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Example 26 with Named

use of org.jnario.runner.Named in project applause by applause.

the class ScalarDataTypesDefiningDataTypesSpec method _dataTypesMustBeUnique.

   * Data types must be unique. Currently, this means they must be unique across the board and __cannot__
   * be namespaced.
   * @filter('''|.hasDuplicateDatatype)
@Named("Data types must be unique")
public void _dataTypesMustBeUnique() throws Exception {
    StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
    _builder.append("datatype String");
    _builder.append("datatype String // <-- invalid");
Also used : StringConcatenation(org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation) Order(org.jnario.runner.Order) Named(org.jnario.runner.Named) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 27 with Named

use of org.jnario.runner.Named in project applause by applause.

the class ScalarDataTypesPlatformMappingSpec method _aDataTypeCanBeMappedToATypeInTheTargetLanguage.

   * This makes sense when you want to support multiple platforms. This way, you can use the
   * platform-independent data type name and do not need to care about what's the right type
   * on the target platform.
   * @filter('''|.hasPlatformTypeMapping.*)
@Named("A data type can be mapped to a type in the target language")
public void _aDataTypeCanBeMappedToATypeInTheTargetLanguage() throws Exception {
    StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
    _builder.append("datatype String");
    _builder.append("platform iOS {");
    _builder.append("typemapping String -> NSString");
    this._scalarDataTypesValidationTestHelper.hasPlatformTypeMapping(_builder, "String", "NSString");
Also used : StringConcatenation(org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation) Order(org.jnario.runner.Order) Named(org.jnario.runner.Named) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 28 with Named

use of org.jnario.runner.Named in project applause by applause.

the class ScreensDefiningScreensSpec method _simpleScreens.

   * Screens can be defined using the `screen` keyword. A screen can either be a list screen or a details screen,
   * which is indicated by either specifying `DefaultList` or `DefaultDetails`. Each screen is identified by its name,
   * which needs to be unique.
   * @filter('''|.valid.*)
@Named("Simple screens")
public void _simpleScreens() throws Exception {
    StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
    _builder.append("screen DefaultList PersonList {");
    _builder.append("screen DefaultDetails PersonDetails {");
Also used : StringConcatenation(org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation) Order(org.jnario.runner.Order) Named(org.jnario.runner.Named) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 29 with Named

use of org.jnario.runner.Named in project applause by applause.

the class PlistGeneratorPlistFileSpec method _plistFile.

   * @filter('''|.isGenerated.*)
@Named("Plist file")
public void _plistFile() throws Exception {
    StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
    _builder.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
    _builder.append("<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">");
    _builder.append("<plist version=\"1.0\">");
Also used : StringConcatenation(org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation) Order(org.jnario.runner.Order) Named(org.jnario.runner.Named) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 30 with Named

use of org.jnario.runner.Named in project applause by applause.

the class EntitiesDefiningEntitiesSpec method _abstractEntities.

   * If an entity is merely used to specify base attributes for an inheritance hierarchy,
   * it makes sense to define it as being abstract to make sure it cannot be instantiated.
   * @filter('''|isValid.*)
@Named("Abstract Entities")
public void _abstractEntities() throws Exception {
    StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
    _builder.append("abstract entity Person {");
    _builder.append("entity Employee extends Person {");
Also used : StringConcatenation(org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation) Order(org.jnario.runner.Order) Named(org.jnario.runner.Named) Test(org.junit.Test)


StringConcatenation (org.eclipse.xtend2.lib.StringConcatenation)35 Named (org.jnario.runner.Named)35 Order (org.jnario.runner.Order)35 Test (org.junit.Test)35