : checkPlanCanBeDistributed(idx, conn, fieldsQuery, loc, selectSql, tbl.dataTable().cacheName());
            return new UpdatePlan(UpdateMode.DELETE, h2Tbl, selectSql, null, distributed);
Also used : GridSqlDelete(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlDelete) GridSqlSelect(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlSelect) GridH2RowDescriptor(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.GridH2RowDescriptor) Column(org.h2.table.Column) GridSqlColumn(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlColumn) GridSqlTable(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlTable) GridH2Table(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.GridH2Table) GridSqlColumn(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlColumn) IgniteSQLException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.IgniteSQLException) GridSqlElement(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlElement) GridSqlUpdate(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlUpdate)

Example 59 with User

use of org.h2.engine.User in project h2database by h2database.

the class Database method open.

private synchronized void open(int traceLevelFile, int traceLevelSystemOut) {
    if (persistent) {
        String dataFileName = databaseName + Constants.SUFFIX_OLD_DATABASE_FILE;
        boolean existsData = FileUtils.exists(dataFileName);
        String pageFileName = databaseName + Constants.SUFFIX_PAGE_FILE;
        String mvFileName = databaseName + Constants.SUFFIX_MV_FILE;
        boolean existsPage = FileUtils.exists(pageFileName);
        boolean existsMv = FileUtils.exists(mvFileName);
        if (existsData && (!existsPage && !existsMv)) {
            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FILE_VERSION_ERROR_1, "Old database: " + dataFileName + " - please convert the database " + "to a SQL script and re-create it.");
        if (existsPage && !FileUtils.canWrite(pageFileName)) {
            readOnly = true;
        if (existsMv && !FileUtils.canWrite(mvFileName)) {
            readOnly = true;
        if (existsPage && !existsMv) {
            dbSettings.mvStore = false;
        if (readOnly) {
            if (traceLevelFile >= TraceSystem.DEBUG) {
                String traceFile = Utils.getProperty("", ".") + "/" + "h2_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
                traceSystem = new TraceSystem(traceFile + Constants.SUFFIX_TRACE_FILE);
            } else {
                traceSystem = new TraceSystem(null);
        } else {
            traceSystem = new TraceSystem(databaseName + Constants.SUFFIX_TRACE_FILE);
        trace = traceSystem.getTrace(Trace.DATABASE);"opening {0} (build {1})", databaseName, Constants.BUILD_ID);
        if (autoServerMode) {
            if (readOnly || fileLockMethod == FileLockMethod.NO || fileLockMethod == FileLockMethod.SERIALIZED || fileLockMethod == FileLockMethod.FS || !persistent) {
                throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("autoServerMode && (readOnly || " + "fileLockMethod == NO || " + "fileLockMethod == SERIALIZED || " + "fileLockMethod == FS || " + "inMemory)");
        String lockFileName = databaseName + Constants.SUFFIX_LOCK_FILE;
        if (readOnly) {
            if (FileUtils.exists(lockFileName)) {
                throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATABASE_ALREADY_OPEN_1, "Lock file exists: " + lockFileName);
        if (!readOnly && fileLockMethod != FileLockMethod.NO) {
            if (fileLockMethod != FileLockMethod.FS) {
                lock = new FileLock(traceSystem, lockFileName, Constants.LOCK_SLEEP);
                if (autoServerMode) {
        if (SysProperties.MODIFY_ON_WRITE) {
            while (isReconnectNeeded()) {
            // wait until others stopped writing
        } else {
            while (isReconnectNeeded() && !beforeWriting()) {
            // wait until others stopped writing and
            // until we can write (the file is not yet open -
            // no need to re-connect)
        starting = true;
        if (SysProperties.MODIFY_ON_WRITE) {
            try {
            } catch (DbException e) {
                if (e.getErrorCode() != ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_READ_ONLY) {
                    throw e;
                pageStore = null;
                while (!beforeWriting()) {
                // wait until others stopped writing and
                // until we can write (the file is not yet open -
                // no need to re-connect)
        } else {
        starting = false;
        if (mvStore == null) {
            writer = WriterThread.create(this, writeDelay);
        } else {
    } else {
        if (autoServerMode) {
            throw DbException.getUnsupportedException("autoServerMode && inMemory");
        traceSystem = new TraceSystem(null);
        trace = traceSystem.getTrace(Trace.DATABASE);
        if (dbSettings.mvStore) {
    systemUser = new User(this, 0, SYSTEM_USER_NAME, true);
    mainSchema = new Schema(this, 0, Constants.SCHEMA_MAIN, systemUser, true);
    infoSchema = new Schema(this, -1, "INFORMATION_SCHEMA", systemUser, true);
    schemas.put(mainSchema.getName(), mainSchema);
    schemas.put(infoSchema.getName(), infoSchema);
    publicRole = new Role(this, 0, Constants.PUBLIC_ROLE_NAME, true);
    roles.put(Constants.PUBLIC_ROLE_NAME, publicRole);
    systemSession = new Session(this, systemUser, ++nextSessionId);
    lobSession = new Session(this, systemUser, ++nextSessionId);
    CreateTableData data = new CreateTableData();
    ArrayList<Column> cols = data.columns;
    Column columnId = new Column("ID", Value.INT);
    cols.add(new Column("HEAD", Value.INT));
    cols.add(new Column("TYPE", Value.INT));
    cols.add(new Column("SQL", Value.STRING));
    boolean create = true;
    if (pageStore != null) {
        create = pageStore.isNew();
    data.tableName = "SYS"; = 0;
    data.temporary = false;
    data.persistData = persistent;
    data.persistIndexes = persistent;
    data.create = create;
    data.isHidden = true;
    data.session = systemSession;
    meta = mainSchema.createTable(data);
    IndexColumn[] pkCols = IndexColumn.wrap(new Column[] { columnId });
    metaIdIndex = meta.addIndex(systemSession, "SYS_ID", 0, pkCols, IndexType.createPrimaryKey(false, false), true, null);
    starting = true;
    Cursor cursor = metaIdIndex.find(systemSession, null, null);
    ArrayList<MetaRecord> records = New.arrayList();
    while ( {
        MetaRecord rec = new MetaRecord(cursor.get());
    synchronized (systemSession) {
        for (MetaRecord rec : records) {
            rec.execute(this, systemSession, eventListener);
    if (mvStore != null) {
    starting = false;
    if (!readOnly) {
        // set CREATE_BUILD in a new database
        String name = SetTypes.getTypeName(SetTypes.CREATE_BUILD);
        if (settings.get(name) == null) {
            Setting setting = new Setting(this, allocateObjectId(), name);
            addDatabaseObject(systemSession, setting);
        // mark all ids used in the page store
        if (pageStore != null) {
            BitSet f = pageStore.getObjectIds();
            for (int i = 0, len = f.length(); i < len; i++) {
                if (f.get(i) && !objectIds.get(i)) {
          "unused object id: " + i);
    systemSession.commit(true);"opened {0}", databaseName);
    if (checkpointAllowed > 0) {
Also used : Schema(org.h2.schema.Schema) BitSet(java.util.BitSet) TraceSystem(org.h2.message.TraceSystem) CreateTableData(org.h2.command.ddl.CreateTableData) Cursor(org.h2.index.Cursor) Constraint(org.h2.constraint.Constraint) DbException(org.h2.message.DbException) IndexColumn(org.h2.table.IndexColumn) IndexColumn(org.h2.table.IndexColumn) Column(org.h2.table.Column) FileLock(

Example 60 with User

use of org.h2.engine.User in project h2database by h2database.

the class Engine method openSession.

private Session openSession(ConnectionInfo ci, boolean ifExists, String cipher) {
    String name = ci.getName();
    Database database;
    ci.removeProperty("NO_UPGRADE", false);
    boolean openNew = ci.getProperty("OPEN_NEW", false);
    boolean opened = false;
    User user = null;
    synchronized (DATABASES) {
        if (openNew || ci.isUnnamedInMemory()) {
            database = null;
        } else {
            database = DATABASES.get(name);
        if (database == null) {
            if (ifExists && !Database.exists(name)) {
                throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DATABASE_NOT_FOUND_1, name);
            database = new Database(ci, cipher);
            opened = true;
            if (database.getAllUsers().isEmpty()) {
                // users is the last thing we add, so if no user is around,
                // the database is new (or not initialized correctly)
                user = new User(database, database.allocateObjectId(), ci.getUserName(), false);
            if (!ci.isUnnamedInMemory()) {
                DATABASES.put(name, database);
    if (opened) {
        // start the thread when already synchronizing on the database
        // otherwise a deadlock can occur when the writer thread
        // opens a new database (as in recovery testing)
    if (database.isClosing()) {
        return null;
    if (user == null) {
        if (database.validateFilePasswordHash(cipher, ci.getFilePasswordHash())) {
            user = database.findUser(ci.getUserName());
            if (user != null) {
                if (!user.validateUserPasswordHash(ci.getUserPasswordHash())) {
                    user = null;
        if (opened && (user == null || !user.isAdmin())) {
            // reset - because the user is not an admin, and has no
            // right to listen to exceptions
    if (user == null) {
        DbException er = DbException.get(ErrorCode.WRONG_USER_OR_PASSWORD);
        database.getTrace(Trace.DATABASE).error(er, "wrong user or password; user: \"" + ci.getUserName() + "\"");
        throw er;
    checkClustering(ci, database);
    Session session = database.createSession(user);
    if (session == null) {
        // concurrently closing
        return null;
    if (ci.getProperty("JMX", false)) {
        try {
            Utils.callStaticMethod("org.h2.jmx.DatabaseInfo.registerMBean", ci, database);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED_1, e, "JMX");
        jmx = true;
    return session;
Also used : DbException(org.h2.message.DbException) DbException(org.h2.message.DbException)


Connection (java.sql.Connection)36 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)21 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)17 Statement (java.sql.Statement)17 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)16 Server ( DbException (org.h2.message.DbException)14 Column (org.h2.table.Column)12 ValueString (org.h2.value.ValueString)12 Properties (java.util.Properties)10 Database (org.h2.engine.Database)10 Schema (org.h2.schema.Schema)8 IOException ( User (org.h2.engine.User)7 JdbcDataSource (org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource)7 SimpleResultSet ( Value (org.h2.value.Value)7 PrintStream ( Timestamp (java.sql.Timestamp)6 GridH2Table (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.opt.GridH2Table)6