use of org.joda.time.DateTime in project openhab1-addons by openhab.
the class CommunicationService method setTime.
* This method set the time of the heat pump to the current time
* @return true if time has been updated
public Map<String, String> setTime() throws StiebelHeatPumpException {
Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();
Request timeRequest = null;
for (Request request : heatPumpSettingConfiguration) {
if (request.getName().equals("Time")) {
timeRequest = request;
if (timeRequest == null) {
logger.warn("Could not find request definition for time settings! Skip setting time.");
return data;
logger.debug("Loading current time data ...");
try {
// get time from heat pump
byte[] requestMessage = createRequestMessage(timeRequest);
byte[] response = getData(requestMessage);
// get current time from local machine
DateTime dt =;
logger.debug("Current time is : {}", dt.toString());
String weekday = Integer.toString(dt.getDayOfWeek() - 1);
String day = Integer.toString(dt.getDayOfMonth());
String month = Integer.toString(dt.getMonthOfYear());
String year = Integer.toString(dt.getYearOfCentury());
String seconds = Integer.toString(dt.getSecondOfMinute());
String hours = Integer.toString(dt.getHourOfDay());
String minutes = Integer.toString(dt.getMinuteOfHour());
data = parser.parseRecords(response, timeRequest);
boolean updateRequired = false;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : data.entrySet()) {
String entryName = entry.getKey();
String entryValue = entry.getValue();
RecordDefinition currentRecord = null;
for (RecordDefinition record : timeRequest.getRecordDefinitions()) {
if (record.getName().equals(entryName)) {
currentRecord = record;
if (entryName.equals("WeekDay") && !entryValue.equals(weekday)) {
updateRequired = true;
response = parser.composeRecord(weekday, response, currentRecord);
logger.debug("WeekDay needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, weekday);
if (entryName.equals("Hours") && !entryValue.equals(hours)) {
updateRequired = true;
response = parser.composeRecord(hours, response, currentRecord);
logger.debug("Hours needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, hours);
if (entryName.equals("Minutes") && !entryValue.equals(minutes)) {
updateRequired = true;
response = parser.composeRecord(minutes, response, currentRecord);
logger.debug("Minutes needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, minutes);
if (entryName.equals("Seconds") && !entryValue.equals(seconds)) {
updateRequired = true;
response = parser.composeRecord(seconds, response, currentRecord);
logger.debug("Seconds needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, seconds);
if (entryName.equals("Year") && !entryValue.equals(year)) {
updateRequired = true;
response = parser.composeRecord(year, response, currentRecord);
logger.debug("Year needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, year);
if (entryName.equals("Month") && !entryValue.equals(month)) {
updateRequired = true;
response = parser.composeRecord(month, response, currentRecord);
logger.debug("Month needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, month);
if (entryName.equals("Day") && !entryValue.equals(day)) {
updateRequired = true;
response = parser.composeRecord(day, response, currentRecord);
logger.debug("Day needs update from {} to {}", entryValue, day);
if (updateRequired) {
Thread.sleep(WAITING_TIME_BETWEEN_REQUESTS);"Time need update. Set time to " + dt.toString());
response = getData(requestMessage);
data = parser.parseRecords(response, timeRequest);
dt =;
logger.debug("Current time is : {}", dt.toString());
return data;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new StiebelHeatPumpException(e.toString());
use of org.joda.time.DateTime in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestHiveIntegrationSmokeTest method createTableWithEveryType.
public void createTableWithEveryType() throws Exception {
@Language("SQL") String query = "" + "CREATE TABLE test_types_table AS " + "SELECT" + " 'foo' _varchar" + ", cast('bar' as varbinary) _varbinary" + ", cast(1 as bigint) _bigint" + ", 2 _integer" + ", CAST('3.14' AS DOUBLE) _double" + ", true _boolean" + ", DATE '1980-05-07' _date" + ", TIMESTAMP '1980-05-07 11:22:33.456' _timestamp" + ", CAST('3.14' AS DECIMAL(3,2)) _decimal_short" + ", CAST('12345678901234567890.0123456789' AS DECIMAL(30,10)) _decimal_long" + ", CAST('bar' AS CHAR(10)) _char";
assertUpdate(query, 1);
MaterializedResult results = getQueryRunner().execute(getSession(), "SELECT * FROM test_types_table").toJdbcTypes();
assertEquals(results.getRowCount(), 1);
MaterializedRow row = results.getMaterializedRows().get(0);
assertEquals(row.getField(0), "foo");
assertEquals(row.getField(1), "bar".getBytes(UTF_8));
assertEquals(row.getField(2), 1L);
assertEquals(row.getField(3), 2);
assertEquals(row.getField(4), 3.14);
assertEquals(row.getField(5), true);
assertEquals(row.getField(6), new Date(new DateTime(1980, 5, 7, 0, 0, 0, UTC).getMillis()));
assertEquals(row.getField(7), new Timestamp(new DateTime(1980, 5, 7, 11, 22, 33, 456, UTC).getMillis()));
assertEquals(row.getField(8), new BigDecimal("3.14"));
assertEquals(row.getField(9), new BigDecimal("12345678901234567890.0123456789"));
assertEquals(row.getField(10), "bar ");
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_types_table");
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(getSession(), "test_types_table"));
use of org.joda.time.DateTime in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestExpressionInterpreter method optimize.
private static Object optimize(@Language("SQL") String expression) {
Expression parsedExpression = FunctionAssertions.createExpression(expression, METADATA, SYMBOL_TYPES);
IdentityLinkedHashMap<Expression, Type> expressionTypes = getExpressionTypes(TEST_SESSION, METADATA, SQL_PARSER, SYMBOL_TYPES, parsedExpression, emptyList());
ExpressionInterpreter interpreter = expressionOptimizer(parsedExpression, METADATA, TEST_SESSION, expressionTypes);
return interpreter.optimize(symbol -> {
switch(symbol.getName().toLowerCase(ENGLISH)) {
case "bound_integer":
return 1234L;
case "bound_long":
return 1234L;
case "bound_string":
return utf8Slice("hello");
case "bound_double":
return 12.34;
case "bound_date":
return new LocalDate(2001, 8, 22).toDateMidnight(DateTimeZone.UTC).getMillis();
case "bound_time":
return new LocalTime(3, 4, 5, 321).toDateTime(new DateTime(0, DateTimeZone.UTC)).getMillis();
case "bound_timestamp":
return new DateTime(2001, 8, 22, 3, 4, 5, 321, DateTimeZone.UTC).getMillis();
case "bound_pattern":
return utf8Slice("%el%");
case "bound_timestamp_with_timezone":
return new SqlTimestampWithTimeZone(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 999, DateTimeZone.UTC).getMillis(), getTimeZoneKey("Z"));
case "bound_varbinary":
return Slices.wrappedBuffer((byte) 0xab);
return symbol.toSymbolReference();
use of org.joda.time.DateTime in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestExpressionInterpreter method testExtract.
public void testExtract() {
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(2001, 8, 22, 3, 4, 5, 321, DateTimeZone.UTC);
double seconds = dateTime.getMillis() / 1000.0;
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (YEAR from from_unixtime(" + seconds + "))", "2001");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (QUARTER from from_unixtime(" + seconds + "))", "3");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (MONTH from from_unixtime(" + seconds + "))", "8");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (WEEK from from_unixtime(" + seconds + "))", "34");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (DOW from from_unixtime(" + seconds + "))", "3");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (DOY from from_unixtime(" + seconds + "))", "234");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (DAY from from_unixtime(" + seconds + "))", "22");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (HOUR from from_unixtime(" + seconds + "))", "3");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (MINUTE from from_unixtime(" + seconds + "))", "4");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (SECOND from from_unixtime(" + seconds + "))", "5");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (TIMEZONE_HOUR from from_unixtime(" + seconds + ", 7, 9))", "7");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (TIMEZONE_MINUTE from from_unixtime(" + seconds + ", 7, 9))", "9");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (YEAR from bound_timestamp)", "2001");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (QUARTER from bound_timestamp)", "3");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (MONTH from bound_timestamp)", "8");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (WEEK from bound_timestamp)", "34");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (DOW from bound_timestamp)", "3");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (DOY from bound_timestamp)", "234");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (DAY from bound_timestamp)", "22");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (HOUR from bound_timestamp)", "3");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (MINUTE from bound_timestamp)", "4");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (SECOND from bound_timestamp)", "5");
// todo reenable when cast as timestamp with time zone is implemented
// todo add bound timestamp with time zone
//assertOptimizedEquals("extract (TIMEZONE_HOUR from bound_timestamp)", "0");
//assertOptimizedEquals("extract (TIMEZONE_MINUTE from bound_timestamp)", "0");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (YEAR from unbound_timestamp)", "extract (YEAR from unbound_timestamp)");
assertOptimizedEquals("extract (SECOND from bound_timestamp + INTERVAL '3' SECOND)", "8");
use of org.joda.time.DateTime in project presto by prestodb.
the class TestDateTimeFunctions method testDateDiffDate.
public void testDateDiffDate() {
DateTime baseDateTime = new DateTime(1960, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC);
String baseDateTimeLiteral = "DATE '1960-05-03'";
assertFunction("date_diff('day', " + baseDateTimeLiteral + ", " + DATE_LITERAL + ")", BIGINT, (long) daysBetween(baseDateTime, DATE).getDays());
assertFunction("date_diff('week', " + baseDateTimeLiteral + ", " + DATE_LITERAL + ")", BIGINT, (long) weeksBetween(baseDateTime, DATE).getWeeks());
assertFunction("date_diff('month', " + baseDateTimeLiteral + ", " + DATE_LITERAL + ")", BIGINT, (long) monthsBetween(baseDateTime, DATE).getMonths());
assertFunction("date_diff('quarter', " + baseDateTimeLiteral + ", " + DATE_LITERAL + ")", BIGINT, (long) monthsBetween(baseDateTime, DATE).getMonths() / 3);
assertFunction("date_diff('year', " + baseDateTimeLiteral + ", " + DATE_LITERAL + ")", BIGINT, (long) yearsBetween(baseDateTime, DATE).getYears());