use of org.joda.time.Instant in project beam by apache.
the class WindowMatchersTest method testIsWindowedValueExact.
public void testIsWindowedValueExact() {
long timestamp = 100;
long windowStart = 0;
long windowEnd = 200;
assertThat(WindowedValue.of("hello", new Instant(timestamp), new IntervalWindow(new Instant(windowStart), new Instant(windowEnd)), PaneInfo.NO_FIRING), WindowMatchers.isWindowedValue("hello", new Instant(timestamp), ImmutableList.of(new IntervalWindow(new Instant(windowStart), new Instant(windowEnd))), PaneInfo.NO_FIRING));
use of org.joda.time.Instant in project beam by apache.
the class ReduceFnRunnerTest method testWatermarkHoldAndLateData.
public void testWatermarkHoldAndLateData() throws Exception {
MetricsContainerImpl container = new MetricsContainerImpl("any");
// Test handling of late data. Specifically, ensure the watermark hold is correct.
ReduceFnTester<Integer, Iterable<Integer>, IntervalWindow> tester = ReduceFnTester.nonCombining(FixedWindows.of(Duration.millis(10)), mockTriggerStateMachine, AccumulationMode.ACCUMULATING_FIRED_PANES, Duration.millis(10), ClosingBehavior.FIRE_IF_NON_EMPTY);
// Input watermark -> null
assertEquals(null, tester.getWatermarkHold());
assertEquals(null, tester.getOutputWatermark());
// All on time data, verify watermark hold.
injectElement(tester, 1);
injectElement(tester, 3);
assertEquals(new Instant(1), tester.getWatermarkHold());
injectElement(tester, 2);
List<WindowedValue<Iterable<Integer>>> output = tester.extractOutput();
assertThat(output, contains(isSingleWindowedValue(containsInAnyOrder(1, 2, 3), // timestamp
1, // window start
0, // window end
assertThat(output.get(0).getPane(), equalTo(PaneInfo.createPane(true, false, Timing.EARLY, 0, -1)));
// Holding for the end-of-window transition.
assertEquals(new Instant(9), tester.getWatermarkHold());
// Nothing dropped.
long droppedElements = container.getCounter(MetricName.named(ReduceFnRunner.class, ReduceFnRunner.DROPPED_DUE_TO_CLOSED_WINDOW)).getCumulative().longValue();
assertEquals(0, droppedElements);
// Input watermark -> 4, output watermark should advance that far as well
tester.advanceInputWatermark(new Instant(4));
assertEquals(new Instant(4), tester.getOutputWatermark());
// Some late, some on time. Verify that we only hold to the minimum of on-time.
tester.advanceInputWatermark(new Instant(4));
injectElement(tester, 2);
injectElement(tester, 3);
assertEquals(new Instant(9), tester.getWatermarkHold());
injectElement(tester, 5);
assertEquals(new Instant(5), tester.getWatermarkHold());
injectElement(tester, 4);
output = tester.extractOutput();
assertThat(output, contains(isSingleWindowedValue(containsInAnyOrder(// earlier firing
1, // earlier firing
2, // earlier firing
3, 2, 3, 4, // new elements
5), // timestamp
4, // window start
0, // window end
assertThat(output.get(0).getPane(), equalTo(PaneInfo.createPane(false, false, Timing.EARLY, 1, -1)));
// All late -- output at end of window timestamp.
tester.advanceInputWatermark(new Instant(8));
injectElement(tester, 6);
injectElement(tester, 5);
assertEquals(new Instant(9), tester.getWatermarkHold());
injectElement(tester, 4);
// Fire the ON_TIME pane
tester.advanceInputWatermark(new Instant(10));
// Output time is end of the window, because all the new data was late, but the pane
// is the ON_TIME pane.
output = tester.extractOutput();
assertThat(output, contains(isSingleWindowedValue(containsInAnyOrder(// earlier firing
1, // earlier firing
2, // earlier firing
3, // earlier firing
2, // earlier firing
3, // earlier firing
4, // earlier firing
5, 4, 5, // new elements
6), // timestamp
9, // window start
0, // window end
assertThat(output.get(0).getPane(), equalTo(PaneInfo.createPane(false, false, Timing.ON_TIME, 2, 0)));
// This is "pending" at the time the watermark makes it way-late.
// Because we're about to expire the window, we output it.
injectElement(tester, 8);
droppedElements = container.getCounter(MetricName.named(ReduceFnRunner.class, ReduceFnRunner.DROPPED_DUE_TO_CLOSED_WINDOW)).getCumulative().longValue();
assertEquals(0, droppedElements);
// Exceed the GC limit, triggering the last pane to be fired
tester.advanceInputWatermark(new Instant(50));
output = tester.extractOutput();
// Output time is still end of the window, because the new data (8) was behind
// the output watermark.
assertThat(output, contains(isSingleWindowedValue(containsInAnyOrder(// earlier firing
1, // earlier firing
2, // earlier firing
3, // earlier firing
2, // earlier firing
3, // earlier firing
4, // earlier firing
5, // earlier firing
4, // earlier firing
5, // earlier firing
6, // new element prior to window becoming expired
8), // timestamp
9, // window start
0, // window end
assertThat(output.get(0).getPane(), equalTo(PaneInfo.createPane(false, true, Timing.LATE, 3, 1)));
assertEquals(new Instant(50), tester.getOutputWatermark());
assertEquals(null, tester.getWatermarkHold());
// Late timers are ignored
tester.fireTimer(new IntervalWindow(new Instant(0), new Instant(10)), new Instant(12), TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME);
// And because we're past the end of window + allowed lateness, everything should be cleaned up.
use of org.joda.time.Instant in project beam by apache.
the class ReduceFnRunnerTest method testIdempotentEmptyPanesDiscarding.
public void testIdempotentEmptyPanesDiscarding() throws Exception {
MetricsContainerImpl container = new MetricsContainerImpl("any");
// Test uninteresting (empty) panes don't increment the index or otherwise
// modify PaneInfo.
ReduceFnTester<Integer, Iterable<Integer>, IntervalWindow> tester = ReduceFnTester.nonCombining(FixedWindows.of(Duration.millis(10)), mockTriggerStateMachine, AccumulationMode.DISCARDING_FIRED_PANES, Duration.millis(100), ClosingBehavior.FIRE_IF_NON_EMPTY);
// Inject a couple of on-time elements and fire at the window end.
injectElement(tester, 1);
injectElement(tester, 2);
tester.advanceInputWatermark(new Instant(12));
// Fire the on-time pane
tester.fireTimer(firstWindow, new Instant(9), TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME);
// Fire another timer (with no data, so it's an uninteresting pane that should not be output).
tester.fireTimer(firstWindow, new Instant(9), TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME);
// Finish it off with another datum.
injectElement(tester, 3);
// The intermediate trigger firing shouldn't result in any output.
List<WindowedValue<Iterable<Integer>>> output = tester.extractOutput();
assertThat(output.size(), equalTo(2));
// The on-time pane is as expected.
assertThat(output.get(0), isSingleWindowedValue(containsInAnyOrder(1, 2), 1, 0, 10));
// The late pane has the correct indices.
assertThat(output.get(1).getValue(), contains(3));
assertThat(output.get(1).getPane(), equalTo(PaneInfo.createPane(false, true, Timing.LATE, 1, 1)));
long droppedElements = container.getCounter(MetricName.named(ReduceFnRunner.class, ReduceFnRunner.DROPPED_DUE_TO_CLOSED_WINDOW)).getCumulative().longValue();
assertEquals(0, droppedElements);
use of org.joda.time.Instant in project beam by apache.
the class ReduceFnRunnerTest method testFixedWindowEndOfTimeGarbageCollection.
* Tests that the garbage collection time for a fixed window does not overflow the end of time.
public void testFixedWindowEndOfTimeGarbageCollection() throws Exception {
Duration allowedLateness = Duration.standardDays(365);
Duration windowSize = Duration.millis(10);
WindowFn<Object, IntervalWindow> windowFn = FixedWindows.of(windowSize);
// This timestamp falls into a window where the end of the window is before the end of the
// global window - the "end of time" - yet its expiration time is after.
final Instant elementTimestamp = GlobalWindow.INSTANCE.maxTimestamp().minus(allowedLateness).plus(1);
IntervalWindow window = Iterables.getOnlyElement(windowFn.assignWindows( AssignContext() {
public Object element() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Instant timestamp() {
return elementTimestamp;
public BoundedWindow window() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// Test basic execution of a trigger using a non-combining window set and accumulating mode.
WindowingStrategy<?, IntervalWindow> strategy = WindowingStrategy.of((WindowFn<?, IntervalWindow>) windowFn).withTimestampCombiner(TimestampCombiner.EARLIEST).withTrigger(AfterWatermark.pastEndOfWindow().withLateFirings(Never.ever())).withMode(AccumulationMode.DISCARDING_FIRED_PANES).withAllowedLateness(allowedLateness);
ReduceFnTester<Integer, Integer, IntervalWindow> tester = ReduceFnTester.combining(strategy, Sum.ofIntegers(), VarIntCoder.of());
tester.injectElements(TimestampedValue.of(13, elementTimestamp));
// Should fire ON_TIME pane and there will be a checkState that the cleanup time
// is prior to timestamp max value
// Nothing in the ON_TIME pane (not governed by triggers, but by ReduceFnRunner)
assertThat(tester.extractOutput(), emptyIterable());
tester.injectElements(TimestampedValue.of(42, elementTimestamp));
// Now the final pane should fire, demonstrating that the GC time was truncated
assertThat(tester.extractOutput(), contains(isWindowedValue(equalTo(55))));
use of org.joda.time.Instant in project beam by apache.
the class ReduceFnRunnerTest method testEmptyOnTimeFromOrFinally.
* Test that we receive an empty on-time pane when an or-finally waiting for the watermark fires.
* Specifically, verify the proper triggerings and pane-info of a typical speculative/on-time/late
* when the on-time pane is empty.
public void testEmptyOnTimeFromOrFinally() throws Exception {
WindowingStrategy<?, IntervalWindow> strategy = WindowingStrategy.of((WindowFn<?, IntervalWindow>) FixedWindows.of(Duration.millis(10))).withTimestampCombiner(TimestampCombiner.EARLIEST).withTrigger(AfterEach.<IntervalWindow>inOrder(Repeatedly.forever(AfterProcessingTime.pastFirstElementInPane().plusDelayOf(new Duration(5))).orFinally(AfterWatermark.pastEndOfWindow()), Repeatedly.forever(AfterProcessingTime.pastFirstElementInPane().plusDelayOf(new Duration(25))))).withMode(AccumulationMode.ACCUMULATING_FIRED_PANES).withAllowedLateness(Duration.millis(100));
ReduceFnTester<Integer, Integer, IntervalWindow> tester = ReduceFnTester.combining(strategy, Sum.ofIntegers(), VarIntCoder.of());
tester.advanceInputWatermark(new Instant(0));
tester.advanceProcessingTime(new Instant(0));
// Processing time timer for 5
tester.injectElements(TimestampedValue.of(1, new Instant(1)), TimestampedValue.of(1, new Instant(3)), TimestampedValue.of(1, new Instant(7)), TimestampedValue.of(1, new Instant(5)));
// Should fire early pane
tester.advanceProcessingTime(new Instant(6));
// Should fire empty on time pane
tester.advanceInputWatermark(new Instant(11));
List<WindowedValue<Integer>> output = tester.extractOutput();
assertEquals(2, output.size());
assertThat(output.get(0), WindowMatchers.isSingleWindowedValue(4, 1, 0, 10));
assertThat(output.get(1), WindowMatchers.isSingleWindowedValue(4, 9, 0, 10));
assertThat(output.get(0), WindowMatchers.valueWithPaneInfo(PaneInfo.createPane(true, false, Timing.EARLY, 0, -1)));
assertThat(output.get(1), WindowMatchers.valueWithPaneInfo(PaneInfo.createPane(false, false, Timing.ON_TIME, 1, 0)));