use of org.jgroups.util.ByteArray in project JGroups by belaban.
the class MessageDispatcherSpeedTest method sendMessages.
void sendMessages(int num) throws Exception {
long start, stop;
int show = num / 10;
if (show <= 0)
show = 1;
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
RequestOptions opts = new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, TIMEOUT).flags(Message.Flag.DONT_BUNDLE, Message.Flag.NO_FC);
byte[] data = "bla".getBytes();
ByteArray buf = new ByteArray(data, 0, data.length);
System.out.println("-- sending " + num + " messages");
for (int i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
disp.castMessage(null, new BytesMessage(null, buf), opts);
if (i % show == 0)
System.out.println("-- sent " + i);
stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
printStats(stop - start, num);
use of org.jgroups.util.ByteArray in project JGroups by belaban.
the class FRAG method fragment.
* Send all fragments as separate messages (with same ID !).
* Example:
* <pre>
* Given the generated ID is 2344, number of fragments=3, message {dst,src,buf}
* would be fragmented into:
* <p/>
* [2344,3,0]{dst,src,buf1},
* [2344,3,1]{dst,src,buf2} and
* [2344,3,2]{dst,src,buf3}
* </pre>
private void fragment(Message msg) {
Address dest = msg.getDest(), src = msg.getSrc();
// used as seqnos
long frag_id = curr_id.getAndIncrement();
int num_frags;
try {
// write message into a byte buffer and fragment it
ByteArray tmp = Util.messageToBuffer(msg);
byte[] buffer = tmp.getArray();
byte[][] fragments = Util.fragmentBuffer(buffer, frag_size, tmp.getLength());
num_frags = fragments.length;
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("fragmenting packet to ").append(dest != null ? dest.toString() : "<all members>").append(" (size=").append(buffer.length).append(") into ").append(num_frags).append(" fragment(s) [frag_size=").append(frag_size).append(']');
for (int i = 0; i < num_frags; i++) {
Message frag_msg = new BytesMessage(dest, fragments[i]).setSrc(src).setFlag(msg.getFlags(true), true).putHeader(, new FragHeader(frag_id, i, num_frags));
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(Util.getMessage("ExceptionOccurredTryingToFragmentMessage"), e);
use of org.jgroups.util.ByteArray in project JGroups by belaban.
the class COMPRESS method down.
* We compress the payload if it is larger than {@code min_size}. In this case we add a header containing
* the original size before compression. Otherwise we add no header.<p>
* Note that we compress either the entire buffer (if offset/length are not used), or a subset (if offset/length
* are used)
public Object down(Message msg) {
// takes offset/length (if set) into account
int length = msg.getLength();
if (length >= min_size) {
boolean serialize = !msg.hasArray();
ByteArray tmp = null;
byte[] payload = serialize ? (tmp = messageToByteArray(msg)).getArray() : msg.getArray();
int offset = serialize ? tmp.getOffset() : msg.getOffset();
length = serialize ? tmp.getLength() : msg.getLength();
byte[] compressed_payload = new byte[length];
Deflater deflater = null;
try {
deflater = deflater_pool.take();
deflater.setInput(payload, offset, length);
int compressed_size = deflater.getTotalOut();
if (compressed_size < length) {
// JGRP-1000
Message copy = null;
if (serialize)
copy = new BytesMessage(msg.getDest());
copy = msg.copy(false, true);
copy.setArray(compressed_payload, 0, compressed_size).putHeader(, new CompressHeader(length).needsDeserialization(serialize));
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("compressed payload from %d bytes to %d bytes", length, compressed_size);
return down_prot.down(copy);
} else {
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("skipping compression since the compressed message (%d) is not " + "smaller than the original (%d)", compressed_size, length);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// set interrupt flag again
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
if (deflater != null)
return down_prot.down(msg);
use of org.jgroups.util.ByteArray in project JGroups by belaban.
the class NioMessage method setObject.
* Takes an object and uses Java serialization to generate the byte[] buffer which is set in the
* message. Parameter 'obj' has to be serializable (e.g. implementing Serializable,
* Externalizable or Streamable, or be a basic type (e.g. Integer, Short etc)).
public NioMessage setObject(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
buf = null;
return this;
if (obj instanceof byte[])
return setArray((byte[]) obj, 0, ((byte[]) obj).length);
if (obj instanceof ByteArray)
return setArray((ByteArray) obj);
if (obj instanceof ByteBuffer)
return setBuf((ByteBuffer) obj);
try {
ByteArray tmp = Util.objectToBuffer(obj);
return setArray(tmp);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex);
use of org.jgroups.util.ByteArray in project JGroups by belaban.
the class BytesMessage method setObject.
* Takes an object and uses Java serialization to generate the byte array which is set in the
* message. Parameter 'obj' has to be serializable (e.g. implementing Serializable,
* Externalizable or Streamable, or be a basic type (e.g. Integer, Short etc)).
public BytesMessage setObject(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
array = null;
offset = length = 0;
return this;
if (obj instanceof byte[])
return setArray((byte[]) obj, 0, ((byte[]) obj).length);
if (obj instanceof ByteArray)
return setArray((ByteArray) obj);
if (obj instanceof ByteBuffer) {
ByteBuffer bb = (ByteBuffer) obj;
if (bb.isDirect())
return (BytesMessage) setArray(Util.bufferToArray(bb));
return setArray(bb.array(), bb.arrayOffset() + bb.position(), bb.remaining());
try {
ByteArray tmp = Util.objectToBuffer(obj);
return setArray(tmp);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex);