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Example 16 with JpsModule

use of org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class JavaBuilder method compileJava.

private boolean compileJava(CompileContext context, ModuleChunk chunk, Collection<File> files, Collection<File> originalClassPath, Collection<File> originalPlatformCp, Collection<File> sourcePath, DiagnosticOutputConsumer diagnosticSink, OutputFileConsumer outputSink, JavaCompilingTool compilingTool) throws Exception {
    final TasksCounter counter = new TasksCounter();
    COUNTER_KEY.set(context, counter);
    final JpsJavaExtensionService javaExt = JpsJavaExtensionService.getInstance();
    final JpsJavaCompilerConfiguration compilerConfig = javaExt.getCompilerConfiguration(context.getProjectDescriptor().getProject());
    assert compilerConfig != null;
    final Set<JpsModule> modules = chunk.getModules();
    ProcessorConfigProfile profile = null;
    if (modules.size() == 1) {
        profile = compilerConfig.getAnnotationProcessingProfile(modules.iterator().next());
    } else {
        String message = validateCycle(chunk, javaExt, compilerConfig, modules);
        if (message != null) {
   PlainMessageDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, message));
            return true;
    final Map<File, Set<File>> outs = buildOutputDirectoriesMap(context, chunk);
    try {
        final int targetLanguageLevel = JpsJavaSdkType.parseVersion(getLanguageLevel(chunk.getModules().iterator().next()));
        final boolean shouldForkJavac = shouldForkCompilerProcess(context, chunk, targetLanguageLevel);
        final boolean hasModules = targetLanguageLevel >= 9 && getJavaModuleIndex(context).hasJavaModules(modules);
        // when forking external javac, compilers from SDK 1.6 and higher are supported
        Pair<String, Integer> forkSdk = null;
        if (shouldForkJavac) {
            forkSdk = getForkedJavacSdk(chunk, targetLanguageLevel);
            if (forkSdk == null) {
                String text = "Cannot start javac process for " + chunk.getName() + ": unknown JDK home path.\nPlease check project configuration.";
       PlainMessageDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, text));
                return true;
        final int compilerSdkVersion = forkSdk == null ? getCompilerSdkVersion(context) : forkSdk.getSecond();
        final List<String> options = getCompilationOptions(compilerSdkVersion, context, chunk, profile, compilingTool);
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Compiling chunk [" + chunk.getName() + "] with options: \"" + StringUtil.join(options, " ") + "\"");
        Collection<File> platformCp = calcEffectivePlatformCp(originalPlatformCp, options, compilingTool);
        if (platformCp == null) {
            String text = "Compact compilation profile was requested, but target platform for module \"" + chunk.getName() + "\"" + " differs from javac's platform (" + System.getProperty("java.version") + ")\n" + "Compilation profiles are not supported for such configuration";
            context.processMessage(new CompilerMessage(BUILDER_NAME, BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, text));
            return true;
        Collection<File> classPath = originalClassPath;
        Collection<File> modulePath = Collections.emptyList();
        if (hasModules) {
            // in Java 9, named modules are not allowed to read classes from the classpath
            // moreover, the compiler requires all transitive dependencies to be on the module path
            modulePath = ProjectPaths.getCompilationModulePath(chunk, false);
            classPath = Collections.emptyList();
        if (!platformCp.isEmpty()) {
            final int chunkSdkVersion;
            if (hasModules) {
                modulePath = newArrayList(concat(platformCp, modulePath));
                platformCp = Collections.emptyList();
            } else if ((chunkSdkVersion = getChunkSdkVersion(chunk)) >= 9) {
                // if chunk's SDK is 9 or higher, there is no way to specify full platform classpath
                // because platform classes are stored in jimage binary files with unknown format.
                // Because of this we are clearing platform classpath so that javac will resolve against its own boot classpath
                // and prepending additional jars from the JDK configuration to compilation classpath
                classPath = newArrayList(concat(platformCp, classPath));
                platformCp = Collections.emptyList();
            } else if (shouldUseReleaseOption(context, compilerSdkVersion, chunkSdkVersion, targetLanguageLevel)) {
                final Collection<File> joined = new ArrayList<>(classPath.size() + 1);
                for (File file : platformCp) {
                    // include only additional jars from sdk distribution, e.g. tools.jar
                    if (!FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(file.getAbsolutePath()).contains("/jre/")) {
                classPath = joined;
                platformCp = Collections.emptyList();
        final ClassProcessingConsumer classesConsumer = new ClassProcessingConsumer(context, outputSink);
        final boolean rc;
        if (!shouldForkJavac) {
            updateCompilerUsageStatistics(context, compilingTool.getDescription(), chunk);
            rc = JavacMain.compile(options, files, classPath, platformCp, modulePath, sourcePath, outs, diagnosticSink, classesConsumer, context.getCancelStatus(), compilingTool);
        } else {
            updateCompilerUsageStatistics(context, "javac " + forkSdk.getSecond(), chunk);
            final List<String> vmOptions = getCompilationVMOptions(context, compilingTool);
            final ExternalJavacManager server = ensureJavacServerStarted(context);
            rc = server.forkJavac(forkSdk.getFirst(), getExternalJavacHeapSize(context), vmOptions, options, platformCp, classPath, modulePath, sourcePath, files, outs, diagnosticSink, classesConsumer, compilingTool, context.getCancelStatus());
        return rc;
    } finally {
Also used : THashSet(gnu.trove.THashSet) CompilerMessage(org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.messages.CompilerMessage) ContainerUtil.newArrayList(com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil.newArrayList) JpsModule(org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule) JpsJavaExtensionService(

Example 17 with JpsModule

use of org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class JavaBuilder method getCompilationOptions.

private static List<String> getCompilationOptions(int compilerSdkVersion, CompileContext context, ModuleChunk chunk, @Nullable ProcessorConfigProfile profile, @NotNull JavaCompilingTool compilingTool) {
    List<String> cached = JAVAC_OPTIONS.get(context);
    if (cached == null) {
        loadCommonJavacOptions(context, compilingTool);
        cached = JAVAC_OPTIONS.get(context);
        assert cached != null : context;
    List<String> options = new ArrayList<>();
    JpsModule module = chunk.representativeTarget().getModule();
    File baseDirectory = JpsModelSerializationDataService.getBaseDirectory(module);
    if (baseDirectory != null) {
        //this is a temporary workaround to allow passing per-module compiler options for Eclipse compiler in form
        // -properties $MODULE_DIR$/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
        String stringToReplace = "$" + PathMacroUtil.MODULE_DIR_MACRO_NAME + "$";
        String moduleDirPath = FileUtil.toCanonicalPath(baseDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
        for (String s : cached) {
            options.add(StringUtil.replace(s, stringToReplace, moduleDirPath));
    } else {
    addCompilationOptions(compilerSdkVersion, options, context, chunk, profile);
    return options;
Also used : JpsModule(org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule) ContainerUtil.newArrayList(com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil.newArrayList)

Example 18 with JpsModule

use of org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class JavaBuilder method addCrossCompilationOptions.

private static void addCrossCompilationOptions(int compilerSdkVersion, List<String> options, CompileContext context, ModuleChunk chunk) {
    final JpsJavaCompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration = JpsJavaExtensionService.getInstance().getOrCreateCompilerConfiguration(context.getProjectDescriptor().getProject());
    final String langLevel = getLanguageLevel(chunk.getModules().iterator().next());
    final int chunkSdkVersion = getChunkSdkVersion(chunk);
    final int targetLanguageLevel = JpsJavaSdkType.parseVersion(langLevel);
    if (shouldUseReleaseOption(context, compilerSdkVersion, chunkSdkVersion, targetLanguageLevel)) {
    // using older -source, -target and -bootclasspath options
    if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(langLevel)) {
    String bytecodeTarget = null;
    for (JpsModule module : chunk.getModules()) {
        final String moduleTarget = compilerConfiguration.getByteCodeTargetLevel(module.getName());
        if (moduleTarget == null) {
        if (bytecodeTarget == null) {
            bytecodeTarget = moduleTarget;
        } else {
            if (moduleTarget.compareTo(bytecodeTarget) < 0) {
                // use the lower possible target among modules that form the chunk
                bytecodeTarget = moduleTarget;
    if (bytecodeTarget == null) {
        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(langLevel)) {
            // according to IDEA rule: if not specified explicitly, set target to be the same as source language level
            bytecodeTarget = langLevel;
        } else {
            // last resort and backward compatibility:
            // check if user explicitly defined bytecode target in additional compiler options
            bytecodeTarget = USER_DEFINED_BYTECODE_TARGET.get(context);
    if (bytecodeTarget != null) {
        if (chunkSdkVersion > 0 && compilerSdkVersion > chunkSdkVersion) {
            // if compiler is newer than module JDK
            final int userSpecifiedTargetVersion = JpsJavaSdkType.parseVersion(bytecodeTarget);
            if (userSpecifiedTargetVersion > 0 && userSpecifiedTargetVersion <= compilerSdkVersion) {
                // if user-specified bytecode version can be determined and is supported by compiler
                if (userSpecifiedTargetVersion > chunkSdkVersion) {
                    // and user-specified bytecode target level is higher than the highest one supported by the target JDK,
                    // force compiler to use highest-available bytecode target version that is supported by the chunk JDK.
                    bytecodeTarget = "1." + chunkSdkVersion;
        // otherwise let compiler display compilation error about incorrectly set bytecode target version
    } else {
        if (chunkSdkVersion > 0 && compilerSdkVersion > chunkSdkVersion) {
            // force lower bytecode target level to match the version of sdk assigned to this chunk
            options.add("1." + chunkSdkVersion);
Also used : JpsModule(org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule)

Example 19 with JpsModule

use of org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class BuildTargetConfiguration method isTargetDirty.

public boolean isTargetDirty(CompileContext context) {
    final String currentState = getCurrentState(context);
    if (!currentState.equals(myConfiguration)) {
        LOG.debug(myTarget + " configuration was changed:");
        LOG.debug(myTarget + " will be recompiled");
        if (myTarget instanceof ModuleBuildTarget) {
            final JpsModule module = ((ModuleBuildTarget) myTarget).getModule();
            synchronized (MODULES_WITH_TARGET_CONFIG_CHANGED_KEY) {
                Set<JpsModule> modules = MODULES_WITH_TARGET_CONFIG_CHANGED_KEY.get(context);
                if (modules == null) {
                    MODULES_WITH_TARGET_CONFIG_CHANGED_KEY.set(context, modules = new THashSet<>());
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : JpsModule(org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule) ModuleBuildTarget(org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.ModuleBuildTarget) THashSet(gnu.trove.THashSet)

Example 20 with JpsModule

use of org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule in project intellij-community by JetBrains.

the class CommonTest method testMoveClassToDependentModule.

public void testMoveClassToDependentModule() throws Exception {
    JpsModule moduleA = addModule("moduleA", "moduleA/src");
    JpsModule moduleB = addModule("moduleB", "moduleB/src");
    JpsModuleRootModificationUtil.addDependency(moduleB, moduleA);
Also used : JpsModule(org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule)


JpsModule (org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsModule)128 File ( NotNull (org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull)15 CompilerMessage (org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.messages.CompilerMessage)15 JpsAndroidModuleExtension ( JpsAndroidModuleExtensionImpl ( JpsAndroidModuleProperties ( THashSet (gnu.trove.THashSet)11 JpsLibrary (org.jetbrains.jps.model.library.JpsLibrary)11 ProgressMessage (org.jetbrains.jps.incremental.messages.ProgressMessage)10 JpsSimpleElement (org.jetbrains.jps.model.JpsSimpleElement)10 JpsArtifact (org.jetbrains.jps.model.artifact.JpsArtifact)10 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 HashMap (com.intellij.util.containers.HashMap)8 IOException ( TObjectLongHashMap (gnu.trove.TObjectLongHashMap)7 JpsDependencyElement (org.jetbrains.jps.model.module.JpsDependencyElement)7 JpsDummyElement (org.jetbrains.jps.model.JpsDummyElement)6 Pair (com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair)5 Nullable (org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable)5