use of org.jaffa.modules.printing.domain.PrinterOutputType in project jaffa-framework by jaffa-projects.
the class PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceTx method load.
// .//GEN-END:_preprocessDelete_2_be
// .//GEN-BEGIN:_loadDelete_1_be
* Retrieve the domain object.
private PrinterOutputType load(UOW uow, PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceDeleteInDto input) throws FrameworkException, ApplicationExceptions {
PrinterOutputType domain = null;
Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
// .//GEN-END:_loadDelete_1_be
// Add custom criteria //GEN-FIRST:_loadDelete_1
// .//GEN-LAST:_loadDelete_1
// .//GEN-BEGIN:_loadDelete_2_be
criteria.addCriteria(PrinterOutputTypeMeta.OUTPUT_TYPE, input.getOutputType());
Iterator itr = uow.query(criteria).iterator();
if (itr.hasNext())
domain = (PrinterOutputType);
// .//GEN-BEGIN:_loadDelete_3_be
if (domain == null) {
ApplicationExceptions appExps = new ApplicationExceptions();
appExps.add(new DomainObjectNotFoundException(PrinterOutputTypeMeta.getLabelToken()));
throw appExps;
return domain;
use of org.jaffa.modules.printing.domain.PrinterOutputType in project jaffa-framework by jaffa-projects.
the class PrinterOutputTypeFinderTx method buildDto.
// .//GEN-END:_buildCriteria_3_be
// .//GEN-BEGIN:_buildDto_1_be
private PrinterOutputTypeFinderOutDto buildDto(UOW uow, Collection results, PrinterOutputTypeFinderInDto input) throws UOWException {
PrinterOutputTypeFinderOutDto output = new PrinterOutputTypeFinderOutDto();
int maxRecords = input.getMaxRecords() != null ? input.getMaxRecords().intValue() : 0;
int counter = 0;
for (Iterator i = results.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
if (++counter > maxRecords && maxRecords > 0) {
PrinterOutputTypeFinderOutRowDto row = new PrinterOutputTypeFinderOutRowDto();
PrinterOutputType printerOutputType = (PrinterOutputType);
// .//GEN-END:_buildDto_1_be
// Add custom code before all the setters //GEN-FIRST:_buildDto_1
// .//GEN-LAST:_buildDto_1
// .//GEN-BEGIN:_buildDto_OutputType_1_be
// .//GEN-END:_buildDto_OutputType_1_be
// .//GEN-BEGIN:_buildDto_Description_1_be
// .//GEN-END:_buildDto_Description_1_be
// .//GEN-BEGIN:_buildDto_DirectPrinting_1_be
// .//GEN-END:_buildDto_DirectPrinting_1_be
// Add custom code to pass values to the dto //GEN-FIRST:_buildDto_2
// .//GEN-LAST:_buildDto_2
// .//GEN-BEGIN:_buildDto_3_be
return output;
use of org.jaffa.modules.printing.domain.PrinterOutputType in project jaffa-framework by jaffa-projects.
the class PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceTx method create.
// .//GEN-END:_prevalidateCreate_1_be
// .//GEN-BEGIN:_create_1_be
* Persists a new instance of PrinterOutputType.
* @param input The new values for the domain object.
* @throws ApplicationExceptions This will be thrown if the input contains invalid data.
* @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error.
* @return The object details.
public PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceRetrieveOutDto create(PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceCreateInDto input) throws FrameworkException, ApplicationExceptions {
UOW uow = null;
try {
// Print Debug Information for the input
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Input: " + (input != null ? input.toString() : null));
// create the UOW
uow = new UOW();
// Preprocess the input
preprocess(uow, input);
// Do not allow a Duplicate record
duplicateCheck(uow, input);
// Validate the foreign objects
validateForeignObjects(uow, input);
// Create the domain object
PrinterOutputType domain = createDomain(uow, input, false);
domain = postCreate(uow, input, domain, false);
// Commit the changes
// Print Debug Information for the output
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Successfully created the domain object. Now retrieving the object details.");
if (input.getOutputType() == null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("The Key is not set completely. Probably using AutoGenerated keys. Cannot re-retrieve the object details. Returning NULL instead");
return null;
// Build the outbound dto by performing a retrieve
PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceRetrieveInDto retrieveInDto = new PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceRetrieveInDto();
PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceRetrieveOutDto output = retrieve(retrieveInDto);
return output;
} catch (FrameworkException e) {
// If it is, then re-throw as ApplicationsExceptions, else throw the FrameworkException.
if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof ApplicationExceptions) {
throw (ApplicationExceptions) e.getCause();
} else if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof ApplicationException) {
ApplicationExceptions appExps = new ApplicationExceptions();
appExps.add((ApplicationException) e.getCause());
throw appExps;
} else
throw e;
} finally {
if (uow != null)
use of org.jaffa.modules.printing.domain.PrinterOutputType in project jaffa-framework by jaffa-projects.
the class PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceTx method retrieve.
// .//GEN-END:_create_1_be
// .//GEN-BEGIN:_retrieve_1_be
* Returns the details for PrinterOutputType.
* @param input The criteria based on which an object will be retrieved.
* @throws ApplicationExceptions This will be thrown if the criteria contains invalid data.
* @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error.
* @return The object details. A null indicates, the object was not found.
public PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceRetrieveOutDto retrieve(PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceRetrieveInDto input) throws FrameworkException, ApplicationExceptions {
UOW uow = null;
try {
// Print Debug Information for the input
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Input: " + (input != null ? input.toString() : null));
// create the UOW
uow = new UOW();
// Preprocess the input
preprocess(uow, input);
// Retrieve the object
PrinterOutputType domain = load(uow, input);
// Convert the domain objects into the outbound dto
PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceRetrieveOutDto output = buildRetrieveOutDto(uow, input, domain);
// Print Debug Information for the output
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Output: " + (output != null ? output.toString() : null));
return output;
} catch (FrameworkException e) {
// If it is, then re-throw as ApplicationsExceptions, else throw the FrameworkException.
if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof ApplicationExceptions) {
throw (ApplicationExceptions) e.getCause();
} else if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof ApplicationException) {
ApplicationExceptions appExps = new ApplicationExceptions();
appExps.add((ApplicationException) e.getCause());
throw appExps;
} else
throw e;
} finally {
if (uow != null)
use of org.jaffa.modules.printing.domain.PrinterOutputType in project jaffa-framework by jaffa-projects.
the class PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceTx method update.
// .//GEN-END:_prevalidateUpdate_1_be
// .//GEN-BEGIN:_update_1_be
* Updates an existing instance of PrinterOutputType.
* @param input The new values for the domain object.
* @throws ApplicationExceptions This will be thrown if the input contains invalid data.
* @throws FrameworkException Indicates some system error.
* @return The object details.
public PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceRetrieveOutDto update(PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceUpdateInDto input) throws FrameworkException, ApplicationExceptions {
UOW uow = null;
try {
// Print Debug Information for the input
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Input: " + (input != null ? input.toString() : null));
// create the UOW
uow = new UOW();
// Preprocess the input
preprocess(uow, input);
// Retrieve the object
PrinterOutputType domain = load(uow, input);
// Ensure the domain object has not been modified
domainObjectChangedTest(input.getPerformDirtyReadCheck(), domain, input.getLastChangedOn());
// Validate the foreign objects
validateForeignObjects(uow, input);
// Update the domain object
updateDomain(uow, input, domain, false);
// Commit the changes
// Print Debug Information for the output
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Successfully updated the domain object. Now retrieving the object details.");
// Build the outbound dto by performing a retrieve
PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceRetrieveInDto retrieveInDto = new PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceRetrieveInDto();
PrinterOutputTypeMaintenanceRetrieveOutDto output = retrieve(retrieveInDto);
return output;
} catch (FrameworkException e) {
// If it is, then re-throw as ApplicationsExceptions, else throw the FrameworkException.
if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof ApplicationExceptions) {
throw (ApplicationExceptions) e.getCause();
} else if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof ApplicationException) {
ApplicationExceptions appExps = new ApplicationExceptions();
appExps.add((ApplicationException) e.getCause());
throw appExps;
} else
throw e;
} finally {
if (uow != null)