use of in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class EntityHelperImpl method setSpeed.
public void setSpeed(Entity entity, double speed) { nmsEntityEntity = ((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle();
if (!(nmsEntityEntity instanceof Mob)) {
Mob nmsEntity = (Mob) nmsEntityEntity;
use of in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class EntityHelperImpl method sendHidePacket.
Hide Entity
public void sendHidePacket(Player pl, Entity entity) {
if (entity instanceof Player) {
pl.hidePlayer(Denizen.getInstance(), (Player) entity);
CraftPlayer craftPlayer = (CraftPlayer) pl;
ServerPlayer entityPlayer = craftPlayer.getHandle();
if (entityPlayer.connection != null && !craftPlayer.equals(entity)) {
ChunkMap tracker = ((ServerLevel) craftPlayer.getHandle().level).getChunkProvider().chunkMap; other = ((CraftEntity) entity).getHandle();
ChunkMap.TrackedEntity entry = tracker.G.get(other.getId());
if (entry != null) {
if (Denizen.supportsPaper) {
// Workaround for Paper issue
entityPlayer.connection.send(new ClientboundRemoveEntitiesPacket(other.getId()));
use of in project Denizen-For-Bukkit by DenizenScript.
the class EntityHelperImpl method follow.
public void follow(final Entity target, final Entity follower, final double speed, final double lead, final double maxRange, final boolean allowWander, final boolean teleport) {
if (target == null || follower == null) {
final nmsEntityFollower = ((CraftEntity) follower).getHandle();
if (!(nmsEntityFollower instanceof Mob)) {
final Mob nmsFollower = (Mob) nmsEntityFollower;
final PathNavigation followerNavigation = nmsFollower.getNavigation();
UUID uuid = follower.getUniqueId();
if (followTasks.containsKey(uuid)) {
final int locationNearInt = (int) Math.floor(lead);
final boolean hasMax = maxRange > lead;
followTasks.put(follower.getUniqueId(), new BukkitRunnable() {
private boolean inRadius = false;
public void run() {
if (!target.isValid() || !follower.isValid()) {
Location targetLocation = target.getLocation();
Path path;
if (hasMax && !Utilities.checkLocation(targetLocation, follower.getLocation(), maxRange) && !target.isDead() && target.isOnGround()) {
if (!inRadius) {
if (teleport) {
follower.teleport(Utilities.getWalkableLocationNear(targetLocation, locationNearInt));
} else {
} else {
inRadius = false;
path = followerNavigation.createPath(targetLocation.getX(), targetLocation.getY(), targetLocation.getZ(), 0);
if (path != null) {
followerNavigation.moveTo(path, 1D);
} else if (!inRadius && !Utilities.checkLocation(targetLocation, follower.getLocation(), lead)) {
path = followerNavigation.createPath(targetLocation.getX(), targetLocation.getY(), targetLocation.getZ(), 0);
if (path != null) {
followerNavigation.moveTo(path, 1D);
} else {
inRadius = true;
if (inRadius && !allowWander) {
}.runTaskTimer(NMSHandler.getJavaPlugin(), 0, 10));
use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class Detect method analyzeLabels.
* Performs label analysis on the video at the provided Cloud Storage path.
* @param gcsUri the path to the video file to analyze.
public static void analyzeLabels(String gcsUri) throws Exception {
// Instantiate a
try (VideoIntelligenceServiceClient client = VideoIntelligenceServiceClient.create()) {
// Provide path to file hosted on GCS as "gs://bucket-name/..."
AnnotateVideoRequest request = AnnotateVideoRequest.newBuilder().setInputUri(gcsUri).addFeatures(Feature.LABEL_DETECTION).build();
// Create an operation that will contain the response when the operation completes.
OperationFuture<AnnotateVideoResponse, AnnotateVideoProgress> response = client.annotateVideoAsync(request);
System.out.println("Waiting for operation to complete...");
for (VideoAnnotationResults results : response.get().getAnnotationResultsList()) {
// process video / segment level label annotations
System.out.println("Locations: ");
for (LabelAnnotation labelAnnotation : results.getSegmentLabelAnnotationsList()) {
System.out.println("Video label: " + labelAnnotation.getEntity().getDescription());
// categories
for (Entity categoryEntity : labelAnnotation.getCategoryEntitiesList()) {
System.out.println("Video label category: " + categoryEntity.getDescription());
// segments
for (LabelSegment segment : labelAnnotation.getSegmentsList()) {
double startTime = segment.getSegment().getStartTimeOffset().getSeconds() + segment.getSegment().getStartTimeOffset().getNanos() / 1e9;
double endTime = segment.getSegment().getEndTimeOffset().getSeconds() + segment.getSegment().getEndTimeOffset().getNanos() / 1e9;
System.out.printf("Segment location: %.3f:%.3f\n", startTime, endTime);
System.out.println("Confidence: " + segment.getConfidence());
// process shot label annotations
for (LabelAnnotation labelAnnotation : results.getShotLabelAnnotationsList()) {
System.out.println("Shot label: " + labelAnnotation.getEntity().getDescription());
// categories
for (Entity categoryEntity : labelAnnotation.getCategoryEntitiesList()) {
System.out.println("Shot label category: " + categoryEntity.getDescription());
// segments
for (LabelSegment segment : labelAnnotation.getSegmentsList()) {
double startTime = segment.getSegment().getStartTimeOffset().getSeconds() + segment.getSegment().getStartTimeOffset().getNanos() / 1e9;
double endTime = segment.getSegment().getEndTimeOffset().getSeconds() + segment.getSegment().getEndTimeOffset().getNanos() / 1e9;
System.out.printf("Segment location: %.3f:%.3f\n", startTime, endTime);
System.out.println("Confidence: " + segment.getConfidence());
// process frame label annotations
for (LabelAnnotation labelAnnotation : results.getFrameLabelAnnotationsList()) {
System.out.println("Frame label: " + labelAnnotation.getEntity().getDescription());
// categories
for (Entity categoryEntity : labelAnnotation.getCategoryEntitiesList()) {
System.out.println("Frame label category: " + categoryEntity.getDescription());
// segments
for (LabelSegment segment : labelAnnotation.getSegmentsList()) {
double startTime = segment.getSegment().getStartTimeOffset().getSeconds() + segment.getSegment().getStartTimeOffset().getNanos() / 1e9;
double endTime = segment.getSegment().getEndTimeOffset().getSeconds() + segment.getSegment().getEndTimeOffset().getNanos() / 1e9;
System.out.printf("Segment location: %.3f:%.2f\n", startTime, endTime);
System.out.println("Confidence: " + segment.getConfidence());
// [END detect_labels_gcs]
use of in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.
the class QuickstartSample method main.
* Demonstrates using the video intelligence client to detect labels in a video file.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Instantiate a video intelligence client
try (VideoIntelligenceServiceClient client = VideoIntelligenceServiceClient.create()) {
// The Google Cloud Storage path to the video to annotate.
String gcsUri = "gs://demomaker/cat.mp4";
// Create an operation that will contain the response when the operation completes.
AnnotateVideoRequest request = AnnotateVideoRequest.newBuilder().setInputUri(gcsUri).addFeatures(Feature.LABEL_DETECTION).build();
OperationFuture<AnnotateVideoResponse, AnnotateVideoProgress> response = client.annotateVideoAsync(request);
System.out.println("Waiting for operation to complete...");
List<VideoAnnotationResults> results = response.get().getAnnotationResultsList();
if (results.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("No labels detected in " + gcsUri);
for (VideoAnnotationResults result : results) {
// get video segment label annotations
for (LabelAnnotation annotation : result.getSegmentLabelAnnotationsList()) {
System.out.println("Video label description : " + annotation.getEntity().getDescription());
// categories
for (Entity categoryEntity : annotation.getCategoryEntitiesList()) {
System.out.println("Label Category description : " + categoryEntity.getDescription());
// segments
for (LabelSegment segment : annotation.getSegmentsList()) {
double startTime = segment.getSegment().getStartTimeOffset().getSeconds() + segment.getSegment().getStartTimeOffset().getNanos() / 1e9;
double endTime = segment.getSegment().getEndTimeOffset().getSeconds() + segment.getSegment().getEndTimeOffset().getNanos() / 1e9;
System.out.printf("Segment location : %.3f:%.3f\n", startTime, endTime);
System.out.println("Confidence : " + segment.getConfidence());