use of org.infinispan.distribution.MagicKey in project infinispan by infinispan.
the class DistributedStreamRehashTest method testNodeFailureDuringProcessingForCollect.
public void testNodeFailureDuringProcessingForCollect() throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, ExecutionException {
// Insert a key into each cache - so we always have values to find on each node
for (Cache<MagicKey, Object> cache : this.<MagicKey, Object>caches(CACHE_NAME)) {
MagicKey key = new MagicKey(cache);
cache.put(key, key.toString());
Cache<MagicKey, Object> originator = cache(0, CACHE_NAME);
// We stop the #1 node which equates to entries store in segment 2
Cache<MagicKey, Object> nodeToBlockBeforeProcessing = cache(1, CACHE_NAME);
Cache<MagicKey, Object> nodeToStop = cache(3, CACHE_NAME);
CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
// Always let it process the publisher
// Block on the publisher
InternalDataContainer internalDataContainer = TestingUtil.extractComponent(nodeToBlockBeforeProcessing, InternalDataContainer.class);
InternalDataContainer spy = spy(internalDataContainer);
doAnswer(invocation -> {
Publisher result = (Publisher) invocation.callRealMethod();
return Mocks.blockingPublisher(result, checkPoint);
// Cache2 owns segment 1 primary and 2 as backup
TestingUtil.replaceComponent(nodeToBlockBeforeProcessing, InternalDataContainer.class, spy, true);
Future<List<Map.Entry<MagicKey, Object>>> future = fork(() -> originator.entrySet().stream().collect(() -> Collectors.toList()));
// Make sure we are up to sync
checkPoint.awaitStrict(Mocks.AFTER_INVOCATION, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Note that segment 2 doesn't map to the node1 anymore
consistentHashFactory.setOwnerIndexes(new int[][] { { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 2, 1 }, { 1, 0 } });
// Have to remove the cache manager so the cluster formation can work properly
cacheManagers.remove(cacheManagers.size() - 1);
TestingUtil.blockUntilViewsReceived((int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10), false, caches(CACHE_NAME));
// Now let the stream be processed
List<Map.Entry<MagicKey, Object>> list = future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(cacheManagers.size() + 1, list.size());
use of org.infinispan.distribution.MagicKey in project infinispan by infinispan.
the class BaseStreamIteratorWithLoaderTest method insertDefaultValues.
private Map<Object, String> insertDefaultValues(boolean includeLoaderEntry) {
Cache<Object, String> cache0 = cache(0);
Map<Object, String> originalValues = new HashMap<>();
Object loaderKey;
if (cacheMode.needsStateTransfer()) {
Cache<Object, String> cache1 = cache(1);
Cache<Object, String> cache2 = cache(2);
originalValues.put(new MagicKey(cache0), "cache0");
originalValues.put(new MagicKey(cache1), "cache1");
originalValues.put(new MagicKey(cache2), "cache2");
loaderKey = new MagicKey(cache2);
} else {
originalValues.put(1, "value0");
originalValues.put(2, "value1");
originalValues.put(3, "value2");
loaderKey = 4;
DummyInMemoryStore store = TestingUtil.getFirstStore(cache0);
TestObjectStreamMarshaller sm = new TestObjectStreamMarshaller(sci);
try {
String loaderValue = "loader-value";
store.write(MarshalledEntryUtil.create(loaderKey, loaderValue, sm));
if (includeLoaderEntry) {
originalValues.put(loaderKey, loaderValue);
} finally {
return originalValues;
use of org.infinispan.distribution.MagicKey in project infinispan by infinispan.
the class DistributedWriteBehindStreamIteratorTest method testBackupSegmentsOptimizationWithWriteBehindStore.
@Test(dataProvider = "rehashAware")
public void testBackupSegmentsOptimizationWithWriteBehindStore(boolean rehashAware) {
Cache<Object, String> cache1 = cache(1, CACHE_NAME);
RpcManager rpcManager = Mocks.replaceComponentWithSpy(cache1, RpcManager.class);
for (Cache<Object, String> cache : this.<Object, String>caches(CACHE_NAME)) {
MagicKey key = new MagicKey(cache);
cache.put(key, key.toString());
// Remember that segment ownership is as {0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 1}
CacheStream<Map.Entry<Object, String>> stream = cache1.entrySet().stream();
if (!rehashAware)
stream = stream.disableRehashAware();
int invocationCount;
if (cacheMode.isReplicated()) {
Map<Object, String> entries = mapFromIterator(stream.iterator());
assertEquals(caches(CACHE_NAME).size(), entries.size());
invocationCount = cacheManagers.size() - 1;
} else {
// Distributed cache
// Cache1 owns 1 (primary) and 2 (backup)
// When it is a write behind shared store it will have to go remote otherwise will stay local
Map<Object, String> entries = mapFromIterator(stream.filterKeySegments(IntSets.immutableSet(2)).iterator());
assertEquals(1, entries.size());
invocationCount = 1;
// on the primary owner, so we could miss updates
if (asyncStore && sharedStore) {
verify(rpcManager, times(invocationCount)).invokeCommand(any(Address.class), any(InitialPublisherCommand.class), any(), any());
} else {
verify(rpcManager, never()).invokeCommand(any(Address.class), any(InitialPublisherCommand.class), any(), any());
use of org.infinispan.distribution.MagicKey in project infinispan by infinispan.
the class TxDuringStateTransferTest method performTest.
private void performTest(Operation operation) throws Exception {
assertClusterSize("Wrong number of caches.", 4);
final Object key = new MagicKey(cache(0), cache(1), cache(2));
// init
operation.init(cache(0), key);
final EmbeddedTransactionManager transactionManager = (EmbeddedTransactionManager) tm(0);
operation.perform(cache(0), key);
final EmbeddedTransaction transaction = transactionManager.getTransaction();
assertEquals("Wrong transaction status before killing backup owner.", Status.STATUS_PREPARED, transaction.getStatus());
// now, we kill cache(1). the transaction is prepared in cache(1) and it should be forward to cache(3)
assertEquals("Wrong transaction status after killing backup owner.", Status.STATUS_PREPARED, transaction.getStatus());
for (Cache<Object, Object> cache : caches()) {
// all the caches are owner
operation.check(cache, key, valueOf(address(cache)));
use of org.infinispan.distribution.MagicKey in project infinispan by infinispan.
the class TxReplayTest method testReplay.
public void testReplay() throws Exception {
assertClusterSize("Wrong cluster size", 3);
final Object key = new MagicKey(cache(0), cache(1));
final Cache<Object, Object> newBackupOwnerCache = cache(2);
final TxCommandInterceptor interceptor = TxCommandInterceptor.inject(newBackupOwnerCache);
EmbeddedTransactionManager transactionManager = (EmbeddedTransactionManager) tm(0);
cache(0).put(key, VALUE);
final EmbeddedTransaction transaction = transactionManager.getTransaction();
assertEquals("Wrong transaction status before killing backup owner.", Status.STATUS_PREPARED, transaction.getStatus());
// now, we kill cache(1). the transaction is prepared in cache(1) and it should be forward to cache(2)
assertEquals("Wrong transaction status after killing backup owner.", Status.STATUS_PREPARED, transaction.getStatus());
assertEquals("Wrong number of prepares!", 1, interceptor.numberPrepares.get());
assertEquals("Wrong number of commits!", 1, interceptor.numberCommits.get());
assertEquals("Wrong number of rollbacks!", 0, interceptor.numberRollbacks.get());