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Example 6 with DeployDetails

use of in project build-info by JFrogDev.

the class SpecsHelper method uploadArtifactsBySpec.

 * Upload artifacts according to a given spec, return a list describing the deployed items.
 * @param uploadSpec                The required spec represented as String
 * @param numberOfThreads           Number of concurrent threads to use for handling uploads
 * @param workspace                 File object that represents the workspace
 * @param buildProperties           Upload properties
 * @param artifactoryManagerBuilder ArtifactoryManagerBuilder which will build the ArtifactoryManager per the number of passed threads number to perform the actual upload
 * @return Set of DeployDetails that was calculated from the given params
 * @throws IOException Thrown if any error occurs while reading the file, calculating the
 *                     checksums or in case of any file system exception
public List<Artifact> uploadArtifactsBySpec(String uploadSpec, int numberOfThreads, File workspace, Multimap<String, String> buildProperties, ArtifactoryManagerBuilder artifactoryManagerBuilder) throws Exception {
    FileSpec fileSpec = FileSpec.fromString(uploadSpec);
    FileSpecsValidation.validateUploadFileSpec(fileSpec, this.log);
    try (ArtifactoryManager artifactoryManager = {
        // Create producer Runnable
        ProducerRunnableBase[] producerRunnable = new ProducerRunnableBase[] { new SpecDeploymentProducer(fileSpec, workspace, buildProperties) };
        // Create consumer Runnables
        ConsumerRunnableBase[] consumerRunnables = new ConsumerRunnableBase[numberOfThreads];
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) {
            consumerRunnables[i] = new SpecDeploymentConsumer(artifactoryManager);
        // Create the deployment executor
        ProducerConsumerExecutor deploymentExecutor = new ProducerConsumerExecutor(log, producerRunnable, consumerRunnables, CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE);
        Set<DeployDetails> deployedArtifacts = ((SpecDeploymentProducer) producerRunnable[0]).getDeployedArtifacts();
        return convertDeployDetailsToArtifacts(deployedArtifacts);
Also used : ProducerConsumerExecutor( DeployDetails( FileSpec(org.jfrog.filespecs.FileSpec) ArtifactoryManager( ProducerRunnableBase( ConsumerRunnableBase(

Example 7 with DeployDetails

use of in project build-info by JFrogDev.

the class SpecsHelper method convertDeployDetailsToArtifacts.

private List<Artifact> convertDeployDetailsToArtifacts(Set<DeployDetails> details) {
    List<Artifact> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (DeployDetails detail : details) {
        String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(detail.getFile().getName());
        ArtifactBuilder artifactBuilder = new ArtifactBuilder(detail.getFile().getName());
    return result;
Also used : DeployDetails( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArtifactBuilder( Artifact(

Example 8 with DeployDetails

use of in project build-info by JFrogDev.

the class DeployTask method deployArtifacts.

private void deployArtifacts(ArtifactoryClientConfiguration accRoot, Map<String, String> propsRoot, Map<String, Set<DeployDetails>> allDeployDetails, ArtifactoryTask artifactoryTask, String logPrefix) {
    try {
        if (artifactoryTask.getDidWork()) {
            ArtifactoryClientConfiguration.PublisherHandler publisher = ArtifactoryPluginUtil.getPublisherHandler(artifactoryTask.getProject());
            if (publisher != null && publisher.getContextUrl() != null) {
                Map<String, String> moduleProps = new HashMap<String, String>(propsRoot);
                String contextUrl = publisher.getContextUrl();
                String username = publisher.getUsername();
                String password = publisher.getPassword();
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(username)) {
                    username = "";
                if (StringUtils.isBlank(password)) {
                    password = "";
                if (publisher.isPublishArtifacts()) {
                    try (ArtifactoryManager artifactoryManager = new ArtifactoryManager(contextUrl, username, password, new GradleClientLogger(log))) {
                        log.debug("Uploading artifacts to Artifactory at '{}'", contextUrl);
                        IncludeExcludePatterns patterns = new IncludeExcludePatterns(publisher.getIncludePatterns(), publisher.getExcludePatterns());
                        configureProxy(accRoot, artifactoryManager);
                        configConnectionTimeout(accRoot, artifactoryManager);
                        configRetriesParams(accRoot, artifactoryManager);
                        configInsecureTls(accRoot, artifactoryManager);
                        deployArtifacts(artifactoryTask.deployDetails, artifactoryManager, patterns, logPrefix, publisher.getMinChecksumDeploySizeKb());
                if (!artifactoryTask.deployDetails.isEmpty()) {
                    Set<DeployDetails> deployDetailsSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
                    for (GradleDeployDetails details : artifactoryTask.deployDetails) {
                    allDeployDetails.put(artifactoryTask.getProject().getName(), deployDetailsSet);
        } else {
            log.debug("Task '{}' did no work", artifactoryTask.getPath());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
Also used : ArtifactoryClientConfiguration( DeployDetails( IncludeExcludePatterns( IOException( ArtifactoryManager(

Example 9 with DeployDetails

use of in project build-info by JFrogDev.

the class SingleSpecDeploymentProducer method processDeployCandidate.

 * Receives a candidate file to upload, creates DeployDetails for the file in case should upload it.
 * Adds the DeployDetails to the BlockingQueue.
 * @param file upload candidate
 * @param deploymentSet Set containing the DeployDetails to deploy
private void processDeployCandidate(File file, Set<DeployDetails> deploymentSet, ProducerConsumerExecutor executor) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InterruptedException {
    String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath().replace("\\", "/");
    // Check if matches pattern
    if (!isFileMatchPattern(filePath, regexpPattern, regexpExcludePattern, workspace, baseDirFile)) {
    // Get the upload path
    String uploadPath = UploadSpecHelper.getUploadPath(file, pathPattern, targetPath, isFlat, isAbsolutePath, workspace, isTargetDirectory);
    // Create DeployDetails
    DeployDetails deployDetails = UploadSpecHelper.buildDeployDetails(uploadPath, file, spec.getTarget(), spec.getExplode(), spec.getProps(), buildProperties);
    // Add the created DeploymentDetails if artifact hasn't been added for deployment yet
    if (deploymentSet.add(deployDetails)) {
Also used : DeployDetails(

Example 10 with DeployDetails

use of in project build-info by JFrogDev.

the class UploadSpecHelper method buildDeployDetails.

 * Create a DeployDetails from the given properties
 * @param targetPath      target of the created artifact in Artifactory
 * @param artifactFile    the artifact to deploy
 * @param uploadTarget    target repository in Artifactory
 * @param explode         explode archive
 * @param props           properties to attach to the deployed file
 * @param buildProperties a map of properties to add to the DeployDetails objects
public static DeployDetails buildDeployDetails(String targetPath, File artifactFile, String uploadTarget, String explode, String props, Multimap<String, String> buildProperties) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    String path = UploadSpecHelper.wildcardCalculateTargetPath(targetPath, artifactFile);
    path = StringUtils.replace(path, "//", "/");
    // calculate the sha1 checksum and add it to the deploy artifactsToDeploy
    Map<String, String> checksums;
    try {
        checksums = FileChecksumCalculator.calculateChecksums(artifactFile, MD5_ALGORITHM, SHA1_ALGORITHM, SHA256_ALGORITHM);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException(String.format("Could not find checksum algorithm for %s or %s or %s.", MD5_ALGORITHM, SHA1_ALGORITHM, SHA256_ALGORITHM), e);
    DeployDetails.Builder builder = new DeployDetails.Builder().file(artifactFile).artifactPath(path).targetRepository(getRepositoryKey(uploadTarget)).md5(checksums.get(MD5_ALGORITHM)).sha1(checksums.get(SHA1_ALGORITHM)).sha256(checksums.get(SHA256_ALGORITHM)).explode(BooleanUtils.toBoolean(explode)).addProperties(SpecsHelper.getPropertiesMap(props)).packageType(DeployDetails.PackageType.GENERIC);
    if (buildProperties != null && !buildProperties.isEmpty()) {
Also used : DeployDetails( NoSuchAlgorithmException(


DeployDetails ( File ( ArtifactoryClientConfiguration ( IOException ( ArtifactBuilder ( ArtifactoryUploadResponse ( BuildInfoExtractorUtils.getModuleIdString ( BuildInfoExtractorUtils.getTypeString ( ModuleBuilder ( IncludeExcludePatterns ( Artifact ( ArtifactoryManager ( GradleDeployDetails (org.jfrog.gradle.plugin.artifactory.extractor.GradleDeployDetails)3 RandomAccessFile ( Map (java.util.Map)2 Project ( DependencyBuilder ( Module ( PublishArtifactInfo (org.jfrog.gradle.plugin.artifactory.extractor.PublishArtifactInfo)2 Path (java.nio.file.Path)1