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Example 41 with TimeSeries

use of in project ma-core-public by infiniteautomation.

the class ImageChartUtils method writeChart.

public static void writeChart(PointTimeSeriesCollection pointTimeSeriesCollection, boolean showLegend, OutputStream out, int width, int height, long from, long to) throws IOException {
    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(null, null, null, null, showLegend, false, false);
    XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot();
    ((DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis()).setTimeZone(pointTimeSeriesCollection.getTimeZone());
    Color gridlines = SystemSettingsDao.getColour(SystemSettingsDao.PLOT_GRIDLINE_COLOUR);
    ((NumberAxis) plot.getRangeAxis()).setAutoRangeStickyZero(false);
    double numericMin = 0;
    double numericMax = 1;
    int numericSeriesCount = pointTimeSeriesCollection.getNumericSeriesCount();
    if (pointTimeSeriesCollection.hasNumericData()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < numericSeriesCount; i++) {
            NumericTimeSeries nts = pointTimeSeriesCollection.getNumericTimeSeries(i);
            AbstractXYItemRenderer renderer;
            if (nts.getPlotType() == DataPointVO.PlotTypes.STEP)
                renderer = new XYStepRenderer();
            else if (nts.getPlotType() == DataPointVO.PlotTypes.LINE)
                renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(true, false);
            else {
                // XYCardinalSplineRenderer spline = new XYCardinalSplineRenderer(.5d, 16);
                // XYSmoothLineAndShapeRenderer spline = new XYSmoothLineAndShapeRenderer();
                // XYSplineRenderer spline = new XYSplineRenderer();
                // spline.setBaseShapesVisible(false);
                // renderer = spline;
                renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(true, false);
            if (nts.getPaint() != null)
                renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, nts.getPaint(), false);
            if (nts.getStroke() != null)
                renderer.setSeriesStroke(0, nts.getStroke(), false);
            plot.setDataset(i, new TimeSeriesCollection(nts.getTimeSeries()));
            plot.setRenderer(i, renderer);
        numericMin = plot.getRangeAxis().getLowerBound();
        numericMax = plot.getRangeAxis().getUpperBound();
        if (!pointTimeSeriesCollection.hasMultiplePoints()) {
            // If this chart displays a single point, check if there should be a range description.
            TimeSeries timeSeries = pointTimeSeriesCollection.getNumericTimeSeries(0).getTimeSeries();
            String desc = timeSeries.getRangeDescription();
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(desc)) {
                // Replace any HTML entities with Java equivalents
                desc = StripEntities.stripHTMLEntities(desc, ' ');
    } else
    if (pointTimeSeriesCollection.getRangeMarkers() != null) {
        boolean rangeAdjusted = false;
        for (Marker marker : pointTimeSeriesCollection.getRangeMarkers()) {
            if (marker instanceof ValueMarker) {
                ValueMarker vm = (ValueMarker) marker;
                if (numericMin > vm.getValue()) {
                    numericMin = vm.getValue();
                    rangeAdjusted = true;
                if (numericMax < vm.getValue()) {
                    numericMax = vm.getValue();
                    rangeAdjusted = true;
        if (rangeAdjusted) {
            double adj = (numericMax - numericMin);
            plot.getRangeAxis().setLowerBound(numericMin - adj * plot.getRangeAxis().getLowerMargin());
            plot.getRangeAxis().setUpperBound(numericMax + adj * plot.getRangeAxis().getUpperMargin());
    int discreteValueCount = pointTimeSeriesCollection.getDiscreteValueCount();
    double interval = (numericMax - numericMin) / (discreteValueCount + 1);
    int intervalIndex = 1;
    if (pointTimeSeriesCollection.hasDiscreteData()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < pointTimeSeriesCollection.getDiscreteSeriesCount(); i++) {
            DiscreteTimeSeries dts = pointTimeSeriesCollection.getDiscreteTimeSeries(i);
            XYStepRenderer renderer = new XYStepRenderer();
            TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(dts.getName(), null, null);
            for (IValueTime vt : dts.getValueTimes()) addMillisecond(ts, vt.getTime(), numericMin + (interval * (dts.getValueIndex(vt.getValue()) + intervalIndex)));
            if (dts.getPaint() != null)
                renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, dts.getPaint(), false);
            if (dts.getStroke() != null)
                renderer.setSeriesStroke(0, dts.getStroke(), false);
            plot.setDataset(numericSeriesCount + i, new TimeSeriesCollection(ts, pointTimeSeriesCollection.getTimeZone()));
            plot.setRenderer(numericSeriesCount + i, renderer);
            intervalIndex += dts.getDiscreteValueCount();
    if (from > 0)
    if (to > 0)
    if (pointTimeSeriesCollection.hasDiscreteData()) {
        // Add the value annotations.
        double annoX = plot.getDomainAxis().getLowerBound();
        intervalIndex = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < pointTimeSeriesCollection.getDiscreteSeriesCount(); i++) {
            DiscreteTimeSeries dts = pointTimeSeriesCollection.getDiscreteTimeSeries(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < dts.getDiscreteValueCount(); j++) {
                XYTextAnnotation anno = new XYTextAnnotation(" " + dts.getValueText(j), annoX, numericMin + (interval * (j + intervalIndex)));
                if (!pointTimeSeriesCollection.hasNumericData() && intervalIndex + j == discreteValueCount)
                    // This prevents the top label from getting cut off
                anno.setPaint(((AbstractRenderer) plot.getRenderer(numericSeriesCount + i)).lookupSeriesPaint(0));
            intervalIndex += dts.getDiscreteValueCount();
    // Return the image.
    ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(out, chart, width, height);
Also used : DateAxis(org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis) NumberAxis(org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis) TimeSeries( Color(java.awt.Color) AbstractXYItemRenderer(org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.AbstractXYItemRenderer) XYLineAndShapeRenderer(org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer) IValueTime(com.serotonin.m2m2.view.stats.IValueTime) ValueMarker(org.jfree.chart.plot.ValueMarker) Marker(org.jfree.chart.plot.Marker) JFreeChart(org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart) XYTextAnnotation(org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYTextAnnotation) XYPlot(org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot) TimeSeriesCollection( XYStepRenderer(org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYStepRenderer) ValueMarker(org.jfree.chart.plot.ValueMarker)

Example 42 with TimeSeries

use of in project ma-core-public by infiniteautomation.

the class ImageChartServlet method getImageData.

private byte[] getImageData(String imageInfo, HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
    // Hex colour definitions need to be prefixed with '0x' instead of '#'.
    try {
        // Remove the / and the .png
        imageInfo = imageInfo.substring(1, imageInfo.length() - 4);
        // Split by underscore.
        String[] imageBits = imageInfo.split("_");
        // Get the data.
        long from, to;
        int pointIdStart;
        if (imageBits[0].equals("ft")) {
            from = Long.parseLong(imageBits[2]);
            to = Long.parseLong(imageBits[3]);
            pointIdStart = 4;
        } else {
            from = Common.timer.currentTimeMillis() - Long.parseLong(imageBits[1]);
            to = -1;
            pointIdStart = 2;
        int width = getIntRequestParameter(request, "w", 200);
        int height = getIntRequestParameter(request, "h", 100);
        String useCacheString = request.getParameter("useCache");
        boolean useCache = false;
        if (useCacheString != null && Boolean.valueOf(useCacheString))
            useCache = true;
        TimeZone timeZone = Common.getUserTimeZone(Common.getUser(request));
        // Create the datasets
        DataPointVO markerPoint = null;
        int pointCount = 0;
        PointTimeSeriesCollection ptsc = new PointTimeSeriesCollection(timeZone);
        for (int i = pointIdStart; i < imageBits.length; i++) {
            if (imageBits[i].startsWith("w"))
                width = NumberUtils.toInt(imageBits[i].substring(1), width);
            else if (imageBits[i].startsWith("h"))
                height = NumberUtils.toInt(imageBits[i].substring(1), height);
            else {
                String dataPointStr = imageBits[i];
                Color colour = null;
                int dataPointId;
                int pipe = dataPointStr.indexOf('|');
                if (pipe == -1)
                    dataPointId = Integer.parseInt(dataPointStr);
                else {
                    try {
                        String colourStr = dataPointStr.substring(pipe + 1);
                        if (colourStr.startsWith("0x"))
                            colourStr = "#" + colourStr.substring(2);
                        colour = ColorUtils.toColor(colourStr);
                    } catch (InvalidArgumentException e) {
                        throw new IOException(e);
                    dataPointId = Integer.parseInt(dataPointStr.substring(0, pipe));
                // Get the data.
                DataPointVO dp = DataPointDao.instance.getDataPoint(dataPointId);
                if (dp != null && dp.getName() != null) {
                    markerPoint = dp;
                    // Get the Color if there wasn't one provided
                    if (colour == null) {
                        try {
                            if (dp.getChartColour() != null)
                                colour = ColorUtils.toColor(dp.getChartColour());
                        } catch (InvalidArgumentException e) {
                        // Munch it
                    PointValueFacade pointValueFacade = new PointValueFacade(dataPointId, useCache);
                    List<PointValueTime> data;
                    if (from == -1 && to == -1)
                        data = pointValueFacade.getPointValuesBetween(0, Common.timer.currentTimeMillis(), true, true);
                    else if (from == -1)
                        data = pointValueFacade.getPointValuesBetween(0, to, true, true);
                    else if (to == -1)
                        data = pointValueFacade.getPointValuesBetween(from, Common.timer.currentTimeMillis(), true, true);
                        data = pointValueFacade.getPointValuesBetween(from, to, true, true);
                    if (dp.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId() == DataTypes.NUMERIC) {
                        TimeSeries ts;
                        if (dp.isUseRenderedUnit()) {
                            // This works because we enforce that all Units default to the ONE Unit if not used
                            UnitConverter converter = null;
                            if (dp.getRenderedUnit() != dp.getUnit())
                                converter = dp.getUnit().getConverterTo(dp.getRenderedUnit());
                            ts = new TimeSeries(dp.getExtendedName(), null, dp.getTextRenderer().getMetaText());
                            double value;
                            for (PointValueTime pv : data) {
                                if (pv.getValue() != null) {
                                    if (converter != null)
                                        value = converter.convert(pv.getDoubleValue());
                                        value = pv.getDoubleValue();
                                    ImageChartUtils.addMillisecond(ts, pv.getTime(), value);
                        } else {
                            // No renderer, don't need it
                            ts = new TimeSeries(dp.getExtendedName(), null, dp.getTextRenderer().getMetaText());
                            for (PointValueTime pv : data) {
                                if (pv.getValue() != null)
                                    ImageChartUtils.addMillisecond(ts, pv.getTime(), pv.getValue().numberValue());
                        ptsc.addNumericTimeSeries(new NumericTimeSeries(dp.getPlotType(), ts, colour, null));
                    } else {
                        DiscreteTimeSeries ts = new DiscreteTimeSeries(dp.getExtendedName(), dp.getTextRenderer(), colour, null);
                        for (PointValueTime pv : data) if (pv.getValue() != null)
        if (pointCount == 1) {
            // Only one point. Check for limits to draw as markers.
            UnitConverter uc;
            if (markerPoint.getUnit() != null && markerPoint.getRenderedUnit() != null)
                uc = markerPoint.getUnit().getConverterTo(markerPoint.getRenderedUnit());
                uc = Unit.ONE.getConverterTo(Unit.ONE);
            for (AbstractPointEventDetectorVO<?> ped : markerPoint.getEventDetectors()) {
                if (ped.getDefinition().getEventDetectorTypeName().equals(AnalogLowLimitEventDetectorDefinition.TYPE_NAME))
                    ptsc.addRangeMarker(new ValueMarker(uc.convert(((AnalogLowLimitDetectorVO) ped).getLimit()), lowLimitPaint, limitStroke));
                else if (ped.getDefinition().getEventDetectorTypeName().equals(AnalogHighLimitEventDetectorDefinition.TYPE_NAME))
                    ptsc.addRangeMarker(new ValueMarker(uc.convert(((AnalogHighLimitDetectorVO) ped).getLimit()), highLimitPaint, limitStroke));
        return ImageChartUtils.getChartData(ptsc, width, height, from, to);
    } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
    // no op
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    // no op
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
    // no op
    return null;
Also used : DataPointVO(com.serotonin.m2m2.vo.DataPointVO) PointValueFacade(com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.PointValueFacade) NumericTimeSeries(com.serotonin.m2m2.util.chart.NumericTimeSeries) TimeSeries( DiscreteTimeSeries(com.serotonin.m2m2.util.chart.DiscreteTimeSeries) PointTimeSeriesCollection(com.serotonin.m2m2.util.chart.PointTimeSeriesCollection) Color(java.awt.Color) IOException( Paint(java.awt.Paint) TimeZone(java.util.TimeZone) InvalidArgumentException(com.serotonin.InvalidArgumentException) NumericTimeSeries(com.serotonin.m2m2.util.chart.NumericTimeSeries) UnitConverter(javax.measure.converter.UnitConverter) PointValueTime(com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.PointValueTime) AnalogLowLimitDetectorVO(com.serotonin.m2m2.vo.event.detector.AnalogLowLimitDetectorVO) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ValueMarker(org.jfree.chart.plot.ValueMarker) DiscreteTimeSeries(com.serotonin.m2m2.util.chart.DiscreteTimeSeries)

Example 43 with TimeSeries

use of in project GT by Tencent.

the class AbstractRealTimeLineChart method addOneDataset.

 * 插入一种数据,返回该数据的编号
 * 插入多次数据的时候需要保证每种数据的测试进程都是相同的
 * @Title: addOneDataset
 * @Description:
 * @param pkgNames
 * @param dataName
 * @return
 * int 返回数据编号,失败返回-1
 * @throws
public int addOneDataset(String[] objects, String dataName) {
    if (objects == null || objects.length == 0 || dataName == null) {
        return -1;
    objectNum = objects.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < objectNum; i++) {
        int index = i * dataNum + (dataNum - 1);
        chart.getXYPlot().getRenderer().setSeriesStroke(index, new BasicStroke(Constant.LINE_WIDTH));
        tsList.add(index, new TimeSeries(objects[i] + "_" + dataName));
        tsEnableList.add(index, true);
    return dataNum - 1;
Also used : BasicStroke(java.awt.BasicStroke) TimeSeries(

Example 44 with TimeSeries

use of in project logprocessing by cloudian.

the class GeminiChartUtil method createReport.

public void createReport(OutputStream out, List<ChartSeries> chartData, String strTitle, String strDomainAxisLabel) {
    strDomainAxisLabel = "Time Interval: " + strDomainAxisLabel;
    String strYAxisLabel;
    // String strCategoryType = " ";
    strYAxisLabel = "Count";
    // SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM-dd hh:mm a");
    // build a dataset as needed by JFreeChart
    // note: strCategoryType is for a chart with multiple categories.
    // i.e. idisplay multiple bars for each time interval.
    TimeSeriesCollection dataSet = new TimeSeriesCollection();
    // For each series of data, create a TimeSeries
    for (int i = 0; i < chartData.size(); i++) {
        ChartSeries chartSeries = chartData.get(i);
        TimeSeries timeSeries = new TimeSeries(chartSeries.getName(), Millisecond.class);
        List<ChartValueByTime> data = chartSeries.getData();
        // int cumulValue = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < data.size(); j++) {
            ChartValueByTime chartVal = data.get(j);
            Millisecond ms = new Millisecond(new Date(chartVal.getTime()));
            // *NOT* Store the cumulative value . So maintain a running total.
            // cumulValue += chartVal.getValue();
            // timeSeries.add(ms, cumulValue);
            timeSeries.add(ms, chartVal.getValue());
    JFreeChart lineChart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(// chart title
    strTitle, // domain axis label
    strDomainAxisLabel, // range axis label
    strYAxisLabel, // data
    dataSet, // legend
    true, // tooltips
    false, // urls
    try {
        ChartUtilities.writeChartAsPNG(out, lineChart, 800, 400);
    } catch (IOException e) {
Also used : Millisecond( TimeSeries( TimeSeriesCollection( IOException( Date(java.util.Date) JFreeChart(org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart)

Example 45 with TimeSeries

use of in project zm-mailbox by Zimbra.

the class ChartUtil method createJFReeChart.

private List<JFreeChart> createJFReeChart(ChartSettings cs) {
    double minValue = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    double maxValue = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    double d = 0;
    double count = 0;
    double total = 0;
    TimeSeriesCollection data = new TimeSeriesCollection();
    ArrayList<ChartSettings> syntheticSettings = new ArrayList<ChartSettings>();
    for (GroupPlotSettings gps : cs.getGroupPlots()) {
        String groupBy = gps.getGroupBy();
        DataColumn dc = new DataColumn(gps.getInfile(), groupBy);
        StringSeries groupBySeries = mStringSeries.get(dc);
        dc = new DataColumn(gps.getInfile(), gps.getDataColumn());
        DataSeries ds = mDataSeries.get(dc);
        int idx = 0;
        Map<String, List<Integer>> groups = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>();
        for (StringEntry e : groupBySeries.dataCollection) {
            String g = e.getVal();
            List<Integer> indices = groups.get(g);
            if (indices == null) {
                indices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                groups.put(g, indices);
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<Integer>> g : groups.entrySet()) {
            String groupByValue = g.getKey();
            if (gps.getIgnoreSet().contains(groupByValue))
            List<Integer> indices = g.getValue();
            DataSeries syntheticDS = new DataSeries();
            DataColumn c = new DataColumn(gps.getInfile(), GROUP_PLOT_SYNTHETIC + groupByValue + ":" + gps.getDataColumn());
            for (int i : indices) {
                Entry e = ds.get(i);
                syntheticDS.AddEntry(e.getTimestamp(), e.getVal());
            mDataSeries.put(c, syntheticDS);
            PlotSettings syntheticPlot = new PlotSettings(groupByValue, c.getInfile(), c.getColumn(), gps.getShowRaw(), gps.getShowMovingAvg(), gps.getMovingAvgPoints(), gps.getMultiplier(), gps.getDivisor(), gps.getNonNegative(), gps.getPercentTime(), gps.getDataFunction(), gps.getAggregateFunction(), gps.getOptional(), null, null);
            if (cs.getOutDocument() != null) {
                ChartSettings s = new ChartSettings(String.format(cs.getTitle(), groupByValue), cs.getCategory(), String.format(cs.getOutfile(), groupByValue), cs.getXAxis(), cs.getYAxis(), cs.getAllowLogScale(), cs.getPlotZero(), cs.getWidth(), cs.getHeight(), null, cs.getTopPlots(), cs.getTopPlotsType());
    if (cs.getOutDocument() != null && cs.getGroupPlots().size() != 0) {
        ArrayList<JFreeChart> charts = new ArrayList<JFreeChart>();
        for (ChartSettings c : syntheticSettings) {
        return charts;
    List<PlotSettings> plots = cs.getPlots();
    if (cs.getTopPlots() > 0 && plots.size() > cs.getTopPlots()) {
        String aggregateFunction = cs.getTopPlotsType().name().toLowerCase();
        System.out.println(String.format("Reducing %d to %d plots for chart '%s'", plots.size(), cs.getTopPlots(), cs.getTitle()));
        ArrayList<PlotAggregatePair> aggregates = new ArrayList<PlotAggregatePair>();
        for (PlotSettings ps : plots) {
            DataColumn dc = new DataColumn(ps.getInfile(), ps.getDataColumn());
            String key = ps.getInfile() + ":" + ps.getDataColumn() + ":" + ps.getAggregateFunction();
            PlotDataIterator pdIter = new PlotDataIterator(ps, mDataSeries.get(dc));
            double aggregate = mAggregator.compute(pdIter, aggregateFunction, mAggregateStartAt, mAggregateEndAt, key);
            aggregates.add(new PlotAggregatePair(ps, aggregate));
        while (aggregates.size() > cs.getTopPlots()) {
            PlotAggregatePair pair = aggregates.remove(0);
    for (PlotSettings ps : plots) {
        String columnName = ps.getDataColumn();
        if (columnName == null) {
            columnName = RATIO_PLOT_SYNTHETIC + ps.getRatioTop() + "/" + ps.getRatioBottom();
            String infile = ps.getInfile();
            String[] top = ps.getRatioTop().split("\\+");
            String[] bottom = ps.getRatioBottom().split("\\+");
            DataColumn[] ratioTop = new DataColumn[top.length];
            DataColumn[] ratioBottom = new DataColumn[bottom.length];
            for (int i = 0, j = top.length; i < j; i++) ratioTop[i] = new DataColumn(infile, top[i]);
            for (int i = 0, j = bottom.length; i < j; i++) ratioBottom[i] = new DataColumn(infile, bottom[i]);
            DataSeries[] topData = new DataSeries[ratioTop.length];
            DataSeries[] bottomData = new DataSeries[ratioBottom.length];
            for (int i = 0, j = ratioTop.length; i < j; i++) topData[i] = mDataSeries.get(ratioTop[i]);
            for (int i = 0, j = ratioBottom.length; i < j; i++) bottomData[i] = mDataSeries.get(ratioBottom[i]);
            DataSeries ds = new DataSeries();
            for (int i = 0, j = topData[0].size(); i < j; i++) {
                double topValue = 0.0;
                double bottomValue = 0.0;
                double ratio = 0.0;
                Entry lastEntry = null;
                for (int m = 0, n = topData.length; m < n; m++) {
                    Entry e = topData[m].get(i);
                    topValue += e.getVal();
                for (int m = 0, n = bottomData.length; m < n; m++) {
                    Entry e = bottomData[m].get(i);
                    bottomValue += e.getVal();
                    lastEntry = e;
                if (bottomValue != 0.0) {
                    ratio = topValue / bottomValue;
                // should never be null
                assert lastEntry != null;
                ds.AddEntry(lastEntry.getTimestamp(), ratio);
            mDataSeries.put(new DataColumn(infile, columnName), ds);
        DataColumn dc = new DataColumn(ps.getInfile(), ps.getDataColumn());
        DataSeries ds = mDataSeries.get(dc);
        TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(ps.getLegend(), FixedMillisecond.class);
        int numSamples = 0;
        for (PlotDataIterator pdIter = new PlotDataIterator(ps, ds); pdIter.hasNext(); numSamples++) {
            Pair<Date, Double> entry =;
            Date tstamp = entry.getFirst();
            double val = entry.getSecond().doubleValue();
            if (val != 0 || cs.getPlotZero()) {
                if (d < minValue)
                    minValue = val;
                if (d > maxValue)
                    maxValue = val;
                total += val;
                try {
                    ts.addOrUpdate(new FixedMillisecond(tstamp), val);
                } catch (SeriesException e) {
        if (numSamples == 0 && ps.getOptional()) {
            System.out.format("Skipping optional plot %s (no data sample found)\n\n", ps.getLegend());
        System.out.format("Adding %d %s points to %s.\n\n", ds.size(), ps.getLegend(), cs.getOutfile());
        if (ps.getShowRaw()) {
        if (ps.getShowMovingAvg()) {
            int numPoints = ps.getMovingAvgPoints();
            if (numPoints == PlotSettings.DEFAULT_PLOT_MOVING_AVG_POINTS) {
                // Display 200 points for moving average.
                // Divide the total number of points by 200 to
                // determine the number of samples to average
                // for each point.
                numPoints = ts.getItemCount() / 200;
            if (numPoints >= 2) {
                TimeSeries ma = MovingAverage.createPointMovingAverage(ts, ps.getLegend() + " (moving avg)", numPoints);
            } else {
                System.out.println("Not enough data to display moving average for " + ps.getLegend());
    // Create chart
    boolean legend = (data.getSeriesCount() > 1);
    JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(null, cs.getXAxis(), cs.getYAxis(), data, legend, false, false);
    // Make Y-axis logarithmic if a spike was detected
    if (cs.getAllowLogScale() && (minValue > 0) && (maxValue > 0) && (maxValue > 20 * (total / count))) {
        if (maxValue / minValue > 100) {
            XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot();
            ValueAxis oldAxis = plot.getRangeAxis();
            LogarithmicAxis newAxis = new LogarithmicAxis(oldAxis.getLabel());
    mChartMap.put(cs, chart);
    return Arrays.asList(chart);
Also used : TimeSeries( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FixedMillisecond( TimeSeriesCollection( ValueAxis(org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) SeriesException( JFreeChart(org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart) Date(java.util.Date) LogarithmicAxis(org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis) XYPlot(org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)


TimeSeries ( TimeSeriesCollection ( XYPlot (org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot)11 Date (java.util.Date)10 JFreeChart (org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart)10 Month ( TimeSeriesDataItem ( BasicStroke (java.awt.BasicStroke)7 Color (java.awt.Color)7 Map (java.util.Map)7 Day ( RegularTimePeriod ( IOException ( List (java.util.List)5 DateAxis (org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis)5 NumberAxis (org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis)5 XYLineAndShapeRenderer (org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer)5 FixedMillisecond ( BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)4 SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)4