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Example 6 with ProtocolConfiguration

use of org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration in project JGroups by belaban.

the class Configurator method setDefaultValues.

    * Method which processes @Property.default() values, associated with the annotation
    * using the defaultValue= attribute. This method does the following:
    * - locate all properties which have no user value assigned
    * - if the defaultValue attribute is not "", generate a value for the field using the
    * property converter for that property and assign it to the field
public static void setDefaultValues(List<ProtocolConfiguration> protocol_configs, List<Protocol> protocols, StackType ip_version) throws Exception {
    InetAddress default_ip_address = Util.getNonLoopbackAddress();
    if (default_ip_address == null) {
        log.warn(Util.getMessage("OnlyLoopbackFound"), ip_version);
        default_ip_address = Util.getLocalhost(ip_version);
    for (int i = 0; i < protocol_configs.size(); i++) {
        ProtocolConfiguration protocol_config = protocol_configs.get(i);
        Protocol protocol = protocols.get(i);
        String protocolName = protocol.getName();
        // regenerate the Properties which were destroyed during basic property processing
        Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>(protocol_config.getProperties());
        Method[] methods = Util.getAllDeclaredMethodsWithAnnotations(protocol.getClass(), Property.class);
        for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) {
            if (isSetPropertyMethod(methods[j], protocol.getClass())) {
                String propertyName = PropertyHelper.getPropertyName(methods[j]);
                Object propertyValue = getValueFromProtocol(protocol, propertyName);
                if (propertyValue == null) {
                    // if propertyValue is null, check if there is a we can use
                    Property annotation = methods[j].getAnnotation(Property.class);
                    // get the default value for the method- check for InetAddress types
                    String defaultValue = null;
                    if (InetAddressInfo.isInetAddressRelated(methods[j])) {
                        defaultValue = ip_version == StackType.IPv4 ? annotation.defaultValueIPv4() : annotation.defaultValueIPv6();
                        if (defaultValue != null && !defaultValue.isEmpty()) {
                            Object converted = null;
                            try {
                                if (defaultValue.equalsIgnoreCase(Global.NON_LOOPBACK_ADDRESS))
                                    converted = default_ip_address;
                                    converted = PropertyHelper.getConvertedValue(protocol, methods[j], properties, defaultValue, true);
                                methods[j].invoke(protocol, converted);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                throw new Exception("default could not be assigned for method " + propertyName + " in " + protocolName + " with default " + defaultValue, e);
                            log.debug("set property " + protocolName + "." + propertyName + " to default value " + converted);
        // traverse class hierarchy and find all annotated fields and add them to the list if annotated
        Field[] fields = Util.getAllDeclaredFieldsWithAnnotations(protocol.getClass(), Property.class);
        for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) {
            String propertyName = PropertyHelper.getPropertyName(fields[j], properties);
            Object propertyValue = getValueFromProtocol(protocol, fields[j]);
            if (propertyValue == null) {
                // add to collection of @Properties with no user specified value
                Property annotation = fields[j].getAnnotation(Property.class);
                // get the default value for the field - check for InetAddress types
                String defaultValue = null;
                if (InetAddressInfo.isInetAddressRelated(fields[j])) {
                    defaultValue = ip_version == StackType.IPv4 ? annotation.defaultValueIPv4() : annotation.defaultValueIPv6();
                    if (defaultValue != null && !defaultValue.isEmpty()) {
                        // condition for invoking converter
                        if (defaultValue != null || !PropertyHelper.usesDefaultConverter(fields[j])) {
                            Object converted = null;
                            try {
                                if (defaultValue.equalsIgnoreCase(Global.NON_LOOPBACK_ADDRESS))
                                    converted = default_ip_address;
                                    converted = PropertyHelper.getConvertedValue(protocol, fields[j], properties, defaultValue, true);
                                if (converted != null)
                                    Util.setField(fields[j], protocol, converted);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                throw new Exception("default could not be assigned for field " + propertyName + " in " + protocolName + " with default value " + defaultValue, e);
                            log.debug("set property " + protocolName + "." + propertyName + " to default value " + converted);
Also used : ProtocolConfiguration(org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration) InetAddress( Property(org.jgroups.annotations.Property) DeprecatedProperty(org.jgroups.annotations.DeprecatedProperty)

Example 7 with ProtocolConfiguration

use of org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration in project JGroups by belaban.

the class ProtocolStack method initComponents.

public static void initComponents(Protocol p, ProtocolConfiguration cfg) throws Exception {
    // copy the props and weed out properties from non-components
    Map<String, String> properties = cfg != null ? cfg.getProperties() : new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>();
    // first a bit of sanity checking: no duplicate components in p
    final Map<String, Class<?>> prefixes = new HashMap<>();
    final Ref<Exception> ex = new Ref<>(null);
    Util.forAllComponentTypes(p.getClass(), (cl, prefix) -> {
        if (ex.isSet())
        if (prefix == null || prefix.trim().isEmpty()) {
            ex.set(new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("component (class=%s) in %s must have a prefix", cl.getSimpleName(), p.getName())));
        if (prefixes.containsKey(prefix))
            ex.set(new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("multiple components (class=%s) in %s have same prefix '%s'", cl.getSimpleName(), p.getName(), prefix)));
            prefixes.put(prefix, cl);
    if (ex.isSet())
        throw ex.get();
    Util.forAllComponentTypes(p.getClass(), (c, prefix) -> {
        String key = prefix + ".";
        properties.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> e.getKey().startsWith(key)).forEach(e -> props.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
    // StackType ip_version=Util.getIpStackType();
    InetAddress resolved_addr = p.getTransport() != null ? p.getTransport().getBindAddress() : null;
    final StackType ip_version = resolved_addr instanceof Inet6Address ? StackType.IPv6 : StackType.IPv4;
    Util.forAllComponents(p, (comp, prefix) -> {
        try {
            if (ex.isSet())
            Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<>();
            String key = prefix + ".";
            props.entrySet().stream().filter(e -> e.getKey().startsWith(key)).forEach(e -> m.put(e.getKey().substring(prefix.length() + 1), e.getValue()));
            props.keySet().removeIf(k -> k.startsWith(key));
            if (!m.isEmpty()) {
                Configurator.initializeAttrs(comp, m, ip_version);
                if (!m.isEmpty()) {
                    String fmt = "the following properties in %s:%s (%s) are not recognized: %s";
                    ex.set(new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(fmt, p.getName(), prefix, comp.getClass().getSimpleName(), m)));
            Configurator.setDefaultAddressValues(comp, ip_version);
            if (comp instanceof Lifecycle)
                ((Lifecycle) comp).init();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("failed initializing component %s in protocol %s: %s", comp.getClass().getSimpleName(), p, e));
    if (ex.isSet())
        throw ex.get();
    if (!props.isEmpty()) {
        String fmt = "configuration error: the following component properties in %s are not recognized: %s";
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(fmt, p.getName(), props));
Also used : Property(org.jgroups.annotations.Property) MessageBatch(org.jgroups.util.MessageBatch) java.util(java.util) Util(org.jgroups.util.Util) ProtocolConfiguration(org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) InetAddress( Inet6Address( ReflectUtils(org.jgroups.jmx.ReflectUtils) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) org.jgroups(org.jgroups) ClassConfigurator(org.jgroups.conf.ClassConfigurator) StackType(org.jgroups.util.StackType) Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) PropertyConverter(org.jgroups.conf.PropertyConverter) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) TP(org.jgroups.protocols.TP) Ref(org.jgroups.util.Ref) Inet6Address( Ref(org.jgroups.util.Ref) StackType(org.jgroups.util.StackType) InetAddress(

Example 8 with ProtocolConfiguration

use of org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration in project JGroups by belaban.

the class ProtocolConfigurationTest method testConfigurableObject.

	 * Checks InetAddress and IpAddress processing 
public void testConfigurableObject() throws Exception {
    List<ProtocolConfiguration> protocol_configs = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Protocol> protocols = new ArrayList<>();
    // create the layer described by INETADDRESSES
    protocol = Configurator.createProtocol(configurableObjectsProps, stack);
    ProtocolConfiguration cfg = new ProtocolConfiguration(configurableObjectsProps);
    ProtocolStack.initComponents(protocol, cfg);
    // process the defaults (want this eventually)
    protocol_configs.add(new ProtocolConfiguration(configurableObjectsProps));
    // get the value which should have been assigned a default
    List<Object> configObjs = protocol.getComponents();
    assert configObjs.size() == 1;
    Object configObj = configObjs.get(0);
    assert configObj instanceof ConfigurableObject;
    assert ((ConfigurableObject) configObj).getStringProp().equals("test");
Also used : ProtocolConfiguration(org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Protocol(org.jgroups.stack.Protocol)

Example 9 with ProtocolConfiguration

use of org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration in project JGroups by belaban.

the class InetAddressChecksTest method testIPVersionCheckingConsistentVersion.

	 * Checks IP version mechanism for consistent version processing
public void testIPVersionCheckingConsistentVersion() throws Exception {
    List<ProtocolConfiguration> protocol_configs = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Protocol> protocols = new ArrayList<>();
    // create the layer described by IPCHECK
    protocol = Configurator.createProtocol(ipCheckConsistentProps, stack);
    // process the defaults
    protocol_configs.add(new ProtocolConfiguration(ipCheckConsistentProps));
    Map<String, Map<String, InetAddressInfo>> inetAddressMap = null;
    inetAddressMap = Configurator.createInetAddressMap(protocol_configs, protocols);
    Collection<InetAddress> addrs = Configurator.getAddresses(inetAddressMap);
    // get the value which should have been assigned a default
    InetAddress a = ((IPCHECK) protocol).getInetAddress1();
    System.out.println("value of inetAddress1 = " + a);
    InetAddress b = ((IPCHECK) protocol).getInetAddress2();
    System.out.println("value of inetAddress2 = " + b);
    InetAddress c = ((IPCHECK) protocol).getInetAddress3();
    System.out.println("value of inetAddress3 = " + c);
Also used : ProtocolConfiguration(org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration) Protocol(org.jgroups.stack.Protocol) InetAddress(

Example 10 with ProtocolConfiguration

use of org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration in project JGroups by belaban.

the class Configurator method createProtocol.

 * Creates a new protocol given the protocol specification. Initializes the properties and starts the
 * up and down handler threads.
 * @param prot_spec The specification of the protocol. Same convention as for specifying a protocol stack.
 *                  An exception will be thrown if the class cannot be created. Example:
 *                  <pre>"VERIFY_SUSPECT(timeout=1500)"</pre> Note that no colons (:) have to be
 *                  specified
 * @param stack     The protocol stack
 * @return Protocol The newly created protocol
 * @throws Exception Will be thrown when the new protocol cannot be created
public static Protocol createProtocol(String prot_spec, ProtocolStack stack, boolean init_attrs) throws Exception {
    if (prot_spec == null)
        throw new Exception("Configurator.createProtocol(): prot_spec is null");
    // parse the configuration for this protocol
    ProtocolConfiguration config = new ProtocolConfiguration(prot_spec);
    // create an instance of the protocol class and configure it
    Protocol prot = createLayer(stack, config);
    if (init_attrs)
        initializeAttrs(prot, config, Util.getIpStackType());
    return prot;
Also used : ProtocolConfiguration(org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration)


ProtocolConfiguration (org.jgroups.conf.ProtocolConfiguration)12 InetAddress ( Protocol (org.jgroups.stack.Protocol)4 Property (org.jgroups.annotations.Property)3 Inet6Address ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 TP (org.jgroups.protocols.TP)2 StackType (org.jgroups.util.StackType)2 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)1 Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)1 java.util (java.util)1 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)1 Pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern)1 org.jgroups (org.jgroups)1 DeprecatedProperty (org.jgroups.annotations.DeprecatedProperty)1 ClassConfigurator (org.jgroups.conf.ClassConfigurator)1 PropertyConverter (org.jgroups.conf.PropertyConverter)1 XmlNode (org.jgroups.conf.XmlNode)1 ReflectUtils (org.jgroups.jmx.ReflectUtils)1 MessageBatch (org.jgroups.util.MessageBatch)1