use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.PermanentBackendException in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class SolrIndex method totals.
public Long totals(RawQuery query, KeyInformation.IndexRetriever information, BaseTransaction tx) throws BackendException {
try {
final String collection = query.getStore();
final String keyIdField = getKeyFieldId(collection);
final QueryResponse response = solrClient.query(collection, runCommonQuery(query, information, tx, collection, keyIdField));
logger.debug("Executed query [{}] in {} ms", query.getQuery(), response.getElapsedTime());
return response.getResults().getNumFound();
} catch (final IOException e) {
logger.error("Query did not complete : ", e);
throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
} catch (final SolrServerException e) {
logger.error("Unable to query Solr index.", e);
throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.PermanentBackendException in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class SolrIndex method clearStorage.
public void clearStorage() throws BackendException {
try {
if (mode != Mode.CLOUD) {
logger.error("Operation only supported for SolrCloud. Cores must be deleted manually through the Solr API when using HTTP mode.");
logger.debug("Clearing storage from Solr: {}", solrClient);
final ZkStateReader zkStateReader = ((CloudSolrClient) solrClient).getZkStateReader();
final ClusterState clusterState = zkStateReader.getClusterState();
for (final String collection : clusterState.getCollectionsMap().keySet()) {
logger.debug("Clearing collection [{}] in Solr", collection);
// Collection is not dropped because it may have been created externally
final UpdateRequest deleteAll = newUpdateRequest();
solrClient.request(deleteAll, collection);
} catch (final SolrServerException e) {
logger.error("Unable to clear storage from index due to server error on Solr.", e);
throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
} catch (final IOException e) {
logger.error("Unable to clear storage from index due to low-level I/O error.", e);
throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
} catch (final Exception e) {
logger.error("Unable to clear storage from index due to general error.", e);
throw new PermanentBackendException(e);
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.PermanentBackendException in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class ConsistentKeyLockerTest method expectDeleteLock.
private void expectDeleteLock(KeyColumn lockID, StaticBuffer lockKey, ConsistentKeyLockStatus lockStatus, BackendException... backendFailures) throws BackendException {
List<StaticBuffer> deletions = ImmutableList.of(codec.toLockCol(lockStatus.getWriteTimestamp(), defaultLockRid, times));
store.mutate(eq(lockKey), eq(ImmutableList.of()), eq(deletions), eq(defaultTx));
int backendExceptionsThrown = 0;
for (BackendException e : backendFailures) {
if (e instanceof PermanentBackendException) {
int maxTemporaryStorageExceptions = 3;
if (backendExceptionsThrown < maxTemporaryStorageExceptions) {
store.mutate(eq(lockKey), eq(ImmutableList.of()), eq(deletions), eq(defaultTx));
expect(mediator.unlock(lockID, defaultTx)).andReturn(true);
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.PermanentBackendException in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class ConsistentKeyLockerTest method testCheckLocksDiesOnPermanentStorageException.
* A single PermanentStorageException on getSlice() for a single lock is
* sufficient to make the method return immediately (regardless of whether
* other locks are waiting to be checked).
* @throws InterruptedException shouldn't happen
* @throws org.janusgraph.diskstorage.BackendException shouldn't happen
public void testCheckLocksDiesOnPermanentStorageException() throws InterruptedException, BackendException {
// Setup a LockStatus for defaultLockID
ConsistentKeyLockStatus lockStatus = makeStatusNow();
currentTimeNS = currentTimeNS.plusNanos(1);
expect(lockState.getLocksForTx(defaultTx)).andReturn(ImmutableMap.of(defaultLockID, lockStatus));
// First and only getSlice call throws a PSE
recordExceptionalLockGetSlice(new PermanentBackendException("Connection to storage cluster failed: peer is an IPv6 toaster"));
PermanentBackendException pse = null;
try {
} catch (PermanentBackendException e) {
pse = e;
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.PermanentBackendException in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class ConsistentKeyLockerTest method testWriteLockDiesOnPermanentStorageException.
* Test that the first {@link org.janusgraph.diskstorage.PermanentBackendException} thrown by the
* locker's store causes it to attempt to delete outstanding lock writes and
* then emit the exception without retrying.
* @throws org.janusgraph.diskstorage.BackendException shouldn't happen
public void testWriteLockDiesOnPermanentStorageException() throws BackendException {
PermanentBackendException errOnFire = new PermanentBackendException("Storage cluster is on fire");
expect(lockState.has(defaultTx, defaultLockID)).andReturn(false);
StaticBuffer lockCol = recordExceptionLockWrite(errOnFire);
BackendException expected = null;
try {
// SUT
locker.writeLock(defaultLockID, defaultTx);
} catch (PermanentLockingException e) {
expected = e;
assertEquals(errOnFire, expected.getCause());