Search in sources :

Example 16 with DataType

use of org.h2.value.DataType in project h2database by h2database.

the class Page method setKey.

 * Replace the key at an index in this page.
 * @param index the index
 * @param key the new key
public void setKey(int index, Object key) {
    // this is slightly slower:
    // keys = Arrays.copyOf(keys, keys.length);
    keys = keys.clone();
    if (isPersistent()) {
        Object old = keys[index];
        DataType keyType = map.getKeyType();
        int mem = keyType.getMemory(key);
        if (old != null) {
            mem -= keyType.getMemory(old);
    keys[index] = key;
Also used : DataType(org.h2.mvstore.type.DataType)

Example 17 with DataType

use of org.h2.value.DataType in project h2database by h2database.

the class MetaTable method generateRows.

 * Generate the data for the given metadata table using the given first and
 * last row filters.
 * @param session the session
 * @param first the first row to return
 * @param last the last row to return
 * @return the generated rows
public ArrayList<Row> generateRows(Session session, SearchRow first, SearchRow last) {
    Value indexFrom = null, indexTo = null;
    if (indexColumn >= 0) {
        if (first != null) {
            indexFrom = first.getValue(indexColumn);
        if (last != null) {
            indexTo = last.getValue(indexColumn);
    ArrayList<Row> rows = New.arrayList();
    String catalog = identifier(database.getShortName());
    boolean admin = session.getUser().isAdmin();
    switch(type) {
        case TABLES:
                for (Table table : getAllTables(session)) {
                    String tableName = identifier(table.getName());
                    if (!checkIndex(session, tableName, indexFrom, indexTo)) {
                    if (hideTable(table, session)) {
                    String storageType;
                    if (table.isTemporary()) {
                        if (table.isGlobalTemporary()) {
                            storageType = "GLOBAL TEMPORARY";
                        } else {
                            storageType = "LOCAL TEMPORARY";
                    } else {
                        storageType = table.isPersistIndexes() ? "CACHED" : "MEMORY";
                    String sql = table.getCreateSQL();
                    if (!admin) {
                        if (sql != null && sql.contains(JdbcSQLException.HIDE_SQL)) {
                            // hide the password of linked tables
                            sql = "-";
                    add(rows, // TABLE_CATALOG
                    catalog, // TABLE_SCHEMA
                    identifier(table.getSchema().getName()), // TABLE_NAME
                    tableName, // TABLE_TYPE
                    table.getTableType().toString(), // STORAGE_TYPE
                    storageType, // SQL
                    sql, // REMARKS
                    replaceNullWithEmpty(table.getComment()), // LAST_MODIFICATION
                    "" + table.getMaxDataModificationId(), // ID
                    "" + table.getId(), // TYPE_NAME
                    null, // TABLE_CLASS
                    table.getClass().getName(), // ROW_COUNT_ESTIMATE
                    "" + table.getRowCountApproximation());
        case COLUMNS:
                // reduce the number of tables to scan - makes some metadata queries
                // 10x faster
                final ArrayList<Table> tablesToList;
                if (indexFrom != null && indexFrom.equals(indexTo)) {
                    String tableName = identifier(indexFrom.getString());
                    tablesToList = getTablesByName(session, tableName);
                } else {
                    tablesToList = getAllTables(session);
                for (Table table : tablesToList) {
                    String tableName = identifier(table.getName());
                    if (!checkIndex(session, tableName, indexFrom, indexTo)) {
                    if (hideTable(table, session)) {
                    Column[] cols = table.getColumns();
                    String collation = database.getCompareMode().getName();
                    for (int j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
                        Column c = cols[j];
                        Sequence sequence = c.getSequence();
                        add(rows, // TABLE_CATALOG
                        catalog, // TABLE_SCHEMA
                        identifier(table.getSchema().getName()), // TABLE_NAME
                        tableName, // COLUMN_NAME
                        identifier(c.getName()), // ORDINAL_POSITION
                        String.valueOf(j + 1), // COLUMN_DEFAULT
                        c.getDefaultSQL(), // IS_NULLABLE
                        c.isNullable() ? "YES" : "NO", // DATA_TYPE
                        "" + DataType.convertTypeToSQLType(c.getType()), // CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH
                        "" + c.getPrecisionAsInt(), // CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH
                        "" + c.getPrecisionAsInt(), // NUMERIC_PRECISION
                        "" + c.getPrecisionAsInt(), // NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX
                        "10", // NUMERIC_SCALE
                        "" + c.getScale(), // CHARACTER_SET_NAME
                        CHARACTER_SET_NAME, // COLLATION_NAME
                        collation, // TYPE_NAME
                        identifier(DataType.getDataType(c.getType()).name), // NULLABLE
                        "" + (c.isNullable() ? DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable : DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls), // IS_COMPUTED
                        "" + (c.getComputed() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"), // SELECTIVITY
                        "" + (c.getSelectivity()), // CHECK_CONSTRAINT
                        c.getCheckConstraintSQL(session, c.getName()), // SEQUENCE_NAME
                        sequence == null ? null : sequence.getName(), // REMARKS
                        replaceNullWithEmpty(c.getComment()), // SOURCE_DATA_TYPE
                        null, // COLUMN_TYPE
                        c.getCreateSQLWithoutName(), // COLUMN_ON_UPDATE
        case INDEXES:
                // reduce the number of tables to scan - makes some metadata queries
                // 10x faster
                final ArrayList<Table> tablesToList;
                if (indexFrom != null && indexFrom.equals(indexTo)) {
                    String tableName = identifier(indexFrom.getString());
                    tablesToList = getTablesByName(session, tableName);
                } else {
                    tablesToList = getAllTables(session);
                for (Table table : tablesToList) {
                    String tableName = identifier(table.getName());
                    if (!checkIndex(session, tableName, indexFrom, indexTo)) {
                    if (hideTable(table, session)) {
                    ArrayList<Index> indexes = table.getIndexes();
                    ArrayList<Constraint> constraints = table.getConstraints();
                    for (int j = 0; indexes != null && j < indexes.size(); j++) {
                        Index index = indexes.get(j);
                        if (index.getCreateSQL() == null) {
                        String constraintName = null;
                        for (int k = 0; constraints != null && k < constraints.size(); k++) {
                            Constraint constraint = constraints.get(k);
                            if (constraint.usesIndex(index)) {
                                if (index.getIndexType().isPrimaryKey()) {
                                    if (constraint.getConstraintType() == Constraint.Type.PRIMARY_KEY) {
                                        constraintName = constraint.getName();
                                } else {
                                    constraintName = constraint.getName();
                        IndexColumn[] cols = index.getIndexColumns();
                        String indexClass;
                        if (index instanceof MultiVersionIndex) {
                            indexClass = ((MultiVersionIndex) index).getBaseIndex().getClass().getName();
                        } else {
                            indexClass = index.getClass().getName();
                        for (int k = 0; k < cols.length; k++) {
                            IndexColumn idxCol = cols[k];
                            Column column = idxCol.column;
                            add(rows, // TABLE_CATALOG
                            catalog, // TABLE_SCHEMA
                            identifier(table.getSchema().getName()), // TABLE_NAME
                            tableName, // NON_UNIQUE
                            index.getIndexType().isUnique() ? "FALSE" : "TRUE", // INDEX_NAME
                            identifier(index.getName()), // ORDINAL_POSITION
                            "" + (k + 1), // COLUMN_NAME
                            identifier(column.getName()), // CARDINALITY
                            "0", // PRIMARY_KEY
                            index.getIndexType().isPrimaryKey() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", // INDEX_TYPE_NAME
                            index.getIndexType().getSQL(), // IS_GENERATED
                            index.getIndexType().getBelongsToConstraint() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", // INDEX_TYPE
                            "" + DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexOther, // ASC_OR_DESC
                            (idxCol.sortType & SortOrder.DESCENDING) != 0 ? "D" : "A", // PAGES
                            "0", // FILTER_CONDITION
                            "", // REMARKS
                            replaceNullWithEmpty(index.getComment()), // SQL
                            index.getCreateSQL(), // ID
                            "" + index.getId(), // SORT_TYPE
                            "" + idxCol.sortType, // CONSTRAINT_NAME
                            constraintName, // INDEX_CLASS
                            indexClass, // AFFINITY
                            index.getIndexType().isAffinity() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
        case TABLE_TYPES:
                add(rows, TableType.TABLE.toString());
                add(rows, TableType.TABLE_LINK.toString());
                add(rows, TableType.SYSTEM_TABLE.toString());
                add(rows, TableType.VIEW.toString());
                add(rows, TableType.EXTERNAL_TABLE_ENGINE.toString());
        case CATALOGS:
                add(rows, catalog);
        case SETTINGS:
                for (Setting s : database.getAllSettings()) {
                    String value = s.getStringValue();
                    if (value == null) {
                        value = "" + s.getIntValue();
                    add(rows, identifier(s.getName()), value);
                add(rows, "info.BUILD_ID", "" + Constants.BUILD_ID);
                add(rows, "info.VERSION_MAJOR", "" + Constants.VERSION_MAJOR);
                add(rows, "info.VERSION_MINOR", "" + Constants.VERSION_MINOR);
                add(rows, "info.VERSION", "" + Constants.getFullVersion());
                if (admin) {
                    String[] settings = { "java.runtime.version", "", "java.vendor", "", "os.arch", "os.version", "sun.os.patch.level", "file.separator", "path.separator", "line.separator", "", "user.language", "user.variant", "file.encoding" };
                    for (String s : settings) {
                        add(rows, "property." + s, Utils.getProperty(s, ""));
                add(rows, "EXCLUSIVE", database.getExclusiveSession() == null ? "FALSE" : "TRUE");
                add(rows, "MODE", database.getMode().getName());
                add(rows, "MULTI_THREADED", database.isMultiThreaded() ? "1" : "0");
                add(rows, "MVCC", database.isMultiVersion() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
                add(rows, "QUERY_TIMEOUT", "" + session.getQueryTimeout());
                add(rows, "RETENTION_TIME", "" + database.getRetentionTime());
                add(rows, "LOG", "" + database.getLogMode());
                // database settings
                ArrayList<String> settingNames = New.arrayList();
                HashMap<String, String> s = database.getSettings().getSettings();
                for (String k : settingNames) {
                    add(rows, k, s.get(k));
                if (database.isPersistent()) {
                    PageStore store = database.getPageStore();
                    if (store != null) {
                        add(rows, "info.FILE_WRITE_TOTAL", "" + store.getWriteCountTotal());
                        add(rows, "info.FILE_WRITE", "" + store.getWriteCount());
                        add(rows, "info.FILE_READ", "" + store.getReadCount());
                        add(rows, "info.PAGE_COUNT", "" + store.getPageCount());
                        add(rows, "info.PAGE_SIZE", "" + store.getPageSize());
                        add(rows, "info.CACHE_MAX_SIZE", "" + store.getCache().getMaxMemory());
                        add(rows, "info.CACHE_SIZE", "" + store.getCache().getMemory());
                    Store mvStore = database.getMvStore();
                    if (mvStore != null) {
                        FileStore fs = mvStore.getStore().getFileStore();
                        add(rows, "info.FILE_WRITE", "" + fs.getWriteCount());
                        add(rows, "info.FILE_READ", "" + fs.getReadCount());
                        long size;
                        try {
                            size = fs.getFile().size();
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                            throw DbException.convertIOException(e, "Can not get size");
                        int pageSize = 4 * 1024;
                        long pageCount = size / pageSize;
                        add(rows, "info.PAGE_COUNT", "" + pageCount);
                        add(rows, "info.PAGE_SIZE", "" + pageSize);
                        add(rows, "info.CACHE_MAX_SIZE", "" + mvStore.getStore().getCacheSize());
                        add(rows, "info.CACHE_SIZE", "" + mvStore.getStore().getCacheSizeUsed());
        case TYPE_INFO:
                for (DataType t : DataType.getTypes()) {
                    if (t.hidden || t.sqlType == Value.NULL) {
                    add(rows, // TYPE_NAME
          , // DATA_TYPE
                    String.valueOf(t.sqlType), // PRECISION
                    String.valueOf(MathUtils.convertLongToInt(t.maxPrecision)), // PREFIX
                    t.prefix, // SUFFIX
                    t.suffix, // PARAMS
                    t.params, // AUTO_INCREMENT
                    String.valueOf(t.autoIncrement), // MINIMUM_SCALE
                    String.valueOf(t.minScale), // MAXIMUM_SCALE
                    String.valueOf(t.maxScale), // RADIX
                    t.decimal ? "10" : null, // POS
                    String.valueOf(t.sqlTypePos), // CASE_SENSITIVE
                    String.valueOf(t.caseSensitive), // NULLABLE
                    "" + DatabaseMetaData.typeNullable, // SEARCHABLE
                    "" + DatabaseMetaData.typeSearchable);
        case HELP:
                String resource = "/org/h2/res/help.csv";
                try {
                    byte[] data = Utils.getResource(resource);
                    Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
                    Csv csv = new Csv();
                    ResultSet rs =, null);
                    for (int i = 0;; i++) {
                        add(rows, // ID
                        String.valueOf(i), // SECTION
                        rs.getString(1).trim(), // TOPIC
                        rs.getString(2).trim(), // SYNTAX
                        rs.getString(3).trim(), // TEXT
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw DbException.convert(e);
        case SEQUENCES:
                for (SchemaObject obj : database.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.SEQUENCE)) {
                    Sequence s = (Sequence) obj;
                    add(rows, // SEQUENCE_CATALOG
                    catalog, // SEQUENCE_SCHEMA
                    identifier(s.getSchema().getName()), // SEQUENCE_NAME
                    identifier(s.getName()), // CURRENT_VALUE
                    String.valueOf(s.getCurrentValue()), // INCREMENT
                    String.valueOf(s.getIncrement()), // IS_GENERATED
                    s.getBelongsToTable() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", // REMARKS
                    replaceNullWithEmpty(s.getComment()), // CACHE
                    String.valueOf(s.getCacheSize()), // MIN_VALUE
                    String.valueOf(s.getMinValue()), // MAX_VALUE
                    String.valueOf(s.getMaxValue()), // IS_CYCLE
                    s.getCycle() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", // ID
                    "" + s.getId());
        case USERS:
                for (User u : database.getAllUsers()) {
                    if (admin || session.getUser() == u) {
                        add(rows, // NAME
                        identifier(u.getName()), // ADMIN
                        String.valueOf(u.isAdmin()), // REMARKS
                        replaceNullWithEmpty(u.getComment()), // ID
                        "" + u.getId());
        case ROLES:
                for (Role r : database.getAllRoles()) {
                    if (admin || session.getUser().isRoleGranted(r)) {
                        add(rows, // NAME
                        identifier(r.getName()), // REMARKS
                        replaceNullWithEmpty(r.getComment()), // ID
                        "" + r.getId());
        case RIGHTS:
                if (admin) {
                    for (Right r : database.getAllRights()) {
                        Role role = r.getGrantedRole();
                        DbObject grantee = r.getGrantee();
                        String rightType = grantee.getType() == DbObject.USER ? "USER" : "ROLE";
                        if (role == null) {
                            DbObject object = r.getGrantedObject();
                            Schema schema = null;
                            Table table = null;
                            if (object != null) {
                                if (object instanceof Schema) {
                                    schema = (Schema) object;
                                } else if (object instanceof Table) {
                                    table = (Table) object;
                                    schema = table.getSchema();
                            String tableName = (table != null) ? identifier(table.getName()) : "";
                            String schemaName = (schema != null) ? identifier(schema.getName()) : "";
                            if (!checkIndex(session, tableName, indexFrom, indexTo)) {
                            add(rows, // GRANTEE
                            identifier(grantee.getName()), // GRANTEETYPE
                            rightType, // GRANTEDROLE
                            "", // RIGHTS
                            r.getRights(), // TABLE_SCHEMA
                            schemaName, // TABLE_NAME
                            tableName, // ID
                            "" + r.getId());
                        } else {
                            add(rows, // GRANTEE
                            identifier(grantee.getName()), // GRANTEETYPE
                            rightType, // GRANTEDROLE
                            identifier(role.getName()), // RIGHTS
                            "", // TABLE_SCHEMA
                            "", // TABLE_NAME
                            "", // ID
                            "" + r.getId());
        case FUNCTION_ALIASES:
                for (SchemaObject aliasAsSchemaObject : database.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.FUNCTION_ALIAS)) {
                    FunctionAlias alias = (FunctionAlias) aliasAsSchemaObject;
                    JavaMethod[] methods;
                    try {
                        methods = alias.getJavaMethods();
                    } catch (DbException e) {
                        methods = new JavaMethod[0];
                    for (FunctionAlias.JavaMethod method : methods) {
                        int returnsResult = method.getDataType() == Value.NULL ? DatabaseMetaData.procedureNoResult : DatabaseMetaData.procedureReturnsResult;
                        add(rows, // ALIAS_CATALOG
                        catalog, // ALIAS_SCHEMA
                        alias.getSchema().getName(), // ALIAS_NAME
                        identifier(alias.getName()), // JAVA_CLASS
                        alias.getJavaClassName(), // JAVA_METHOD
                        alias.getJavaMethodName(), // DATA_TYPE
                        "" + DataType.convertTypeToSQLType(method.getDataType()), // TYPE_NAME
                        DataType.getDataType(method.getDataType()).name, // COLUMN_COUNT INT
                        "" + method.getParameterCount(), // RETURNS_RESULT SMALLINT
                        "" + returnsResult, // REMARKS
                        replaceNullWithEmpty(alias.getComment()), // ID
                        "" + alias.getId(), // SOURCE
                for (UserAggregate agg : database.getAllAggregates()) {
                    int returnsResult = DatabaseMetaData.procedureReturnsResult;
                    add(rows, // ALIAS_CATALOG
                    catalog, // ALIAS_SCHEMA
                    Constants.SCHEMA_MAIN, // ALIAS_NAME
                    identifier(agg.getName()), // JAVA_CLASS
                    agg.getJavaClassName(), // JAVA_METHOD
                    "", // DATA_TYPE
                    "" + DataType.convertTypeToSQLType(Value.NULL), // TYPE_NAME
                    DataType.getDataType(Value.NULL).name, // COLUMN_COUNT INT
                    "1", // RETURNS_RESULT SMALLINT
                    "" + returnsResult, // REMARKS
                    replaceNullWithEmpty(agg.getComment()), // ID
                    "" + agg.getId(), // SOURCE
        case FUNCTION_COLUMNS:
                for (SchemaObject aliasAsSchemaObject : database.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.FUNCTION_ALIAS)) {
                    FunctionAlias alias = (FunctionAlias) aliasAsSchemaObject;
                    JavaMethod[] methods;
                    try {
                        methods = alias.getJavaMethods();
                    } catch (DbException e) {
                        methods = new JavaMethod[0];
                    for (FunctionAlias.JavaMethod method : methods) {
                        // Add return column index 0
                        if (method.getDataType() != Value.NULL) {
                            DataType dt = DataType.getDataType(method.getDataType());
                            add(rows, // ALIAS_CATALOG
                            catalog, // ALIAS_SCHEMA
                            alias.getSchema().getName(), // ALIAS_NAME
                            identifier(alias.getName()), // JAVA_CLASS
                            alias.getJavaClassName(), // JAVA_METHOD
                            alias.getJavaMethodName(), // COLUMN_COUNT
                            "" + method.getParameterCount(), // POS INT
                            "0", // COLUMN_NAME
                            "P0", // DATA_TYPE
                            "" + DataType.convertTypeToSQLType(method.getDataType()), // TYPE_NAME
                  , // PRECISION INT
                            "" + MathUtils.convertLongToInt(dt.defaultPrecision), // SCALE
                            "" + dt.defaultScale, // RADIX
                            "10", // NULLABLE SMALLINT
                            "" + DatabaseMetaData.columnNullableUnknown, // COLUMN_TYPE
                            "" + DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnReturn, // REMARKS
                            "", // COLUMN_DEFAULT
                        Class<?>[] columnList = method.getColumnClasses();
                        for (int k = 0; k < columnList.length; k++) {
                            if (method.hasConnectionParam() && k == 0) {
                            Class<?> clazz = columnList[k];
                            int dataType = DataType.getTypeFromClass(clazz);
                            DataType dt = DataType.getDataType(dataType);
                            int nullable = clazz.isPrimitive() ? DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls : DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable;
                            add(rows, // ALIAS_CATALOG
                            catalog, // ALIAS_SCHEMA
                            alias.getSchema().getName(), // ALIAS_NAME
                            identifier(alias.getName()), // JAVA_CLASS
                            alias.getJavaClassName(), // JAVA_METHOD
                            alias.getJavaMethodName(), // COLUMN_COUNT
                            "" + method.getParameterCount(), // POS INT
                            "" + (k + (method.hasConnectionParam() ? 0 : 1)), // COLUMN_NAME
                            "P" + (k + 1), // DATA_TYPE
                            "" + DataType.convertTypeToSQLType(dt.type), // TYPE_NAME
                  , // PRECISION INT
                            "" + MathUtils.convertLongToInt(dt.defaultPrecision), // SCALE
                            "" + dt.defaultScale, // RADIX
                            "10", // NULLABLE SMALLINT
                            "" + nullable, // COLUMN_TYPE
                            "" + DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnIn, // REMARKS
                            "", // COLUMN_DEFAULT
        case SCHEMATA:
                String collation = database.getCompareMode().getName();
                for (Schema schema : database.getAllSchemas()) {
                    add(rows, // CATALOG_NAME
                    catalog, // SCHEMA_NAME
                    identifier(schema.getName()), // SCHEMA_OWNER
                    identifier(schema.getOwner().getName()), // DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME
                    collation, // IS_DEFAULT
                    Constants.SCHEMA_MAIN.equals(schema.getName()) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", // REMARKS
                    replaceNullWithEmpty(schema.getComment()), // ID
                    "" + schema.getId());
        case TABLE_PRIVILEGES:
                for (Right r : database.getAllRights()) {
                    DbObject object = r.getGrantedObject();
                    if (!(object instanceof Table)) {
                    Table table = (Table) object;
                    if (hideTable(table, session)) {
                    String tableName = identifier(table.getName());
                    if (!checkIndex(session, tableName, indexFrom, indexTo)) {
                    addPrivileges(rows, r.getGrantee(), catalog, table, null, r.getRightMask());
                for (Right r : database.getAllRights()) {
                    DbObject object = r.getGrantedObject();
                    if (!(object instanceof Table)) {
                    Table table = (Table) object;
                    if (hideTable(table, session)) {
                    String tableName = identifier(table.getName());
                    if (!checkIndex(session, tableName, indexFrom, indexTo)) {
                    DbObject grantee = r.getGrantee();
                    int mask = r.getRightMask();
                    for (Column column : table.getColumns()) {
                        addPrivileges(rows, grantee, catalog, table, column.getName(), mask);
        case COLLATIONS:
                for (Locale l : Collator.getAvailableLocales()) {
                    add(rows, // NAME
                    CompareMode.getName(l), // KEY
        case VIEWS:
                for (Table table : getAllTables(session)) {
                    if (table.getTableType() != TableType.VIEW) {
                    String tableName = identifier(table.getName());
                    if (!checkIndex(session, tableName, indexFrom, indexTo)) {
                    TableView view = (TableView) table;
                    add(rows, // TABLE_CATALOG
                    catalog, // TABLE_SCHEMA
                    identifier(table.getSchema().getName()), // TABLE_NAME
                    tableName, // VIEW_DEFINITION
                    table.getCreateSQL(), // CHECK_OPTION
                    "NONE", // IS_UPDATABLE
                    "NO", // STATUS
                    view.isInvalid() ? "INVALID" : "VALID", // REMARKS
                    replaceNullWithEmpty(view.getComment()), // ID
                    "" + view.getId());
        case IN_DOUBT:
                ArrayList<InDoubtTransaction> prepared = database.getInDoubtTransactions();
                if (prepared != null && admin) {
                    for (InDoubtTransaction prep : prepared) {
                        add(rows, // TRANSACTION
                        prep.getTransactionName(), // STATE
        case CROSS_REFERENCES:
                for (SchemaObject obj : database.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.CONSTRAINT)) {
                    Constraint constraint = (Constraint) obj;
                    if (constraint.getConstraintType() != Constraint.Type.REFERENTIAL) {
                    ConstraintReferential ref = (ConstraintReferential) constraint;
                    IndexColumn[] cols = ref.getColumns();
                    IndexColumn[] refCols = ref.getRefColumns();
                    Table tab = ref.getTable();
                    Table refTab = ref.getRefTable();
                    String tableName = identifier(refTab.getName());
                    if (!checkIndex(session, tableName, indexFrom, indexTo)) {
                    int update = getRefAction(ref.getUpdateAction());
                    int delete = getRefAction(ref.getDeleteAction());
                    for (int j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
                        add(rows, // PKTABLE_CATALOG
                        catalog, // PKTABLE_SCHEMA
                        identifier(refTab.getSchema().getName()), // PKTABLE_NAME
                        identifier(refTab.getName()), // PKCOLUMN_NAME
                        identifier(refCols[j].column.getName()), // FKTABLE_CATALOG
                        catalog, // FKTABLE_SCHEMA
                        identifier(tab.getSchema().getName()), // FKTABLE_NAME
                        identifier(tab.getName()), // FKCOLUMN_NAME
                        identifier(cols[j].column.getName()), // ORDINAL_POSITION
                        String.valueOf(j + 1), // UPDATE_RULE SMALLINT
                        String.valueOf(update), // DELETE_RULE SMALLINT
                        String.valueOf(delete), // FK_NAME
                        identifier(ref.getName()), // PK_NAME
                        identifier(ref.getUniqueIndex().getName()), // DEFERRABILITY
                        "" + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNotDeferrable);
        case CONSTRAINTS:
                for (SchemaObject obj : database.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.CONSTRAINT)) {
                    Constraint constraint = (Constraint) obj;
                    Constraint.Type constraintType = constraint.getConstraintType();
                    String checkExpression = null;
                    IndexColumn[] indexColumns = null;
                    Table table = constraint.getTable();
                    if (hideTable(table, session)) {
                    Index index = constraint.getUniqueIndex();
                    String uniqueIndexName = null;
                    if (index != null) {
                        uniqueIndexName = index.getName();
                    String tableName = identifier(table.getName());
                    if (!checkIndex(session, tableName, indexFrom, indexTo)) {
                    if (constraintType == Constraint.Type.CHECK) {
                        checkExpression = ((ConstraintCheck) constraint).getExpression().getSQL();
                    } else if (constraintType == Constraint.Type.UNIQUE || constraintType == Constraint.Type.PRIMARY_KEY) {
                        indexColumns = ((ConstraintUnique) constraint).getColumns();
                    } else if (constraintType == Constraint.Type.REFERENTIAL) {
                        indexColumns = ((ConstraintReferential) constraint).getColumns();
                    String columnList = null;
                    if (indexColumns != null) {
                        StatementBuilder buff = new StatementBuilder();
                        for (IndexColumn col : indexColumns) {
                        columnList = buff.toString();
                    add(rows, // CONSTRAINT_CATALOG
                    catalog, // CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA
                    identifier(constraint.getSchema().getName()), // CONSTRAINT_NAME
                    identifier(constraint.getName()), // CONSTRAINT_TYPE
                    constraintType == Constraint.Type.PRIMARY_KEY ? constraintType.getSqlName() :, // TABLE_CATALOG
                    catalog, // TABLE_SCHEMA
                    identifier(table.getSchema().getName()), // TABLE_NAME
                    tableName, // UNIQUE_INDEX_NAME
                    uniqueIndexName, // CHECK_EXPRESSION
                    checkExpression, // COLUMN_LIST
                    columnList, // REMARKS
                    replaceNullWithEmpty(constraint.getComment()), // SQL
                    constraint.getCreateSQL(), // ID
                    "" + constraint.getId());
        case CONSTANTS:
                for (SchemaObject obj : database.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.CONSTANT)) {
                    Constant constant = (Constant) obj;
                    ValueExpression expr = constant.getValue();
                    add(rows, // CONSTANT_CATALOG
                    catalog, // CONSTANT_SCHEMA
                    identifier(constant.getSchema().getName()), // CONSTANT_NAME
                    identifier(constant.getName()), // CONSTANT_TYPE
                    "" + DataType.convertTypeToSQLType(expr.getType()), // REMARKS
                    replaceNullWithEmpty(constant.getComment()), // SQL
                    expr.getSQL(), // ID
                    "" + constant.getId());
        case DOMAINS:
                for (UserDataType dt : database.getAllUserDataTypes()) {
                    Column col = dt.getColumn();
                    add(rows, // DOMAIN_CATALOG
                    catalog, // DOMAIN_SCHEMA
                    Constants.SCHEMA_MAIN, // DOMAIN_NAME
                    identifier(dt.getName()), // COLUMN_DEFAULT
                    col.getDefaultSQL(), // IS_NULLABLE
                    col.isNullable() ? "YES" : "NO", // DATA_TYPE
                    "" + col.getDataType().sqlType, // PRECISION INT
                    "" + col.getPrecisionAsInt(), // SCALE INT
                    "" + col.getScale(), // TYPE_NAME
                    col.getDataType().name, // SELECTIVITY INT
                    "" + col.getSelectivity(), // CHECK_CONSTRAINT
                    "" + col.getCheckConstraintSQL(session, "VALUE"), // REMARKS
                    replaceNullWithEmpty(dt.getComment()), // SQL
                    "" + dt.getCreateSQL(), // ID
                    "" + dt.getId());
        case TRIGGERS:
                for (SchemaObject obj : database.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.TRIGGER)) {
                    TriggerObject trigger = (TriggerObject) obj;
                    Table table = trigger.getTable();
                    add(rows, // TRIGGER_CATALOG
                    catalog, // TRIGGER_SCHEMA
                    identifier(trigger.getSchema().getName()), // TRIGGER_NAME
                    identifier(trigger.getName()), // TRIGGER_TYPE
                    trigger.getTypeNameList(), // TABLE_CATALOG
                    catalog, // TABLE_SCHEMA
                    identifier(table.getSchema().getName()), // TABLE_NAME
                    identifier(table.getName()), // BEFORE BIT
                    "" + trigger.isBefore(), // JAVA_CLASS
                    trigger.getTriggerClassName(), // QUEUE_SIZE INT
                    "" + trigger.getQueueSize(), // NO_WAIT BIT
                    "" + trigger.isNoWait(), // REMARKS
                    replaceNullWithEmpty(trigger.getComment()), // SQL
                    trigger.getCreateSQL(), // ID
                    "" + trigger.getId());
        case SESSIONS:
                long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
                for (Session s : database.getSessions(false)) {
                    if (admin || s == session) {
                        Command command = s.getCurrentCommand();
                        long start = s.getCurrentCommandStart();
                        if (start == 0) {
                            start = now;
                        add(rows, // ID
                        "" + s.getId(), // USER_NAME
                        s.getUser().getName(), // SESSION_START
                        new Timestamp(s.getSessionStart()).toString(), // STATEMENT
                        command == null ? null : command.toString(), // STATEMENT_START
                        new Timestamp(start).toString(), // CONTAINS_UNCOMMITTED
                        "" + s.containsUncommitted());
        case LOCKS:
                for (Session s : database.getSessions(false)) {
                    if (admin || s == session) {
                        for (Table table : s.getLocks()) {
                            add(rows, // TABLE_SCHEMA
                            table.getSchema().getName(), // TABLE_NAME
                            table.getName(), // SESSION_ID
                            "" + s.getId(), // LOCK_TYPE
                            table.isLockedExclusivelyBy(s) ? "WRITE" : "READ");
        case SESSION_STATE:
                for (String name : session.getVariableNames()) {
                    Value v = session.getVariable(name);
                    add(rows, // KEY
                    "@" + name, // SQL
                    "SET @" + name + " " + v.getSQL());
                for (Table table : session.getLocalTempTables()) {
                    add(rows, // KEY
                    "TABLE " + table.getName(), // SQL
                String[] path = session.getSchemaSearchPath();
                if (path != null && path.length > 0) {
                    StatementBuilder buff = new StatementBuilder("SET SCHEMA_SEARCH_PATH ");
                    for (String p : path) {
                        buff.appendExceptFirst(", ");
                    add(rows, // KEY
                    "SCHEMA_SEARCH_PATH", // SQL
                String schema = session.getCurrentSchemaName();
                if (schema != null) {
                    add(rows, // KEY
                    "SCHEMA", // SQL
                    "SET SCHEMA " + StringUtils.quoteIdentifier(schema));
        case QUERY_STATISTICS:
                QueryStatisticsData control = database.getQueryStatisticsData();
                if (control != null) {
                    for (QueryStatisticsData.QueryEntry entry : control.getQueries()) {
                        add(rows, // SQL_STATEMENT
                        entry.sqlStatement, // EXECUTION_COUNT
                        "" + entry.count, // MIN_EXECUTION_TIME
                        "" + entry.executionTimeMinNanos / 1000d / 1000, // MAX_EXECUTION_TIME
                        "" + entry.executionTimeMaxNanos / 1000d / 1000, // CUMULATIVE_EXECUTION_TIME
                        "" + entry.executionTimeCumulativeNanos / 1000d / 1000, // AVERAGE_EXECUTION_TIME
                        "" + entry.executionTimeMeanNanos / 1000d / 1000, // STD_DEV_EXECUTION_TIME
                        "" + entry.getExecutionTimeStandardDeviation() / 1000d / 1000, // MIN_ROW_COUNT
                        "" + entry.rowCountMin, // MAX_ROW_COUNT
                        "" + entry.rowCountMax, // CUMULATIVE_ROW_COUNT
                        "" + entry.rowCountCumulative, // AVERAGE_ROW_COUNT
                        "" + entry.rowCountMean, // STD_DEV_ROW_COUNT
                        "" + entry.getRowCountStandardDeviation());
        case SYNONYMS:
                for (TableSynonym synonym : database.getAllSynonyms()) {
                    add(rows, // SYNONYM_CATALOG
                    catalog, // SYNONYM_SCHEMA
                    identifier(synonym.getSchema().getName()), // SYNONYM_NAME
                    identifier(synonym.getName()), // SYNONYM_FOR
                    synonym.getSynonymForName(), // SYNONYM_FOR_SCHEMA
                    synonym.getSynonymForSchema().getName(), // TYPE NAME
                    "SYNONYM", // STATUS
                    "VALID", // REMARKS
                    replaceNullWithEmpty(synonym.getComment()), // ID
                    "" + synonym.getId());
                for (SchemaObject obj : database.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.CONSTRAINT)) {
                    Constraint constraint = (Constraint) obj;
                    Constraint.Type constraintType = constraint.getConstraintType();
                    Table table = constraint.getTable();
                    if (hideTable(table, session)) {
                    String tableName = identifier(table.getName());
                    if (!checkIndex(session, tableName, indexFrom, indexTo)) {
                    add(rows, // CONSTRAINT_CATALOG
                    catalog, // CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA
                    identifier(constraint.getSchema().getName()), // CONSTRAINT_NAME
                    identifier(constraint.getName()), // CONSTRAINT_TYPE
                    constraintType.getSqlName(), // TABLE_CATALOG
                    catalog, // TABLE_SCHEMA
                    identifier(table.getSchema().getName()), // TABLE_NAME
                    tableName, // IS_DEFERRABLE
                    "NO", // INITIALLY_DEFERRED
        case KEY_COLUMN_USAGE:
                for (SchemaObject obj : database.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.CONSTRAINT)) {
                    Constraint constraint = (Constraint) obj;
                    Constraint.Type constraintType = constraint.getConstraintType();
                    IndexColumn[] indexColumns = null;
                    Table table = constraint.getTable();
                    if (hideTable(table, session)) {
                    String tableName = identifier(table.getName());
                    if (!checkIndex(session, tableName, indexFrom, indexTo)) {
                    if (constraintType == Constraint.Type.UNIQUE || constraintType == Constraint.Type.PRIMARY_KEY) {
                        indexColumns = ((ConstraintUnique) constraint).getColumns();
                    } else if (constraintType == Constraint.Type.REFERENTIAL) {
                        indexColumns = ((ConstraintReferential) constraint).getColumns();
                    if (indexColumns == null) {
                    ConstraintUnique referenced;
                    if (constraintType == Constraint.Type.REFERENTIAL) {
                        referenced = lookupUniqueForReferential((ConstraintReferential) constraint);
                    } else {
                        referenced = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < indexColumns.length; i++) {
                        IndexColumn indexColumn = indexColumns[i];
                        String ordinalPosition = Integer.toString(i + 1);
                        String positionInUniqueConstraint;
                        if (constraintType == Constraint.Type.REFERENTIAL) {
                            positionInUniqueConstraint = ordinalPosition;
                            if (referenced != null) {
                                Column c = ((ConstraintReferential) constraint).getRefColumns()[i].column;
                                IndexColumn[] refColumns = referenced.getColumns();
                                for (int j = 0; j < refColumns.length; j++) {
                                    if (refColumns[j].column.equals(c)) {
                                        positionInUniqueConstraint = Integer.toString(j + 1);
                        } else {
                            positionInUniqueConstraint = null;
                        add(rows, // CONSTRAINT_CATALOG
                        catalog, // CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA
                        identifier(constraint.getSchema().getName()), // CONSTRAINT_NAME
                        identifier(constraint.getName()), // TABLE_CATALOG
                        catalog, // TABLE_SCHEMA
                        identifier(table.getSchema().getName()), // TABLE_NAME
                        tableName, // COLUMN_NAME
                        indexColumn.columnName, // ORDINAL_POSITION
                        ordinalPosition, // POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT
                for (SchemaObject obj : database.getAllSchemaObjects(DbObject.CONSTRAINT)) {
                    if (((Constraint) obj).getConstraintType() != Constraint.Type.REFERENTIAL) {
                    ConstraintReferential constraint = (ConstraintReferential) obj;
                    Table table = constraint.getTable();
                    if (hideTable(table, session)) {
                    // Should be referenced unique constraint, but H2 uses indexes instead.
                    // So try to find matching unique constraint first and there is no such
                    // constraint use index name to return something.
                    SchemaObject unique = lookupUniqueForReferential(constraint);
                    if (unique == null) {
                        unique = constraint.getUniqueIndex();
                    add(rows, // CONSTRAINT_CATALOG
                    catalog, // CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA
                    identifier(constraint.getSchema().getName()), // CONSTRAINT_NAME
                    identifier(constraint.getName()), // UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATALOG
                    catalog, // UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA
                    identifier(unique.getSchema().getName()), // UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME
                    unique.getName(), // MATCH_OPTION
                    "NONE", // UPDATE_RULE
                    constraint.getUpdateAction().getSqlName(), // DELETE_RULE
            DbException.throwInternalError("type=" + type);
    return rows;
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) InDoubtTransaction( SchemaObject(org.h2.schema.SchemaObject) QueryStatisticsData(org.h2.engine.QueryStatisticsData) Constraint(org.h2.constraint.Constraint) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Schema(org.h2.schema.Schema) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PageStore( FileStore(org.h2.mvstore.FileStore) Store(org.h2.mvstore.db.MVTableEngine.Store) Index(org.h2.index.Index) MultiVersionIndex(org.h2.index.MultiVersionIndex) MetaIndex(org.h2.index.MetaIndex) PageStore( ValueString(org.h2.value.ValueString) ConstraintReferential(org.h2.constraint.ConstraintReferential) MultiVersionIndex(org.h2.index.MultiVersionIndex) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) JavaMethod(org.h2.engine.FunctionAlias.JavaMethod) DbObject(org.h2.engine.DbObject) Setting(org.h2.engine.Setting) UserDataType(org.h2.engine.UserDataType) Sequence(org.h2.schema.Sequence) Role(org.h2.engine.Role) UserAggregate(org.h2.engine.UserAggregate) ByteArrayInputStream( StatementBuilder(org.h2.util.StatementBuilder) Value(org.h2.value.Value) ConstraintUnique(org.h2.constraint.ConstraintUnique) Row(org.h2.result.Row) SearchRow(org.h2.result.SearchRow) User(org.h2.engine.User) Constant(org.h2.schema.Constant) Right(org.h2.engine.Right) Reader( InputStreamReader( TriggerObject(org.h2.schema.TriggerObject) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) DbException(org.h2.message.DbException) DataType(org.h2.value.DataType) UserDataType(org.h2.engine.UserDataType) InputStreamReader( FunctionAlias(org.h2.engine.FunctionAlias) Csv( IOException( DbException(org.h2.message.DbException) IOException( JdbcSQLException(org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException) FileStore(org.h2.mvstore.FileStore) ConstraintActionType(org.h2.constraint.ConstraintActionType) DataType(org.h2.value.DataType) IndexType(org.h2.index.IndexType) UserDataType(org.h2.engine.UserDataType) Command(org.h2.command.Command) ValueExpression(org.h2.expression.ValueExpression) Session(org.h2.engine.Session)

Example 18 with DataType

use of org.h2.value.DataType in project h2database by h2database.

the class Table method setColumns.

protected void setColumns(Column[] columns) {
    this.columns = columns;
    if (columnMap.size() > 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
        Column col = columns[i];
        int dataType = col.getType();
        if (dataType == Value.UNKNOWN) {
            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE_1, col.getSQL());
        col.setTable(this, i);
        String columnName = col.getName();
        if (columnMap.get(columnName) != null) {
            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME_1, columnName);
        columnMap.put(columnName, col);
Also used : Constraint(org.h2.constraint.Constraint)

Example 19 with DataType

use of org.h2.value.DataType in project h2database by h2database.

the class Column method validateConvertUpdateSequence.

 * Validate the value, convert it if required, and update the sequence value
 * if required. If the value is null, the default value (NULL if no default
 * is set) is returned. Check constraints are validated as well.
 * @param session the session
 * @param value the value or null
 * @return the new or converted value
public Value validateConvertUpdateSequence(Session session, Value value) {
    // take a local copy of defaultExpression to avoid holding the lock
    // while calling getValue
    final Expression localDefaultExpression;
    synchronized (this) {
        localDefaultExpression = defaultExpression;
    Mode mode = session.getDatabase().getMode();
    if (value == null) {
        if (localDefaultExpression == null) {
            value = ValueNull.INSTANCE;
        } else {
            value = convert(localDefaultExpression.getValue(session), mode);
            if (!localDefaultExpression.isConstant()) {
            if (primaryKey) {
    if (value == ValueNull.INSTANCE) {
        if (convertNullToDefault) {
            value = convert(localDefaultExpression.getValue(session), mode);
            if (!localDefaultExpression.isConstant()) {
        if (value == ValueNull.INSTANCE && !nullable) {
            if (mode.convertInsertNullToZero) {
                DataType dt = DataType.getDataType(type);
                if (dt.decimal) {
                    value = ValueInt.get(0).convertTo(type);
                } else if (dt.type == Value.TIMESTAMP) {
                    value = ValueTimestamp.fromMillis(session.getTransactionStart());
                } else if (dt.type == Value.TIMESTAMP_TZ) {
                    long ms = session.getTransactionStart();
                    value = ValueTimestampTimeZone.fromDateValueAndNanos(DateTimeUtils.dateValueFromDate(ms), DateTimeUtils.nanosFromDate(ms), (short) 0);
                } else if (dt.type == Value.TIME) {
                    value = ValueTime.fromNanos(0);
                } else if (dt.type == Value.DATE) {
                    value = ValueDate.fromMillis(session.getTransactionStart());
                } else {
                    value = ValueString.get("").convertTo(type);
            } else {
                throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.NULL_NOT_ALLOWED, name);
    if (checkConstraint != null) {
        Value v;
        synchronized (this) {
            v = checkConstraint.getValue(session);
        // Both TRUE and NULL are ok
        if (v != ValueNull.INSTANCE && !v.getBoolean()) {
            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.CHECK_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED_1, checkConstraint.getSQL());
    value = value.convertScale(mode.convertOnlyToSmallerScale, scale);
    if (precision > 0) {
        if (!value.checkPrecision(precision)) {
            String s = value.getTraceSQL();
            if (s.length() > 127) {
                s = s.substring(0, 128) + "...";
            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.VALUE_TOO_LONG_2, getCreateSQL(), s + " (" + value.getPrecision() + ")");
    if (isEnumerated() && value != ValueNull.INSTANCE) {
        if (!ValueEnum.isValid(enumerators, value)) {
            String s = value.getTraceSQL();
            if (s.length() > 127) {
                s = s.substring(0, 128) + "...";
            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.ENUM_VALUE_NOT_PERMITTED, getCreateSQL(), s);
        value = ValueEnum.get(enumerators, value.getInt());
    updateSequenceIfRequired(session, value);
    return value;
Also used : ValueExpression(org.h2.expression.ValueExpression) Expression(org.h2.expression.Expression) Mode(org.h2.engine.Mode) Value(org.h2.value.Value) SequenceValue(org.h2.expression.SequenceValue) DataType(org.h2.value.DataType) ValueString(org.h2.value.ValueString)

Example 20 with DataType

use of org.h2.value.DataType in project ignite by apache.

the class DmlAstUtils method elementOrDefault.

 * Do what we can to compute default value for this column (mimics H2 behavior).
 * @see Table#getDefaultValue
 * @see Column#validateConvertUpdateSequence
 * @param el SQL element.
 * @param col Column.
 * @return {@link GridSqlConst#NULL}, if {@code el} is null, or {@code el} if
 * it's not {@link GridSqlKeyword#DEFAULT}, or computed default value.
private static GridSqlElement elementOrDefault(GridSqlElement el, GridSqlColumn col) {
    if (el == null)
        return GridSqlConst.NULL;
    if (el != GridSqlKeyword.DEFAULT)
        return el;
    Column h2Col = col.column();
    Expression dfltExpr = h2Col.getDefaultExpression();
    Value dfltVal;
    try {
        dfltVal = dfltExpr != null ? dfltExpr.getValue(null) : null;
    } catch (Exception ignored) {
        throw new IgniteSQLException("Failed to evaluate default value for a column " + col.columnName());
    if (dfltVal != null)
        return new GridSqlConst(dfltVal);
    int type = h2Col.getType();
    DataType dt = DataType.getDataType(type);
    if (dt.decimal)
        dfltVal = ValueInt.get(0).convertTo(type);
    else if (dt.type == Value.TIMESTAMP)
        dfltVal = ValueTimestamp.fromMillis(U.currentTimeMillis());
    else if (dt.type == Value.TIME)
        dfltVal = ValueTime.fromNanos(0);
    else if (dt.type == Value.DATE)
        dfltVal = ValueDate.fromMillis(U.currentTimeMillis());
        dfltVal = ValueString.get("").convertTo(type);
    return new GridSqlConst(dfltVal);
Also used : GridSqlConst(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlConst) GridSqlColumn(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.h2.sql.GridSqlColumn) Column(org.h2.table.Column) Expression(org.h2.expression.Expression) Value(org.h2.value.Value) IgniteSQLException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.IgniteSQLException) DataType(org.h2.value.DataType) IgniteException(org.apache.ignite.IgniteException) IgniteSQLException(org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.IgniteSQLException)


Value (org.h2.value.Value)16 ValueString (org.h2.value.ValueString)13 DataType (org.h2.value.DataType)12 Expression (org.h2.expression.Expression)6 Column (org.h2.table.Column)6 Constraint (org.h2.constraint.Constraint)5 UserDataType (org.h2.engine.UserDataType)5 UserAggregate (org.h2.engine.UserAggregate)4 Index (org.h2.index.Index)4 Table (org.h2.table.Table)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 IgniteSQLException (org.apache.ignite.internal.processors.query.IgniteSQLException)3 Mode (org.h2.engine.Mode)3 ValueExpression (org.h2.expression.ValueExpression)3 SearchRow (org.h2.result.SearchRow)3 Schema (org.h2.schema.Schema)3 SimpleResultSet ( StatementBuilder (org.h2.util.StatementBuilder)3 CompareMode (org.h2.value.CompareMode)3 IOException (