Search in sources :

Example 6 with OperationOutcome

use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome in project gpconnect-demonstrator by nhsconnect.

the class SlotResourceProvider method getSlotById.

public Slot getSlotById(@IdParam IdType slotId) {
    SlotDetail slotDetail = slotSearch.findSlotByID(slotId.getIdPartAsLong());
    if (slotDetail == null) {
        OperationOutcome operationalOutcome = new OperationOutcome();
        operationalOutcome.addIssue().setSeverity(IssueSeverity.ERROR).setDiagnostics("No slot details found for ID: " + slotId.getIdPart());
        throw new InternalErrorException("No slot details found for ID: " + slotId.getIdPart(), operationalOutcome);
    return slotDetailToSlotResourceConverter(slotDetail);
Also used : OperationOutcome(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome) InternalErrorException( SlotDetail( Read(

Example 7 with OperationOutcome

use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome in project gpconnect-demonstrator by nhsconnect.

the class PatientResourceProvider method addWarningIssue.

 * see
 * add an issue to the OperationOutcome to be returned in a successful
 * response bundle this is for forward compatibility as specified in 1.2.4
 * @param param
 * @param paramPart
 * @param issueType
 * @param details lower level details to be added to the text element
private void addWarningIssue(ParametersParameterComponent param, ParametersParameterComponent paramPart, IssueType issueType, String details) {
    if (operationOutcome == null) {
    OperationOutcomeIssueComponent issue = new OperationOutcomeIssueComponent();
    CodeableConcept codeableConcept = new CodeableConcept();
    Coding coding = new Coding();
    switch(issueType) {
        case NOTSUPPORTED:
            coding.setDisplay("Not implemented");
        case REQUIRED:
            coding.setDisplay("Parameter not found");
        case INVALID:
            coding.setDisplay("Invalid Parameter");
    String locus = paramPart != null ? "." + paramPart.getName() : "";
    issue.setDiagnostics(param.getName() + locus);
    if (details == null) {
        // mod to remove more informative text which was off spec
        codeableConcept.setText(param.getName() + locus + " is an unrecognised parameter");
    } else {
Also used : OperationOutcomeIssueComponent(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome.OperationOutcomeIssueComponent)

Example 8 with OperationOutcome

use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome in project gpconnect-demonstrator by nhsconnect.

the class PopulateSlotBundle method populateBundle.

 * @param bundle Bundle resource to populate
 * @param operationOutcome
 * @param planningHorizonStart Date
 * @param planningHorizonEnd Date
 * @param actorPractitioner boolean
 * @param actorLocation boolean
 * @param managingOrganisation boolean
 * @param bookingOdsCode String
 * @param bookingOrgType String eg "urgent-care"
public void populateBundle(Bundle bundle, OperationOutcome operationOutcome, Date planningHorizonStart, Date planningHorizonEnd, boolean actorPractitioner, boolean actorLocation, boolean managingOrganisation, String bookingOdsCode, String bookingOrgType) {
    // TODO remove hard coding pick up from providerRouting.json ?
    final String OUR_ODS_CODE = "A20047";
    // find all locations for this ODS practice code and construct Resources for them
    // #144 generalise to handle 1..n locations for a practice
    HashMap<String, BundleEntryComponent> locationEntries = new HashMap<>();
    for (LocationDetails aLocationDetail : locationSearch.findAllLocations()) {
        if (aLocationDetail.getOrgOdsCode().equals(OUR_ODS_CODE)) {
            Location aLocationResource = locationResourceProvider.getLocationById(new IdType(aLocationDetail.getId()));
            BundleEntryComponent locationEntry = new BundleEntryComponent();
            // #202 use full urls
            // #215 full url removed completely
            // locationEntry.setFullUrl(serverBaseUrl + "Location/" + aLocationResource.getIdElement().getIdPart());
            locationEntries.put(aLocationResource.getIdElement().getIdPart(), locationEntry);
    // find the provider organization from the ods code
    List<OrganizationDetails> ourOrganizationsDetails = organizationSearch.findOrganizationDetailsByOrgODSCode(OUR_ODS_CODE);
    OrganizationDetails ourOrganizationDetails = null;
    if (!ourOrganizationsDetails.isEmpty()) {
        // at 1.2.2 these are added regardless of the status of the relevant parameter
        // Just picks the first organization. There should only be one.
        ourOrganizationDetails = ourOrganizationsDetails.get(0);
    } else {
    // do something here .. should never happen
    // find the bookng organization from the ods code
    List<OrganizationDetails> bookingOrganizationsDetails = organizationSearch.findOrganizationDetailsByOrgODSCode(bookingOdsCode);
    OrganizationDetails bookingOrganizationDetails = null;
    if (!bookingOrganizationsDetails.isEmpty()) {
        // at 1.2.2 these are added regardless of the status of the relevant parameter
        // Just picks the first organization. There should only be one.
        bookingOrganizationDetails = bookingOrganizationsDetails.get(0);
    HashSet<BundleEntryComponent> addedSchedule = new HashSet<>();
    HashSet<BundleEntryComponent> addedLocation = new HashSet<>();
    HashSet<String> addedPractitioner = new HashSet<>();
    HashSet<String> addedOrganization = new HashSet<>();
    // issue #165 don't add duplicate slots, hashSet contains slot id as String
    HashSet<String> addedSlot = new HashSet<>();
    // #144 process all locations
    for (String locationId : locationEntries.keySet()) {
        // process the schedules
        for (Schedule schedule : scheduleResourceProvider.getSchedulesForLocationId(locationId, planningHorizonStart, planningHorizonEnd)) {
            boolean slotsAdded = false;
            BundleEntryComponent scheduleEntry = new BundleEntryComponent();
            // #202 use full urls
            // #215 full url removed completely
            // scheduleEntry.setFullUrl(serverBaseUrl + "Schedule/" + schedule.getIdElement().getIdPart());
            // This Set does not work as expected because Slot does not implement hashCode
            // so the second set call to getSlots returns different objects with the same slot id
            Set<Slot> slots = new HashSet<>();
            if (bookingOrgType.isEmpty() && bookingOdsCode.isEmpty()) {
                // OPTION 1 get slots Specfying  neither org type nor org code
                slots.addAll(slotResourceProvider.getSlotsForScheduleIdNoOrganizationTypeOrODS(schedule.getIdElement().getIdPart(), planningHorizonStart, planningHorizonEnd));
            } else if (!bookingOrgType.isEmpty() && bookingOdsCode.isEmpty()) {
                // OPTION 2 organisation type only
                for (Slot slot : slotResourceProvider.getSlotsForScheduleId(schedule.getIdElement().getIdPart(), planningHorizonStart, planningHorizonEnd)) {
                    SlotDetail slotDetail = slotSearch.findSlotByID(Long.parseLong(slot.getId()));
                    if (slotDetail.getOrganizationIds().isEmpty() && (slotDetail.getOrganizationTypes().isEmpty() || slotDetail.getOrganizationTypes().contains(bookingOrgType))) {
            } else if (!bookingOdsCode.isEmpty() && bookingOrgType.isEmpty()) {
                // OPTION 3 org code only
                for (Slot slot : slotResourceProvider.getSlotsForScheduleId(schedule.getIdElement().getIdPart(), planningHorizonStart, planningHorizonEnd)) {
                    SlotDetail slotDetail = slotSearch.findSlotByID(Long.parseLong(slot.getId()));
                    if (slotDetail.getOrganizationTypes().isEmpty() && (slotDetail.getOrganizationIds().isEmpty() || bookingOrganizationDetails != null && slotDetail.getOrganizationIds().contains(bookingOrganizationDetails.getId()))) {
            } else if (!bookingOrgType.isEmpty() && !bookingOdsCode.isEmpty()) {
                // OPTION 4 both org code and org type
                for (Slot slot : slotResourceProvider.getSlotsForScheduleId(schedule.getIdElement().getIdPart(), planningHorizonStart, planningHorizonEnd)) {
                    SlotDetail slotDetail = slotSearch.findSlotByID(Long.parseLong(slot.getId()));
                    if (((slotDetail.getOrganizationTypes().isEmpty() || slotDetail.getOrganizationTypes().contains(bookingOrgType))) && (slotDetail.getOrganizationIds().isEmpty() || bookingOrganizationDetails != null && slotDetail.getOrganizationIds().contains(bookingOrganizationDetails.getId()))) {
            // added at 1.2.2 add the organisation but only if there are some slots available
            if (slots.size() > 0 && ourOrganizationDetails != null && !addedOrganization.contains(ourOrganizationDetails.getOrgCode())) {
                addOrganisation(ourOrganizationDetails, bundle);
            String freeBusyType = "FREE";
            // process all the slots to be returned
            for (Slot slot : slots) {
                if (freeBusyType.equalsIgnoreCase(slot.getStatus().toString())) {
                    String slotId = slot.getIdElement().getIdPart();
                    if (!addedSlot.contains(slotId)) {
                        BundleEntryComponent slotEntry = new BundleEntryComponent();
                        // #202 use full urls
                        // #215 full url removed completely
                        // slotEntry.setFullUrl(serverBaseUrl + "Slot/" + slotId);
                        slotsAdded = true;
                    if (!addedSchedule.contains(scheduleEntry)) {
                        // only add a schedule if there's a reference to it and only add it once
                    if (actorLocation == true) {
                        // only add a unique location once
                        if (!addedLocation.contains(locationEntries.get(locationId))) {
            // if free/busy status matches
            // # 193 for each schedule only add a practitioner if there have been some slots added.
            if (slotsAdded) {
                // practitioners for this schedule
                List<Reference> practitionerActors = scheduleResourceProvider.getPractitionerReferences(schedule);
                if (!practitionerActors.isEmpty()) {
                    for (Reference practitionerActor : practitionerActors) {
                        Practitioner practitioner = practitionerResourceProvider.getPractitionerById((IdType) practitionerActor.getReferenceElement());
                        if (practitioner == null) {
                            Coding errorCoding = new Coding().setSystem(SystemURL.VS_GPC_ERROR_WARNING_CODE).setCode(SystemCode.REFERENCE_NOT_FOUND);
                            CodeableConcept errorCodableConcept = new CodeableConcept().addCoding(errorCoding);
                            errorCodableConcept.setText("Invalid Reference");
                            throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Practitioner Reference returning null");
                        if (actorPractitioner) {
                            if (!addedPractitioner.contains(practitioner.getIdElement().getIdPart())) {
                                addPractitioner(practitioner, bundle);
                // for practitioner
            // if non empty practitioner list
        // if slots added
    // for schedules
// for location
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LocationDetails( Reference(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Reference) OrganizationDetails( IdType(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.IdType) Practitioner(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Practitioner) BundleEntryComponent(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Bundle.BundleEntryComponent) Coding(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Coding) Schedule(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Schedule) Slot(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Slot) ResourceNotFoundException( SlotDetail( Location(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Location) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) CodeableConcept(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.CodeableConcept)

Example 9 with OperationOutcome

use of org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome in project gpconnect-demonstrator by nhsconnect.

the class OperationOutcomeFactory method buildOperationOutcomeException.

 * @param exception carries message used for diagnostics
 * @param code
 * @param issueType
 * @param diagnostics may be null but will override exception.message if set
 * @return BaseServerResponseException
public static BaseServerResponseException buildOperationOutcomeException(BaseServerResponseException exception, String code, IssueType issueType, String diagnostics) {
    CodeableConcept codeableConcept = new CodeableConcept();
    Coding coding = new Coding(SystemURL.VS_GPC_ERROR_WARNING_CODE, code, code);
    OperationOutcome operationOutcome = new OperationOutcome();
    OperationOutcomeIssueComponent ooIssue = new OperationOutcomeIssueComponent();
    if (diagnostics != null) {
    } else {
        // #248 move exception.getMessage() from text to diagnostics element
    return exception;
Also used : Coding(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Coding) OperationOutcomeIssueComponent(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome.OperationOutcomeIssueComponent) OperationOutcome(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome) CodeableConcept(org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.CodeableConcept)


OperationOutcome (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome)5 SlotDetail ( InternalErrorException ( IdDt (ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.IdDt)2 Read ( MethodOutcome ( ResourceNotFoundException ( UnprocessableEntityException ( CodeableConcept (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.CodeableConcept)2 Coding (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Coding)2 IdType (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.IdType)2 OperationOutcomeIssueComponent (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.OperationOutcome.OperationOutcomeIssueComponent)2 AppointmentDetail ( OrganizationDetails ( Include (ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include)1 Search ( Update ( TokenOrListParam ( TokenParam ( ForbiddenOperationException (