use of org.jbpm.workflow.core.impl.NodeImpl in project jbpm by kiegroup.
the class MigrationManager method updateNodeInstances.
private void updateNodeInstances(NodeInstanceContainer nodeInstanceContainer, Map<String, String> nodeMapping, NodeContainer nodeContainer, EntityManager em) {
for (NodeInstance nodeInstance : nodeInstanceContainer.getNodeInstances()) {
Long upgradedNodeId = null;
String oldNodeId = (String) ((NodeImpl) ((org.jbpm.workflow.instance.NodeInstance) nodeInstance).getNode()).getMetaData().get("UniqueId");
String newNodeId = nodeMapping.get(oldNodeId);
if (newNodeId == null) {
newNodeId = oldNodeId;
Node upgradedNode = findNodeByUniqueId(newNodeId, nodeContainer);
if (upgradedNode == null) {
try {
upgradedNodeId = Long.parseLong(newNodeId);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
} else {
upgradedNodeId = upgradedNode.getId();
((NodeInstanceImpl) nodeInstance).setNodeId(upgradedNodeId);
if (upgradedNode != null) {
// update log information for new node information
Query nodeInstanceIdQuery = em.createQuery("select nodeInstanceId from NodeInstanceLog nil" + " where nil.nodeId = :oldNodeId and processInstanceId = :processInstanceId " + " GROUP BY nil.nodeInstanceId" + " HAVING sum(nil.type) = 0");
nodeInstanceIdQuery.setParameter("oldNodeId", oldNodeId).setParameter("processInstanceId", nodeInstance.getProcessInstance().getId());
List<Long> nodeInstanceIds = nodeInstanceIdQuery.getResultList();
report.addEntry(Type.INFO, "Mapping: Node instance logs to be updated = " + nodeInstanceIds);
Query nodeLogQuery = em.createQuery("update NodeInstanceLog set nodeId = :nodeId, nodeName = :nodeName, nodeType = :nodeType " + "where nodeInstanceId in (:ids) and processInstanceId = :processInstanceId");
nodeLogQuery.setParameter("nodeId", (String) upgradedNode.getMetaData().get("UniqueId")).setParameter("nodeName", upgradedNode.getName()).setParameter("nodeType", upgradedNode.getClass().getSimpleName()).setParameter("ids", nodeInstanceIds).setParameter("processInstanceId", nodeInstance.getProcessInstance().getId());
int nodesUpdated = nodeLogQuery.executeUpdate();
report.addEntry(Type.INFO, "Mapping: Node instance logs updated = " + nodesUpdated + " for node instance id " + nodeInstance.getId());
if (upgradedNode instanceof HumanTaskNode && nodeInstance instanceof HumanTaskNodeInstance) {
Long taskId = (Long) em.createQuery("select id from TaskImpl where workItemId = :workItemId").setParameter("workItemId", ((HumanTaskNodeInstance) nodeInstance).getWorkItemId()).getSingleResult();
String name = ((HumanTaskNode) upgradedNode).getName();
String description = (String) ((HumanTaskNode) upgradedNode).getWork().getParameter("Description");
// update task audit instance log with new deployment and process id
Query auditTaskLogQuery = em.createQuery("update AuditTaskImpl set name = :name, description = :description where taskId = :taskId");
auditTaskLogQuery.setParameter("name", name).setParameter("description", description).setParameter("taskId", taskId);
int auditTaskUpdated = auditTaskLogQuery.executeUpdate();
report.addEntry(Type.INFO, "Mapping: Task audit updated = " + auditTaskUpdated + " for task id " + taskId);
// update task instance log with new deployment and process id
Query taskLogQuery = em.createQuery("update TaskImpl set name = :name, description = :description where id = :taskId");
taskLogQuery.setParameter("name", name).setParameter("description", description).setParameter("taskId", taskId);
int taskUpdated = taskLogQuery.executeUpdate();
report.addEntry(Type.INFO, "Mapping: Task updated = " + taskUpdated + " for task id " + taskId);
if (nodeInstance instanceof NodeInstanceContainer) {
updateNodeInstances((NodeInstanceContainer) nodeInstance, nodeMapping, nodeContainer, em);