use of org.iobserve.analysis.test.userbehavior.ReferenceElements in project iobserve-analysis by research-iobserve.
the class LoopWithinBranchReference method getModel.
* It creates a reference usage model that contains loops within branches. Accordingly, user
* sessions whose call sequences differ from each other at the positions of the branches and
* that contain iterated call sequences are created.(RQ-1.6)
* @param referenceUsageModelFileName
* file name of the reference model to store its result
* @param repositoryLookupModel
* repository lookup model
* @param correspondenceModel
* correspondence model
* @return a reference model and corresponding user sessions
* @throws IOException
* on error
public static ReferenceElements getModel(final String referenceUsageModelFileName, final RepositoryLookupModelProvider repositoryLookupModel, final CorrespondenceModel correspondenceModel) throws IOException {
// Create a random number of user sessions and random model element parameters. The user
// sessions' behavior will be created according to the reference usage model and
// subsequently the user sessions are used to create a usage model. The created usage model
// is matched against the reference usage model. The minimum number of user sessions is set
// dependently from the random number of branch transitions, because it must be ensured that
// each branch transition is represented within the user sessions.
final int numberOfBranchTransitions = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(3, 2);
final int numberOfConcurrentUsers = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(30, 10 * numberOfBranchTransitions);
final int lengthOfBranchSequence = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(2, 1);
final int countOfLoop = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(3, 2);
final UserSessionCollectionModel entryCallSequenceModel = new UserSessionCollectionModel(TestHelper.getUserSessions(numberOfConcurrentUsers));
final ReferenceElements referenceElements = new ReferenceElements();
// In the following the reference usage model is created
final UsageModel usageModel = UsageModelFactory.createUsageModel();
final UsageScenario usageScenario = UsageModelFactory.createUsageScenario("", usageModel);
final ScenarioBehaviour scenarioBehaviour = usageScenario.getScenarioBehaviour_UsageScenario();
// lastAction = start;
final Branch branch = LoopWithinBranchReference.createBranch(repositoryLookupModel, scenarioBehaviour, correspondenceModel, numberOfBranchTransitions, lengthOfBranchSequence, countOfLoop);
// According to the reference usage model user sessions are created that exactly represent
// the user behavior of the reference usage model. The entry and exit times enable that the
// calls within the user sessions are ordered according to the reference usage model. The
// branch transition counter ensures that each branch transition is represnted within the
// user sessions
final List<Integer> branchTransitionCounter = new ArrayList<>();
boolean areAllBranchesVisited = true;
do {
for (int i = 0; i < branch.getBranchTransitions_Branch().size(); i++) {
branchTransitionCounter.add(i, 0);
int entryTime = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < entryCallSequenceModel.getUserSessions().size(); i++) {
entryTime = 1;
// Each user session represents one of the branch transitions
final int branchDecisioner = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(numberOfBranchTransitions - 1, 0);
if (branchDecisioner == 0) {
entryTime = LoopWithinBranchReference.createLoop(branchTransitionCounter, entryTime, 0, 1, entryCallSequenceModel, lengthOfBranchSequence, countOfLoop, i);
} else if (branchDecisioner == 1) {
entryTime = LoopWithinBranchReference.createLoop(branchTransitionCounter, entryTime, 1, 2, entryCallSequenceModel, lengthOfBranchSequence, countOfLoop, i);
} else if (branchDecisioner == 2) {
entryTime = LoopWithinBranchReference.createLoop(branchTransitionCounter, entryTime, 2, 0, entryCallSequenceModel, lengthOfBranchSequence, countOfLoop, i);
// It is checked whether all branch transitions are represented within the user sessions
for (int i = 0; i < branchTransitionCounter.size(); i++) {
if (branchTransitionCounter.get(i) == 0) {
areAllBranchesVisited = false;
} while (!areAllBranchesVisited);
// Sets the likelihoods of the branch transitions according to the created user sessions
for (int i = 0; i < branch.getBranchTransitions_Branch().size(); i++) {
branch.getBranchTransitions_Branch().get(i).setBranchProbability((double) branchTransitionCounter.get(i) / (double) numberOfConcurrentUsers);
// Saves the reference usage model and sets the usage model and the EntryCallSequenceModel
// as the reference elements. Our approach is now executed with the EntryCallSequenceModel
// and the resulting usage model can be matched against the reference usage model
TestHelper.saveModel(usageModel, referenceUsageModelFileName);
return referenceElements;
use of org.iobserve.analysis.test.userbehavior.ReferenceElements in project iobserve-analysis by research-iobserve.
the class OverlappingIterationReference method getModel.
* Creates a reference model that contains a loop element. The user sessions contain iterated
* call sequences that share overlapping calls. Thereby, one iterated sequence consists of more
* calls than the other. Thus, it can be checked whether the approach transforms the iterated
* call sequence that consists of more calls to a loop (RQ-1.4)
* @param referenceUsageModelFileName
* file name of the reference model to store its result
* @param repositoryLookupModelProvider
* repository model provider
* @param correspondenceModel
* correspondence model
* @return a reference usage model and corresponding user sessions
* @throws IOException
* on error
public static ReferenceElements getModel(final String referenceUsageModelFileName, final RepositoryLookupModelProvider repositoryLookupModelProvider, final CorrespondenceModel correspondenceModel) throws IOException {
// Creates a random number of user sessions and random model element parameters. The user
// sessions' behavior will be created according to the reference usage model and
// subsequently the user sessions are used to create a usage model. The created usage model
// is matched against the reference usage model.
final int numberOfConcurrentUsers = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(200, 1);
// One of the iterated sequences is iterated twice and one is iterated three times. The
// number of iterations is set randomly.
final int loopCount1 = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(3, 2);
final int lengthOfSequence1 = 2 * loopCount1;
final int loopCount2;
if (loopCount1 == 3) {
loopCount2 = 2;
} else {
loopCount2 = 3;
final int lengthOfSequence2 = 2 * loopCount2;
final ReferenceElements referenceElements = new ReferenceElements();
final UserSessionCollectionModel entryCallSequenceModel = new UserSessionCollectionModel(TestHelper.getUserSessions(numberOfConcurrentUsers));
// In the following the reference usage model is created
AbstractUserAction lastAction;
final UsageModel usageModel = UsageModelFactory.createUsageModel();
final UsageScenario usageScenario = UsageModelFactory.createUsageScenario("", usageModel);
final ScenarioBehaviour scenarioBehaviour = usageScenario.getScenarioBehaviour_UsageScenario();
final Start start = UsageModelFactory.createStart("");
UsageModelFactory.addUserAction(scenarioBehaviour, start);
final Stop stop = UsageModelFactory.createStop("");
UsageModelFactory.addUserAction(scenarioBehaviour, stop);
// According to the randomly set number of iterations the sequence that is iterated three
// times is represented by a loop element. The other sequence is represented by a sequence
final Loop loop = UsageModelFactory.createLoop("", scenarioBehaviour);
if (lengthOfSequence1 >= lengthOfSequence2) {
UsageModelFactory.connect(start, loop);
final PCMRandomVariable pcmLoopIteration = CoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createPCMRandomVariable();
// Set number of loops
final Start loopStart = UsageModelFactory.createStart("");
UsageModelFactory.addUserAction(loop.getBodyBehaviour_Loop(), loopStart);
final Stop loopStop = UsageModelFactory.createStop("");
UsageModelFactory.addUserAction(loop.getBodyBehaviour_Loop(), loopStop);
lastAction = OverlappingIterationReference.createEntryLevelSystemCall(repositoryLookupModelProvider, correspondenceModel, 0, loopStart, scenarioBehaviour);
lastAction = OverlappingIterationReference.createEntryLevelSystemCall(repositoryLookupModelProvider, correspondenceModel, 2, lastAction, scenarioBehaviour);
UsageModelFactory.connect(lastAction, loopStop);
lastAction = OverlappingIterationReference.createEntryLevelSystemCall(repositoryLookupModelProvider, correspondenceModel, 3, loop, scenarioBehaviour);
lastAction = OverlappingIterationReference.createEntryLevelSystemCall(repositoryLookupModelProvider, correspondenceModel, 2, lastAction, scenarioBehaviour);
lastAction = OverlappingIterationReference.createEntryLevelSystemCall(repositoryLookupModelProvider, correspondenceModel, 3, lastAction, scenarioBehaviour);
UsageModelFactory.connect(lastAction, stop);
} else {
lastAction = OverlappingIterationReference.createEntryLevelSystemCall(repositoryLookupModelProvider, correspondenceModel, 0, start, scenarioBehaviour);
lastAction = OverlappingIterationReference.createEntryLevelSystemCall(repositoryLookupModelProvider, correspondenceModel, 2, lastAction, scenarioBehaviour);
lastAction = OverlappingIterationReference.createEntryLevelSystemCall(repositoryLookupModelProvider, correspondenceModel, 0, lastAction, scenarioBehaviour);
UsageModelFactory.connect(lastAction, loop);
final PCMRandomVariable pcmLoopIteration = CoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createPCMRandomVariable();
// Set number of loops
final Start loopStart = UsageModelFactory.createStart("");
UsageModelFactory.addUserAction(loop.getBodyBehaviour_Loop(), loopStart);
final Stop loopStop = UsageModelFactory.createStop("");
UsageModelFactory.addUserAction(loop.getBodyBehaviour_Loop(), loopStop);
lastAction = loopStart;
lastAction = OverlappingIterationReference.createEntryLevelSystemCall(repositoryLookupModelProvider, correspondenceModel, 2, lastAction, scenarioBehaviour);
lastAction = OverlappingIterationReference.createEntryLevelSystemCall(repositoryLookupModelProvider, correspondenceModel, 3, lastAction, scenarioBehaviour);
UsageModelFactory.connect(lastAction, loopStop);
UsageModelFactory.connect(loop, stop);
OverlappingIterationReference.createMatchingEntryAndExitEvents(entryCallSequenceModel, lengthOfSequence1, lengthOfSequence2, loopCount1, loopCount2);
// Saves the reference usage model and sets the usage model and the EntryCallSequenceModel
// as the reference elements. Our approach is now executed with the EntryCallSequenceModel
// and the resulting usage model can be matched against the reference usage model
TestHelper.saveModel(usageModel, referenceUsageModelFileName);
return referenceElements;
use of org.iobserve.analysis.test.userbehavior.ReferenceElements in project iobserve-analysis by research-iobserve.
the class SimpleLoopReferenceHelper method getModel.
* Creates a reference model that contains a loop element. Accordingly, user sessions whose call
* sequences contain iterated calls are created.(RQ-1.3)
* @param referenceUsageModelFileName
* reference usage model file name
* @param repositoryLookupModelProvider
* repository model provider
* @param correspondenceModel
* correspondence model
* @return the reference usage model and a corresponding EntryCallSequenceModel
* @throws IOException
* on error
public static ReferenceElements getModel(final String referenceUsageModelFileName, final RepositoryLookupModelProvider repositoryLookupModelProvider, final CorrespondenceModel correspondenceModel) throws IOException {
// Create a random number of user sessions and random model element parameters. The user
// sessions' behavior will be created according to the reference usage model and
// subsequently the user sessions are used to create a usage model. The created usage model
// is matched against the reference usage model
final int numberOfConcurrentUsers = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(200, 1);
final int loopCount = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(5, 2);
final int numberOfIteratedCalls = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(5, 1);
final UserSessionCollectionModel entryCallSequenceModel = new UserSessionCollectionModel(TestHelper.getUserSessions(numberOfConcurrentUsers));
final ReferenceElements referenceElements = new ReferenceElements();
// In the following the reference usage model is created
AbstractUserAction lastAction;
final UsageModel usageModel = UsageModelFactory.createUsageModel();
final UsageScenario usageScenario = UsageModelFactory.createUsageScenario("", usageModel);
final ScenarioBehaviour scenarioBehaviour = usageScenario.getScenarioBehaviour_UsageScenario();
final Start start = UsageModelFactory.createAddStartAction("", scenarioBehaviour);
final Stop stop = UsageModelFactory.createAddStopAction("", scenarioBehaviour);
// A loop is created and the loop count is set
final Loop loop = UsageModelFactory.createLoop("", scenarioBehaviour);
UsageModelFactory.connect(start, loop);
final PCMRandomVariable pcmLoopIteration = CoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createPCMRandomVariable();
UsageModelFactory.connect(loop, stop);
// The EntryLevelSystemCalls that are iterated are added to the loop element
final Start loopStart = UsageModelFactory.createAddStartAction("", loop.getBodyBehaviour_Loop());
final Stop loopStop = UsageModelFactory.createAddStopAction("", loop.getBodyBehaviour_Loop());
lastAction = loopStart;
// iterated calls to the loop
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfIteratedCalls; i++) {
if (i >= 0 && i < 5) {
final OperationSignature operationSignature = CorrespondenceUtility.findModelElementForOperation(correspondenceModel, Repository.class, ReferenceUsageModelBuilder.CLASS_SIGNATURE[i], ReferenceUsageModelBuilder.OPERATION_SIGNATURE[i]);
if (operationSignature != null) {
final EntryLevelSystemCall entryLevelSystemCall = UsageModelFactory.createEntryLevelSystemCall(repositoryLookupModelProvider, operationSignature);
UsageModelFactory.addUserAction(loop.getBodyBehaviour_Loop(), entryLevelSystemCall);
UsageModelFactory.connect(lastAction, entryLevelSystemCall);
lastAction = entryLevelSystemCall;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value of model element parameter");
UsageModelFactory.connect(lastAction, loopStop);
// According to the reference usage model user sessions are created that exactly represent
// the user behavior of the reference usage model. The entry and exit times enable that the
// calls within the user sessions are ordered according to the reference usage model
int entryTime = 1;
int exitTime = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < entryCallSequenceModel.getUserSessions().size(); i++) {
entryTime = 1;
exitTime = 2;
// number of iterated calls
for (int k = 0; k < loopCount; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfIteratedCalls; j++) {
EntryCallEvent entryCallEvent = null;
if (j >= 0 && j < 5) {
entryCallEvent = new EntryCallEvent(entryTime, exitTime, ReferenceUsageModelBuilder.OPERATION_SIGNATURE[j], ReferenceUsageModelBuilder.CLASS_SIGNATURE[j], String.valueOf(i), "hostname");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value of model element parameter");
entryCallSequenceModel.getUserSessions().get(i).add(entryCallEvent, true);
entryTime = entryTime + 2;
exitTime = exitTime + 2;
// Saves the reference usage model and sets the usage model and the EntryCallSequenceModel
// as the reference elements. Our approach is now executed with the EntryCallSequenceModel
// and the resulting usage model can be matched against the reference usage model
TestHelper.saveModel(usageModel, referenceUsageModelFileName);
return referenceElements;
use of org.iobserve.analysis.test.userbehavior.ReferenceElements in project iobserve-analysis by research-iobserve.
the class BranchWithinBranchReference method getModel.
* It creates a reference usage model that contains nested branches. Accordingly, user sessions
* whose call sequences differ from each other at the positions of the branches are
* created.(RQ-1.5)
* @param referenceUsageModelFileName
* file name of the reference model to store its result
* @param usageModelBuilder
* usage model builder
* @param repositoryLookupModel
* repository model provider
* @param correspondenceModel
* correspondence model
* @return a reference usage model and corresponding user sessions
* @throws IOException
* on error
public static ReferenceElements getModel(final String referenceUsageModelFileName, final UsageModelFactory usageModelBuilder, final RepositoryLookupModelProvider repositoryLookupModel, final CorrespondenceModel correspondenceModel) throws IOException {
// Create a random number of user sessions and random model element parameters. The user
// sessions' behavior will be created according to the reference usage model and
// subsequently the user sessions are used to create a usage model. The created usage model
// is matched against the reference usage model. The minimum number of user sessions is set
// dependently from the random number of branch transitions, because it must be ensured that
// each branch transition is represented within the user sessions.
final int numberOfTransitionsOfExteriorBranch = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(3, 2);
final int numberOfTransitionsOfInteriorBranches = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(3, 2);
final int numberOfConcurrentUsers = TestHelper.getRandomInteger(200, 10 * numberOfTransitionsOfExteriorBranch);
final UserSessionCollectionModel entryCallSequenceModel = new UserSessionCollectionModel(TestHelper.getUserSessions(numberOfConcurrentUsers));
final ReferenceElements referenceElements = new ReferenceElements();
final List<Integer> branchTransitionCounter = new ArrayList<>();
final List<List<Integer>> listOfbranchTransitionCounterInterior = new ArrayList<>();
BranchWithinBranchReference.createUserSessions(branchTransitionCounter, listOfbranchTransitionCounterInterior, numberOfTransitionsOfExteriorBranch, numberOfTransitionsOfInteriorBranches, entryCallSequenceModel);
final UsageModel usageModel = BranchWithinBranchReference.createTheReferenceModel(usageModelBuilder, repositoryLookupModel, correspondenceModel, numberOfTransitionsOfExteriorBranch, numberOfTransitionsOfInteriorBranches, numberOfConcurrentUsers, branchTransitionCounter, listOfbranchTransitionCounterInterior);
// Saves the reference usage model and sets the usage model and the EntryCallSequenceModel
// as the reference elements. Our approach is now executed with the EntryCallSequenceModel
// and the resulting usage model can be matched against the reference usage model
TestHelper.saveModel(usageModel, referenceUsageModelFileName);
return referenceElements;