use of org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.SyncDelta in project syncope by apache.
the class LDAPMembershipPullActions method populateMemberships.
* Pull Syncope memberships with the situation read on the external resource's group.
* @param profile pull profile
* @param delta representing the pullong group
* @param groupTO group after modification performed by the handler
* @throws JobExecutionException if anything goes wrong
protected void populateMemberships(final ProvisioningProfile<?, ?> profile, final SyncDelta delta, final GroupTO groupTO) throws JobExecutionException {
Connector connector = profile.getConnector();
getMembAttrValues(delta, connector).stream().map(membValue -> {
Set<String> memb = memberships.get(membValue.toString());
if (memb == null) {
memb = new HashSet<>();
memberships.put(membValue.toString(), memb);
return memb;
}).forEachOrdered(memb -> {