use of org.h2.expression.Operation in project h2database by h2database.
the class TestView method testViewConstraintFromColumnExpression.
* Make sure that the table constraint is still available when create a view
* of other table.
private void testViewConstraintFromColumnExpression() throws SQLException {
Connection conn = getConnection("view");
Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
stat.execute("create table t0(id1 int primary key CHECK ((ID1 % 2) = 0))");
stat.execute("create table t1(id2 int primary key CHECK ((ID2 % 1) = 0))");
stat.execute("insert into t0 values(0)");
stat.execute("insert into t1 values(1)");
stat.execute("create view v1 as select * from t0,t1");
// Check with ColumnExpression
ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = 'V1'");
assertEquals("ID1", rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
assertEquals("((ID1 % 2) = 0)", rs.getString("CHECK_CONSTRAINT"));
assertEquals("ID2", rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
assertEquals("((ID2 % 1) = 0)", rs.getString("CHECK_CONSTRAINT"));
// Check with AliasExpression
stat.execute("create view v2 as select ID1 key1,ID2 key2 from t0,t1");
rs = stat.executeQuery("select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = 'V2'");
assertEquals("KEY1", rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
assertEquals("((KEY1 % 2) = 0)", rs.getString("CHECK_CONSTRAINT"));
assertEquals("KEY2", rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
assertEquals("((KEY2 % 1) = 0)", rs.getString("CHECK_CONSTRAINT"));
// Check hide of constraint if column is an Operation
stat.execute("create view v3 as select ID1 + 1 ID1, ID2 + 1 ID2 from t0,t1");
rs = stat.executeQuery("select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = 'V3'");
assertEquals("ID1", rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
assertEquals("", rs.getString("CHECK_CONSTRAINT"));
assertEquals("ID2", rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
assertEquals("", rs.getString("CHECK_CONSTRAINT"));
use of org.h2.expression.Operation in project ignite by apache.
the class UpdatePlanBuilder method planForUpdate.
* Prepare update plan for UPDATE or DELETE.
* @param stmt UPDATE or DELETE statement.
* @param errKeysPos index to inject param for re-run keys at. Null if it's not a re-run plan.
* @return Update plan.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException if failed.
private static UpdatePlan planForUpdate(GridSqlStatement stmt, @Nullable Integer errKeysPos) throws IgniteCheckedException {
GridSqlElement target;
FastUpdateArguments fastUpdate;
UpdateMode mode;
if (stmt instanceof GridSqlUpdate) {
// Let's verify that user is not trying to mess with key's columns directly
GridSqlUpdate update = (GridSqlUpdate) stmt;
target =;
fastUpdate = DmlAstUtils.getFastUpdateArgs(update);
mode = UpdateMode.UPDATE;
} else if (stmt instanceof GridSqlDelete) {
GridSqlDelete del = (GridSqlDelete) stmt;
target = del.from();
fastUpdate = DmlAstUtils.getFastDeleteArgs(del);
mode = UpdateMode.DELETE;
} else
throw new IgniteSQLException("Unexpected DML operation [cls=" + stmt.getClass().getName() + ']', IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_OPERATION);
GridSqlTable tbl = gridTableForElement(target);
GridH2Table gridTbl = tbl.dataTable();
GridH2RowDescriptor desc = gridTbl.rowDescriptor();
if (desc == null)
throw new IgniteSQLException("Row descriptor undefined for table '" + gridTbl.getName() + "'", IgniteQueryErrorCode.NULL_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR);
if (fastUpdate != null)
return UpdatePlan.forFastUpdate(mode, gridTbl, fastUpdate);
else {
GridSqlSelect sel;
if (stmt instanceof GridSqlUpdate) {
List<GridSqlColumn> updatedCols = ((GridSqlUpdate) stmt).cols();
int valColIdx = -1;
String[] colNames = new String[updatedCols.size()];
int[] colTypes = new int[updatedCols.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < updatedCols.size(); i++) {
colNames[i] = updatedCols.get(i).columnName();
colTypes[i] = updatedCols.get(i).resultType().type();
Column column = updatedCols.get(i).column();
if (desc.isValueColumn(column.getColumnId()))
valColIdx = i;
boolean hasNewVal = (valColIdx != -1);
// Statement updates distinct properties if it does not have _val in updated columns list
// or if its list of updated columns includes only _val, i.e. is single element.
boolean hasProps = !hasNewVal || updatedCols.size() > 1;
// Index of new _val in results of SELECT
if (hasNewVal)
valColIdx += 2;
int newValColIdx = (hasNewVal ? valColIdx : 1);
KeyValueSupplier newValSupplier = createSupplier(desc.context(), desc.type(), newValColIdx, hasProps, false, true);
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForUpdate((GridSqlUpdate) stmt, errKeysPos);
return UpdatePlan.forUpdate(gridTbl, colNames, colTypes, newValSupplier, valColIdx, sel.getSQL());
} else {
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForDelete((GridSqlDelete) stmt, errKeysPos);
return UpdatePlan.forDelete(gridTbl, sel.getSQL());
use of org.h2.expression.Operation in project ignite by apache.
the class UpdatePlanBuilder method planForUpdate.
* Prepare update plan for UPDATE or DELETE.
* @param stmt UPDATE or DELETE statement.
* @param loc Local query flag.
* @param idx Indexing.
* @param conn Connection.
* @param fieldsQuery Original query.
* @param errKeysPos index to inject param for re-run keys at. Null if it's not a re-run plan.
* @return Update plan.
* @throws IgniteCheckedException if failed.
private static UpdatePlan planForUpdate(GridSqlStatement stmt, boolean loc, IgniteH2Indexing idx, @Nullable Connection conn, @Nullable SqlFieldsQuery fieldsQuery, @Nullable Integer errKeysPos) throws IgniteCheckedException {
GridSqlElement target;
FastUpdate fastUpdate;
UpdateMode mode;
if (stmt instanceof GridSqlUpdate) {
// Let's verify that user is not trying to mess with key's columns directly
GridSqlUpdate update = (GridSqlUpdate) stmt;
target =;
fastUpdate = DmlAstUtils.getFastUpdateArgs(update);
mode = UpdateMode.UPDATE;
} else if (stmt instanceof GridSqlDelete) {
GridSqlDelete del = (GridSqlDelete) stmt;
target = del.from();
fastUpdate = DmlAstUtils.getFastDeleteArgs(del);
mode = UpdateMode.DELETE;
} else
throw new IgniteSQLException("Unexpected DML operation [cls=" + stmt.getClass().getName() + ']', IgniteQueryErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_OPERATION);
GridSqlTable tbl = DmlAstUtils.gridTableForElement(target);
GridH2Table h2Tbl = tbl.dataTable();
GridH2RowDescriptor desc = h2Tbl.rowDescriptor();
if (desc == null)
throw new IgniteSQLException("Row descriptor undefined for table '" + h2Tbl.getName() + "'", IgniteQueryErrorCode.NULL_TABLE_DESCRIPTOR);
if (fastUpdate != null) {
return new UpdatePlan(mode, h2Tbl, null, fastUpdate, null);
} else {
GridSqlSelect sel;
if (stmt instanceof GridSqlUpdate) {
List<GridSqlColumn> updatedCols = ((GridSqlUpdate) stmt).cols();
int valColIdx = -1;
String[] colNames = new String[updatedCols.size()];
int[] colTypes = new int[updatedCols.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < updatedCols.size(); i++) {
colNames[i] = updatedCols.get(i).columnName();
colTypes[i] = updatedCols.get(i).resultType().type();
Column col = updatedCols.get(i).column();
if (desc.isValueColumn(col.getColumnId()))
valColIdx = i;
boolean hasNewVal = (valColIdx != -1);
// Statement updates distinct properties if it does not have _val in updated columns list
// or if its list of updated columns includes only _val, i.e. is single element.
boolean hasProps = !hasNewVal || updatedCols.size() > 1;
// Index of new _val in results of SELECT
if (hasNewVal)
valColIdx += 2;
int newValColIdx = (hasNewVal ? valColIdx : 1);
KeyValueSupplier valSupplier = createSupplier(desc.context(), desc.type(), newValColIdx, hasProps, false, true);
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForUpdate((GridSqlUpdate) stmt, errKeysPos);
String selectSql = sel.getSQL();
DmlDistributedPlanInfo distributed = F.isEmpty(selectSql) ? null : checkPlanCanBeDistributed(idx, conn, fieldsQuery, loc, selectSql, tbl.dataTable().cacheName());
return new UpdatePlan(UpdateMode.UPDATE, h2Tbl, colNames, colTypes, null, valSupplier, -1, valColIdx, selectSql, false, null, 0, null, distributed);
} else {
sel = DmlAstUtils.selectForDelete((GridSqlDelete) stmt, errKeysPos);
String selectSql = sel.getSQL();
DmlDistributedPlanInfo distributed = F.isEmpty(selectSql) ? null : checkPlanCanBeDistributed(idx, conn, fieldsQuery, loc, selectSql, tbl.dataTable().cacheName());
return new UpdatePlan(UpdateMode.DELETE, h2Tbl, selectSql, null, distributed);
use of org.h2.expression.Operation in project h2database by h2database.
the class Recover method dumpPageLogStream.
private void dumpPageLogStream(PrintWriter writer, int logKey, int logFirstTrunkPage, int logFirstDataPage, long pageCount) throws IOException {
Data s = Data.create(this, pageSize);
DataReader in = new DataReader(new PageInputStream(writer, this, store, logKey, logFirstTrunkPage, logFirstDataPage, pageSize));
writer.println("---- Transaction log ----");
CompressLZF compress = new CompressLZF();
while (true) {
int x = in.readByte();
if (x < 0) {
if (x == PageLog.NOOP) {
// ignore
} else if (x == PageLog.UNDO) {
int pageId = in.readVarInt();
int size = in.readVarInt();
byte[] data = new byte[pageSize];
if (size == 0) {
in.readFully(data, pageSize);
} else if (size == 1) {
// empty
} else {
byte[] compressBuffer = new byte[size];
in.readFully(compressBuffer, size);
try {
compress.expand(compressBuffer, 0, size, data, 0, pageSize);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw DbException.convertToIOException(e);
String typeName = "";
int type = data[0];
boolean last = (type & Page.FLAG_LAST) != 0;
type &= ~Page.FLAG_LAST;
switch(type) {
case Page.TYPE_EMPTY:
typeName = "empty";
typeName = "data leaf " + (last ? "(last)" : "");
typeName = "data node " + (last ? "(last)" : "");
typeName = "data overflow " + (last ? "(last)" : "");
typeName = "b-tree leaf " + (last ? "(last)" : "");
typeName = "b-tree node " + (last ? "(last)" : "");
typeName = "free list " + (last ? "(last)" : "");
typeName = "log trunk";
typeName = "log data";
typeName = "ERROR: unknown type " + type;
writer.println("-- undo page " + pageId + " " + typeName);
if (trace) {
Data d = Data.create(null, data);
dumpPage(writer, d, pageId, pageCount);
} else if (x == PageLog.ADD) {
int sessionId = in.readVarInt();
Row row = PageLog.readRow(RowFactory.DEFAULT, in, s);
writer.println("-- session " + sessionId + " table " + storageId + " + " + row.toString());
if (transactionLog) {
if (storageId == 0 && row.getColumnCount() >= 4) {
int tableId = (int) row.getKey();
String sql = row.getValue(3).getString();
String name = extractTableOrViewName(sql);
if (row.getValue(2).getInt() == DbObject.TABLE_OR_VIEW) {
tableMap.put(tableId, name);
writer.println(sql + ";");
} else {
String tableName = tableMap.get(storageId);
if (tableName != null) {
StatementBuilder buff = new StatementBuilder();
buff.append("INSERT INTO ").append(tableName).append(" VALUES(");
for (int i = 0; i < row.getColumnCount(); i++) {
buff.appendExceptFirst(", ");
} else if (x == PageLog.REMOVE) {
int sessionId = in.readVarInt();
long key = in.readVarLong();
writer.println("-- session " + sessionId + " table " + storageId + " - " + key);
if (transactionLog) {
if (storageId == 0) {
int tableId = (int) key;
String tableName = tableMap.get(tableId);
if (tableName != null) {
writer.println("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tableName + ";");
} else {
String tableName = tableMap.get(storageId);
if (tableName != null) {
String sql = "DELETE FROM " + tableName + " WHERE _ROWID_ = " + key + ";";
} else if (x == PageLog.TRUNCATE) {
int sessionId = in.readVarInt();
writer.println("-- session " + sessionId + " table " + storageId + " truncate");
if (transactionLog) {
writer.println("TRUNCATE TABLE " + storageId);
} else if (x == PageLog.COMMIT) {
int sessionId = in.readVarInt();
writer.println("-- commit " + sessionId);
} else if (x == PageLog.ROLLBACK) {
int sessionId = in.readVarInt();
writer.println("-- rollback " + sessionId);
} else if (x == PageLog.PREPARE_COMMIT) {
int sessionId = in.readVarInt();
String transaction = in.readString();
writer.println("-- prepare commit " + sessionId + " " + transaction);
} else if (x == PageLog.NOOP) {
// nothing to do
} else if (x == PageLog.CHECKPOINT) {
writer.println("-- checkpoint");
} else if (x == PageLog.FREE_LOG) {
int size = in.readVarInt();
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder("-- free");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buff.append(' ').append(in.readVarInt());
} else {
writer.println("-- ERROR: unknown operation " + x);
use of org.h2.expression.Operation in project h2database by h2database.
the class RegularTable method addRow.
public void addRow(Session session, Row row) {
lastModificationId = database.getNextModificationDataId();
if (database.isMultiVersion()) {
int i = 0;
try {
for (int size = indexes.size(); i < size; i++) {
Index index = indexes.get(i);
index.add(session, row);
checkRowCount(session, index, 1);
} catch (Throwable e) {
try {
while (--i >= 0) {
Index index = indexes.get(i);
index.remove(session, row);
checkRowCount(session, index, 0);
} catch (DbException e2) {
// this could happen, for example on failure in the storage
// but if that is not the case it means there is something wrong
// with the database
trace.error(e2, "could not undo operation");
throw e2;
DbException de = DbException.convert(e);
if (de.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_KEY_1) {
for (Index index : indexes) {
if (index.getIndexType().isUnique() && index instanceof MultiVersionIndex) {
MultiVersionIndex mv = (MultiVersionIndex) index;
if (mv.isUncommittedFromOtherSession(session, row)) {
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.CONCURRENT_UPDATE_1, index.getName());
throw de;