use of org.jdom2.Content in project mycore by MyCoRe-Org.
the class MCRMetsCommands method validateSelectedMets.
@MCRCommand(syntax = "validate selected mets", help = "validates all mets.xml of selected derivates", order = 10)
public static void validateSelectedMets() {
List<String> selectedObjectIDs = MCRObjectCommands.getSelectedObjectIDs();
for (String objectID : selectedObjectIDs) {"Validate mets.xml of {}", objectID);
MCRPath metsFile = MCRPath.getPath(objectID, "/mets.xml");
if (Files.exists(metsFile)) {
try {
MCRContent content = new MCRPathContent(metsFile);
InputStream metsIS = content.getInputStream();
METSValidator mv = new METSValidator(metsIS);
List<ValidationException> validationExceptionList = mv.validate();
if (validationExceptionList.size() > 0) {
for (ValidationException validationException : validationExceptionList) {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("Error while reading mets.xml of {}", objectID, e);
} catch (JDOMException e) {
LOGGER.error("Error while parsing mets.xml of {}", objectID, e);
use of org.jdom2.Content in project mycore by MyCoRe-Org.
the class MCRUserTransformer method getDocument.
private static Document getDocument(MCRUser user) {
MCRJAXBContent<MCRUser> content = new MCRJAXBContent<>(JAXB_CONTEXT, user);
try {
Document userXML = content.asXML();
return userXML;
} catch (SAXParseException | JDOMException | IOException e) {
throw new MCRException("Exception while transforming MCRUser " + user.getUserID() + " to JDOM document.", e);
use of org.jdom2.Content in project ddf by codice.
the class OpenSearchSource method createResponseFromEntry.
* Creates a single response from input parameters. Performs XPath operations on the document to
* retrieve data not passed in.
* @param entry a single Atom entry
* @return single response
private List<Result> createResponseFromEntry(SyndEntry entry) throws UnsupportedQueryException {
String id = entry.getUri();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(id)) {
id = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf(':') + 1);
List<SyndContent> contents = entry.getContents();
List<SyndCategory> categories = entry.getCategories();
List<Metacard> metacards = new ArrayList<>();
List<Element> foreignMarkup = entry.getForeignMarkup();
String relevance = "";
for (Element element : foreignMarkup) {
if (element.getName().equals("score")) {
relevance = element.getContent(0).getValue();
metacards.addAll(processAdditionalForeignMarkups(element, id));
// added at a later date if we decide to include it
for (SyndContent content : contents) {
Metacard metacard = parseContent(content.getValue(), id);
if (metacard != null) {
String title = metacard.getTitle();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(title)) {
metacard.setAttribute(new AttributeImpl(Core.TITLE, entry.getTitle()));
for (int i = 0; i < categories.size() && i < metacards.size(); i++) {
SyndCategory category = categories.get(i);
Metacard metacard = metacards.get(i);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(metacard.getContentTypeName())) {
metacard.setAttribute(new AttributeImpl(Metacard.CONTENT_TYPE, category.getName()));
List<Result> results = new ArrayList<>();
for (Metacard metacard : metacards) {
ResultImpl result = new ResultImpl(metacard);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(relevance)) {
LOGGER.debug("Couldn't find valid relevance. Setting relevance to 0");
relevance = "0";
result.setRelevanceScore(new Double(relevance));
return results;
use of org.jdom2.Content in project jPOS by jpos.
the class FSDMsgTest method testPackToBDStoLong.
public void testPackToBDStoLong() throws Throwable {
Element schema = createSchema();
appendField(schema, "name", "B", "DS", 8);
fSDMsg.set("name", ISOUtil.hexString("Test message".getBytes()));
try {
fail("FSDMsg.packToBytes() should throw RuntimeException when content is too long");
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
use of org.jdom2.Content in project hippo by NHS-digital-website.
the class RssModifier method modifyEntry.
public void modifyEntry(final HstRequestContext context, final Item entry, final HippoBean bean) {
String scope = "";
String requestPath = null;
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z");
SimpleDateFormat lastUpdatedDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy");
if (bean instanceof Blog) {
try {
requestPath = context.getBaseURL().getRequestPath();
final String statement = "/jcr:root/content/documents/corporate-website/feeds//*[@jcr:primaryType='feed:rss20descriptor']";
Session session = context.getSession();
final Query q = session.getWorkspace().getQueryManager().createQuery(statement, Query.XPATH);
final NodeIterator nodes = q.execute().getNodes();
while (nodes.hasNext()) {
Node node = nodes.nextNode();
scope = node.getProperty("feed:scope").getString();
if (requestPath.contains("/" + scope)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
final Blog blogBean = (Blog) bean;
final Date lastUpdated = blogBean.getLastModified();
if (lastUpdated != null) {
HstLink hstLink = context.getHstLinkCreator().create(bean, context);
String blogPath = bean.getPath();
if (hstLink != null && (StringUtils.isNotBlank(scope) && blogPath.contains("/" + scope)) || requestPath.contains("all-blog")) {
List<Element> foreignMarkup = entry.getForeignMarkup();
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("title", blogBean.getTitle()));
Element lmElement = new Element("author");
String emailAddress = "";
StringBuilder strPerson = new StringBuilder();
if (blogBean.getAuthors() != null && blogBean.getAuthors().size() > 0) {
Person person = (Person) blogBean.getAuthors().get(0);
if (person.getRoles() != null && person.getRoles().getContactdetails() != null) {
final ContactDetail contactdetails = person.getRoles().getContactdetails();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(contactdetails.getEmailaddress())) {
} else {
strPerson.append(" (" + contactdetails.getName() + ")");
} else {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(blogBean.getAuthorName())) {
strPerson.append(" (" + blogBean.getAuthorName() + ")");
} else {
strPerson.append("(NHS Digital)");
lmElement.addContent(StringUtils.isNotBlank(strPerson.toString()) ? strPerson.toString() : " (NHS Digital)");
String category = blogBean.getCategories();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(category)) {
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("category", category));
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("description", blogBean.getAllDescription()));
Element guid = getElement("guid", blogBean.getGuid());
guid.setAttribute("isPermaLink", "false");
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("pubDate", dateFormat.format(lastUpdated)));
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("link", hstLink.toUrlForm(context, true)));
Element source = getElement("source", "NHS Digital");
source.setAttribute("url", "");
final HippoGalleryImageSetBean image = blogBean.getLeadImage();
if (image != null) {
hstLink = context.getHstLinkCreator().create(image, context);
if (hstLink != null) {
foreignMarkup = entry.getForeignMarkup();
String imageUrl = hstLink.toUrlForm(context, true);
final Element element = getImageElement(imageUrl);
} else if (bean instanceof News) {
final News newsBean = (News) bean;
List<Element> foreignMarkup = entry.getForeignMarkup();
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("title", newsBean.getTitle()));
ContactDetail contactDetail = newsBean.getMediacontact();
String author = "NHS Digital";
String emailAddress = "";
if (contactDetail != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(contactDetail.getName())) {
author = contactDetail.getName();
emailAddress = contactDetail.getEmailaddress();
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("author", (emailAddress + " (" + author + ")")));
StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
for (HippoBean sre : newsBean.getSections()) {
String tempContent = new String();
if (sre instanceof Section) {
tempContent = ((Section) sre).getHtmlJson();
} else if (sre instanceof EmphasisBox) {
tempContent = ((EmphasisBox) sre).getBodyJson();
} else if (sre instanceof Expander) {
tempContent = ((Expander) sre).getContent().getContent();
} else if (sre instanceof Quote) {
tempContent = ((Quote) sre).getQuote().getContent();
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("description", content.toString()));
String category = getNewsCategory(newsBean);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(category)) {
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("category", category));
Element guid = getElement("guid", newsBean.getCanonicalUUID());
guid.setAttribute("isPermaLink", "false");
String formatted = dateFormat.format(newsBean.getLastModified());
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("pubDate", formatted));
HstLink hstLink = context.getHstLinkCreator().create(bean, context);
String urlNews = hstLink.toUrlForm(context, true);
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("link", urlNews));
String tempUrl = urlNews.substring(0, urlNews.indexOf(context.getBaseURL().getHostName()));
String finalUrl = tempUrl + context.getBaseURL().getHostName() + context.getBaseURL().getContextPath() + context.getHstLinkCreator().getBinariesPrefix();
final LeadImageSection leadimagesection = newsBean.getLeadimagesection();
if (leadimagesection != null && leadimagesection.getLeadImage() != null) {
String imageUrl = finalUrl + leadimagesection.getLeadImage().getCanonicalHandlePath();
Element imageElement = getImageElement(imageUrl);
Element source = getElement("source", "NHS Digital");
source.setAttribute("url", "");
} else if (bean instanceof Publication) {
List<Element> foreignMarkup = entry.getForeignMarkup();
final Publication publicationBean = (Publication) bean;
String docPath = bean.getPath();
if (docPath.contains("/publication-system/")) {
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("title", publicationBean.getTitle()));
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("author", " (NHS Digital)"));
StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
for ( tempDesc : publicationBean.getSummary().getElements()) {
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("description", description.toString()));
String category = getCategory(publicationBean);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(category)) {
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("category", category));
Element guid = getElement("guid", publicationBean.getCanonicalUUID());
guid.setAttribute("isPermaLink", "false");
String formatted = dateFormat.format(publicationBean.getLastModified());
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("pubDate", formatted));
HstLink hstLink = context.getHstLinkCreator().create(bean, context);
String url = hstLink.toUrlForm(context, true);
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("link", url));
String tempUrl1 = url.substring(0, url.indexOf(context.getBaseURL().getHostName()));
String finalUrl = tempUrl1 + context.getBaseURL().getHostName() + context.getBaseURL().getContextPath() + context.getHstLinkCreator().getBinariesPrefix();
for (Infographic test : publicationBean.getKeyFactInfographics()) {
if (test.getIcon() != null) {
foreignMarkup.add(getImageElement(finalUrl + test.getIcon().getCanonicalHandlePath()));
Element source = getElement("source", "NHS Digital");
source.setAttribute("url", "");
} else if (bean instanceof CyberAlert) {
List<Element> foreignMarkup = entry.getForeignMarkup();
final CyberAlert cyberAlertBean = (CyberAlert) bean;
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("title", cyberAlertBean.getThreatId() + " - " + cyberAlertBean.getTitle()));
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("category", cyberAlertBean.getSeverity()));
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("author", " (NHS Digital)"));
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("description", "<p>Severity: " + cyberAlertBean.getSeverity() + "</p>" + " " + cyberAlertBean.getSummary().getContent() + "<p> " + cyberAlertBean.getShortsummary() + "</p><p> Updated: " + lastUpdatedDateFormat.format(cyberAlertBean.getLastModified()) + "</p>"));
Element guid = getElement("guid", cyberAlertBean.getCanonicalUUID());
guid.setAttribute("isPermaLink", "false");
String pubDate = dateFormat.format(cyberAlertBean.getPublishedDate().getTime());
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("pubDate", pubDate));
HstLink hstLink = context.getHstLinkCreator().create(bean, context);
String url = hstLink.toUrlForm(context, true);
foreignMarkup.add(getElement("link", url));