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Example 16 with MiscContentItem

use of in project wildfly-core by wildfly.

the class UpdateModifiedFileTaskTestCase method setUp.

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    // with a file in it
    File binDir = mkdir(env.getInstalledImage().getJbossHome(), "bin");
    String fileName = "";
    modifiedFile = touch(binDir, fileName);
    dump(modifiedFile, "modified script to run standalone AS7");
    expectedModifiedHash = hashFile(modifiedFile);
    // let's simulate that the file has been modified by the users by using a hash that is not the file checksum
    byte[] unmodifiedHash = randomString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    // build a one-off patch for the base installation
    // with 1 updated file
    String patchID = randomString();
    File patchDir = mkdir(tempDir, patchID);
    File updatedFile = touch(patchDir, patchID, "misc", "bin", fileName);
    dump(updatedFile, "updated script");
    updatedHash = hashFile(updatedFile);
    fileUpdated = new ContentModification(new MiscContentItem(fileName, new String[] { "bin" }, updatedHash), unmodifiedHash, MODIFY);
    PatchBuilder builder = PatchBuilder.create().setPatchId(patchID).setDescription(randomString()).oneOffPatchIdentity(productConfig.getProductName(), productConfig.getProductVersion()).getParent();
    // PatchElementImpl element = new PatchElementImpl("patch element 01");
    // builder.addElement(element);
    // element.setDescription("patch element 01 description");
    // element.setNoUpgrade();
    // PatchElementProviderImpl provider = new PatchElementProviderImpl("base", "4.5.6", false);
    // provider.require("patch element 02");
    // element.setProvider(provider);
    patch =;
    // create the patch
    createPatchXMLFile(patchDir, patch);
    zippedPatch = createZippedPatchFile(patchDir, patch.getPatchId());
    runner = newPatchTool();
Also used : PatchBuilder( MiscContentItem( TestUtils.randomString( TestUtils.createPatchXMLFile( HashUtils.hashFile( File( TestUtils.createZippedPatchFile( ContentModification( Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 17 with MiscContentItem

use of in project wildfly-core by wildfly.

the class AbstractPatchTestBuilder method removeFile.

public T removeFile(final String name, final String[] path, final byte[] existingHash, final boolean isDirectory, final String[] requiredPath) {
    final ContentItem item = createMiscItem(name, Arrays.asList(path), NO_CONTENT, isDirectory);
    ModificationCondition condition = null;
    if (requiredPath != null && requiredPath.length > 0) {
        final String[] subdir = new String[requiredPath.length - 1];
        System.arraycopy(requiredPath, 0, subdir, 0, requiredPath.length - 1);
        condition = ModificationCondition.Factory.exists(new MiscContentItem(requiredPath[requiredPath.length - 1], subdir, null));
    return addContentModification(new ContentModification(item, existingHash, ModificationType.REMOVE, condition));
Also used : ModificationCondition( MiscContentItem( TestUtils.randomString( ContentModification( MiscContentItem( ContentItem(

Example 18 with MiscContentItem

use of in project wildfly-core by wildfly.

the class RemoveModifiedFileTaskTestCase method setUp.

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    // with a file in it
    File binDir = mkdir(env.getInstalledImage().getJbossHome(), "bin");
    String fileName = "";
    removedFile = touch(binDir, fileName);
    dump(removedFile, "modified script to run standalone AS");
    expectedModifiedHash = hashFile(removedFile);
    // let's simulate that the file has been modified by the users by using a hash that is not the file checksum
    byte[] unmodifiedHash = randomString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    String patchID = randomString();
    File patchDir = mkdir(tempDir, patchID);
    File updatedFile = touch(patchDir, "misc", "bin", fileName);
    dump(updatedFile, "updated script");
    // build a one-off patch for the base installation
    // with 1 removed file
    fileRemoved = new ContentModification(new MiscContentItem(fileName, new String[] { "bin" }, NO_CONTENT), unmodifiedHash, REMOVE);
    patch = PatchBuilder.create().setPatchId(patchID).setDescription(randomString()).oneOffPatchIdentity(productConfig.getProductName(), productConfig.getProductVersion()).getParent().addContentModification(fileRemoved).build();
    // create the patch
    createPatchXMLFile(patchDir, patch);
    zippedPatch = createZippedPatchFile(patchDir, patch.getPatchId());
    runner = newPatchTool();
Also used : MiscContentItem( TestUtils.randomString( TestUtils.createPatchXMLFile( HashUtils.hashFile( File( TestUtils.createZippedPatchFile( ContentModification( Before(org.junit.Before)

Example 19 with MiscContentItem

use of in project wildfly-core by wildfly.

the class FileTaskTestCase method testAddDirectory.

public void testAddDirectory() throws Exception {
    final ContentItem item = new MiscContentItem("dir", new String[] { "test" }, NO_CONTENT, true, false);
    final ContentModification addDir = new ContentModification(item, NO_CONTENT, ModificationType.ADD);
    final String patchID = randomString();
    final Patch patch = PatchBuilder.create().setPatchId(patchID).setDescription(randomString()).oneOffPatchIdentity(productConfig.getProductName(), productConfig.getProductVersion()).getParent().addContentModification(addDir).build();
    // create the patch
    final File patchDir = mkdir(tempDir, patch.getPatchId());
    createPatchXMLFile(patchDir, patch);
    final File zippedPatch = createZippedPatchFile(patchDir, patch.getPatchId());
    // Apply
    PatchingResult result = executePatch(zippedPatch);
    assertPatchHasBeenApplied(result, patch);
    final File test = new File(env.getInstalledImage().getJbossHome(), "test");
    final File dir = new File(test, "dir");
Also used : PatchingResult( MiscContentItem( TestUtils.randomString( ContentModification( Patch( TestUtils.createPatchXMLFile( File( TestUtils.createZippedPatchFile( MiscContentItem( ContentItem( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 20 with MiscContentItem

use of in project wildfly-core by wildfly.

the class ContentModificationUtils method addMisc.

public static ContentModification addMisc(File patchDir, String patchElementID, String content, String... fileSegments) throws IOException {
    File miscDir = newFile(patchDir, patchElementID, MISC);
    File addedFile = touch(miscDir, fileSegments);
    dump(addedFile, content);
    byte[] newHash = hashFile(addedFile);
    String[] subdir = new String[fileSegments.length - 1];
    System.arraycopy(fileSegments, 0, subdir, 0, fileSegments.length - 1);
    ContentModification fileAdded = new ContentModification(new MiscContentItem(addedFile.getName(), subdir, newHash), NO_CONTENT, ADD);
    return fileAdded;
Also used : MiscContentItem( IoUtils.newFile( HashUtils.hashFile( File( ContentModification(


MiscContentItem ( ContentModification ( File ( HashUtils.hashFile ( Test (org.junit.Test)6 IoUtils.newFile ( ContentItem ( ModificationCondition ( TestUtils.randomString ( ContentType ( TestUtils.createPatchXMLFile ( TestUtils.createZippedPatchFile ( PatchingException ( Patch ( Before (org.junit.Before)2 InstalledIdentity ( PatchableTarget ( ModuleItem ( PatchBuilder ( PatchingResult (