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Example 66 with Iterator

use of org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class DatabaseInformationFull method REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS.

     * <ol>
     * <li> A constraint is shown in this view if the user has table level
     * privilege of at lease one of the types, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE,
     * </ol>
     * @return Table
    Table t = sysTables[REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS];
    if (t == null) {
        t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS]);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "CONSTRAINT_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
        // not null
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "MATCH_OPTION", CHARACTER_DATA);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "UPDATE_RULE", CHARACTER_DATA);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "DELETE_RULE", CHARACTER_DATA);
        HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(sysTableHsqlNames[REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS].name, false, SchemaObject.INDEX);
        t.createPrimaryKey(name, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }, false);
        return t;
    // column number mappings
    final int constraint_catalog = 0;
    final int constraint_schema = 1;
    final int constraint_name = 2;
    final int unique_constraint_catalog = 3;
    final int unique_constraint_schema = 4;
    final int unique_constraint_name = 5;
    final int match_option = 6;
    final int update_rule = 7;
    final int delete_rule = 8;
    PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(t);
    Iterator tables;
    Table table;
    Constraint[] constraints;
    Constraint constraint;
    Object[] row;
    tables = database.schemaManager.databaseObjectIterator(SchemaObject.TABLE);
    while (tables.hasNext()) {
        table = (Table);
        if (table.isView() || !session.getGrantee().hasNonSelectTableRight(table)) {
        constraints = table.getConstraints();
        for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
            constraint = constraints[i];
            if (constraint.getConstraintType() != Constraint.FOREIGN_KEY) {
            HsqlName uniqueName = constraint.getUniqueName();
            row = t.getEmptyRowData();
            row[constraint_catalog] = database.getCatalogName().name;
            row[constraint_schema] = constraint.getSchemaName().name;
            row[constraint_name] = constraint.getName().name;
            if (isAccessibleTable(constraint.getMain())) {
                row[unique_constraint_catalog] = database.getCatalogName().name;
                row[unique_constraint_schema] =;
                row[unique_constraint_name] =;
            row[match_option] = Tokens.T_NONE;
            row[update_rule] = constraint.getUpdateActionString();
            row[delete_rule] = constraint.getDeleteActionString();
            t.insertSys(store, row);
    return t;
Also used : Table(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Table) TextTable(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.TextTable) Constraint(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Constraint) Iterator(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator) WrapperIterator(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.WrapperIterator) PersistentStore(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.persist.PersistentStore) HsqlName(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName) SchemaObject(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.SchemaObject) Constraint(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Constraint)

Example 67 with Iterator

use of org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class DatabaseInformationMain method SYSTEM_BESTROWIDENTIFIER.

     * Retrieves a <code>Table</code> object describing the optimal
     * set of visible columns that uniquely identifies a row
     * for each accessible table defined within this database. <p>
     * Each row describes a single column of the best row indentifier column
     * set for a particular table.  Each row has the following
     * columns: <p>
     * <pre class="SqlCodeExample">
     * SCOPE          SMALLINT  scope of applicability
     * COLUMN_NAME    VARCHAR   simple name of the column
     * DATA_TYPE      SMALLINT  SQL data type from Types
     * TYPE_NAME      VARCHAR   canonical type name
     * COLUMN_SIZE    INTEGER   precision
     * BUFFER_LENGTH  INTEGER   transfer size in bytes, if definitely known
     * DECIMAL_DIGITS SMALLINT  scale  - fixed # of decimal digits
     * PSEUDO_COLUMN  SMALLINT  is this a pseudo column like an Oracle ROWID?
     * TABLE_CAT      VARCHAR   table catalog
     * TABLE_SCHEM    VARCHAR   simple name of table schema
     * TABLE_NAME     VARCHAR   simple table name
     * NULLABLE       SMALLINT  is column nullable?
     * IN_KEY         BOOLEAN   column belongs to a primary or alternate key?
     * </pre> <p>
     * <b>Notes:</b><p>
     * <code>JDBCDatabaseMetaData.getBestRowIdentifier</code> uses its
     * nullable parameter to filter the rows of this table in the following
     * manner: <p>
     * If the nullable parameter is <code>false</code>, then rows are reported
     * only if, in addition to satisfying the other specified filter values,
     * the IN_KEY column value is TRUE. If the nullable parameter is
     * <code>true</code>, then the IN_KEY column value is ignored. <p>
     * There is not yet infrastructure in place to make some of the ranking
     * descisions described below, and it is anticipated that mechanisms
     * upon which cost descisions could be based will change significantly over
     * the next few releases.  Hence, in the interest of simplicity and of not
     * making overly complex dependency on features that will almost certainly
     * change significantly in the near future, the current implementation,
     * while perfectly adequate for all but the most demanding or exacting
     * purposes, is actually sub-optimal in the strictest sense. <p>
     * A description of the current implementation follows: <p>
     * <b>DEFINTIONS:</b>  <p>
     * <b>Alternate key</b> <p>
     *  <UL>
     *   <LI> An attribute of a table that, by virtue of its having a set of
     *        columns that are both the full set of columns participating in a
     *        unique constraint or index and are all not null, yeilds the same
     *        selectability characteristic that would obtained by declaring a
     *        primary key on those same columns.
     *  </UL> <p>
     * <b>Column set performance ranking</b> <p>
     *  <UL>
     *  <LI> The ranking of the expected average performance w.r.t a subset of
     *       a table's columns used to select and/or compare rows, as taken in
     *       relation to all other distinct candidate subsets under
     *       consideration. This can be estimated by comparing each cadidate
     *       subset in terms of total column count, relative peformance of
     *       comparisons amongst the domains of the columns and differences
     *       in other costs involved in the execution plans generated using
     *       each subset under consideration for row selection/comparison.
     *  </UL> <p>
     * <b>Rules:</b> <p>
     * Given the above definitions, the rules currently in effect for reporting
     * best row identifier are as follows, in order of precedence: <p>
     * <OL>
     * <LI> if the table under consideration has a primary key contraint, then
     *      the columns of the primary key are reported, with no consideration
     *      given to the column set performance ranking over the set of
     *      candidate keys. Each row has its IN_KEY column set to TRUE.
     * <LI> if 1.) does not hold, then if there exits one or more alternate
     *      keys, then the columns of the alternate key with the lowest column
     *      count are reported, with no consideration given to the column set
     *      performance ranking over the set of candidate keys. If there
     *      exists a tie for lowest column count, then the columns of the
     *      first such key encountered are reported.
     *      Each row has its IN_KEY column set to TRUE.
     * <LI> if both 1.) and 2.) do not hold, then, if possible, a unique
     *      contraint/index is selected from the set of unique
     *      contraints/indices containing at least one column having
     *      a not null constraint, with no consideration given to the
     *      column set performance ranking over the set of all such
     *      candidate column sets. If there exists a tie for lowest non-zero
     *      count of columns having a not null constraint, then the columns
     *      of the first such encountered candidate set are reported. Each
     *      row has its IN_KEY column set to FALSE. <p>
     * <LI> Finally, if the set of candidate column sets in 3.) is the empty,
     *      then no column set is reported for the table under consideration.
     * </OL> <p>
     * The scope reported for a best row identifier column set is determined
     * thus: <p>
     * <OL>
     * <LI> if the database containing the table under consideration is in
     *      read-only mode or the table under consideration is GLOBAL TEMPORARY
     *      (a TEMP or TEMP TEXT table, in HSQLDB parlance), then the scope
     *      is reported as
     *      <code>java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.bestRowSession</code>.
     * <LI> if 1.) does not hold, then the scope is reported as
     *      <code>java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.bestRowTemporary</code>.
     * </OL> <p>
     * @return a <code>Table</code> object describing the optimal
     * set of visible columns that uniquely identifies a row
     * for each accessible table defined within this database
    Table t = sysTables[SYSTEM_BESTROWIDENTIFIER];
    if (t == null) {
        t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_BESTROWIDENTIFIER]);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "SCOPE", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "COLUMN_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "DATA_TYPE", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "TYPE_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
        addColumn(t, "COLUMN_SIZE", Type.SQL_INTEGER);
        addColumn(t, "BUFFER_LENGTH", Type.SQL_INTEGER);
        addColumn(t, "DECIMAL_DIGITS", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "PSEUDO_COLUMN", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);
        addColumn(t, "TABLE_CAT", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
        addColumn(t, "TABLE_SCHEM", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "TABLE_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "NULLABLE", Type.SQL_SMALLINT);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "IN_KEY", Type.SQL_BOOLEAN);
        // order: SCOPE
        // false PK, as TABLE_CAT and/or TABLE_SCHEM may be null
        HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_BESTROWIDENTIFIER].name, false, SchemaObject.INDEX);
        t.createPrimaryKey(name, new int[] { 0, 8, 9, 10, 1 }, false);
        return t;
    PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(t);
    // calculated column values
    // { temp, transaction, session }
    Integer scope;
    Integer pseudo;
    // required for restriction of results via
    // DatabaseMetaData filter parameters, but
    // not actually required to be included in
    // DatabaseMetaData.getBestRowIdentifier()
    // result set
    // table calalog
    String tableCatalog;
    // table schema
    String tableSchema;
    // table name
    String tableName;
    // column participates in PK or AK?
    Boolean inKey;
         * @todo -  Maybe include: - backing index (constraint) name?
         *       - column sequence in index (constraint)?
    // Intermediate holders
    Iterator tables;
    Table table;
    DITableInfo ti;
    int[] cols;
    Object[] row;
    HsqlProperties p;
    // Column number mappings
    final int iscope = 0;
    final int icolumn_name = 1;
    final int idata_type = 2;
    final int itype_name = 3;
    final int icolumn_size = 4;
    final int ibuffer_length = 5;
    final int idecimal_digits = 6;
    final int ipseudo_column = 7;
    final int itable_cat = 8;
    final int itable_schem = 9;
    final int itable_name = 10;
    final int inullable = 11;
    final int iinKey = 12;
    // Initialization
    ti = new DITableInfo();
    tables = database.schemaManager.databaseObjectIterator(SchemaObject.TABLE);
    // Do it.
    while (tables.hasNext()) {
        table = (Table);
        /** @todo - requires access to the actual columns */
        if (table.isView() || !isAccessibleTable(table)) {
        cols = table.getBestRowIdentifiers();
        if (cols == null) {
        inKey = ValuePool.getBoolean(table.isBestRowIdentifiersStrict());
        tableCatalog = table.getCatalogName().name;
        tableSchema = table.getSchemaName().name;
        tableName = table.getName().name;
        Type[] types = table.getColumnTypes();
        scope = ti.getBRIScope();
        pseudo = ti.getBRIPseudo();
        for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
            ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(i);
            row = t.getEmptyRowData();
            row[iscope] = scope;
            row[icolumn_name] = column.getName().name;
            row[idata_type] = ValuePool.getInt(types[i].getJDBCTypeCode());
            row[itype_name] = types[i].getNameString();
            row[icolumn_size] = types[i].getJDBCPrecision();
            row[ibuffer_length] = null;
            row[idecimal_digits] = types[i].getJDBCScale();
            row[ipseudo_column] = pseudo;
            row[itable_cat] = tableCatalog;
            row[itable_schem] = tableSchema;
            row[itable_name] = tableName;
            row[inullable] = column.getNullability();
            row[iinKey] = inKey;
            t.insertSys(store, row);
    return t;
Also used : Table(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Table) PersistentStore(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.persist.PersistentStore) ColumnSchema(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.ColumnSchema) Constraint(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Constraint) Type(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.Type) NumberType(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.NumberType) Iterator(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator) WrapperIterator(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.WrapperIterator) HsqlProperties(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.persist.HsqlProperties) HsqlName(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName) SchemaObject(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.SchemaObject)

Example 68 with Iterator

use of org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class DatabaseInformationFull method CHECK_CONSTRAINTS.

     * The CHECK_CONSTRAINTS view has one row for each domain
     * constraint, table check constraint, and assertion. <p>
     * <b>Definition:</b><p>
     * <pre class="SqlCodeExample">
     * </pre>
     * <b>Description:</b><p>
     * <ol>
     * <li> A constraint is shown in this view if the authorization for the
     *      schema that contains the constraint is the current user or is a role
     *      assigned to the current user. <p>
     *      CONSTRAINT_NAME are the catalog name, unqualified schema name,
     *      and qualified identifier, respectively, of the constraint being
     *      described. <p>
     * <li> Case: <p>
     *      <table>
     *          <tr>
     *               <td valign="top" halign="left">a)</td>
     *               <td> If the character representation of the
     *                    &lt;search condition&gt; contained in the
     *                    &lt;check constraint definition&gt;,
     *                    &lt;domain constraint definition&gt;, or
     *                    &lt;assertion definition&gt; that defined
     *                    the check constraint being described can be
     *                    represented without truncation, then the
     *                    value of CHECK_CLAUSE is that character
     *                    representation. </td>
     *          </tr>
     *          <tr>
     *              <td align="top" halign="left">b)</td>
     *              <td>Otherwise, the value of CHECK_CLAUSE is the
     *                  null value.</td>
     *          </tr>
     *      </table>
     * </ol>
     * @return Table
    Table t = sysTables[CHECK_CONSTRAINTS];
    if (t == null) {
        t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[CHECK_CONSTRAINTS]);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "CONSTRAINT_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
        // not null
        addColumn(t, "CHECK_CLAUSE", CHARACTER_DATA);
        HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(sysTableHsqlNames[CHECK_CONSTRAINTS].name, false, SchemaObject.INDEX);
        t.createPrimaryKey(name, new int[] { 2, 1, 0 }, false);
        return t;
    // column number mappings
    final int constraint_catalog = 0;
    final int constraint_schema = 1;
    final int constraint_name = 2;
    final int check_clause = 3;
    PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(t);
    // calculated column values
    // Intermediate holders
    Iterator tables;
    Table table;
    Constraint[] tableConstraints;
    int constraintCount;
    Constraint constraint;
    Object[] row;
    tables = database.schemaManager.databaseObjectIterator(SchemaObject.TABLE);
    while (tables.hasNext()) {
        table = (Table);
        if (table.isView() || !session.getGrantee().isFullyAccessibleByRole(table)) {
        tableConstraints = table.getConstraints();
        constraintCount = tableConstraints.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < constraintCount; i++) {
            constraint = tableConstraints[i];
            if (constraint.getConstraintType() != Constraint.CHECK) {
            row = t.getEmptyRowData();
            row[constraint_catalog] = database.getCatalogName().name;
            row[constraint_schema] = table.getSchemaName().name;
            row[constraint_name] = constraint.getName().name;
            try {
                row[check_clause] = constraint.getCheckSQL();
            } catch (Exception e) {
            t.insertSys(store, row);
    Iterator it = database.schemaManager.databaseObjectIterator(SchemaObject.DOMAIN);
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Type domain = (Type);
        if (!domain.isDomainType()) {
        if (!session.getGrantee().isFullyAccessibleByRole(domain)) {
        tableConstraints = domain.userTypeModifier.getConstraints();
        constraintCount = tableConstraints.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < constraintCount; i++) {
            constraint = tableConstraints[i];
            row = t.getEmptyRowData();
            row[constraint_catalog] = database.getCatalogName().name;
            row[constraint_schema] = domain.getSchemaName().name;
            row[constraint_name] = constraint.getName().name;
            try {
                row[check_clause] = constraint.getCheckSQL();
            } catch (Exception e) {
            t.insertSys(store, row);
    return t;
Also used : Type(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.Type) CharacterType(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.CharacterType) NumberType(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.NumberType) IntervalType(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.IntervalType) Table(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Table) TextTable(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.TextTable) Constraint(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Constraint) Iterator(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator) WrapperIterator(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.WrapperIterator) PersistentStore(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.persist.PersistentStore) HsqlName(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName) SchemaObject(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.SchemaObject) Constraint(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Constraint) HsqlException(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.HsqlException)

Example 69 with Iterator

use of org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class SchemaObjectSet method getSQL.

String[] getSQL(OrderedHashSet resolved, OrderedHashSet unresolved) {
    HsqlArrayList list = new HsqlArrayList();
    if (!(map instanceof HashMappedList)) {
        return null;
    if (map.isEmpty()) {
        return ValuePool.emptyStringArray;
    Iterator it = map.values().iterator();
    if (type == SchemaObject.FUNCTION || type == SchemaObject.PROCEDURE) {
        OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            RoutineSchema routine = (RoutineSchema);
            for (int i = 0; i < routine.routines.length; i++) {
        it = set.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        SchemaObject object = (SchemaObject);
        OrderedHashSet references = object.getReferences();
        if (references != null) {
            boolean isResolved = true;
            for (int j = 0; j < references.size(); j++) {
                HsqlName name = (HsqlName) references.get(j);
                if (SqlInvariants.isSchemaNameSystem(name)) {
                if (name.type == SchemaObject.COLUMN) {
                    name = name.parent;
                if (name.type == SchemaObject.CHARSET) {
                    // some built-in character sets have no schema
                    if (name.schema == null) {
                if (!resolved.contains(name)) {
                    isResolved = false;
            if (!isResolved) {
        if (object.getType() == SchemaObject.TABLE) {
            list.addAll(((Table) object).getSQL(resolved, unresolved));
        } else {
    String[] array = new String[list.size()];
    return array;
Also used : HashMappedList(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.HashMappedList) HsqlArrayList(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.HsqlArrayList) Iterator(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator) OrderedHashSet(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.OrderedHashSet) HsqlName(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName)

Example 70 with Iterator

use of org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class StatementManager method resetStatements.

     * Used after a DDL change that could impact the compiled statements.
     * Clears references to CompiledStatement objects while keeping the counts
     * and references to the sql strings.
synchronized void resetStatements() {
    Iterator it = csidMap.values().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Statement cs = (Statement);
Also used : Iterator(org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator)


Iterator (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.Iterator)102 WrapperIterator (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.WrapperIterator)74 HsqlName (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName)64 SchemaObject (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.SchemaObject)57 Table (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Table)55 PersistentStore (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.persist.PersistentStore)51 Constraint (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Constraint)50 TextTable (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.TextTable)39 OrderedHashSet (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.OrderedHashSet)28 HsqlException (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.HsqlException)18 HsqlArrayList (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.HsqlArrayList)14 NumberType (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.NumberType)10 HashSet (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.lib.HashSet)9 Type (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.Type)9 Grantee (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.rights.Grantee)8 Routine (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.Routine)7 RoutineSchema (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.RoutineSchema)7 TriggerDef (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.TriggerDef)6 CharacterType (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.CharacterType)6 IntervalType (org.hsqldb_voltpatches.types.IntervalType)6