use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class VariableLongTest method byteOrderPreservingPositiveBackward.
public void byteOrderPreservingPositiveBackward() {
long[] scalingFactors = { Long.MAX_VALUE, 1000, 1000000000L };
for (int t = 0; t < 10000000; t++) {
StaticBuffer[] b = new StaticBuffer[2];
long[] l = new long[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
l[i] = randomPosLong(scalingFactors[random.nextInt(scalingFactors.length)]);
WriteBuffer out = new WriteByteBuffer(11);
VariableLong.writePositiveBackward(out, l[i]);
b[i] = out.getStaticBuffer();
ReadBuffer res = b[i].asReadBuffer();
assertEquals(l[i], VariableLong.readPositiveBackward(res));
// System.out.println(l[0] + " vs " + l[1]);
assertEquals(Math.signum([0], l[1])), Math.signum(b[0].compareTo(b[1])), 0.01);
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class SerializerTest method testSerializedOrder.
public void testSerializedOrder() {
serialize.registerClass(1, TClass1.class, new TClass1Serializer());
final Map<Class, Factory> sortTypes = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Class, Factory> entry : TYPES.entrySet()) {
if (serialize.isOrderPreservingDatatype(entry.getKey()))
sortTypes.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
assertEquals(10, sortTypes.size());
for (int t = 0; t < 3000000; t++) {
DataOutput o1 = serialize.getDataOutput(64);
DataOutput o2 = serialize.getDataOutput(64);
Map.Entry<Class, Factory> type = Iterables.get(sortTypes.entrySet(), random.nextInt(sortTypes.size()));
Comparable c1 = (Comparable) type.getValue().newInstance();
Comparable c2 = (Comparable) type.getValue().newInstance();
o1.writeObjectByteOrder(c1, type.getKey());
o2.writeObjectByteOrder(c2, type.getKey());
StaticBuffer s1 = o1.getStaticBuffer();
StaticBuffer s2 = o2.getStaticBuffer();
assertEquals(Math.signum(c1.compareTo(c2)), Math.signum(s1.compareTo(s2)), 0.0);
Object c1o = serialize.readObjectByteOrder(s1.asReadBuffer(), type.getKey());
Object c2o = serialize.readObjectByteOrder(s2.asReadBuffer(), type.getKey());
assertEquals(c1, c1o);
assertEquals(c2, c2o);
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class SerializerTest method parallelDeserialization.
public void parallelDeserialization() throws InterruptedException {
serialize.registerClass(1, TClass2.class, new TClass2Serializer());
final long value = 8;
final String str = "123456";
final TClass2 c = new TClass2("abcdefg", 333);
DataOutput out = serialize.getDataOutput(128);
out.writeObject(c, TClass2.class);
final StaticBuffer b = out.getStaticBuffer();
int numThreads = 4;
Thread[] threads = new Thread[numThreads];
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
threads[i] = new Thread(() -> {
for (int j = 0; j < 100000; j++) {
ReadBuffer buffer = b.asReadBuffer();
assertEquals(8, buffer.getLong());
assertEquals(value, (long) serialize.readClassAndObject(buffer));
assertEquals(c, serialize.readObject(buffer, TClass2.class));
assertEquals(str, serialize.readObjectNotNull(buffer, String.class));
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) {
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class HBaseStoreManager method convertToCommands.
* Convert JanusGraph internal Mutation representation into HBase native commands.
* @param mutations Mutations to convert into HBase commands.
* @param putTimestamp The timestamp to use for Put commands.
* @param delTimestamp The timestamp to use for Delete commands.
* @return Commands sorted by key converted from JanusGraph internal representation.
* @throws org.janusgraph.diskstorage.PermanentBackendException
Map<StaticBuffer, Pair<List<Put>, Delete>> convertToCommands(Map<String, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation>> mutations, final long putTimestamp, final long delTimestamp) throws PermanentBackendException {
// A map of rowkey to commands (list of Puts, Delete)
final Map<StaticBuffer, Pair<List<Put>, Delete>> commandsPerKey = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation>> entry : mutations.entrySet()) {
String cfString = getCfNameForStoreName(entry.getKey());
byte[] cfName = Bytes.toBytes(cfString);
for (Map.Entry<StaticBuffer, KCVMutation> m : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
final byte[] key = m.getKey().as(StaticBuffer.ARRAY_FACTORY);
KCVMutation mutation = m.getValue();
Pair<List<Put>, Delete> commands = commandsPerKey.get(m.getKey());
// create the holder for a particular rowkey
if (commands == null) {
commands = new Pair<>();
// List of all the Puts for this rowkey, including the ones without TTL and with TTL.
final List<Put> putList = new ArrayList<>();
commandsPerKey.put(m.getKey(), commands);
if (mutation.hasDeletions()) {
if (commands.getSecond() == null) {
Delete d = new Delete(key);
compat.setTimestamp(d, delTimestamp);
for (StaticBuffer b : mutation.getDeletions()) {
// commands.getSecond() is a Delete for this rowkey.
commands.getSecond().deleteColumns(cfName,, delTimestamp);
if (mutation.hasAdditions()) {
// All the entries (column cells) with the rowkey use this one Put, except the ones with TTL.
final Put putColumnsWithoutTtl = new Put(key, putTimestamp);
// that have TTL set.
for (Entry e : mutation.getAdditions()) {
// Deal with TTL within the entry (column cell) first
// HBase cell level TTL is actually set at the Mutation/Put level.
// Therefore we need to construct a new Put for each entry (column cell) with TTL.
// We can not combine them because column cells within the same rowkey may:
// 1. have no TTL
// 2. have TTL
// 3. have different TTL
final Integer ttl = (Integer) e.getMetaData().get(EntryMetaData.TTL);
if (null != ttl && ttl > 0) {
// Create a new Put
Put putColumnWithTtl = new Put(key, putTimestamp);
addColumnToPut(putColumnWithTtl, cfName, putTimestamp, e);
// Convert ttl from second (JanusGraph TTL) to milliseconds (HBase TTL)
// @see JanusGraphManagement#setTTL(JanusGraphSchemaType, Duration)
// Cast Put to Mutation for backward compatibility with HBase 0.98.x
// HBase supports cell-level TTL for versions 0.98.6 and above.
((Mutation) putColumnWithTtl).setTTL(ttl * 1000);
// commands.getFirst() is the list of Puts for this rowkey. Add this
// Put column with TTL to the list.
} else {
addColumnToPut(putColumnsWithoutTtl, cfName, putTimestamp, e);
// If there were any mutations without TTL set, add them to commands.getFirst()
if (!putColumnsWithoutTtl.isEmpty()) {
return commandsPerKey;
use of org.janusgraph.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project janusgraph by JanusGraph.
the class HBaseStoreManager method normalizeKeyBounds.
* Given a map produced by {@link HTable#getRegionLocations()}, transform
* each key from an {@link HRegionInfo} to a {@link KeyRange} expressing the
* region's start and end key bounds using JanusGraph-partitioning-friendly
* conventions (start inclusive, end exclusive, zero bytes appended where
* necessary to make all keys at least 4 bytes long).
* <p/>
* This method iterates over the entries in its map parameter and performs
* the following conditional conversions on its keys. "Require" below means
* either a {@link Preconditions} invocation or an assertion. HRegionInfo
* sometimes returns start and end keys of zero length; this method replaces
* zero length keys with null before doing any of the checks described
* below. The parameter map and the values it contains are only read and
* never modified.
* <ul>
* <li>If an entry's HRegionInfo has null start and end keys, then first
* require that the parameter map is a singleton, and then return a
* single-entry map whose {@code KeyRange} has start and end buffers that
* are both four bytes of zeros.</li>
* <li>If the entry has a null end key (but non-null start key), put an
* equivalent entry in the result map with a start key identical to the
* input, except that zeros are appended to values less than 4 bytes long,
* and an end key that is four bytes of zeros.
* <li>If the entry has a null start key (but non-null end key), put an
* equivalent entry in the result map where the start key is four bytes of
* zeros, and the end key has zeros appended, if necessary, to make it at
* least 4 bytes long, after which one is added to the padded value in
* unsigned 32-bit arithmetic with overflow allowed.</li>
* <li>Any entry which matches none of the above criteria results in an
* equivalent entry in the returned map, except that zeros are appended to
* both keys to make each at least 4 bytes long, and the end key is then
* incremented as described in the last bullet point.</li>
* </ul>
* After iterating over the parameter map, this method checks that it either
* saw no entries with null keys, one entry with a null start key and a
* different entry with a null end key, or one entry with both start and end
* keys null. If any null keys are observed besides these three cases, the
* method will die with a precondition failure.
* @param locations A list of HRegionInfo
* @return JanusGraph-friendly expression of each region's rowkey boundaries
private Map<KeyRange, ServerName> normalizeKeyBounds(List<HRegionLocation> locations) {
HRegionLocation nullStart = null;
HRegionLocation nullEnd = null;
ImmutableMap.Builder<KeyRange, ServerName> b = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (HRegionLocation location : locations) {
HRegionInfo regionInfo = location.getRegionInfo();
ServerName serverName = location.getServerName();
byte[] startKey = regionInfo.getStartKey();
byte[] endKey = regionInfo.getEndKey();
if (0 == startKey.length) {
startKey = null;
logger.trace("Converted zero-length HBase startKey byte array to null");
if (0 == endKey.length) {
endKey = null;
logger.trace("Converted zero-length HBase endKey byte array to null");
if (null == startKey && null == endKey) {
Preconditions.checkState(1 == locations.size());
logger.debug("HBase table {} has a single region {}", tableName, regionInfo);
// Choose arbitrary shared value = startKey = endKey
return b.put(new KeyRange(FOUR_ZERO_BYTES, FOUR_ZERO_BYTES), serverName).build();
} else if (null == startKey) {
logger.debug("Found HRegionInfo with null startKey on server {}: {}", serverName, regionInfo);
Preconditions.checkState(null == nullStart);
nullStart = location;
// I thought endBuf would be inclusive from the HBase javadoc, but in practice it is exclusive
StaticBuffer endBuf = StaticArrayBuffer.of(zeroExtend(endKey));
// Replace null start key with zeroes
b.put(new KeyRange(FOUR_ZERO_BYTES, endBuf), serverName);
} else if (null == endKey) {
logger.debug("Found HRegionInfo with null endKey on server {}: {}", serverName, regionInfo);
Preconditions.checkState(null == nullEnd);
nullEnd = location;
// Replace null end key with zeroes
b.put(new KeyRange(StaticArrayBuffer.of(zeroExtend(startKey)), FOUR_ZERO_BYTES), serverName);
} else {
// Convert HBase's inclusive end keys into exclusive JanusGraph end keys
StaticBuffer startBuf = StaticArrayBuffer.of(zeroExtend(startKey));
StaticBuffer endBuf = StaticArrayBuffer.of(zeroExtend(endKey));
KeyRange kr = new KeyRange(startBuf, endBuf);
b.put(kr, serverName);
logger.debug("Found HRegionInfo with non-null end and start keys on server {}: {}", serverName, regionInfo);
// Require either no null key bounds or a pair of them
Preconditions.checkState((null == nullStart) == (null == nullEnd));
// Check that every key in the result is at least 4 bytes long
Map<KeyRange, ServerName> result =;
for (KeyRange kr : result.keySet()) {
Preconditions.checkState(4 <= kr.getStart().length());
Preconditions.checkState(4 <= kr.getEnd().length());
return result;