use of in project midpoint by Evolveum.
the class ConnectorInstanceConnIdImpl method convertFromPassword.
private void convertFromPassword(Set<Attribute> attributes, PropertyDelta<ProtectedStringType> passwordDelta) throws SchemaException {
if (passwordDelta == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No password was provided");
QName elementName = passwordDelta.getElementName();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(elementName.getNamespaceURI())) {
if (!QNameUtil.match(elementName, PasswordType.F_VALUE)) {
} else if (!passwordDelta.getElementName().equals(PasswordType.F_VALUE)) {
PrismProperty<ProtectedStringType> newPassword = passwordDelta.getPropertyNewMatchingPath();
if (newPassword == null || newPassword.isEmpty()) {
// This is the case of setting no password. E.g. removing existing password
LOGGER.debug("Setting null password.");
attributes.add(, Collections.EMPTY_LIST));
} else if (newPassword.getRealValue().canGetCleartext()) {
// We have password and we can get a cleartext value of the passowrd. This is normal case
GuardedString guardedPassword = ConnIdUtil.toGuardedString(newPassword.getRealValue(), "new password", protector);
attributes.add(, guardedPassword));
} else {
// We have password, but we cannot get a cleartext value. Just to nothing.
LOGGER.debug("We would like to set password, but we do not have cleartext value. Skipping the opearation.");
use of in project syncope by apache.
the class LDAPPasswordPropagationActions method before.
@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public void before(final PropagationTask task, final ConnectorObject beforeObj) {
if (AnyTypeKind.USER == task.getAnyTypeKind()) {
User user = userDAO.find(task.getEntityKey());
if (user != null && user.getPassword() != null) {
Attribute missing = AttributeUtil.find(PropagationTaskExecutor.MANDATORY_MISSING_ATTR_NAME, task.getAttributes());
ConnInstance connInstance = task.getResource().getConnector();
String cipherAlgorithm = getCipherAlgorithm(connInstance);
if (missing != null && missing.getValue() != null && missing.getValue().size() == 1 && missing.getValue().get(0).equals(OperationalAttributes.PASSWORD_NAME) && cipherAlgorithmMatches(getCipherAlgorithm(connInstance), user.getCipherAlgorithm())) {
String password = user.getPassword().toLowerCase();
byte[] decodedPassword = DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(password);
String base64EncodedPassword = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(decodedPassword);
String cipherPlusPassword = ("{" + cipherAlgorithm.toLowerCase() + "}" + base64EncodedPassword);
Attribute passwordAttribute = AttributeBuilder.buildPassword(new GuardedString(cipherPlusPassword.toCharArray()));
Set<Attribute> attributes = new HashSet<>(task.getAttributes());
use of in project syncope by apache.
the class GuardedStringDeserializer method deserialize.
public GuardedString deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext ctx) throws IOException {
ObjectNode tree = jp.readValueAsTree();
boolean readOnly = false;
if (tree.has("readOnly")) {
readOnly = tree.get("readOnly").asBoolean();
boolean disposed = false;
if (tree.has("disposed")) {
disposed = tree.get("disposed").asBoolean();
byte[] encryptedBytes = null;
if (tree.has("encryptedBytes")) {
encryptedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(tree.get("encryptedBytes").asText());
String base64SHA1Hash = null;
if (tree.has("base64SHA1Hash")) {
base64SHA1Hash = tree.get("base64SHA1Hash").asText();
final byte[] clearBytes = EncryptorFactory.getInstance().getDefaultEncryptor().decrypt(encryptedBytes);
GuardedString dest = new GuardedString(new String(clearBytes).toCharArray());
try {
Field field = GuardedString.class.getDeclaredField("readOnly");
field.setBoolean(dest, readOnly);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Could not set field value to {}", readOnly, e);
try {
Field field = GuardedString.class.getDeclaredField("disposed");
field.setBoolean(dest, disposed);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Could not set field value to {}", disposed, e);
if (base64SHA1Hash != null) {
try {
Field field = GuardedString.class.getDeclaredField("base64SHA1Hash");
field.set(dest, base64SHA1Hash);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Could not set field value to {}", base64SHA1Hash, e);
return dest;
use of in project syncope by apache.
the class GuardedStringSerializer method serialize.
public void serialize(final GuardedString source, final JsonGenerator jgen, final SerializerProvider sp) throws IOException {
boolean readOnly = false;
try {
Field field = GuardedString.class.getDeclaredField("readOnly");
readOnly = field.getBoolean(source);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Could not get field value", e);
jgen.writeBooleanField("readOnly", readOnly);
boolean disposed = false;
try {
Field field = GuardedString.class.getDeclaredField("disposed");
disposed = field.getBoolean(source);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Could not get field value", e);
jgen.writeBooleanField("disposed", disposed);
byte[] encryptedBytes = EncryptorFactory.getInstance().getDefaultEncryptor().encrypt(SecurityUtil.decrypt(source).getBytes());
jgen.writeStringField("encryptedBytes", Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(encryptedBytes));
String base64SHA1Hash = null;
try {
Field field = GuardedString.class.getDeclaredField("base64SHA1Hash");
base64SHA1Hash = field.get(source).toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Could not get field value", e);
if (base64SHA1Hash != null) {
jgen.writeStringField("base64SHA1Hash", base64SHA1Hash);
use of in project syncope by apache.
the class MigrationPullActions method after.
public void after(final ProvisioningProfile<?, ?> profile, final SyncDelta delta, final EntityTO entity, final ProvisioningReport result) throws JobExecutionException {
if (entity instanceof UserTO) {
// handles ciphered password import
CipherAlgorithm cipherAlgorithm = null;
Attribute cipherAlgorithmAttr = delta.getObject().getAttributeByName(CIPHER_ALGORITHM_ATTR);
if (cipherAlgorithmAttr != null && cipherAlgorithmAttr.getValue() != null && !cipherAlgorithmAttr.getValue().isEmpty()) {
cipherAlgorithm = CipherAlgorithm.valueOf(cipherAlgorithmAttr.getValue().get(0).toString());
GuardedString passwordValue = AttributeUtil.getPasswordValue(delta.getObject().getAttributes());
if (cipherAlgorithm != null && passwordValue != null) {
User user = userDAO.find(entity.getKey());
LOG.debug("Setting encoded password for {}", user);
user.setEncodedPassword(SecurityUtil.decrypt(passwordValue), cipherAlgorithm);
} else if (entity instanceof GroupTO) {
// handles group membership
Attribute membershipsAttr = delta.getObject().getAttributeByName(MEMBERSHIPS_ATTR);
if (membershipsAttr != null && membershipsAttr.getValue() != null && !membershipsAttr.getValue().isEmpty()) {
LOG.debug("Found {} for group {}", MEMBERSHIPS_ATTR, entity.getKey());
for (Object membership : membershipsAttr.getValue()) {
User member = userDAO.findByUsername(membership.toString());
if (member == null) {
LOG.warn("Could not find member {} for group {}", membership, entity.getKey());
} else {
Set<String> memb = memberships.get(member.getKey());
if (memb == null) {
memb = new HashSet<>();
memberships.put(member.getKey(), memb);
} else {
super.after(profile, delta, entity, result);