use of org.hbase.async.Scanner in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class TSUIDQuery method getScanner.
* Configures the scanner for a specific metric and optional tags
* @return A configured scanner
private Scanner getScanner() {
final Scanner scanner = tsdb.getClient().newScanner(tsdb.metaTable());
// increment the metric UID by one so we can scan all of the rows for the
// given metric
final long stop = UniqueId.uidToLong(metric_uid, TSDB.metrics_width()) + 1;
scanner.setStopKey(UniqueId.longToUID(stop, TSDB.metrics_width()));
// set the filter if we have tags
if (!tags.isEmpty()) {
final short name_width = TSDB.tagk_width();
final short value_width = TSDB.tagv_width();
final short tagsize = (short) (name_width + value_width);
// Generate a regexp for our tags. Say we have 2 tags: { 0 0 1 0 0 2 }
// and { 4 5 6 9 8 7 }, the regexp will be:
// "^.{7}(?:.{6})*\\Q\000\000\001\000\000\002\\E(?:.{6})*\\Q\004\005\006\011\010\007\\E(?:.{6})*$"
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(// "^.{N}" + "(?:.{M})*" + "$"
15 + (// "(?:.{M})*\\Q" + tagsize bytes + "\\E"
(13 + tagsize) * (tags.size())));
// Alright, let's build this regexp. From the beginning...
buf.append(// Ensure we use the DOTALL flag.
"(?s)" + "^.{").append(TSDB.metrics_width()).append("}");
final Iterator<byte[]> tags = this.tag_uids.iterator();
byte[] tag = tags.hasNext() ? : null;
// regexp in order by ID, which means we just merge two sorted lists.
do {
// Skip any number of tags.
UniqueId.addIdToRegexp(buf, tag);
tag = tags.hasNext() ? : null;
} while (// Stop when they both become null.
tag != null);
// Skip any number of tags before the end.
scanner.setKeyRegexp(buf.toString(), CHARSET);
return scanner;
use of org.hbase.async.Scanner in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class TSUIDQuery method getTSMetas.
* Returns all TSMeta objects stored for timeseries defined by this query. The
* query is similar to TsdbQuery without any aggregations. Returns an empty
* list, when no TSMetas are found. Only returns stored TSMetas.
* <p>
* NOTE: If you called {@link #setQuery(String, Map)} successfully this will
* immediately scan the meta table. But if you used the CTOR to set the
* metric and tags it will attempt to resolve those and may return an exception.
* @return A list of existing TSMetas for the timeseries covered by the query.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException When either no metric was specified or the
* tag map was null (Empty map is OK).
public Deferred<List<TSMeta>> getTSMetas() {
class ResolutionCB implements Callback<Deferred<List<TSMeta>>, Object> {
public Deferred<List<TSMeta>> call(final Object done) throws Exception {
final Scanner scanner = getScanner();
final Deferred<List<TSMeta>> results = new Deferred<List<TSMeta>>();
final List<TSMeta> tsmetas = new ArrayList<TSMeta>();
final List<Deferred<TSMeta>> tsmeta_group = new ArrayList<Deferred<TSMeta>>();
final class TSMetaGroupCB implements Callback<Object, ArrayList<TSMeta>> {
public List<TSMeta> call(ArrayList<TSMeta> ts) throws Exception {
for (TSMeta tsm : ts) {
if (tsm != null) {
return null;
public String toString() {
return "TSMeta callback";
final class ErrBack implements Callback<Object, Exception> {
public Object call(final Exception e) throws Exception {
return null;
public String toString() {
return "Error callback";
* Scanner callback that will call itself while iterating through the
* tsdb-meta table.
* Keeps track of a Set of Deferred TSMeta calls. When all rows are scanned,
* will wait for all TSMeta calls to be completed and then create the result
* list.
final class ScannerCB implements Callback<Object, ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>>> {
* Starts the scanner and is called recursively to fetch the next set of
* rows from the scanner.
* @return The map of spans if loaded successfully, null if no data was
* found
public Object scan() {
return scanner.nextRows().addCallback(this).addErrback(new ErrBack());
* Loops through each row of the scanner results and parses out data
* points and optional meta data
* @return null if no rows were found, otherwise the TreeMap with spans
public Object call(final ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>> rows) throws Exception {
try {
if (rows == null) { TSMetaGroupCB()).addErrback(new ErrBack());
return null;
for (final ArrayList<KeyValue> row : rows) {
tsmeta_group.add(TSMeta.parseFromColumn(tsdb, row.get(0), true));
return scan();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
new ScannerCB().scan();
return results;
public String toString() {
return "TSMeta scan callback";
if (metric_uid == null) {
return resolveMetric().addCallbackDeferring(new ResolutionCB());
try {
return new ResolutionCB().call(null);
} catch (Exception e) {
return Deferred.fromError(e);
use of org.hbase.async.Scanner in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class MetaPurge method getScanner.
* Returns a scanner to run over the UID table starting at the given row
* @return A scanner configured for the entire table
* @throws HBaseException if something goes boom
private Scanner getScanner(final byte[] table) throws HBaseException {
short metric_width = TSDB.metrics_width();
final byte[] start_row = Arrays.copyOfRange(Bytes.fromLong(start_id), 8 - metric_width, 8);
final byte[] end_row = Arrays.copyOfRange(Bytes.fromLong(end_id), 8 - metric_width, 8);
final Scanner scanner = tsdb.getClient().newScanner(table);
return scanner;
use of org.hbase.async.Scanner in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class TimeSeriesLookup method lookupAsync.
* Lookup time series associated with the given metric, tagk, tagv or tag
* pairs. Either the meta table or the data table will be scanned. If no
* metric is given, a full table scan must be performed and this call may take
* a long time to complete.
* When dumping to stdout, if an ID can't be looked up, it will be logged and
* skipped.
* @return A list of TSUIDs matching the given lookup query.
* @throws NoSuchUniqueName if any of the given names fail to resolve to a
* UID.
* @since 2.2
public Deferred<List<byte[]>> lookupAsync() {
final Pattern tagv_regex = tagv_filter != null ? Pattern.compile(tagv_filter) : null;
// we don't really know what size the UIDs will resolve to so just grab
// a decent amount.
final StringBuffer buf = to_stdout ? new StringBuffer(2048) : null;
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
final int limit;
if (query.getLimit() > 0) {
if (query.useMeta() || Const.SALT_WIDTH() < 1) {
limit = query.getLimit();
} else if (query.getLimit() < Const.SALT_BUCKETS()) {
limit = 1;
} else {
limit = query.getLimit() / Const.SALT_BUCKETS();
} else {
limit = 0;
class ScannerCB implements Callback<Deferred<List<byte[]>>, ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>>> {
private final Scanner scanner;
// used to avoid dupes when scanning the data table
private byte[] last_tsuid = null;
private int rows_read;
ScannerCB(final Scanner scanner) {
this.scanner = scanner;
Deferred<List<byte[]>> scan() {
return scanner.nextRows().addCallbackDeferring(this);
public Deferred<List<byte[]>> call(final ArrayList<ArrayList<KeyValue>> rows) throws Exception {
if (rows == null) {
if (query.useMeta() || Const.SALT_WIDTH() < 1) {
LOG.debug("Lookup query matched " + tsuids.size() + " time series in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
return Deferred.fromResult(tsuids);
for (final ArrayList<KeyValue> row : rows) {
if (limit > 0 && rows_read >= limit) {
// little recursion to close the scanner and log above.
return call(null);
final byte[] tsuid = query.useMeta() ? row.get(0).key() : UniqueId.getTSUIDFromKey(row.get(0).key(), TSDB.metrics_width(), Const.TIMESTAMP_BYTES);
// string objects.
if (tagv_regex != null && !tagv_regex.matcher(new String(tsuid, CHARSET)).find()) {
if (to_stdout) {
if (last_tsuid != null && Bytes.memcmp(last_tsuid, tsuid) == 0) {
last_tsuid = tsuid;
try {
buf.append(UniqueId.uidToString(tsuid)).append(" ");
buf.append(RowKey.metricNameAsync(tsdb, tsuid).joinUninterruptibly());
buf.append(" ");
final List<byte[]> tag_ids = UniqueId.getTagPairsFromTSUID(tsuid);
final Map<String, String> resolved_tags = Tags.resolveIdsAsync(tsdb, tag_ids).joinUninterruptibly();
for (final Map.Entry<String, String> tag_pair : resolved_tags.entrySet()) {
buf.append(tag_pair.getKey()).append("=").append(tag_pair.getValue()).append(" ");
} catch (NoSuchUniqueId nsui) {
LOG.error("Unable to resolve UID in TSUID (" + UniqueId.uidToString(tsuid) + ") " + nsui.getMessage());
// reset the buffer so we can re-use it
} else {
return scan();
public String toString() {
return "Scanner callback";
class CompleteCB implements Callback<List<byte[]>, ArrayList<List<byte[]>>> {
public List<byte[]> call(final ArrayList<List<byte[]>> unused) throws Exception {
LOG.debug("Lookup query matched " + tsuids.size() + " time series in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms");
return tsuids;
public String toString() {
return "Final async lookup callback";
class UIDCB implements Callback<Deferred<List<byte[]>>, Object> {
public Deferred<List<byte[]>> call(Object arg0) throws Exception {
if (!query.useMeta() && Const.SALT_WIDTH() > 0 && metric_uid != null) {
final ArrayList<Deferred<List<byte[]>>> deferreds = new ArrayList<Deferred<List<byte[]>>>(Const.SALT_BUCKETS());
for (int i = 0; i < Const.SALT_BUCKETS(); i++) {
deferreds.add(new ScannerCB(getScanner(i)).scan());
return CompleteCB());
} else {
return new ScannerCB(getScanner(0)).scan();
public String toString() {
return "UID resolution callback";
return resolveUIDs().addCallbackDeferring(new UIDCB());
use of org.hbase.async.Scanner in project opentsdb by OpenTSDB.
the class CliUtils method getDataTableScanner.
* Returns a scanner set to iterate over a range of metrics in the main
* tsdb-data table.
* @param tsdb The TSDB to use for data access
* @param start_id A metric ID to start scanning on
* @param end_id A metric ID to end scanning on
* @return A scanner on the "t" CF configured for the specified range
* @throws HBaseException if something goes pear shaped
static final Scanner getDataTableScanner(final TSDB tsdb, final long start_id, final long end_id) throws HBaseException {
final short metric_width = TSDB.metrics_width();
final byte[] start_row = Arrays.copyOfRange(Bytes.fromLong(start_id), 8 - metric_width, 8);
final byte[] end_row = Arrays.copyOfRange(Bytes.fromLong(end_id), 8 - metric_width, 8);
final Scanner scanner = tsdb.getClient().newScanner(tsdb.dataTable());
return scanner;