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Example 81 with Attribute

use of org.jdom2.Attribute in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class JsonServerPreferences method load.

public void load(Element child) {
    Attribute a;
    a = child.getAttribute(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL);
    if (a != null) {
        try {
            this.asLoadedHeartbeatInterval = this.getHeartbeatInterval();
        } catch (DataConversionException e) {
            log.error("Unable to read heartbeat interval. Setting to default value.", e);
    a = child.getAttribute(PORT);
    if (a != null) {
        try {
            this.asLoadedPort = this.getPort();
        } catch (DataConversionException e) {
            log.error("Unable to read port. Setting to default value.", e);
Also used : Attribute(org.jdom2.Attribute) DataConversionException(org.jdom2.DataConversionException)

Example 82 with Attribute

use of org.jdom2.Attribute in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class DefaultCatalogTreeManagerXml method loadCatalogTrees.

     * Utility method to load the individual CatalogTree objects.
     * @param catalogTrees element containing trees
public void loadCatalogTrees(Element catalogTrees) {
    List<Element> catList = catalogTrees.getChildren("catalogTree");
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("loadCatalogTrees: found " + catList.size() + " CatalogTree objects");
    CatalogTreeManager mgr = InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.CatalogTreeManager.class);
    for (int i = 0; i < catList.size(); i++) {
        Element elem = catList.get(i);
        Attribute attr = elem.getAttribute("systemName");
        if (attr == null) {
            log.warn("unexpected null systemName. elem= " + elem + ", attrs= " + elem.getAttributes());
        String sysName = attr.getValue();
        String userName;
        attr = elem.getAttribute("userName");
        if (attr == null) {
            log.warn("unexpected null userName. attrs= " + elem.getAttributes());
        } else {
            userName = attr.getValue();
        DefaultTreeModel ct = (DefaultTreeModel) mgr.getBySystemName(sysName);
        if (ct != null) {
            // tree already registered
        ct = (DefaultTreeModel) mgr.newCatalogTree(sysName, userName);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("CatalogTree: sysName= " + sysName + ", userName= " + userName);
        CatalogTreeNode root = (CatalogTreeNode) ct.getRoot();
        elem = elem.getChild("node");
        loadNode(elem, root, ct);
Also used : Attribute(org.jdom2.Attribute) Element(org.jdom2.Element) DefaultTreeModel(javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel) CatalogTreeManager(jmri.CatalogTreeManager) CatalogTreeNode(jmri.jmrit.catalog.CatalogTreeNode)

Example 83 with Attribute

use of org.jdom2.Attribute in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class SignalHeadIconXml method load.

     * Create a PositionableLabel, then add to a target JLayeredPane
     * @param element Top level Element to unpack.
     * @param o       an Editor as an Object
public void load(Element element, Object o) {
    // create the objects
    Editor ed = (Editor) o;
    SignalHeadIcon l = new SignalHeadIcon(ed);
    String name;
    Attribute attr = element.getAttribute("signalhead");
    if (attr == null) {
        log.error("incorrect information for signal head; must use signalhead name");
    } else {
        name = attr.getValue();
    SignalHead sh = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SignalHeadManager.class).getSignalHead(name);
    if (sh != null) {
    } else {
        log.error("SignalHead named '" + attr.getValue() + "' not found.");
        //    ed.loadFailed();
    int rotation = 0;
    try {
        attr = element.getAttribute("rotate");
        rotation = attr.getIntValue();
    } catch (org.jdom2.DataConversionException e) {
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
    // considered normal if the attributes are not present
    List<Element> aspects = element.getChildren();
    if (aspects.size() > 0) {
        Element icons = element.getChild("icons");
        Element elem = element;
        if (icons != null) {
            List<Element> c = icons.getChildren();
            aspects = c;
            elem = icons;
        for (int i = 0; i < aspects.size(); i++) {
            String aspect = aspects.get(i).getName();
            NamedIcon icon = loadIcon(l, aspect, elem, "SignalHead \"" + name + "\": icon \"" + aspect + "\" ", ed);
            if (icon != null) {
                l.setIcon(_nameMap.get(aspect), icon);
            } else {
      "SignalHead \"" + name + "\": icon \"" + aspect + "\" removed");
        log.debug(aspects.size() + " icons loaded for " + l.getNameString());
    } else {
        // old style as attributes - somewhere around pre 2.5.4
        NamedIcon icon = loadSignalIcon("red", rotation, l, element, name, ed);
        if (icon != null) {
            l.setIcon(rbean.getString("SignalHeadStateRed"), icon);
        icon = loadSignalIcon("yellow", rotation, l, element, name, ed);
        if (icon != null) {
            l.setIcon(rbean.getString("SignalHeadStateYellow"), icon);
        icon = loadSignalIcon("green", rotation, l, element, name, ed);
        if (icon != null) {
            l.setIcon(rbean.getString("SignalHeadStateGreen"), icon);
        icon = loadSignalIcon("lunar", rotation, l, element, name, ed);
        if (icon != null) {
            l.setIcon(rbean.getString("SignalHeadStateLunar"), icon);
        icon = loadSignalIcon("held", rotation, l, element, name, ed);
        if (icon != null) {
            l.setIcon(rbean.getString("SignalHeadStateHeld"), icon);
        icon = loadSignalIcon("dark", rotation, l, element, name, ed);
        if (icon != null) {
            l.setIcon(rbean.getString("SignalHeadStateDark"), icon);
        icon = loadSignalIcon("flashred", rotation, l, element, name, ed);
        if (icon != null) {
            l.setIcon(rbean.getString("SignalHeadStateFlashingRed"), icon);
        icon = loadSignalIcon("flashyellow", rotation, l, element, name, ed);
        if (icon != null) {
            l.setIcon(rbean.getString("SignalHeadStateFlashingYellow"), icon);
        icon = loadSignalIcon("flashgreen", rotation, l, element, name, ed);
        if (icon != null) {
            l.setIcon(rbean.getString("SignalHeadStateFlashingGreen"), icon);
        icon = loadSignalIcon("flashlunar", rotation, l, element, name, ed);
        if (icon != null) {
            l.setIcon(rbean.getString("SignalHeadStateFlashingLunar"), icon);
    Element elem = element.getChild("iconmaps");
    if (elem != null) {
        attr = elem.getAttribute("family");
        if (attr != null) {
    try {
        attr = element.getAttribute("clickmode");
        if (attr != null) {
    } catch (org.jdom2.DataConversionException e) {
        log.error("Failed on clickmode attribute: " + e);
    try {
        attr = element.getAttribute("litmode");
        if (attr != null) {
    } catch (org.jdom2.DataConversionException e) {
        log.error("Failed on litmode attribute: " + e);
    // load individual item's option settings after editor has set its global settings
    loadCommonAttributes(l, Editor.SIGNALS, element);
Also used : NamedIcon(jmri.jmrit.catalog.NamedIcon) Attribute(org.jdom2.Attribute) Element(org.jdom2.Element) SignalHead(jmri.SignalHead) SignalHeadIcon(jmri.jmrit.display.SignalHeadIcon) Editor(jmri.jmrit.display.Editor)

Example 84 with Attribute

use of org.jdom2.Attribute in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class SignalMastIconXml method load.

     * Create a SignalMastIcon, then add
     * @param element Top level Element to unpack.
     * @param o       an Editor as an Object
public void load(Element element, Object o) {
    // create the objects
    Editor ed = (Editor) o;
    SignalMastIcon l = new SignalMastIcon(ed);
    String name;
    Attribute attr;
         * We need to set the rotation and scaling first, prior to setting the
         * signalmast, otherwise we end up in a situation where by the icons do
         * not get rotated or scaled correctly.
    try {
        int rotation = 0;
        double scale = 1.0;
        // former attribute name.
        attr = element.getAttribute("rotation");
        if (attr != null) {
            rotation = attr.getIntValue();
        attr = element.getAttribute("degrees");
        if (attr != null) {
            rotation = attr.getIntValue();
        attr = element.getAttribute("scale");
        String text = "Error attr null";
        if (attr != null) {
            scale = attr.getDoubleValue();
            text = attr.getValue();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Load SignalMast rotation= " + rotation + " scale= " + scale + " attr text= " + text);
    } catch (org.jdom2.DataConversionException e) {
        log.error("failed to convert rotation or scale attribute");
    attr = element.getAttribute("signalmast");
    if (attr == null) {
        log.error("incorrect information for signal mast; must use signalmast name");
    } else {
        name = attr.getValue();
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Load SignalMast " + name);
    SignalMast sh = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.SignalMastManager.class).getSignalMast(name);
    if (sh != null) {
    } else {
        log.error("SignalMast named '" + attr.getValue() + "' not found.");
    //    return;
    attr = element.getAttribute("imageset");
    if (attr != null) {
    attr = element.getAttribute("imageset");
    if (attr != null) {
    try {
        attr = element.getAttribute("clickmode");
        if (attr != null) {
    } catch (org.jdom2.DataConversionException e) {
        log.error("Failed on clickmode attribute: " + e);
    try {
        attr = element.getAttribute("litmode");
        if (attr != null) {
    } catch (org.jdom2.DataConversionException e) {
        log.error("Failed on litmode attribute: " + e);
    // load individual item's option settings after editor has set its global settings
    loadCommonAttributes(l, Editor.SIGNALS, element);
Also used : Attribute(org.jdom2.Attribute) SignalMastIcon(jmri.jmrit.display.SignalMastIcon) SignalMast(jmri.SignalMast) Editor(jmri.jmrit.display.Editor)

Example 85 with Attribute

use of org.jdom2.Attribute in project JMRI by JMRI.

the class LayoutEditorXml method store.

     * Default implementation for storing the contents of a LayoutEditor
     * @param o Object to store, of type LayoutEditor
     * @return Element containing the complete info
public Element store(Object o) {
    LayoutEditor p = (LayoutEditor) o;
    Element panel = new Element("LayoutEditor");
    panel.setAttribute("class", getClass().getName());
    panel.setAttribute("name", p.getLayoutName());
    panel.setAttribute("x", "" + p.getUpperLeftX());
    panel.setAttribute("y", "" + p.getUpperLeftY());
    // From this version onwards separate sizes for window and panel are stored the
    // following two statements allow files written here to be read in 2.2 and before
    panel.setAttribute("height", "" + p.getLayoutHeight());
    panel.setAttribute("width", "" + p.getLayoutWidth());
    // From this version onwards separate sizes for window and panel are stored
    panel.setAttribute("windowheight", "" + p.getWindowHeight());
    panel.setAttribute("windowwidth", "" + p.getWindowWidth());
    panel.setAttribute("panelheight", "" + p.getLayoutHeight());
    panel.setAttribute("panelwidth", "" + p.getLayoutWidth());
    // deprecated
    panel.setAttribute("sliders", "" + (p.getScroll() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("scrollable", "" + p.getScrollable());
    panel.setAttribute("editable", "" + (p.isEditable() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("positionable", "" + (p.allPositionable() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("controlling", "" + (p.allControlling() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("animating", "" + (p.isAnimating() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("showhelpbar", "" + (p.getShowHelpBar() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("drawgrid", "" + (p.getDrawGrid() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("snaponadd", "" + (p.getSnapOnAdd() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("snaponmove", "" + (p.getSnapOnMove() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("antialiasing", "" + (p.getAntialiasingOn() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("turnoutcircles", "" + (p.getTurnoutCircles() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("tooltipsnotedit", "" + (p.getTooltipsNotEdit() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("tooltipsinedit", "" + (p.getTooltipsInEdit() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("mainlinetrackwidth", "" + p.getMainlineTrackWidth());
    panel.setAttribute("xscale", Float.toString((float) p.getXScale()));
    panel.setAttribute("yscale", Float.toString((float) p.getYScale()));
    panel.setAttribute("sidetrackwidth", "" + p.getSideTrackWidth());
    panel.setAttribute("defaulttrackcolor", p.getDefaultTrackColor());
    panel.setAttribute("defaultoccupiedtrackcolor", p.getDefaultOccupiedTrackColor());
    panel.setAttribute("defaultalternativetrackcolor", p.getDefaultAlternativeTrackColor());
    panel.setAttribute("defaulttextcolor", p.getDefaultTextColor());
    panel.setAttribute("turnoutcirclecolor", p.getTurnoutCircleColor());
    panel.setAttribute("turnoutcirclesize", "" + p.getTurnoutCircleSize());
    panel.setAttribute("turnoutdrawunselectedleg", (p.getTurnoutDrawUnselectedLeg() ? "yes" : "no"));
    panel.setAttribute("turnoutbx", Float.toString((float) p.getTurnoutBX()));
    panel.setAttribute("turnoutcx", Float.toString((float) p.getTurnoutCX()));
    panel.setAttribute("turnoutwid", Float.toString((float) p.getTurnoutWid()));
    panel.setAttribute("xoverlong", Float.toString((float) p.getXOverLong()));
    panel.setAttribute("xoverhwid", Float.toString((float) p.getXOverHWid()));
    panel.setAttribute("xovershort", Float.toString((float) p.getXOverShort()));
    panel.setAttribute("autoblkgenerate", "" + (p.getAutoBlockAssignment() ? "yes" : "no"));
    if (p.getBackgroundColor() != null) {
        panel.setAttribute("redBackground", "" + p.getBackgroundColor().getRed());
        panel.setAttribute("greenBackground", "" + p.getBackgroundColor().getGreen());
        panel.setAttribute("blueBackground", "" + p.getBackgroundColor().getBlue());
    panel.setAttribute("gridSize", "" + p.getGridSize());
    panel.setAttribute("gridSize2nd", "" + p.getGridSize2nd());
    panel.setAttribute("openDispatcher", p.getOpenDispatcherOnLoad() ? "yes" : "no");
    panel.setAttribute("useDirectTurnoutControl", p.getDirectTurnoutControl() ? "yes" : "no");
    // note: moving zoom attribute into per-window user preference
    //panel.setAttribute("zoom", Double.toString(p.getZoom()));
    // include contents (Icons and Labels)
    List<Positionable> contents = p.getContents();
    int num = contents.size();
    if (num > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            Positionable sub = contents.get(i);
            if (sub != null && sub.storeItem()) {
                try {
                    Element e = jmri.configurexml.ConfigXmlManager.elementFromObject(sub);
                    if (e != null) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.error("Error storing panel contents element: " + e);
            } else {
                log.warn("Null entry found when storing panel contents.");
    // include LayoutTurnouts
    num = p.turnoutList.size();
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("N layoutturnout elements: " + num);
    if (num > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            Object sub = p.turnoutList.get(i);
            try {
                Element e = jmri.configurexml.ConfigXmlManager.elementFromObject(sub);
                if (e != null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error storing panel layoutturnout element: " + e);
    // include TrackSegments
    num = p.trackList.size();
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("N tracksegment elements: " + num);
    if (num > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            Object sub = p.trackList.get(i);
            try {
                Element e = jmri.configurexml.ConfigXmlManager.elementFromObject(sub);
                if (e != null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error storing panel tracksegment element: " + e);
    // include PositionablePoints
    num = p.pointList.size();
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("N positionablepoint elements: " + num);
    if (num > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            Object sub = p.pointList.get(i);
            try {
                Element e = jmri.configurexml.ConfigXmlManager.elementFromObject(sub);
                if (e != null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error storing panel positionalpoint element: " + e);
    // include LevelXings
    num = p.xingList.size();
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("N levelxing elements: " + num);
    if (num > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            Object sub = p.xingList.get(i);
            try {
                Element e = jmri.configurexml.ConfigXmlManager.elementFromObject(sub);
                if (e != null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error storing panel levelxing element: " + e);
    // include LayoutSlips
    num = p.slipList.size();
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("N layoutSlip elements: " + num);
    if (num > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            Object sub = p.slipList.get(i);
            try {
                Element e = jmri.configurexml.ConfigXmlManager.elementFromObject(sub);
                if (e != null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error storing panel layoutSlip element: " + e);
    // include LayoutTurntables
    num = p.turntableList.size();
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("N turntable elements: " + num);
    if (num > 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            Object sub = p.turntableList.get(i);
            try {
                Element e = jmri.configurexml.ConfigXmlManager.elementFromObject(sub);
                if (e != null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error storing panel turntable element: " + e);
    return panel;
Also used : LayoutEditor(jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditor) Element(org.jdom2.Element) Positionable(jmri.jmrit.display.Positionable) DataConversionException(org.jdom2.DataConversionException)


Attribute (org.jdom2.Attribute)104 Element (org.jdom2.Element)96 DataConversionException (org.jdom2.DataConversionException)17 Editor (jmri.jmrit.display.Editor)15 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)13 NamedIcon (jmri.jmrit.catalog.NamedIcon)13 IOException ( LayoutEditor (jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditor)10 File ( Color (java.awt.Color)7 List (java.util.List)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 Asn1Integer ( Asn1Object ( Asn1Oid ( OidMappings ( ASN1Encodable ( ASN1EncodableVector ( ASN1Set ( DERBitString (