use of org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException in project keycloak by keycloak.
the class RemoteCacheInvoker method runTask.
public <K, V extends SessionEntity> void runTask(KeycloakSession kcSession, RealmModel realm, String cacheName, K key, MergedUpdate<V> task, SessionEntityWrapper<V> sessionWrapper) {
RemoteCacheContext context = remoteCaches.get(cacheName);
if (context == null) {
V session = sessionWrapper.getEntity();
SessionUpdateTask.CacheOperation operation = task.getOperation(session);
SessionUpdateTask.CrossDCMessageStatus status = task.getCrossDCMessageStatus(sessionWrapper);
if (status == SessionUpdateTask.CrossDCMessageStatus.NOT_NEEDED) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.tracef("Skip writing to remoteCache for entity '%s' of cache '%s' and operation '%s'", key, cacheName, operation);
long loadedMaxIdleTimeMs = context.maxIdleTimeLoader.getMaxIdleTimeMs(realm);
// Increase the timeout to ensure that entry won't expire on remoteCache in case that write of some entities to remoteCache is postponed (eg. userSession.lastSessionRefresh)
final long maxIdleTimeMs = loadedMaxIdleTimeMs + 1800000;
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.tracef("Running task '%s' on remote cache '%s' . Key is '%s'", operation, cacheName, key);
TopologyInfo topology = InfinispanUtil.getTopologyInfo(kcSession);
Retry.executeWithBackoff((int iteration) -> {
try {
runOnRemoteCache(topology, context.remoteCache, maxIdleTimeMs, key, task, sessionWrapper);
} catch (HotRodClientException re) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debugf(re, "Failed running task '%s' on remote cache '%s' . Key: '%s', iteration '%s'. Will try to retry the task", operation, cacheName, key, iteration);
// Rethrow the exception. Retry will take care of handle the exception and eventually retry the operation.
throw re;
}, 10, 10);