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Example 6 with DateTime

use of org.jaffa.datatypes.DateTime in project jaffa-framework by jaffa-projects.

the class DateTimeTag method getHtml.

private String getHtml(String idPrefix, SimpleWidgetModel model, IPropertyRuleIntrospector propertyRuleIntrospector) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(getValidateScript(idPrefix));
    // ensure a valid value for the interval-size
    if (!checkValidInterval(m_minInterval))
        m_minInterval = DEFAULT_MINUTE_INTERVAL;
    // set the value & meta
    DateTime value = getRoundedDateTime(model, m_minInterval);
    // Format just the Date portion
    String formattedDate = value == null ? "" : Formatter.format(DateTime.toDateOnly(value), propertyRuleIntrospector.getLayout());
    if (formattedDate.indexOf(":") != -1) {
        formattedDate = formattedDate.substring(0, formattedDate.length() - 8);
    sb.append("<A id=\"" + idPrefix + "_anchor\" name=\"" + idPrefix + "_anchor\">");
    sb.append(" TYPE=\"text\"");
    sb.append(" ID=\"" + idPrefix + "_date\"");
    sb.append(" VALUE=\"" + formattedDate + "\"" + (propertyRuleIntrospector.isMandatory() ? " class=\"datetimeMandatory\" " : ""));
    sb.append(" SIZE=\"" + m_columns + "\"");
    sb.append(" MAXLENGTH=\"" + propertyRuleIntrospector.getMaxLength() + "\"");
    sb.append(" onBlur=\"javascript:" + getValidateCall(idPrefix) + "\"");
    sb.append(" onFocus=\"javascript:" + idPrefix + "_tmp = this.value;\"");
    // sb.append("</A><A id=\"" + m_name + "_lookup\" onclick=\"setTextField('" + idPrefix + "') ;");
    sb.append("</A><A id=\"" + idPrefix + "_lookup\" onclick=\"setTextField('" + idPrefix + "') ;");
    sb.append("setCurrentDate('" + idPrefix + "_date') ; document.getElementById('calendardd').disabled = false ;  cal2.showCalendar('" + idPrefix + "_anchor'); ");
    sb.append("return false;\" name=\"anchor6\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\">");
    sb.append("<img src=\"jaffa/imgs/datetime/calendar_32b.gif\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" valign=\"middle\" align=\"absbottom\" border=\"0\"> </A>");
    sb.append("<DIV id=\"testdiv1\" style=\"VISIBILITY: hidden; background-color: #FFFFFF; layer-background-color: #FFFFFF; POSITION: absolute; z-index:100\"></DIV>\n");
    // add hidden fields if only the date is to be displayed.. else add dropdowns
    if (getDateOnly()) {
        sb.append(" <input type=\"HIDDEN\" id=\"" + idPrefix + "_hours\" value=\"0\"/>");
        sb.append(" <input type=\"HIDDEN\" id=\"" + idPrefix + "_mins\" value=\"0\"/>");
    } else {
        sb.append(" <select id=\"" + idPrefix + "_hours\" class=\"dd\" onChange=\"javascript:datetime_updateHidden('" + idPrefix + "');\">");
        // sb.append("<option value=\"\"> </option>");
        for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
            if (i < 10) {
                sb.append("<option value=\"0" + i + "\"" + (value != null && value.hourOfDay() == i ? "SELECTED" : "") + ">0" + i + "</option>\n");
            } else {
                sb.append("<option value=\"" + i + "\"" + (value != null && value.hourOfDay() == i ? "SELECTED" : "") + ">" + i + "</option>\n");
        sb.append(" : <select id=\"" + idPrefix + "_mins\"  class=\"dd\" onChange=\"javascript:datetime_updateHidden('" + idPrefix + "')\";>");
        // sb.append("<option value=\"\"> </option>");
        for (int i = 0; i < 60; i = i + m_minInterval) {
            if (i < 10) {
                sb.append("<option value=\"0" + i + "\"" + (value != null && value.minute() == i ? "SELECTED" : "") + ">0" + i + "</option>\n");
            } else {
                sb.append("<option value=\"" + i + "\"" + (value != null && value.minute() == i ? "SELECTED" : "") + ">" + i + "</option>\n");
    sb.append("<input type=\"HIDDEN\" ");
    sb.append("id=\"" + idPrefix + "\"");
    if (!TagHelper.isEnclosed(pageContext))
        sb.append(" NAME=\"" + m_field + "WV\" ");
    sb.append(" CLASS=\"WidgetDateTime\" ");
    String formattedDateTime = "";
    if (value != null)
        formattedDateTime = formattedDate + " " + value.hourOfDay() + ":" + value.minute();
    sb.append(" VALUE=\"" + formattedDateTime + "\"\n>");
    sb.append(getWidgetRegistrationScript(idPrefix, false));
    return sb.toString();
Also used : DateTime(org.jaffa.datatypes.DateTime)

Example 7 with DateTime

use of org.jaffa.datatypes.DateTime in project jaffa-framework by jaffa-projects.

the class DateTimeTag method getRoundedDateTime.

 * Get the DateTime whose minute portion is a multiple of the intervalSize
 * Update the model, in case the DateTime is changed
private DateTime getRoundedDateTime(SimpleWidgetModel model, int intervalSize) {
    DateTime value = model.getDateTimeValue();
    if (value != null) {
        if (getDateOnly()) {
            if (value.hourOfDay() > 0 || value.minute() > 0 || value.second() > 0 || value.milli() > 0) {
                // create a dateOnly
                value = new DateTime(value.year(), value.month(),;
                // update the model too !!!
        } else {
            int minute = value.minute();
            int roundedMinute = ((minute + (intervalSize / 2)) / intervalSize) * intervalSize;
            if (roundedMinute > 59) {
                roundedMinute = 0;
                value = DateTime.addHour(value, 1);
            if (roundedMinute != minute || value.second() > 0 || value.milli() > 0) {
                value = new DateTime(value.year(), value.month(),, value.hourOfDay(), roundedMinute, 0, 0);
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Updating the SimpleWidgetModel from " + model.getStringValue() + " to " + value.toString());
                // update the model too !!!
    return value;
Also used : DateTime(org.jaffa.datatypes.DateTime)

Example 8 with DateTime

use of org.jaffa.datatypes.DateTime in project jaffa-framework by jaffa-projects.

the class AddTest method testAddDateTime.

 * Inserts a record into ITEM using the query:
 * insert into ITEM(ITEM_ID, CREATED_DATETIME) values('Z-TESTITEM-04', to_date('2003-09-10 20:30:40', 'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss')).
 * It then checks if the record was added. Finally the record is deleted
public void testAddDateTime() {
    try {
        String itemId = "Z-TESTITEM-04";
        DateTime datetime = new DateTime(2003, DateTime.SEPTEMBER, 10, 20, 30, 40, 0);
        Item obj = (Item) m_uow.newPersistentInstance(Item.class);
        // Now retrieve the added record & check if it was correctly added
        m_uow = new UOW();
        Criteria c = new Criteria();
        c.addCriteria(ItemMeta.ITEM_ID, itemId);
        Iterator i = m_uow.query(c).iterator();
        Item item = (Item);
        assertEquals(itemId, item.getItemId());
        assertEquals(datetime, item.getCreatedDatetime());
        // Now delete the bugger
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : Iterator(java.util.Iterator) AtomicCriteria(org.jaffa.persistence.AtomicCriteria) Criteria(org.jaffa.persistence.Criteria) UOW(org.jaffa.persistence.UOW) DateTime(org.jaffa.datatypes.DateTime)

Example 9 with DateTime

use of org.jaffa.datatypes.DateTime in project jaffa-framework by jaffa-projects.

the class AddTest method testAddWithAutoKey.

 * Inserts a record into ASSET, which has a database generated key
 * It then checks if the record was added. Finally the record is deleted
public void testAddWithAutoKey() {
    try {
        String assetId = "Z-TESTASSET-01";
        DateTime datetime = new DateTime(2003, DateTime.SEPTEMBER, 10, 20, 30, 40, 0);
        Asset obj = (Asset) m_uow.newPersistentInstance(Asset.class);
        // Now retrieve the added record & check if it was correctly added
        m_uow = new UOW();
        Criteria c = new Criteria();
        c.addCriteria(AssetMeta.ASSET_ID, assetId);
        Iterator i = m_uow.query(c).iterator();
        Asset asset = (Asset);
        assertEquals(assetId, asset.getAssetId());
        assertEquals(datetime, asset.getCreatedDatetime());
        // Now delete the bugger
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : Iterator(java.util.Iterator) AtomicCriteria(org.jaffa.persistence.AtomicCriteria) Criteria(org.jaffa.persistence.Criteria) UOW(org.jaffa.persistence.UOW) DateTime(org.jaffa.datatypes.DateTime)

Example 10 with DateTime

use of org.jaffa.datatypes.DateTime in project jaffa-framework by jaffa-projects.

the class FunctionTest method testMax.

 * Tests the max() function
 * select max(CREATED_DATETIME) from item;
public void testMax() {
    try {
        Criteria c = new Criteria();
        c.addFunction(Criteria.FUNCTION_MAX, ItemMeta.CREATED_DATETIME, "max");
        Map m = (Map) m_uow.query(c).iterator().next();
        assertEquals("max(CREATED_DATETIME)", new DateTime(2003, DateTime.SEPTEMBER, 10, 20, 30, 40, 0), m.get("max"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : Criteria(org.jaffa.persistence.Criteria) Map(java.util.Map) DateTime(org.jaffa.datatypes.DateTime)


DateTime (org.jaffa.datatypes.DateTime)74 Criteria (org.jaffa.persistence.Criteria)16 UOW (org.jaffa.persistence.UOW)11 AtomicCriteria (org.jaffa.persistence.AtomicCriteria)9 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)8 ValidationException (org.jaffa.datatypes.ValidationException)8 ApplicationExceptions (org.jaffa.exceptions.ApplicationExceptions)8 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)7 Map (java.util.Map)5 Date (java.util.Date)4 FrameworkException (org.jaffa.exceptions.FrameworkException)4 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)3 JMSException (javax.jms.JMSException)3 MarshallException (org.directwebremoting.extend.MarshallException)3 CheckBoxModel (org.jaffa.presentation.portlet.widgets.model.CheckBoxModel)3 DateTimeModel (org.jaffa.presentation.portlet.widgets.model.DateTimeModel)3 DropDownModel (org.jaffa.presentation.portlet.widgets.model.DropDownModel)3 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)2 Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)2 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)2